Languages Sector Booklet

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About Us Established in 1998, ABC Awards (ABC) is the result of combining more than 180 years of regional examination and assessment practices into one national Awarding Organisation. As a registered charity we are continuing the tradition of our founding organisations who were established by the sector to deliver useful and practical qualifications whilst offering exceptional support and ABC is proud to still be “owned” by the sector and working for the sector. ABC offers an outstanding range of vocational qualifications which reflect the skills that employers and centres look for in learners and employees. At ABC, we recognise the importance of continuing to offer not only a wide range and breadth of qualifications, but just as significantly, excellent customer support.

An Experienced and Knowledgeable Team Our friendly and responsive approach to customers means all our centres have access to a dedicated Qualification Administrator as well as unlimited access to a Business Development Manager who can answer any queries or concerns you might have. Our Moderators are all subject specialists and are chosen by us for their experience, knowledge and ability to support centres to deliver ABC’s qualifications successfully.

A Wide Range of Qualifications Our portfolio of more than 600 Ofqual regulated qualifications covers 14 sectors with qualifications to suit all ages and abilities. We have designed all ABC qualifications with the support of relevant stakeholders to make sure that they meet the needs of the current industries across the UK. This means that the qualifications are designed to give learners the skills needed to find employment, progress within education or enhance their skills in their current job role. We have more than 1200 centres with many tens of thousands of certificates being issued each year.

Recognised and Valuable Qualifications ABC Awards is a national Awarding Organisation providing qualifications regulated by Ofqual.

Practical Languages Framework Why Study Languages? Here at ABC Awards we understand the importance of studying languages and the essential benefits that learners can gain. A few of these benefits include expanding cultural knowledge, improving communication skills, participation in multilingual communities and improving communication skills when travelling abroad. Gaining a language qualification will also open up a variety of career opportunities:

• Multinational organisations are seeking out foreign markets and trade with an increasingly large number of companies.

• Get into teaching - languages are part of the national curriculum in every school. Language courses are offered at most colleges and universities.

• Translating / Interpreting - a varied and rewarding option, skills which are well sought after by employers. This is why ABC Awards has one of the largest suites of qualifications in Languages from Entry Levels through to Level Three. We also review the range of language qualifications we offer on a regular basis, adding new ones if we feel there is sufficient demand.

“ABC qualifications give learners a choice and help to recognise achievement.”

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Practical Languages Framework

What Qualifications Are On Offer?

Who Are These Qualifications Aimed At?

ABC Language qualifications are divided into 3 Sections:

• Adults and young people - some

• Roman Script Languages - Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish

• Non Roman Script Languages - Arabic, Bengali, Greek, Japanese, Mandarin, Punjabi, Russian, Tajweed, Turkish Urdu

• British Sign Language All of our language qualifications can be tailored to suite both individual and workforce needs due to their flexible unit content.

qualifications are accessible to pre-16 learners.

• People wanting to advance their skills /

further their career

• Learners looking to acquire language

skills for professional development within employment

• Learners looking acquire language skills

to enhance future career opportunities

• Adults / young people who wish to

progress to more advanced study

• Adults / young people who wish to

continue language training in addition to their normal studies

• Adults / young people who wish to study

for personal development

• People going on holiday / travelling /

working abroad.

Where Can You Go With An ABC Awards Language Qualification? • Further education e.g. first degree level

from a Level 3 qualification, AS Level from a Level 2 qualification

• Improve employment prospects • Enter into employment where linguistic

abilities would enhance job performance

• Progress further within current role

Image: Nuchylee /

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What Resources Are Available? Language Networks for Excellence (LNfE) and ABC Awards are working together to provide innovative language learning resources to support both students and teachers. There are currently resources available to support the ABC Entry Level 3 Certificate in Practical Spanish and the ABC Entry Level 3 Certificate in Practical French. For more information on these resources and for future potential developments on resources to support other ABC qualifications, visit LNfE’s website: (



reading greek



language qualifications


signing and receiving

turkish tajweed

bsl qualifications




words and phrases mandarin chinese

accents japanese

spanish words and phrases






bengali dialogue

ABC has no hidden fees or charges so the prices you see on our web site are the prices you actually pay. Our costs are inclusive of enrolment, certification and moderation fees.

Funding ABC Awards has endeavoured to provide signposting to funding eligibility for qualifications, but centres are advised that these are guides only and clarification from funding providers should be sought.

Resources Additional guidance and resources to support our qualifications is available to approved ABC centres.

How do I get more information?

Published 07 September 2012


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