Art, Design and Creative Industries - Performing & Visual Arts ABC Awards Qual Directory 11-12

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Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin


Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Welcome ABC Awards (ABC) is an Awarding Organisation in the United Kingdom with an established reputation for quality and customer service. ABC is recognised by the regulatory bodies as an awarding organisation whose qualifications meet the criteria applied by Ofqual and are eligible for funding under the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) and the Young People's Learning Agency (YLPA). ABC’s portfolio of qualifications has been developed in conjunction with relevant Sector Skills Councils and subject specialists in response to industry needs, and we believe all ABC qualifications are designed to enable flexibility of delivery and assessment. ABC has a transparent and highly competitive fee structure which is based upon credit accumulation and has been developed specifically for a credit based qualifications framework. This is published on our website. ABC fees are inclusive of moderation and certification. ABC continues to provide centres with access to a regional Business Development Manager, a moderator with subject specialism and a named Qualification Administrator as well as the full range of ABC training events and conferences. This directory provides a brief outline for each of ABC’s qualifications in Art, Design and Creative Industries – Performing and Visual Arts.

Please note: The credit target for the same qualification title may vary according to pathway and units chosen. The Units and Rules of Combination documents for all these qualifications can be accessed via the ABC Awards web site. The current fees for all these qualifications can be accessed via the ABC Awards web site ABC Awards has endeavoured to provide signposting to funding eligibility but centres are advised that these are guides only and clarification from funding providers should be sought. Guide to Funding Eligibility categories FL = Foundation Learning ASL = Additional and Specialist Learning APP = Apprenticeship Frameworks SO = Stand Alone T2G = Train to Gain ALR = Adult Learner Responsive OLASS = Offender Learning and Skills PFU = Programmes for the Unemployed Ad App = 19+ Apprenticeship Frameworks

This suite of qualifications is administered at the ABC Awards Nottingham office. With the exception of qualifications marked with an asterisk *. *These qualifications are administered at the ABC Awards Taunton office

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - 2D Materials Explosion Pathway - 3D Materials Explosion Pathway - Colour Theory and Practice Pathway - Context and History of Visual Art Pathway - Design Visualisation Pathway - Employment and Freelancing in Creative Industries Pathway - Exploratory Model Making Pathway - Life Drawing Pathway - Narrative Image Making Pathway - Studio-Based Printmaking Pathway - Visual Thinking 5008799X Level 3 Certificate in Visual Art Unendorsed Pathway Pathway - 2D Art Pathway - 3D Art Pathway – Printmaking Pathway - Narrative Illustration 50087988 Level 3 Diploma in Visual Art Unendorsed Pathway Pathway - Illustrative Art Pathway - Fine Art Pathway - Creative Printmaking 50040443 Level 1 Certificate in Art, Design and Creative Studies 50122782 Level 2 Certificate in Art, Design and Creative Studies 50115042 Level 2 Award in Carnival Skills 50115169 Level 2 Certificate in Carnival Skills 50115418 Level 2 Award in Community Arts 50115996 Level 2 Certificate in Community Arts

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6103-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - 2D Materials Exploration Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

2D materials exploration [L/601/5937]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6104-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - 3D Materials Exploration Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Materials exploration [R/601/5938]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6105-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - Colour Theory and Practice Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Colour theory and practice L/601/4206]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6106-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - Context and History of Visual Art Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6107-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - Design Visualisation Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Design visualisation [K/601/5945]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6108-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - Employment and Freelancing in Creative Industries Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Points Score Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 Awaiting Details SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6109-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - Exploratory Model Making Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Exploratory model making [A/601/5948]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6110-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - Life Drawing Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Life drawing [A/601/5951]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6111-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - Narrative Image Making Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Narrative image making [L/601/5954]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6112-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - Studio-Based Printmaking Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6113-03

50087940 Level 3 Award in Visual Art Pathway - Visual Thinking Learners must achieve a minimum of 8 credits Unit

Visual thinking [H/601/5961]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Qualification Grading Minimum Approved Age Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation Pass / Fail 16 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42 N/A N/A 10% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C6114-03

5008799X Level 3 Certificate in Visual Art Unendorsed Pathway Learners must achieve a minimum of 32 credits Unit


Credit Value





3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60




3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Mandatory Unit

Applying specialist knowledge and skills to visual art problem solving [K/601/6593] Optional Units (learners must achieve three units from this group)

2D materials exploration [L/601/5937] 3D materials exploration [R/601/5938] Colour theory and practice [L/601/4206] Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940] Design visualisation [K/601/5945] Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619] Exploratory model making [A/601/5948] Life drawing [A/601/5951] Narrative image making [L/601/5954] Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957] Visual thinking [H/601/5961] Calligraphy skills [A/601/6355] Creative book structures [R/601/6359] Letterpress skills [D/601/6364] Screen printing skills [A/601/6369] 2D design software for layouts [J/601/5483] Communication drawing [Y/601/5486] Design research and development process [D/601/5506] Digital illustration [L/601/5565] Illustration skills [H/601/5572] Pixel-based image manipulation [L/601/3542] Vector-based image generation [A/601/4203] 35mm camera techniques [F/601/2548] Digital photo imaging techniques [R/601/2571] Exploring photographic imaging [T/601/2577] Photographic darkroom skills [J/601/2583] Presenting photographic images [A/601/2614] Studio photography [J/601/2616] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Merit / Distinction 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

(P) 82.5 (M) 112.5 (D) 135 N/A N/A 25% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C6103-03

5008799X Level 3 Certificate in Visual Art Pathway - 2D Art Learners must achieve a minimum of 32 credits Unit


Credit Value





3 3

8 8

60 60

3 3 3

8 8 8

60 60 60




3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Mandatory Units

Applying specialist knowledge and skills to visual art problem solving [K/601/6593] 2D materials exploration [L/601/5937] Visual thinking [H/601/5961] Optional Units (learners must achieve one unit from this group)

Colour theory and practice [L/601/4206] Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940] Design visualisation [K/601/5945] Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619] Life drawing [A/601/5951] Narrative image making [ L/601/5954] Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957] Calligraphy skills [A/601/6355] Creative book structures [R/601/6359] Screen printing skills [A/601/6369] Communication drawing [Y/601/5486] Design research and development process [D/601/5506] Digital illustration [L/601/5565] Illustration skills [H/601/5572] Pixel-based image manipulation [L/601/3542] Vector-based image generation [A/601/4203] Digital photo imaging techniques [R/601/2571] Exploring photographic imaging [T/601/2577] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Merit / Distinction 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

(P) 82.5 (M) 112.5 (D) 135 N/A N/A 25% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C6104-03

5008799X Level 3 Certificate in Visual Art Pathway - 3D Art Learners must achieve a minimum of 32 credits Unit


Credit Value





3 3

8 8

60 60

3 3 3

8 8 8

60 60 60




3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Mandatory Units

Applying specialist knowledge and skills to visual art problem solving [K/601/6593] 3D materials exploration [R/601/5938] Visual thinking [H/601/5961] Optional Units (learners must achieve one unit from this group)

Colour theory and practice [L/601/4206] Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940] Design visualisation [K/601/5945] Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619] Exploratory model making [A/601/5948] Life drawing [A/601/5951] Narrative image making [L/601/5954] Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957] Calligraphy skills [A/601/6355] Creative book structures [R/601/6359] Screen printing skills [A/601/6369] Communication drawing [Y/601/5486] Design research and development process [D/601/5506] Digital illustration [L/601/5565] Illustration skills [H/601/5572] Pixel-based image manipulation [L/601/3542] Vector-based image generation [A/601/4203] Digital photo imaging techniques [R/601/2571] Exploring photographic imaging [T/601/2577]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Merit / Distinction 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

(P) 82.5 (M) 112.5 (D) 135 N/A N/A 25% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C6112-03

5008799X Level 3 Certificate in Visual Art Pathway – Printmaking Learners must achieve a minimum of 32 credits Unit


Credit Value





3 3

8 8

60 60

3 3 3

8 8 8

60 60 60




3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Mandatory Units

Applying specialist knowledge and skills to visual art problem solving [K/601/6593] Colour theory and practice [L/601/4206] Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957] Optional Units (learners must achieve one unit from this group)

2D materials exploration [L/601/5937] Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940] Design visualisation [K/601/5945] Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619] Life drawing [A/601/5951] Narrative image making [L/601/5954] Visual thinking [H/601/5961] Calligraphy skills [A/601/6355] Creative book structures [R/601/6359] Letterpress skills [D/601/6364] 2D design software for layouts [J/601/5483] Communication drawing [Y/601/5486] Design research and development process [D/601/5506] Digital illustration [L/601/5565] Pixel-based image manipulation [L/601/3542] Typographic investigation and design [A/601/5755] Vector-based image generation [A/601/4203] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Merit / Distinction 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

(P) 82.5 (M) 112.5 (D) 135 N/A N/A 25% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C6111-03

5008799X Level 3 Certificate in Visual Art Pathway - Narrative Illustration Learners must achieve a minimum of 32 credits Unit


Credit Value





3 3

8 8

60 60

3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60




3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Mandatory Units

Applying specialist knowledge and skills to visual art problem solving [K/601/6593] Narrative image making [L/601/5954] Illustration skills [H/601/5572] Optional Units (learners must achieve one unit from this group)

2D materials exploration [L/601/5937] Colour theory and practice [L/601/4206] Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940] Design visualisation [K/601/5945] Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619] Exploratory model making [A/601/5948] Life drawing [A/601/5951] Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957] Visual thinking [H/601/5961] Calligraphy skills [A/601/6355] Creative book structures [R/601/6359] Screen printing skills [A/601/6369] Communication drawing [Y/601/5486] Design research and development process [D/601/5506] Digital illustration [L/601/5565] Pixel-based image manipulation [L/601/3542] Vector-based image generation [A/601/4203] Digital photo imaging techniques [R/601/2571] Exploring photographic imaging [T/601/2577] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Merit / Distinction 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

(P) 82.5 (M) 112.5 (D) 135 N/A N/A 25% Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code D6114-03

50087988 Level 3 Diploma in Visual Art Unendorsed Pathway Learners must achieve a minimum of 64 credits Unit


Credit Value


Mandatory Unit

Visual art project planning, implementation and review [F/601/6695]




3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60




3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Optional Units (learners must achieve six units from this group)

2D materials exploration [L/601/5937] 3D materials exploration [R/601/5938] Colour theory and practice [L/601/4206] Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940] Design visualisation [K/601/5945] Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619] Exploratory model making [A/601/5948] Life drawing [A/601/5951] Narrative image making [L/601/5954] Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957] Visual thinking [H/601/5961] Calligraphy skills [A/601/6355] Creative book structures [R/601/6359] Letterpress skills [D/601/6364] Screen printing skills [A/601/6369] 2D design software for layout [J/601/5483] Communication drawing [Y/601/5486] Design research and development process [D/601/5506] Digital illustration [L/601/5565] Illustration skills [H/601/5572] Pixel-based image manipulation [L/601/3542] Vector-based image generation [A/601/4203] 35mm camera techniques [F/601/2548] Digital photo imaging techniques [R/601/2571] Exploring photographic imaging [T/601/2577] Photographic darkroom skills [J/601/2583] Presenting photographic images [A/601/2614] Studio photography [J/601/2616] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Merit / Distinction 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

(P) 206.25 (M) 281.25 (D) 337.5 N/A N/A 62.50 Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code D6115-03

50087988 Level 3 Diploma in Visual Art Pathway - Illustrative Art Learners must achieve a minimum of 64 credits Unit


Credit Value


Mandatory Units

Visual art project planning, implementation and review [F/601/6695] Visual thinking [H/601/5961] Communication drawing [Y/601/5486] Illustration skills [H/601/5572]




3 3 3

8 8 8

60 60 60

3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60




3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Optional Units (learners must achieve three units from this group)

2D materials exploration [L/601/5937] Colour theory and practice [L/601/4206] Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940] Design visualisation [K/601/5945] Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619] Exploratory model making [A/601/5948] Life drawing [A/601/5951] Narrative image making [ L/601/5954] Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957] Calligraphy skills [A/601/6355] Creative book structures [R/601/6359] Screen printing skills [A/601/6369] Design research and development process [D/601/5506] Digital illustration [L/601/5565] Pixel-based image manipulation [L/601/3542] Vector-based image generation [A/601/4203] Digital photo imaging techniques [R/601/2571] Exploring photographic imaging [T/601/2577] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Merit / Distinction 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

(P) 206.25 (M) 281.25 (D) 337.5 N/A N/A 62.50 Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code D6166-03

50087988 Level 3 Diploma in Visual Art Pathway - Fine Art Learners must achieve a minimum of 64 credits Unit


Credit Value


Mandatory Units

Visual art project planning, implementation and review [F/601/6695] Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940] Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619] Visual thinking [H/601/5961]













3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Optional Units (learners must achieve three units from this group)

2D materials exploration [L/601/5937] 3D materials exploration [R/601/5938] Colour theory and practice [L/601/4206] Design visualisation [K/601/5945] Exploratory model making [A/601/5948] Life drawing [A/601/5951] Narrative image making [L/601/5954] Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957] Calligraphy skills [A/601/6355] Creative book structures [R/601/6359] Screen printing skills [A/601/6369] 2D design software for layouts [J/601/5483] Design research and development process [D/601/5506] Digital illustration [L/601/5565] Illustration skills [H/601/5572] Pixel-based image manipulation [L/601/3542] Vector-based image generation [A/601/4203] 35mm camera techniques [F/601/2548] Digital photo imaging techniques [R/601/2571] Exploring photographic imaging [T/601/2577] Photographic darkroom skills [J/601/2583] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Merit / Distinction 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

(P) 206.25 (M) 281.25 (D) 337.5 N/A N/A 62.50 Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code D6112-03

50087988 Level 3 Diploma in Visual Art Pathway - Creative Printmaking Learners must achieve a minimum of 64 credits Unit


Credit Value


Mandatory Units

Visual art project planning, implementation and review [F/601/6695] Colour theory and practice [L/601/4206] Studio-based printmaking [D/601/5957] Visual thinking [H/601/5961] Screen printing skills [A/601/6369]




3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60

3 3 3

8 8 8

60 60 60




3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60

Optional Units (learners must achieve two units from this group)

2D materials exploration [L/601/5937] Context and history of visual art [L/601/5940] Design visualisation [K/601/5945] Employment and freelancing in the creative industries [J/601/3619] Life drawing [A/601/5951] Narrative image making [ L/601/5954] Calligraphy skills [A/601/6355] Creative book structures [R/601/6359] Letterpress skills [D/601/6364] 2D design software [J/601/5483] Communication drawing [Y/601/5486] Design research and development process [D/601/5506] Digital illustration [L/601/5565] Pixel-based image manipulation [L/601/3542] Typographic investigation and design [A/601/5755] Vector-based image generation [A/601/4203] Digital photo imaging techniques [R/601/2571] Exploring photographic imaging [T/601/2577] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Merit / Distinction 01/04/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

(P) 206.25 (M) 281.25 (D) 337.5 N/A N/A 62.50 Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C6090-01

50040443 Level 1 Certificate in Art, Design and Creative Studies Learners must achieve a minimum of 13 credits Unit

Using and handling media and materials in art and design [Y/501/7034] Researching and developing ideas through practical application of techniques in art and design [D/501/7035] Working to a brief in art and design [H/501/7036]


Credit Value










Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/09/2008 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

25.00 20% N/A N/A Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design C C Skills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12


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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C6159-02

50122782 Level 2 Certificate in Art, Design and Creative Studies Learners must achieve all four mandatory units. Unit

Investigating information and developing research techniques [A/602/6142] Developing and handling media and materials [K/602/6251] Recognising and applying visual language and formal elements within production techniques [M/602/6252] Working to set briefs [A/602/6254]


Credit Value













Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/11/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Awaiting Details Awaiting Details Awaiting Details N/A Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design Creative and Cultural Skills

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12


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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6300-02

50115042 Level 2 Award in Carnival Skills Learners must achieve a minimum of 7 credits Unit

Carnival arts in context [J/602/4880] Health and safety for carnivals [R/602/4882] Designing for a carnival project [H/602/4885] Costume construction [T/502/4833] Carnival make-up [M/602/4887] Carnival construction skills [A/602/4889] Tableau and mime in carnival [M/602/4890] Carnival road crew operations [T/602/4891] Carnival sound operations [A/602/4892] Carnival lighting operations [F/602/4893] Carnival arts administration [J/602/4894] Movement and dance in carnival [L/602/4895]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL Eligibility


Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12


Credit Value


2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

4 3 10 10 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 10

30 20 60 60 30 70 60 30 40 40 30 60

Internal assessment, internal and external moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/09/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

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N/A N/A N/A N/A Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C6300-02

50115169 Level 2 Certificate in Carnival Skills Learners must achieve a minimum of 22 credits. This must include 7 credits from the Mandatory units and a minimum of 15 credits from the Option units. Unit


Credit Value


2 2

4 3

30 20

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

10 10 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 10

60 60 30 70 60 30 40 40 30 60

Mandatory Units

Carnival arts in context [J/602/4880] Health and safety for carnivals [R/602/4882] Optional Units

Designing for a carnival project [H/602/4885] Costume construction [T/502/4833] Carnival make-up [M/602/4887] Carnival construction skills [A/602/4889] Tableau and mime in carnival [M/602/4890] Carnival road crew operations [T/602/4891] Carnival sound operations [A/602/4892] Carnival lighting operations [F/602/4893] Carnival arts administration [J/602/4894] Movement and dance in carnival [L/602/4895] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL Eligibility


Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

Internal assessment, internal and external moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/09/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

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N/A N/A N/A N/A Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A6301-02

*50115418 Level 2 Award in Community Arts Learners must achieve a minimum of 7 credits Unit

Community arts in context [D/602/4996] Health and safety for community arts [H/602/4997] Tableau and mime in community arts [M/602/4906] Acting skills and techniques [K/502/4814] Costume construction [T/502/4833] Movement and dance skills [D/602/4979] Street performance art skills [T/602/4910] Stage management skills [R/602/4980] Community arts administration [L/602/4993] Make-up for performers [T/502/4850] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL Eligibility


Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12


Credit Value


2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

4 3 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10

30 20 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 60

Internal assessment, internal and external moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/09/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Ad App

N/A N/A N/A N/A Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual C6301-02

50115996 Level 2 Certificate in Community Arts Learners must achieve a minimum of 22 credits. This must include the 2 Mandatory units (7 credits) and 15 credits from the Optional units Unit


Credit Value


2 2

4 3

30 20

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

10 10 10 10 10 5 5 10

60 60 60 60 60 30 30 60

Mandatory Units

Community arts in context [D/602/4996] Health and safety for community arts [H/602/4997] Optional Units

Tableau and mime in community arts [M/602/4906] Acting skills and techniques [K/502/4814] Costume construction [T/502/4833] Movement and dance skills [D/602/4979] Street performance art skills [T/602/4910] Stage management skills [R/602/4980] Community arts administration [L/602/4993] Make-up for performers [T/502/4850] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Operational Start Date Review Date Funding FL ASL Eligibility


Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 3 Performance & Visual Mar 12

Internal assessment, internal and external moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/09/2010 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

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N/A N/A N/A N/A Art, Design and Creative Industries Crafts, Creative Arts and Design CCSkills

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

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