Languages ABC Awards Qualifications 12-13

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Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin


Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Welcome ABC Awards (ABC) is an Awarding Organisation in the United Kingdom with an established reputation for quality and customer service. ABC is recognised by the regulatory bodies as an awarding organisation whose qualifications meet the criteria applied by Ofqual and are eligible for funding under the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) and the Young People's Learning Agency (YLPA). ABC’s portfolio of qualifications has been developed in conjunction with relevant Sector Skills Councils and subject specialists in response to industry needs, and we believe all ABC qualifications are designed to enable flexibility of delivery and assessment. ABC has a transparent and highly competitive fee structure which is based upon credit accumulation and has been developed specifically for a credit based qualifications framework. This is published on our website. ABC fees are inclusive of moderation and certification. ABC continues to provide centres with access to a regional Business Development Manager, a moderator with subject specialism and a named Qualification Administrator as well as the full range of ABC training events and conferences. This directory provides a brief outline for each of ABC’s qualifications in Languages.

Please note: The credit target for the same qualification title may vary according to pathway and units chosen. The Units and Rules of Combination documents for all these qualifications can be accessed via the ABC Awards web site. The current fees for all these qualifications can be accessed via the ABC Awards web site ABC Awards has endeavoured to provide signposting to funding eligibility but centres are advised that these are guides only and clarification from funding providers should be sought. Guide to Funding Eligibility categories FL = Foundation Learning ASL = Additional and Specialist Learning APP = Apprenticeship Frameworks SO = Stand Alone T2G = Train to Gain ALR = Adult Learner Responsive OLASS = Offender Learning and Skills PFU = Programmes for the Unemployed Ad App = 19+ Apprenticeship This suite of qualifications is administered at the ABC Awards Nottingham office.

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

The Languages are divided into 3 Sections – 1. 2. 3.

Roman Script Languages Non Roman Script Languages British Sign Language

Roman Script 5007006X Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Dutch (Entry 2) 50070058 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in French (Entry 2) 50069159 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in French (Entry 2) 50070095 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in French (Entry 3) 50070046 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in French (Entry 3) 50070034 Entry Level Certificate in Practical French (Entry 3) 50070125 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in French 50070137 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in French 50070162 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in French 50070174 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in French 50067163 Level 3 Award in Speaking and Listening in French 50067151 Level 3 Award in Reading and Writing in French 50070101 Level 1 Certificate in Practical French 50070186 Level 2 Certificate in Practical French 5006714X Level 3 Certificate in Practical French

Issue 4 Nov 2011

50070204 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in German (Entry 2) 50069998 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in German (Entry 2) 50069986 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in German (Entry 3) 50070253 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in German (Entry 3) 50070149 Entry Level Certificate in Practical German (Entry 3) 50069718 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in German 50069950 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in German 50069974 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in German 50070071 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in German 50070009 Level 3 Award in Speaking and Listening in German 50069962 Level 3 Award in Reading and Writing in German 50069949 Level 1 Certificate in Practical German 50072067 Level 2 Certificate in Practical German 50070216 Level 3 Certificate in Practical German 50070289 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Italian (Entry 2) 50069780 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Italian (Entry 2)

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

50070083 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Italian (Entry 3) 50069627 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Italian (Entry 3) 5007023X Entry Level Certificate in Practical Italian (Entry 3) 50069226 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Italian 50069809 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Italian 50072900 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Italian 50069214 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Italian 50069822 Level 3 Award in Speaking and Listening in Italian 50069834 Level 3 Award in Reading and Writing in Italian 50069937 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Italian 50070307 Level 2 Certificate in Practical Italian 50070265 Level 3 Certificate in Practical Italian 50070228 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Polish (Entry 2) 50070319 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Polish (Entry 2) 50070277 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Polish (Entry 3) 50070113 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Polish (Entry 3) 50069238 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Polish (Entry 3) 5006986X Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Polish 50069846 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Polish 50070241 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Polish Issue 4 Nov 2011

50069172 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Polish 50069883 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Polish 50069160 Level 2 Certificate in Practical Polish 50070290 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Portuguese (Entry 2) 50069640 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Portuguese (Entry 2) 50069706 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Portuguese (Entry 3) 50069901 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Portuguese (Entry 3) 5006969X Entry Level Certificate in Practical Portuguese (Entry 3) 50069615 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Portuguese 50070721 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Portuguese 50070745 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Portuguese 50070733 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Portuguese 50070769 Level 3 Award in Speaking and Listening in Portuguese 50069743 Level 3 Award in Reading and Writing in Portuguese 50069755 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Portuguese 50069639 Level 2 Certificate in Practical Portuguese 50069779 Level 3 Certificate in Practical Portuguese

50070782 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Spanish (Entry 2) 50070812 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Spanish (Entry 2)

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

50070836 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Spanish (Entry 3) 50070800 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Spanish (Entry 3) 50070848 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Spanish (Entry 3) 50070794 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Spanish 5007085X Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Spanish 50070885 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Spanish

50070903 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Spanish 50070915 Level 3 Award in Speaking and Listening in Spanish 50070940 Level 3 Award in Reading and Writing in Spanish 50070873 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Spanish 5006972X Level 2 Certificate in Practical Spanish 50069913 Level 3 Certificate in Practical Spanish

50070897 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Arabic (Entry 2) 50070861 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Arabic (Entry 2) 50070770 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Arabic (Entry 3) 50069056 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Arabic (Entry 3) 50068994 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Arabic (Entry 3) 5006888X Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Arabic 50068878 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Arabic 50068933 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Arabic 50068945 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Arabic 50068891 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Arabic 50069044 Level 2 Certificate in Practical Arabic

50069858 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Bengali (Entry 3) 50069810 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Bengali (Entry 3) 50069792 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Bengali (Entry 3) 50068982 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Greek (Entry 2) 50070927 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Greek (Entry 2) 50070939 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Greek (Entry 3) 50070952 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Greek (Entry 3) 50069068 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Greek (Entry 3) 50070824 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Greek 50070964 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Greek 50069123 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Greek 50069111 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Greek 50069093 Level 3 Award in Speaking and Listening in Greek

50069871 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Bengali (Entry 2) 50069895 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Bengali (Entry 2) Issue 4 Nov 2011

Non Roman Script

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

50070757 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Greek 5006910X Level 2 Certificate in Practical Greek 5006907X Level 3 Certificate in Reading and Writing in Greek 50069081 Level 3 Certificate in Practical Greek 50069767 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Japanese (Entry 2) 50071348 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Japanese (Entry 2) 50071336 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Japanese (Entry 3) 50071324 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Japanese (Entry 3) 50071294 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Japanese (Entry 3) 50071300 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Japanese 50071312 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Japanese 50071269 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Japanese 50071270 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Japanese 50071233 Level 3 Award in Speaking and Listening in Japanese 50071282 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Japanese 50071208 Level 2 Certificate in Practical Japanese 50071221 Level 3 Certificate in Reading and Writing in Japanese 50071257 Level 3 Certificate in Practical Japanese 50071245 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Mandarin Chinese (Entry 2) 5007121X Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Mandarin Chinese (Entry 2) Issue 4 Nov 2011

5007118X Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Mandarin Chinese (Entry 3) 50071191 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Mandarin Chinese (Entry 3) 50071178 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Mandarin Chinese (Entry 3) 50071154 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Mandarin Chinese 50071166 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Mandarin Chinese 50071117 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Mandarin Chinese 50071142 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Mandarin Chinese 50071130 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Mandarin Chinese 50071129 Level 2 Certificate in Practical Mandarin Chinese 50071087 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Punjabi (Entry 2) 50071105 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Punjabi (Entry 2) 50071075 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Punjabi (Entry 3) 50071099 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Punjabi (Entry 3) 50070691 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Punjabi (Entry 3) 5007068X Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Russian (Entry 2) 50069184 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Russian (Entry 2) 50071063 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Russian (Entry 3) 50070678 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Russian (Entry 3) Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

50070654 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Russian (Entry 3) 50070666 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Russian 50070642 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Russian 50070630 Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Russian 50070605 Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Russian 50070629 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Russian 50070617 Level 2 Certificate in Practical Russian 50070587 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Tajweed (Entry 3) 50070599 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Turkish (Entry 2) 5007054X Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Turkish (Entry 2) 50070575 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Turkish (Entry 3) 50070526 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Turkish (Entry 3) 50070538 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Turkish (Entry 3)

50070022 Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Urdu 50069925 Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Urdu 50070010 Level 1 Certificate in Practical Urdu

British Sign Language 50069263 Entry Level Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language (Entry 2) 5006924X Entry Level Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language (Entry 3) 50069135 Level 1 Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language 50069251 Level 2 Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language 50069147 Level 3 Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language

50070496 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Urdu (Entry 2) 50070514 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Urdu (Entry 2) 50070198 Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening in Urdu (Entry 3) 50070447 Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing in Urdu (Entry 3) 50070150 Entry Level Certificate in Practical Urdu (Entry 3) Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Roman Script Languages ABC Qual Code

Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening (Entry 2) in Dutch (5007006X) French (50070058) German (50070204) Italian (50070289) Polish (50070228) Portuguese (50070290) Spanish (50070782)

A1080-E2 A1100-E2 A1120-E2 A1160-E2 A1220-E2 A1240-E2 A1300-E2

Learners must achieve a minimum of 2 credits Unit


Credit Value






Speaking and Listening in Dutch [R/600/2798] French

Speaking and Listening in French [T/600/1952]





Speaking and Listening in German [D/600/1590]

















Speaking and Listening in Italian [F/600/2151] Polish

Speaking and Listening in Polish [Y/600/2799] Portuguese

Speaking and Listening in Portuguese [R/600/2428] Spanish

Speaking and Listening in Spanish [M/600/2341]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

3.00 N/A N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Ad App

ABC Qual Code

Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing (Entry 2) in French (50069159) German (50069998) Italian (50069780) Polish (50070319) Portuguese (50069640) Spanish (50070812)

A1101-E2 A1121-E2 A1161-E2 A1221-E2 A1241-E2 A1301-E2

Learners must achieve a minimum of 2 credits Unit


Credit Value



Reading and Writing in French [K/600/1964]





Reading and Writing in German [K/600/1592]

















Reading and Writing in Italian [J/600/2152] Polish

Reading and Writing in Polish [L/600/2802] Portuguese

Reading and Writing in Portuguese [Y/600/2429] Spanish

Reading and Writing in Spanish [T/600/2342]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

3.00 N/A N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code

Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening (Entry 3) in French (50070095) German (50069986) Italian (50070083) Polish (50070277) Portuguese (50069706) Spanish (50070836)

A1102-E3 A1122-E3 A1162-E3 A1222-E3 A1241-E3 A1302-E3

Learners must achieve a minimum of 7 credits Unit


Credit Value



Speaking in French [M/600/1982] Listening in French [T/600/1983] Dialogue in French [A/600/1984]

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

15 15 25


Speaking in German [M/600/1593] Listening in German [T/600/1594] Dialogue in German [A/600/1595]

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

15 15 25

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

15 15 25

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

15 15 25

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

15 15 25

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

15 15 25


Speaking in Italian [L/600/2153] Listening in Italian [R/600/2154] Dialogue in Italian [Y/600/2155] Polish

Speaking in Polish [R/600/2803] Listening in Polish [Y/600/2804] Dialogue in Polish [K/600/2810] Portuguese

Speaking in Portuguese [R/600/2431] Listening in Portuguese [Y/600/2432] Dialogue in Portuguese [D/600/2433] Spanish

Speaking in Spanish [A/600/2343] Listening in Spanish [J/600/2345] Dialogue in Spanish [L/600/2346] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1

7.00 N/A

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code

Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing (Entry 3) in French (50070046) German (50070253) Italian (50069627) Polish (50070113) Portuguese (50069901) Spanish (50070800)

A1103-E3 A1123-E3 A1163-E3 A1223-E3 A1243-E3 A1303-E3

Learners must achieve a minimum of 6 credits Unit


Credit Value



Reading in French [F/600/1985] Writing in French [J/600/1986] Reading and Written Response in French [L/600/1987]

E3 E3 E3

2 2 2

15 15 15


Reading in German [F/600/1596] Writing in German [J/600/1597] Reading and Written Response in German [A/600/1600]

E3 E3 E3

2 2 2

15 15 15

E3 E3 E3

2 2 2

15 15 15

E3 E3 E3

2 2 2

15 15 15

E3 E3 E3

2 2 2

15 15 15

E3 E3 E3

2 2 2

15 15 15


Reading in Italian [D/600/2156] Writing in Italian [H/600/2157] Reading and Written Response in Italian [K/600/2158] Polish

Reading in Polish [J/600/2815] Writing in Polish [J/600/2863] Reading and Written Response in Polish [R/600/2865] Portuguese

Reading in Portuguese [H/600/2434] Writing in Portuguese [K/600/2435] Reading and Written Response in Portuguese [M/600/2436] Spanish

Reading in Spanish [D/600/2349] Writing in Spanish [F/600/2361] Reading and Written Response in Spanish [J/600/2362] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1

7.00 N/A

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C1104-E3 C1124-E3 C1164-E3 C1224-E3 C1244-E3 C1304-E3

Entry Level Certificate in Practical (Entry 3) French (50070034) German (50070149) Italian (5007023X) Polish (50069238) Portuguese (5006969X) Spanish (50070848) Learners must achieve a minimum of 13 credits Unit


Credit Value



Speaking in French [M/600/1982] Listening in French [T/600/1983] Dialogue in French [A/600/1984] Reading in French [F/600/1985] Writing in French [J/600/1986] Reading and Written Response in French [L/600/1987]

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15


Speaking in German [M/600/1593] Listening in German [T/600/1594] Dialogue in German [A/600/1595] Reading in German [F/600/1596] Writing in German [J/600/1597] Reading and Written Response in German [A/600/1600]

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15


Speaking in Italian [L/600/2153] Listening in Italian [R/600/2154] Dialogue in Italian [Y/600/2155] Reading in Italian [D/600/2156] Writing in Italian [H/600/2157] Reading and Written Response in Italian [K/600/2158] Polish

Speaking in Polish [R/600/2803] Listening in Polish [Y/600/2804] Dialogue in Polish [K/600/2810] Reading in Polish [J/600/2815] Writing in Polish [J/600/2863] Reading and Written Response in Polish [R/600/2865] Portuguese

Speaking in Portuguese [R/600/2431] Listening in Portuguese [Y/600/2432] Dialogue in Portuguese [D/600/2433] Reading in Portuguese [H/600/2434] Writing in Portuguese [K/600/2435] Reading and Written Response in Portuguese [M/600/2436]

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin


Speaking in Spanish [A/600/2343] Listening in Spanish [J/600/2345] Dialogue in Spanish [L/600/2346] Reading in Spanish [D/600/2349] Writing in Spanish [F/600/2361] Reading and Written Response in Spanish [J/600/2362]

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 2 2 2

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

14.00 N/A N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

15 15 25 15 15 15

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1105-01 A1125-01 A1165-01 A1225-01 A1245-01 A1305-01

Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in French (50070125) German (50069718) Italian (50069226) Polish (5006986X) Portuguese (50069615) Spanish (50070794) Learners must achieve a minimum of 7 credits Unit


Credit Value



Speaking in French [F/600/2019] Listening in French [J/600/2023] Dialogue in French [L/600/2024]

1 1 1

2 2 3

15 15 25


Speaking in German [M/600/1643] Listening in German [T/600/1644] Dialogue in German [F/600/1646]

1 1 1

2 2 3

15 15 25

1 1 1

2 2 3

15 15 25

1 1 1

2 2 3

15 15 25

1 1 1

2 2 3

15 15 25

1 1 1

2 2 3

15 15 25


Speaking in Italian [T/600/2163] Listening in Italian [F/600/2165] Dialogue in Italian [J/600/2166] Polish

Speaking in Polish [H/600/2871] Listening in Polish [K/600/2872] Dialogue in Polish [M/600/2873] Portuguese

Speaking in Portuguese [A/600/2441] Listening in Portuguese [F/600/2442] Dialogue in Portuguese [D/600/2450] Spanish

Speaking in Spanish [Y/600/2365] Listening in Spanish [D/600/2366] Dialogue in Spanish [T/600/2406] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1

12.5 10%

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1106-01 A1126-01 A1166-01 A1226-01 A1246-01 A1306-01

Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in French (50070137) German (50069950) Italian (50069809) Polish (50069846) Portuguese (50070721) Spanish (5007085X) Learners must achieve a minimum of 6 credits Unit


Credit Value


1 1 1

2 2 2

15 15 15

1 1 1

2 2 2

15 15 15

1 1 1

2 2 2

15 15 15

1 1 1

2 2 2

15 15 15

1 1 1

2 2 2

15 15 15

1 1 1

2 2 2

15 15 15


Reading in French [Y/600/2026] Writing in French [K/600/2032] Reading and Written Response in French [R/600/2042] German

Reading in German [L/600/1648] Writing in German [J/600/1650] Reading and Written Response in German [R/600/1652] Italian

Reading in Italian [R/600/2168] Writing in Italian [Y/600/2169] Reading and Written Response in Italian [L/600/2170] Polish

Reading in Polish [T/600/2874] Writing in Polish [A/600/2875] Reading and Written Response in Polish [F/600/2876] Portuguese

Reading in Portuguese [L/600/2461] Writing in Portuguese [Y/600/2463] Reading and Written Response in Portuguese [H/600/2465] Spanish

Reading in Spanish [F/600/2408] Writing in Spanish [F/600/2411] Reading and Written Response in Spanish [J/600/2412] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2

12.5 10% N/A

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1108-02 A1128-02 A1168-02 A1128-02 A1248-02 A1308-02

Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in French (50070162) German (50069974) Italian (50072900) Polish (50070241) Portuguese (50070745) Spanish (50070885) Learners must achieve a minimum of 7 credits Unit


Credit Value



Speaking in French [T/600/2051] Listening in French [F/600/2053] Dialogue in French [L/600/2055]

2 2 2

2 2 3

15 15 25


Speaking in German [T/600/1675] Listening in German [L/600/1679] Dialogue in German [J/600/1681]

2 2 2

2 2 3

15 15 25

2 2 2

2 2 3

15 15 25

2 2 2

2 2 3

15 15 25

2 2 2

2 2 3

15 15 25

2 2 2

2 2 3

15 15 25


Speaking in Italian [R/600/2171] Listening in Italian [Y/600/2172] Dialogue in Italian [D/600/2187] Polish

Speaking in Polish [J/600/2877] Listening in Polish [L/600/2878] Dialogue in Polish [R/600/2879] Portuguese

Speaking in Portuguese [K/600/2466] Listening in Portuguese [M/600/2467] Dialogue in Portuguese [T/600/2468] Spanish

Speaking in Spanish [L/600/2413] Listening in Spanish [Y/600/2415] Dialogue in Spanish [H/600/2417] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2

23.00 10% 10%

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council Administering Office

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT Nottingham

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1109-02 A1129-02 A1169-02 A1229-02 A1249-02 A1309-02

Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in French (50070174) German (50070071) Italian (50069214) Polish (50069172) Portuguese (50070733) Spanish (50070903) Learners must achieve a minimum of 6 credits Unit


Credit Value


2 2 2

2 2 2

15 15 15

2 2 2

2 2 2

15 15 15

2 2 2

2 2 2

15 15 15

2 2 2

2 2 2

15 15 15

2 2 2

2 2 2

15 15 15

2 2 2

2 2 2

15 15 15


Reading in French [D/600/2061] Writing in French [J/600/2068] Reading and Written Response in French [L/600/2072] German

Reading in German [Y/600/1684] Writing in German [T/600/1689] Reading and Written Response in German [T/600/1692] Italian

Reading in Italian [H/600/2188] Writing in Italian [K/600/2189] Reading and Written Response in Italian [H/600/2191] Polish

Reading in Polish [J/600/2880] Writing in Polish [L/600/2881] Reading and Written Response in Polish [Y/600/2883] Portuguese

Reading in Portuguese [A/600/2469] Writing in Portuguese [M/600/2470] Reading and Written Response in Portuguese [F/600/2473] Spanish

Reading in Spanish [K/600/2418] Writing in Spanish [M/600/2419] Reading and Written Response in Spanish [H/600/2420] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2

23.00 10% 10%

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1111-03 A1131-03 A1171-03 A1251-03 A1311-03

Level 3 Award in Speaking and Listening in French (50067163) German (50070009) Italian (50069822) Portuguese (50070769) Spanish (50070915) Learners must achieve a minimum of 11 credits Unit


Credit Value





3 3

4 4

25 25




3 3

4 4

25 25




3 3

4 4

25 25













3 3

4 4

25 25


Express and Exchange Information Orally in French [M/600/2078] Listening in French [R/600/2087] Express and Exchange Opinions in French [Y/600/2141] German

Express and Exchange Information Orally in German [Y/600/1698] Listening in German [J/600/1700] Express and Exchange Opinions in German [D/600/1704] Italian

Express and Exchange Information Orally in Italian [M/600/2193] Listening in Italian [T/600/2194] Express and Exchange Opinions in Italian [J/600/2202] Portuguese

Express and Exchange Information Orally in Portuguese [D/600/2495] Listening in Portuguese [H/600/2496] Express and Exchange Opinions in Portuguese [K/600/2497] Spanish

Express and Exchange Information Orally in Spanish [K/600/2421] Listening in Spanish [M/600/2422] Express and Exchange Opinions in Spanish [T/600/2423] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2016 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1

42.00 N/A

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A 10% Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1112-03 A1132-03 A1172-03 A1252-03 A1312-03

Level 3 Award in Reading and Writing in French (50067151) German (50069962) Italian (50069834) Portuguese (50069743) Spanish (50070940) Learners must achieve a minimum of 10 credits Unit


Credit Value


3 3 3

3 4 3

20 30 20

3 3 3

3 4 3

20 30 20

3 3 3

3 4 3

20 30 20

3 3 3

3 4 3

20 30 20

3 3 3

3 4 3

20 30 20


Reading in French [A/600/2147] Writing in French [F/600/2148] Reading and Written Response in French [A/600/2150] German

Reading in German [A/600/1709] Writing in German [A/600/1712] Reading and Written Response in German [L/600/1715] Italian

Reading in Italian [H/600/2210] Writing in Italian [L/600/2220] Reading and Written Response in Italian [R/600/2221] Portuguese

Reading in Portuguese [T/600/2499] Writing in Portuguese [H/600/2501] Reading and Written Response in Portuguese [M/600/2503] Spanish

Reading in Spanish [A/600/2424] Writing in Spanish [F/600/2425] Reading and Written Response in Spanish [J/600/2426]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2016 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42.00 N/A N/A 10% Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C1107-01 C1127-01 C1167-01 C1227-01 C1247-01 C1307-01

Level 1 Certificate in Practical French (50070101) German (50069949) Italian (50069937) Polish (50069883) Portuguese (50069755) Spanish (50070873) Learners must achieve a minimum of 13 credits Unit


Credit Value



Speaking in French [F/600/2019] Listening in French [J/600/2023] Dialogue in French [L/600/2024] Reading in French [Y/600/2026] Writing in French [K/600/2032] Reading and Written Response in French [R/600/2042]

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15


Speaking in German [M/600/1643] Listening in German [T/600/1644] Dialogue in German [F/600/1646] Reading in German [L/600/1648] Writing in German [J/600/1650] Reading and Written Response in German [R/600/1652]

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

1 1 1 1

2 2 3 2

15 15 25 15


Speaking in Italian [T/600/2163] Listening in Italian [F/600/2165] Dialogue in Italian [J/600/2166] Reading in Italian [R/600/2168] Writing in Italian [Y/600/2169] Reading and Written Response in Italian [L/600/2170] Polish

Speaking in Polish [H/600/2871] Listening in Polish [K/600/2872] Dialogue in Polish [M/600/2873] Reading in Polish [T/600/2874] Writing in Polish [A/600/2875] Reading and Written Response in Polish [F/600/2876] Portuguese

Speaking in Portuguese [A/600/2441] Listening in Portuguese [F/600/2442] Dialogue in Portuguese [D/600/2450] Reading in Portuguese [L/600/2461] Writing in Portuguese [Y/600/2463] Reading and Written Response in Portuguese [H/600/2465] Spanish

Speaking in Spanish [Y/600/2365] Listening in Spanish [D/600/2366] Dialogue in Spanish [T/600/2406] Reading in Spanish [F/600/2408] Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Writing in Spanish [F/600/2411] Reading and Written Response in Spanish [J/600/2412]

1 1

2 2

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

25.00 20% N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

15 15

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C1110-02 C1130-02 C1170-02 C1230-02 C1250-02 C1310-02

Level 2 Certificate in Practical French (50070186) German (50072067) Italian (50070307) Polish (50069160) Portuguese (50069639) Spanish (5006972X) Learners must achieve a minimum of 13 credits Unit


Credit Value



Speaking in French [T/600/2051] Listening in French [F/600/2053] Dialogue in French [L/600/2055] Reading in French [D/600/2061] Writing in French [J/600/2068] Reading and Written Response in French [L/600/2072]

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15


Speaking in German [T/600/1675] Listening in German [L/600/1679] Dialogue in German [J/600/1681] Reading in German [Y/600/1684] Writing in German [T/600/1689] Reading and Written Response in German [T/600/1692]

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 2 2 2

15 15 25 15 15 15

2 2 2 2

2 2 3 2

15 15 25 15


Speaking in Italian [R/600/2171] Listening in Italian [Y/600/2172] Dialogue in Italian [D/600/2187] Reading in Italian [H/600/2188] Writing in Italian [K/600/2189] Reading and Written Response in Italian [H/600/2191] Polish

Speaking in Polish [J/600/2877] Listening in Polish [L/600/2878] Dialogue in Polish [R/600/2879] Reading in Polish [J/600/2880] Writing in Polish [L/600/2881] Reading and Written Response in Polish [Y/600/2883] Portuguese

Speaking in Portuguese [K/600/2466] Listening in Portuguese [M/600/2467] Dialogue in Portuguese [T/600/2468] Reading in Portuguese [A/600/2469] Writing in Portuguese [M/600/2470] Reading and Written Response in Portuguese [F/600/2473] Spanish

Speaking in Spanish [L/600/2413] Listening in Spanish [Y/600/2415] Dialogue in Spanish [H/600/2417] Reading in Spanish [K/600/2418] Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Writing in Spanish [M/600/2419] Reading and Written Response in Spanish [H/600/2420]

2 2

2 2

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

46.00 20% 20% N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

15 15

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C1113-03 C1133-03 C1173-03 C1253-03 C1313-03

Level 3 Certificate in Practical French (5006714X) German (50070216) Italian (50070265) Portuguese (50069779) Spanish (50069913) Learners must achieve a minimum of 21 credits Unit


Credit Value





3 3 3 3 3

4 4 3 4 3

25 25 20 30 20




3 3 3 3 3

4 4 3 4 3

25 25 20 30 20




3 3 3 3 3

4 4 3 4 3

25 25 20 30 20










3 3 3

3 4 3

20 30 20




3 3 3 3 3

4 4 3 4 3

25 25 20 30 20


Express and Exchange Information Orally in French [M/600/2078] Listening in French [R/600/2087] Express and Exchange Opinions in French [Y/600/2141] Reading in French [A/600/2147] Writing in French [F/600/2148] Reading and Written Response in French [A/600/2150] German

Express and Exchange Information Orally in German [Y/600/1698] Listening in German [J/600/1700] Express and Exchange Opinions in German [D/600/1704] Reading in German [A/600/1709] Writing in German [A/600/1712] Reading and Written Response in German [L/600/1715] Italian

Express and Exchange Information Orally in Italian [M/600/2193] Listening in Italian [T/600/2194] Express and Exchange Opinions in Italian [J/600/2202] Reading in Italian [H/600/2210] Writing in Italian [L/600/2220] Reading and Written Response in Italian [R/600/2221] Portuguese

Express and Exchange Information Orally in Portuguese [D/600/2495] Listening in Portuguese [H/600/2496] Express and Exchange Opinions in Portuguese [K/600/2497] Reading in Portuguese [T/600/2499] Writing in Portuguese [H/600/2501] Reading and Written Response in Portuguese [M/600/2503] Spanish

Express and Exchange Information Orally in Spanish [K/600/2421] Listening in Spanish [M/600/2422] Express and Exchange Opinions in Spanish [T/600/2423] Reading in Spanish [A/600/2424] Writing in Spanish [F/600/2425] Reading and Written Response in Spanish [J/600/2426] Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2016 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

105.00 N/A N/A 25% Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Non - Roman Script Languages ABC Qual Code

Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening (Entry 2) in Arabic (50070897) Bengali (50069871) Greek (50068982) Japanese (50069767) Mandarin Chinese (50071245) Punjabi (50071087) Russian (5007068X) Turkish (50070599) Urdu (50070496)

A1020-E2 A1040-E2 A1140-E2 A1180-E2 A1200-E2 A1260-E2 A1280-E2 A1340-E2 A1360-E2

Learners must achieve a minimum of 2 credits Unit


Credit Value






























Speaking and Listening in Arabic [H/600/2885] Bengali

Speaking and Listening in Bengali [H/600/3163] Greek

Speaking and Listening in Greek [H/600/2935] Japanese

Speaking and Listening in Japanese [F/600/2974] Mandarin Chinese

Speaking and Listening in Mandarin Chinese [F/600/3039] Punjabi

Speaking and Listening in Punjabi [T/600/3068] Russian

Speaking and Listening in Russian [K/600/3083] Turkish

Speaking and Listening in Turkish [R/600/3126] Urdu

Speaking and Listening in Urdu [A/600/3136] Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2

3.00 N/A N/A

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code

Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing (Entry 2) in Arabic (50070861) Bengali (50069895) Greek (50070927) Japanese (50071348) Mandarin Chinese (5007121X) Punjabi (50071105) Russian (50069184) Turkish (5007054X) Urdu (50070514)

A1021-E2 A1041-E2 A1141-E2 A1181-E2 A1201-E2 A1261-E2 A1281-E2 A1341-E2 A1361-E2

Learners must achieve a minimum of 3 credits Unit


Credit Value






























Reading and Writing in Arabic [M/600/2887] Bengali

Reading and Writing in Bengali [T/600/3166] Greek

Reading and Writing in Greek [K/600/2936] Japanese

Reading and Writing in Japanese [R/600/2977] Mandarin Chinese

Reading and Writing in Mandarin Chinese [A/600/3041] Punjabi

Reading and Writing in Punjabi [T/600/3071] Russian

Reading and Writing in Russian [T/600/3085] Turkish

Reading and Writing in Turkish [Y/600/3127] Urdu

Reading and Writing in Urdu [J/600/3138]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3

3.00 N/A N/A N/A

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council Administering Office

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT Nottingham

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code

Entry Level Award in Speaking and Listening (Entry 3) in Arabic (50070770) Bengali (50069858) Greek (50070939) Japanese (50071336) Mandarin Chinese (5007118X) Punjabi (50071075) Russian (50071063) Turkish (50070575) Urdu (50070198)

A1022-E3 A1042-E3 A1142-E3 A1182-E3 A1202-E3 A1262-E3 A1282-E3 A1342-E3 A1362-E3

Learners must achieve a minimum of 7 credits Unit


Credit Value


E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

20 20 30

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

20 20 30

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

20 20 30

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

20 20 30

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

20 20 30

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

20 20 30

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

20 20 30

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

20 20 30


Speaking in Arabic [T/600/2888] Listening in Arabic [A/600/2889] Dialogue in Arabic [M/600/2890] Bengali

Speaking in Bengali [J/600/3169] Listening in Bengali [H/600/3177] Dialogue in Bengali [K/600/3178] Greek

Speaking in Greek [M/600/2937] Listening in Greek [T/600/2938] Dialogue in Greek [A/600/2939] Japanese

Speaking in Japanese [D/600/2982] Listening in Japanese [M/600/2985] Dialogue in Japanese [A/600/2987] Mandarin Chinese

Speaking in Mandarin Chinese [R/600/3045] Listening in Mandarin Chinese [D/600/3047] Dialogue in Mandarin Chinese [H/600/3048] Punjabi

Speaking in Punjabi [A/600/3072] Listening in Punjabi [J/600/3074] Dialogue in Punjabi [L/600/3075] Russian

Speaking in Russian [A/600/3086] Listening in Russian [F/600/3087] Dialogue in Russian [J/600/3088] Turkish

Speaking in Turkish [D/600/3128] Listening in Turkish [H/600/3129] Dialogue in Turkish [Y/600/3130]

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin


Speaking in Urdu [L/600/3142] Listening in Urdu [K/600/3147] Dialogue in Urdu [M/600/3148]

E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

7.00 N/A N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

20 20 30

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual code

Entry Level Award in Reading and Writing (Entry 3) in Arabic (50069056) Bengali (50069810) Greek (50070952) Japanese (50071324) Mandarin Chinese (50071191) Punjabi (50071099) Russian (50070678) Tajweed (50070587) Turkish (50070526) Urdu (50070447)

A1023-E3 A1043-E3 A1143-E3 A1183-E3 A1203-E3 A1263-E3 A1283-E3 A1323-E3 A1343-E3 A1363-E3

Learners must achieve a minimum of 9 credits Unit


Credit Value


E3 E3 E3

3 3 3

30 30 30

E3 E3 E3

3 3 3

30 30 30

E3 E3 E3

3 3 3

30 30 30

E3 E3 E3

3 3 3

30 30 30

E3 E3

3 3

30 30




E3 E3 E3

3 3 3

30 30 30

E3 E3 E3

3 3 3

30 30 30

E3 E3 E3

3 3 3

30 30 30


Reading in Arabic [M/600/2906] Writing in Arabic [T/600/2910] Reading and Written Response in Arabic [J/600/2913] Bengali

Reading in Bengali [M/600/3179] Writing in Bengali [H/600/3180] Reading and Written Response in Bengali [K/600/3181] Greek

Reading in Greek [M/600/2940] Writing in Greek [J/600/2944] Reading and Written Response in Greek [Y/600/2947] Japanese

Reading in Japanese [F/600/2991] Writing in Japanese [Y/600/2995] Reading and Written Response in Japanese [H/600/2997] Mandarin Chinese

Reading in Mandarin Chinese [D/600/3050] Writing in Mandarin Chinese [H/600/3051] Reading and Written Response in Mandarin Chinese [K/600/3052] Punjabi

Reading in Punjabi [Y/600/3077] Writing in Punjabi [D/600/3081] Reading and Written Response in Punjabi [H/600/3082] Russian

Reading in Russian [F/600/3090] Writing in Russian [L/600/3092] Reading and Written Response in Russian [Y/600/3094] Tajweed

Reading in Tajweed [A/600/3119] Writing in Tajweed [A/600/3122] Reading and Written Response in Tajweed [J/600/3124] Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin


Reading in Turkish [D/600/3131] Writing in Turkish [H/600/3132] Reading and Written Response in Turkish [K/600/3133]

E3 E3 E3

3 3 3

30 30 30

E3 E3 E3

3 3 3

30 30 30


Reading in Urdu [T/600/3149] Writing in Urdu [K/600/3150] Reading and Written Response in Urdu [M/600/3151]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

14.00 N/A N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C1024-E3 C1144-E3 C1044-E3 C1184-E3 C1204-E3 C1264-E3 C1284-E3 C1344-E3 C1364-E3

Entry Level Certificate in (Entry 3) Practical Arabic (50068994) Bengali (50069792) Greek (50069068) Japanese (50071294) Mandarin Chinese (50071178) Punjabi (50070691) Russian (50070654) Turkish (50070538) Urdu (50070150) Learners must achieve a minimum of 16 credits Unit


Credit Value


E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30





Speaking in Arabic [T/600/2888] Listening in Arabic [A/600/2889] Dialogue in Arabic [M/600/2890] Reading in Arabic [M/600/2906] Writing in Arabic [T/600/2910] Reading and Written Response in Arabic [J/600/2913] Bengali

Speaking in Bengali [J/600/3169] Listening in Bengali [H/600/3177] Dialogue in Bengali [K/600/3178] Reading in Bengali [M/600/3179] Writing in Bengali [H/600/3180] Reading and Written Response in Bengali [K/600/3181] Greek

Speaking in Greek [M/600/2937] Listening in Greek [T/600/2938] Dialogue in Greek [A/600/2939] Reading in Greek [M/600/2940] Writing in Greek [J/600/2944] Reading and Written Response in Greek [Y/600/2947] Japanese

Speaking in Japanese [D/600/2982] Listening in Japanese [M/600/2985] Dialogue in Japanese [A/600/2987] Reading in Japanese [F/600/2991] Writing in Japanese [Y/600/2995] Reading and Written Response in Japanese [H/600/2997] Mandarin Chinese

Speaking in Mandarin Chinese [R/600/3045] Listening in Mandarin Chinese [D/600/3047] Dialogue in Mandarin Chinese [H/600/3048] Reading in Mandarin Chinese [D/600/3050] Writing in Mandarin Chinese [H/600/3051] Reading and Written Response in Mandarin Chinese [K/600/3052] Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin


Speaking in Punjabi [A/600/3072] Listening in Punjabi [J/600/3074] Dialogue in Punjabi [L/600/3075] Reading in Punjabi [Y/600/3077] Writing in Punjabi [D/600/3081] Reading and Written Response in Punjabi [H/600/3082]

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30


Speaking in Russian [A/600/3086] Listening in Russian [F/600/3087] Dialogue in Russian [J/600/3088] Reading in Russian [F/600/3090] Writing in Russian [L/600/3092] Reading and Written Response in Russian [Y/600/3094] Turkish

Speaking in Turkish [D/600/3128] Listening in Turkish [H/600/3129] Dialogue in Turkish [Y/600/3130] Reading in Turkish [D/600/3131] Writing in Turkish [H/600/3132] Reading and Written Response in Turkish [K/600/3133] Urdu

Speaking in Urdu [L/600/3142] Listening in Urdu [K/600/3147] Dialogue in Urdu [M/600/3148] Reading in Urdu [T/600/3149] Writing in Urdu [K/600/3150] Reading and Written Response in Urdu [M/600/3151]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

28.00 N/A N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1025-01 A1145-01 A1185-01 A1205-01 A1285-01 A1385-01

Level 1 Award in Speaking and Listening in Arabic (5006888X) Greek (50070824) Japanese (50071300) Mandarin Chinese (50071154) Russian (50070666) Urdu (50070022) Learners must achieve a minimum of 7 credits Unit


Credit Value


1 1 1

2 2 3

20 20 30

1 1 1

2 2 3

20 20 30

1 1 1

2 2 3

20 20 30

1 1 1

2 2 3

20 20 30

1 1 1

2 2 3

20 20 30

1 1 1

2 2 3

20 20 30


Speaking in Arabic [Y/600/2916] Listening in Arabic [K/600/2919] Dialogue in Arabic [D/600/2920] Greek

Speaking in Greek [D/600/2948] Listening in Greek [H/600/2949] Dialogue in Greek [K/600/2953] Japanese

Speaking in Japanese [J/600/3012] Listening in Japanese [L/600/3013] Dialogue in Japanese [R/600/3014] Mandarin Chinese

Speaking in Mandarin Chinese [M/600/3053] Listening in Mandarin Chinese [T/600/3054] Dialogue in Mandarin Chinese [A/600/3055] Russian

Speaking in Russian [H/600/3096] Listening in Russian [K/600/3097] Dialogue in Russian [M/600/3098] Urdu

Speaking in Urdu [T/600/3152] Listening in Urdu [F/600/3154] Dialogue in Urdu [L/600/3156]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/18/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1

12.5 10%

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1026-01 A1146-01 A1186-01 A1205-01 A1285-01 A1366-01

Level 1 Award in Reading and Writing in Arabic (50068878) Greek (50070964) Japanese (50071312) Mandarin Chinese (50071166) Russian (50070642) Urdu (50069925) Learners must achieve a minimum of 9 credits Unit


Credit Value


1 1 1

3 3 3

30 30 30

1 1 1

3 3 3

30 30 30

1 1 1

3 3 3

30 30 30

1 1

3 3

30 30




1 1 1

3 3 3

30 30 30

1 1 1

3 3 3

30 30 30


Reading in Arabic [K/600/2922] Writing in Arabic [F/600/2926] Reading and Written Response in Arabic [L/600/2928] Greek

Reading in Greek [M/600/2954] Writing in Greek [T/600/2955] Reading and Written Response in Greek [A/600/2956] Japanese

Reading in Japanese [Y/600/3015] Writing in Japanese [D/600/3016] Reading and Written Response in Japanese [H/600/3017] Mandarin Chinese

Reading in Mandarin Chinese [F/600/3056] Writing in Mandarin Chinese [J/600/3057] Reading and Written Response in Mandarin Chinese [L/600/3058] Russian

Reading in Russian [T/600/3099] Writing in Russian [K/600/3102] Reading and Written Response in Russian [T/600/3104] Urdu

Reading in Urdu [Y/600/3158] Writing in Urdu [D/600/3159] Reading and Written Response in Urdu [R/600/3160]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1

25.00 20%

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Ad App

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

Issue 4 Nov 2011

N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1028-02 A1148-02 A1188-02 A1208-02 A1288-02

Level 2 Award in Speaking and Listening in Arabic (50068933) Greek (50069123) Japanese (50071269) Mandarin Chinese (50071117) Russian (50070630) Learners must achieve a minimum of 7 credits Unit


Credit Value


2 2 2

2 2 3

20 20 30

2 2 2

2 2 3

20 20 30

2 2 2

2 2 3

20 20 30

2 2 2

2 2 3

20 20 30

2 2 2

2 2 3

20 20 30


Speaking in Arabic [R/600/2929] Listening in Arabic [J/600/2930] Dialogue in Arabic [L/600/2931] Greek

Speaking in Greek [F/600/2957] Listening in Greek [J/600/2958] Dialogue in Greek [L/600/2959] Japanese

Speaking in Japanese [K/600/3018] Listening in Japanese [M/600/3019] Dialogue in Japanese [H/600/3020] Mandarin Chinese

Speaking in Mandarin Chinese [R/600/3059] Listening in Mandarin Chinese [J/600/3060] Dialogue in Mandarin Chinese [L/600/3061] Russian

Speaking in Russian [A/600/3105] Listening in Russian [J/600/3107] Dialogue in Russian [R/600/3109]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

23.00 10% 10% N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1029-02 A1149-02 A1189-02 A1209-02 A1289-02

Level 2 Award in Reading and Writing in Arabic (50068945) Greek (50069111) Japanese (50071270) Mandarin Chinese (50071142) Russian (50070605) Learners must achieve a minimum of 9 credits Unit


Credit Value


2 2 2

3 3 3

30 30 30

2 2 2

3 3 3

30 30 30

2 2 2

3 3 3

30 30 30

2 2

3 3

30 30




2 2 2

3 3 3

30 30 30


Reading in Arabic [R/600/2932] Writing in Arabic [Y/600/2933] Reading and Written Response in Arabic [D/600/2934] Greek

Reading in Greek [F/600/2960] Writing in Greek [J/600/2961] Reading and Written Response in Greek [L/600/2962] Japanese

Reading in Japanese [M/600/3022] Writing in Japanese [T/600/3023] Reading and Written Response in Japanese [J/600/3026] Mandarin Chinese

Reading in Mandarin Chinese [R/600/3062] Writing in Mandarin Chinese [Y/600/3063] Reading and Written Response in Mandarin Chinese [K/600/3066] Russian

Reading in Russian [L/600/3111] Writing in Russian [Y/600/3113] Reading and Written Response in Russian [K/600/3116]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

46.00 20% 20% N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code A1151-03 A1191-03

Level 3 Award in Speaking and Listening in Greek (50069093) Japanese (50071233) Learners must achieve a minimum of 12 credits Unit


Credit Value





3 3

4 4

25 25




3 3

4 4

25 25


Express and Exchange Information Orally in Greek [R/600/2963] Listening in Greek [D/600/2965] Express and Exchange Opinions in Greek [K/600/2967] Japanese

Express and Exchange Information Orally in Japanese [Y/600/3029] Listening in Japanese [R/600/3031] Express and Exchange Opinions in Japanese [H/600/3034]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2016 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42.00 N/A N/A 10% Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C1027-01 C1147-01 C1187-01 C1207-01 C1287-01 C1367-01

Level 1 Certificate in Practical Arabic (50068891) Greek (50070757) Japanese (50071282) Mandarin Chinese (50071130) Russian (50070629) Urdu (50070010) Learners must achieve a minimum of 16 credits Unit


Credit Value


1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30




1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

1 1

2 2

20 20


Speaking in Arabic [Y/600/2916] Listening in Arabic [K/600/2919] Dialogue in Arabic [D/600/2920] Reading in Arabic [K/600/2922] Writing in Arabic [F/600/2926] Reading and Written Response in Arabic [L/600/2928] Greek

Speaking in Greek [D/600/2948] Listening in Greek [H/600/2949] Dialogue in Greek [K/600/2953] Reading in Greek [M/600/2954] Writing in Greek [T/600/2955] Reading and Written Response in Greek [A/600/2956] Japanese

Speaking in Japanese [J/600/3012] Listening in Japanese [L/600/3013] Dialogue in Japanese [R/600/3014] Reading in Japanese [Y/600/3015] Writing in Japanese [D/600/3016] Reading and Written Response in Japanese [H/600/3017] Mandarin Chinese

Speaking in Mandarin Chinese [M/600/3053] Listening in Mandarin Chinese [T/600/3054] Dialogue in Mandarin Chinese [A/600/3055] Reading in Mandarin Chinese [F/600/3056] Writing in Mandarin Chinese [J/600/3057] Reading and Written Response in Mandarin Chinese [L/600/3058] Russian

Speaking in Russian [H/600/3096] Listening in Russian [K/600/3097] Dialogue in Russian [M/600/3098] Reading in Russian [T/600/3099] Writing in Russian [K/600/3102] Reading and Written Response in Russian [T/600/3104] Urdu

Speaking in Urdu [T/600/3152] Listening in Urdu [F/600/3154] Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Dialogue in Urdu [L/600/3156] Reading in Urdu [Y/600/3158] Writing in Urdu [D/600/3159] Reading and Written Response in Urdu [R/600/3160]

1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

50.00 40% N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

30 30 30 30

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C1030-02 C1150-02 C1190-02 C1210-02 C1290-02

Level 2 Certificate in Practical Arabic (50069044) Greek (5006910X) Japanese (50071208) Mandarin Chinese (50071129) Russian (50070617) Learners must achieve a minimum of 16 credits Unit


Credit Value


2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30

2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30




2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 3 3 3 3

20 20 30 30 30 30


Speaking in Arabic [R/600/2929] Listening in Arabic [J/600/2930] Dialogue in Arabic [L/600/2931] Reading in Arabic [R/600/2932] Writing in Arabic [Y/600/2933] Reading and Written Response in Arabic [D/600/2934] Greek

Speaking in Greek [F/600/2957] Listening in Greek [J/600/2958] Dialogue in Greek [L/600/2959] Reading in Greek [F/600/2960] Writing in Greek [J/600/2961] Reading and Written Response in Greek [L/600/2962] Japanese

Speaking in Japanese [K/600/3018] Listening in Japanese [M/600/3019] Dialogue in Japanese [H/600/3020] Reading in Japanese [M/600/3022] Writing in Japanese [T/600/3023] Reading and Written Response in Japanese [J/600/3026] Mandarin Chinese

Speaking in Mandarin Chinese [R/600/3059] Listening in Mandarin Chinese [J/600/3060] Dialogue in Mandarin Chinese [L/600/3061] Reading in Mandarin Chinese [R/600/3062] Writing in Mandarin Chinese [Y/600/3063] Reading and Written Response in Mandarin Chinese [K/600/3066] Russian

Speaking in Russian [A/600/3105] Listening in Russian [J/600/3107] Dialogue in Russian [R/600/3109] Reading in Russian [L/600/3111] Writing in Russian [Y/600/3113] Reading and Written Response in Russian [K/600/3116]

Issue 4 Nov 2011

Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

92.00 40% 40% N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C1152-03 C1192-03

Level 3 Certificate in Reading and Writing in Greek (5006907X) Japanese (50071221) Learners must achieve a minimum of 13 credits Unit


Credit Value


3 3 3

4 5 4

30 40 30

3 3 3

4 5 4

30 40 30


Reading in Greek [T/600/2969] Writing in Greek [M/600/2971] Reading and Written Response in Greek [T/600/2972] Japanese

Reading in Japanese [K/600/3035] Writing in Japanese [M/600/3036] Reading and Written Response in Japanese [T/600/3037]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2016 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

63.00 N/A N/A 15% Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

ABC Qual Code C1153-03 C1193-03

Level 3 Certificate in Practical Greek (50069081) Japanese (50071257) Learners must achieve a minimum of 25 credits Unit


Credit Value





3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 5 4

25 25 30 40 30




3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 5 4

25 25 30 40 30


Express and Exchange Information Orally in Greek [R/600/2963] Listening in Greek [D/600/2965] Express and Exchange Opinions in Greek [K/600/2967] Reading in Greek [T/600/2969] Writing in Greek [M/600/2971] Reading and Written Response in Greek [T/600/2972] Japanese

Express and Exchange Information Orally in Japanese [Y/600/3029] Listening in Japanese [R/600/3031] Express and Exchange Opinions in Japanese [H/600/3034] Reading in Japanese [K/600/3035] Writing in Japanese [M/600/3036] Reading and Written Response in Japanese [T/600/3037]

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/08/2013 31/08/2016 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

105.00 N/A N/A 25% Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

British Sign Language 50069263 Entry Level Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language (Entry 2)

ABC Qual Code A1060-E2

Learners must achieve a minimum of 2 credits Unit

Signing and receiving skills in British Sign Language [M/600/3182]


Credit Value





Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

3.00 N/A N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

5006924X Entry Level Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language (Entry 3)

ABC Qual Code A1061-E3

Learners must achieve a minimum of 7 credits Unit

Signing in British Sign Language [T/600/3183] Receiving skills in British Sign Language [A/600/3184] Dialogue in British Sign Language [F/600/3185]


Credit Value


E3 E3 E3

2 2 3

20 20 30

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

7.00 N/A N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

50069135 Level 1 Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language

ABC Qual Code A1062-01

Learners must achieve a minimum of 9 credits Unit

Signing in British Sign Language [J/600/3186] Receiving skills in British Sign Language [R/600/3188] Dialogue in British Sign Language [L/600/3190]


Credit Value


1 1 1

3 3 3

20 20 20

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

25.00 20% N/A N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

50069251 Level 2 Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language

ABC Qual Code A1063-02

Learners must achieve a minimum of 9 credits Unit

Signing in British Sign Language [Y/600/3192] Receiving skills in British Sign Language [K/600/3195] Dialogue in British Sign Language [M/600/3201]


Credit Value


2 2 2

3 3 3

20 20 20

Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 14 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/12/2013 31/12/2015 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

23.00 10% 10% N/A Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

50069147 Level 3 Award in Signing and Receiving Skills in British Sign Language

ABC Qual Code A1064-03

Learners must achieve a minimum of 12 credits Unit

Express and exchange information in British Sign Language [T/600/3202] Receiving skills in British Sign Language [A/600/3203] Express and exchange opinions in British Sign Language [L/600/3206]


Credit Value











Restrictions and Requirements Assessment Minimum Approved Age Qualification Grading Accreditation Start Date Accreditation End Date Certification End Date Funding FL ASL App Eligibility

Internal Assessment / External Moderation 16 Pass / Fail 01/08/2009 31/12/2013 31/12/2016 SO T2G ALR OLASS PFU

Points Score Contribution to Threshold L1 Contribution to Threshold L2 Contribution to Threshold L3 Sector (ABC) Sector (Regulator) Sector Skills Council

42.00 N/A N/A 10% Languages Other Languages, Literature and Culture CILT

Issue 4 Nov 2011

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Amendments indicated by a black line in the margin

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