2 Land Based / Sustainability
About ABC Awards Established in 1998, ABC Awards (ABC) is the result of combining more than 180 years of regional examination and assessment practices into one national Awarding Organisation. As a registered charity we are continuing the tradition of our founding organisations who were established by the sector to deliver useful and practical qualifications whilst offering exceptional support and ABC is proud to still be “owned” by the sector and working for the sector. ABC offers an outstanding range of vocational qualifications which reflect the skills that employers and centres look for in learners and employees. At ABC, we recognise the importance of continuing to offer not only a wide range and breadth of qualifications, but just as significantly, excellent customer support.
An Experienced and Knowledgeable Team Our friendly and responsive approach to customers means all our centres have access to a dedicated Qualification Administrator as well as unlimited access to a Business Development Manager who can answer any queries or concerns you might have. Our Moderators are all subject specialists and are chosen by us for their experience, knowledge and ability to support centres to deliver ABC’s qualifications successfully.
A Wide Range of Qualifications Our portfolio or more than 600 Ofqual regulated qualifications cover 14 sectors with qualifications to suit all ages and abilities. We have designed all ABC qualifications with the support of relevant stakeholders to make sure that they meet the needs of the current industries across the UK. This means that the qualifications are designed to give learners the skills needed to find employment, progress within education or enhance their skills in their current job role. We have more than 1200 centres with many tens of thousands of certificates being issued each year.
Recognised and Valuable Qualifications ABC Awards is a national Awarding Organisation providing qualifications regulated by Ofqual.
The environmental industry has gone through a substantial period of change, driven by a range of political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental drivers including, increasing public awareness and concerns in relation to environmental issues. There is increased focus on recovering energy from waste and utilising natural resources to create and harness energy. ABC’s qualifications have been developed to address and cover such subjects as converting biomass into fuel and energy and converting wind into energy. Our Sustainability sector covers the following areas: • • •
Sustainable Energy Converting Biomass / Wind into Fuel and Energy Sustainability and the Renewables Industry
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Sustainable Energy ABC Awards’ Sustainable Energy qualifications aim to develop industry specific skills/ knowledge and more generic transferable skills/knowledge to help build the capacity to deliver the targets for growth in renewable energy as part of the government strategy for energy in the UK. It is also hoped our qualifications will increase learners knowledge of employment opportunities in the renewable energy sector.
Our Sustainable Energy qualifications aim to provide a broad insight into all aspects of this sector focusing on the maintenance of biomass and fuel systems, mechanical engineering for wind turbines, through to supply chain management in the renewables industry and data transfer control for wind energy.
The ABC qualific cations in Sustainable Energyy aim to enable le earrnerss to: • develop knowledge and skills related to the development of altternative e sustainable, renewable energy in n 2 patthways, one concentrating on biomass fuels and the other harnessin ng wind power • aid the develo opmentt of a career stru ucture in this new area of emplloyment by pro oviding a nationally recognissed qualification • raise awareness of th he wh hole sustainabiliity agenda in relation to energy • develop a working knowledg ge of the techno ology used in the productio on of energy from biomass fuels and win nd power • develop a responsible and infform med approach to health and safety issues ABC C offer the followin ng range of qualifications designed specificallly for learn ners wishing to o study within the Sustainable Energyy patthway: • •
Level 3 Award in Susttainable Energy Level 3 Cer tificate in Sustaina able Energy (Energy from m Biomass)
Levell 3 Cer tificate e in n Sustain nable Energy (Energy from m Wind)
• • •
Level 3 Diploma in Susta ainable Energy (Energy from Bio omass) Level 3 Diploma in Sustainable Energy (En nergy from Win nd) Level 2 Certific cate in Sustaina able e Energy (W Wood Fuel)
Level 2 Certifica ate in Su usttaina able Energy (Wind Fuel)
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Converting Biomass / Wind into Fuel and Energy The ABC Awards’ qualifications in Converting Biomass / Wind into Fuel and Energy provide knowledge of the sustainable environment to support engagement, participation and achievement and progression for learners. The aim is to help learners decide whether to undertake further training or employment within this occupational area. Our Converting Biomass / Wind into Fuel and Energy qualifications cover sections including describing the growing techniques of a range of plants suitable for processing as biomass fuel, through to identifying individual components of the energy supply chain and describing harvesting techniques for a range of biomass crops.
The ABC qualifications in Converting Biomass / Wind into Fuel and Energy aim to enable learners to: • gain work-related skills in the area of animal care • develop generic employability skills • prepare for further training within this occupational area • develop knowledge and skills related to the development of alternative sustainable, renewable energy in 2 pathways, one concentrating on biomass fuels and the other harnessing wind power. ABC offers the following range of qualifications designed specifically for learners wishing to study within the Converting Biomass / Wind into Fuel and Energy pathways: •
Level 2 Award in Converting Biomass into Fuel and Energy
Level 2 Award in Converting Wind into Energy
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Sustainability and the Renewables Industry Our Sustainability and the Renewables Industry qualifications include understanding influences on the promotion of sustainable development, understanding comparative costs of energy production and distribution, through to calculating the amount of power available and describing the future potential of sustainability in Europe.
The ABC Awards’ qualifications in Sustainability and the Renewables Industry aim to enable learners to: • gain work-related skills in the area of sustainability and the renewables industry • develop generic employability skills • prepare for further training within this occupational area • develop knowledge and skills related to the development of alternative sustainable renewable energy in 2 pathways, one concentrating on biomass fuels and the other harnessing wind power ABC offers the following qualification designed specifically for learners wishing to study within the Sustainability and the Renewables Industry pathway: •
Level 2 Award in Sustainability and the Renewables Industry
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Who Are These Qualifications Aimed At? • • • • •
Adults and young people - Some qualifications are accessible to pre-16 learners People wanting to work in the industry Those wanting to advance their skills / further their career Adults / young people who want to progress to more advanced study Those who wish to study for personal development
What Next? - Progression Routes • • •
Related further education programmes Improve employment prospects Progress further within current role
aerodynamic o shore wind harnessing
processing energy power
health & safety
renewables windmill
turbines fuel supply technology
crops installation
fuels sustainability training
ABC has no hidden fees or charges so the prices you see on our web site are the prices you actually pay. Our costs are inclusive of enrolment, certification and moderation fees.
Funding ABC Awards has endeavoured to provide signposting to funding eligibility but centres are advised that these are guides only and clarification from funding providers should be sought.
Resources Additional guidance and resources to support our qualifications is freely available to approved ABC centres.
How do I get more information? environment-and-conservation/
Published 10 september 2012