Fabrication & Welding Sector Booklet

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Fabrication & Welding Fabrication & Welding

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Image – The tin man was fabricated by the learners at Chesterfield College and each component part of him is fabricated using a variety of pattern development techniques and fabrication/welding techniques. Cover image courtesy of Chesterfield College

About Us Established in 1998, ABC Awards (ABC) is the result of combining more than 180 years of regional examination and assessment practices into one national Awarding Organisation. As a registered charity we are continuing the tradition of our founding organisations who were established by the sector to deliver useful and practical qualifications whilst offering exceptional support and ABC is proud to still be “owned” by the sector and working for the sector. ABC offers an outstanding range of vocational qualifications which reflect the skills that employers and centres look for in learners and employees. At ABC, we recognise the importance of continuing to offer not only a wide range and breadth of qualifications, but just as significantly, excellent customer support. An Experienced and Knowledgeable Team Our friendly and responsive approach to customers means all our centres have access to a dedicated Qualification Administrator as well as unlimited access to a Business Development Manager who can answer any queries or concerns you might have. Our Moderators are all subject specialists and are chosen by us for their experience, knowledge and ability to support centres to deliver ABC’s qualifications successfully. A Wide Range of Qualifications Our portfolio of more than 600 Ofqual regulated qualifications covers 14 sectors with qualifications to suit all ages and abilities. We have designed all ABC qualifications with the support of relevant stakeholders to make sure that they meet the needs of the current industries across the UK. This means that the qualifications are designed to give learners the skills needed to find employment, progress within education or enhance their skills in their current job role. We have more than 1200 centres with many tens of thousands of certificates being issued each year. Recognised and valuable qualifications ABC Awards is a national Awarding Organisation providing qualifications regulated by Ofqual.

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Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies ABC Awards offers a range of Motor Vehicle and Fabrication and Welding qualifications for learners who are interested in working in the manufacturing and engineering industry. An interest in machinery and electronics will lead to skills in the Motor Vehicle industry whilst knowledge of welding techniques, gases and specialist equipment will equip learners with the skills to seek employment in Fabrication and Welding. This sector also requires learners to demonstrate the ability to work on detailed jobs to strict deadlines, have good communication skills and have the ability to work as part of a team. (See Motor Vehicle booklet for information on ABC’s Motor Vehicle qualifications)

Fabrication and Welding The qualifications offered by ABC Awards in Fabrication and Welding cover essential skills such as Oxy-acetylene gas welding and cutting, Manual metal-arc welding, fabrication processes and engineering drawing as well as being expected to have a heightened awareness of health and safety issues. Learners studying for a qualification in fabrication and welding will also be able to acquire skills in a specific area. The accessibility of the fabrication and welding qualifications means that Learners can start a Level 1 with little experience and advance to Level 3 which promotes a more highly developed understanding of equipment functions and how materials behave when subjected to the welding process

And we’ve been working hard to improve our qualifications ABC’s reputable and time-honoured Fabrication and Welding qualifications have always been well respected in the sector for linking practical skills to knowledge throughout the learners experience. Over the past few months, ABC has been working to redevelop and update its suite of Fabrication and Welding qualifications at Levels 1, 2 and 3. We are pleased to announce that the new qualifications are regulated by Ofqual for a September 2012 start. All the units in the new qualifications were reviewed, reworked and updated

as necessary including the credit values and GLH. The structure, unit titles and size of the new qualifications are very like the existing qualifications, as is the content of the units. The major difference is in assessment, where there is less emphasis on external examination and more on practical task assessment, with knowledge being assessed through assessment packages, which ABC will provide and which will be internally assessed, internally moderated by centres and externally moderated by an ABC Awards moderator.

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Levels 1, 2 and 3 Fabrication & Welding Practice The overall aims of these qualifications across the three levels is to • Raise a learner’s skill level and enhance their underpinning knowledge to promote progression from basic welding and fabrication skills to a more highly developed understanding of equipment functions and how materials behave when subjected to the welding process • Educate the learner in the observation of the correct and safe procedures that are paramount in the welding and fabrication industry

Level 1 Certificate in Fabrication & Welding Practice To provide both experience and knowledge on which to base a future career and associated course decisions The Level 1 Certificate provides an introduction to Fabrication and Welding and offers a user-friendly method of continuous assessment and knowledge tests that encourage and enable those learners, previously unfamiliar with this area and level of training, to achieve a level of competence suitable for progression to further courses and into employment. It is also an ideal scheme for employers wishing to offer training for the purpose of specialist skills development. • provide basic knowledge and skills in order to enable the learner handle materials, tools and equipment both safely and competently • provide an introduction to various aspects of fabrication and welding work as a foundation for progression to further education and training • improve and enhance employment prospects • promote positive attitudes towards self by increasing self confidence and self awareness through the development of personal and life skills

Above image - Learners studying Level 1 & 2 Certificates full-time at Chesterfield College

• provide opportunities for enhancing key skills and encourage the transfer of these skills

Levels 2 and 3 Fabrication & Welding Practice Suitable for a wide range of learners; the self-employed, adults wishing to specialise by pursuing single units as a progression and young people who are new entrants to the industry. Level 2 Award & Certificate • To provide potential entrants (school leavers) to the industry with an opportunity to acquire appropriate practical skills and knowledge required for access to employment • To provide an opportunity for existing employees to obtain relevant and up to date practical skills and knowledge • To provide an opportunity for retraining of adults who wish to access employment within the engineering sector • To provide an opportunity for progression onto further/higher levels of study

Level 3 Award, Certificate & Diploma • To provide an opportunity for existing employees to obtain relevant and up to date technical knowledge to meet the requirements of the application of practical skills. • To provide an opportunity for acquiring practical skills in different processes and positions. • To provide an opportunity for progression onto further/higher levels of study. The Level 2 Certificate and the Level 3 Diploma are part of the SEMTA Apprenticeship Framework.

What Next? Successful completion of the Level 1 provides a sound preparation for further vocational training, such as continuing onto Level 2 Award and/or Certificate in Fabrication and Welding Practice. Learners who successfully complete the Level 2 could complete additional units to gain the Level 3 Award, Certificate or Diploma in Fabrication and Welding Practice. Learners could also continue their development by covering critical welds or by seeking to achieve approval under European Standards.

sheet metal

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maintenance & repair

Engineering processing and finishing

making things from metal

butt weld



storage mock shop

wrought iron fillet weld

oxy acetylene


stainless steal certification

tungsten arc aluminium


ship building


engineering drawing

repairing machinery

Aerospace / Marine Materials Processing & Finishing / Engineering Technical Support / Automotive / Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering "The ABC fabrication & welding practice programme is set up well and meets the needs of local employers" The photograph shows the Level 2/3 Certificate group from Chesterfield College, all registered on the ABC Fabrication and Welding qualifications who have achieved their Level 2 qualifications this year and will achieve their Level 3 certificate by July 2012. The group consists of 13 learners (three were absent – one at an interview for employment, two at employers) They started the full time programme (two days per week) on the Level 2 Certificate in September 2011, completing at the end of February 2012 and are now working towards the Level 3 qualification. Five of the learners have specific support needs and tutors support them with their literacy skills in their theoretical classes.

From the learners in this cohort, one is now employed, four have undertaken interviews for apprenticeships and are hopeful of a positive outcome. One learner of the same group is now employed on an advanced apprenticeship with a local fabrication and welding company following an interview process and is continuing with his Level 3 Diploma via a day release from his employer.

"Comments from the learners endorse that they are very happy with all aspects of the particular course that they are following. The support structure that is in place to help, guide and support the learners through their course is to be commended." Moderator Report (T Cook)

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Apprenticeships Apprenticeship frameworks are designed to provide the skills, knowledge and competence requirements through specific pathways for Level 2 apprentices to operate at semi-skilled or operator status and for Level 3 apprentices to operate at craft or technician level to carry out a range of engineering and manufacturing processes within the various engineering sub-sectors. Specifically, the apprenticeship frameworks provide apprentices with the basic skills, underpinning knowledge and transferable skills required to operate in each of the engineering sub-sectors carrying out a wide variety of defined roles.* Intermediate Apprenticeship in Engineering Manufacture (Craft & Technician) England and (Wales) non statutory Knowledge Qualification Pathway 2 - Marine (Ship, Yacht, Boat building, maintenance and repair) or Pathway 5 - Fabrication and Welding: ABC Certificate in Fabrication and Welding Practice Level 2 (500/6214/1)

Advanced Apprenticeship in Engineering Manufacture, (Craft & Technician) England and (Wales) non statutory Knowledge Qualification

Intermediate Apprenticeship in Improving Operational Performance, England Knowledge Qualification Pathway 1 - Performing Engineering Operations: ABC Certificate in Fabrication and Welding Level 2 (500/6214/1)

Intermediate Apprenticeship in Improving Operational Performance, Wales non statutory Knowledge Qualification Pathway 1 - Performing Engineering Operations:

Pathway 6 - Fabrication and Welding:

ABC Certificate in Fabrication and Welding Level 2 (500/6214/1)

ABC Diploma in Fabrication and Welding Practice Level 3 (500/6148/3)

ABC Diploma in Fabrication and Welding Level 3 (500/6148/3)

Source – Semta (The Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies)

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The National Employers Skills Survey (NESS) has identified that the engineering sectors are suering the greatest skill challenges in recruitment. They have a high proportion of hard-to-fill vacancies, and a high number of skills shortages. This along with the ageing work force highlights the need for an apprenticeship to both up-skill the existing workforce and encourage new entrants in to the sector.

ABC has no hidden fees or charges so the prices you see on our web site are the prices you actually pay. Our costs are inclusive of registration, certification and moderation fees. To assist with cost savings, ABC has frozen all charges for the year 2011-12.

Funding ABC Awards has endeavoured to provide signposting to funding eligibility but centres are advised that these are guides only and clarification from funding providers should be sought.

Resources Additional guidance and resources to support our qualifications is freely available to approved ABC centres.

How do I get more information? www.abcawards.co.uk/engineering-and-manufacturing-technologies/ enquiries@abcawards.co.uk

You may also be interested in ... Engineering & Manufacturing Technologies - Motor Vehicle

Published May 2012


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