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Our host, Dubai Chambers, has recently made a significant move towards standardizing the "Articles of Association" for all business councils and groups. This step aims to establish clear operational frameworks, enhance the efficacy of these groups, and foster greater engagement among their members By implementing fundamental values and principles, Dubai Chambers is also striving to improve the governance and decision-making processes of these groups, while promoting transparency and communication

In line with these developments, AmCham Dubai has made some adjustments to its standard constitution and by-laws. We will highlight the key changes that have been made and provide a glimpse into the full document, which will be approved and finalized during the extraordinary AGM and elections in the next few months Stay tuned to learn more about the exciting updates happening within AmCham Dubai!

Board of Directors

Elections and eligibility of board members will have some changes effective immediately - to include term limits, eligibility and election cycle

Membership Criteria

Membership criteria will only be effected slightly with some minor changes to eligibility


Governance encourages transparency and enhances communication between the Councils and Dubai Chambers AmCham Dubai will continue to be transparent with AGM reporting and audits


Assist the companies in the Emirate to expand in trade and investments abroad

Provide Councils with a platform to establish strong bilateral economic relations and enhance business growth to ensure a more conducive business environment

Provide a cross collaborative platform for the Councils to exchange information related to current and expected business opportunities with respect to the country they represent Establish a clear operational framework to enhance the Councils’ efficacy and Members’ engagement

The United States and the United Arab Emirates signed a major new clean energy framework on November 1, 2022 in Abu Dhabi.

The United States and United Arab Emirates announced a robust partnership to ensure the swift and smooth transition toward clean energy and away from unabated fossil fuels. The US-UAE Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE) is set to catalyze $100 billion in the financing, investment, and other support and to deploy globally 100 gigawatts of clean energy by 2035 to advance the energy transition and maximize climate benefits.

PACE’s ambitious plan is built upon four pillars:

Clean Energy Innovation, Deployment & Supply Chains

Carbon and Methane Management

Nuclear Energy

Industrial & Transport Decarbonization

Express Your Interest Here Read More Information

Input goes directly to PACE team in DC. Please describe the impact of your company's project, how soon it could be active, and what kind of support the project could benefit from.

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