Lifeprints Spring 2016

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Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries



a f o S K R THE MA E V O L S ’ T N E R A P b y R O D M A R S H A LL, P r esident/C EO hen I was a young teenager, my family took a wonderful trip to South Carolina. Having grown up in Florida, South Carolina seemed mountainous to me. I had never really seen mountains so tall! My father and I were hiking up one of the hills, and with it being late fall, there were leaves all over the ground. We reached the top of the hill and explored a waterfall, and then we began our trip back down to the parking lot. In my adolescent haste, I recklessly began to run down the hill, only to realize that the dead leaves on the ground and the steep topography of the land had conspired against me. I was unable to stop. I grabbed a tree branch to slow myself down, but the branch broke 2


and I fell head first into a small ravine. Though the fall was only a few feet (probably 5 or 6 feet), I landed on my head and face onto the rocks below and into the cold mountain stream. The impact of the fall gave me a mild concussion, and after I climbed out of the ravine, I was having some difficulty maintaining consciousness. We were about 800 yards from our car. At age 14, I was very thin, but also very tall. I was about 6’3” and weighed about 160 pounds. My dad was 5’9”. Seeing my state, he quickly loaded me up on his back, piggyback style, and carried me to the car. Given the difference in

carry her into the house. Young children like to be carried and sometimes older children need to be carried. The children in the care of your Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes sometimes need a loving parent to carry their load. In a perfect world, every child in need of being carried, for whatever reason or for however long, would be carried by their biological mom or dad. Sadly, we do not live in a perfect world. Fortunately, we do live in a world where a group of Christian house parents and a growing number of Christian foster parents are willing to put someone else’s child up on their shoulders, in their arms, or on

Just as God loved us while we were yet sinners, we love these children as if they are our own for as long as they are in our care. our height, my dragging feet left clear tracks all the way to the car. As I got into the car, pretty embarrassed and scraped up from the fall, I recall seeing the tracks in the leaves and the sand that were a graphic reminder of my father’s love for me. He literally bore my burden, when I could not. I suppose any loving parent does the same for their children when they need it. When our kids cannot walk or cannot reach something or need to be carried, any loving parent will pick up their child, as long as they are able to do so. My young adult daughter recently confessed that when she was much younger, she used to pretend to be asleep in the car when we would return from outings so that I would

their backs to carry them when they need to be carried. There is something so great about a Christian parent’s love that it overflows to children to whom they have no biological relationship. What wondrous love is this! Just as God loved us while we were yet sinners, we love these children as if they are our own for as long as they are in our care. And as God adopted us into His family through the birth, death, and resurrection of His Son, we sometimes get to celebrate adoptions of fatherless children into permanent Christian homes. Praise God that he has revealed himself to us as a Heavenly Father, willing to bear our burdens and carry us when we need to be carried. A Parent’s Love



by JEN N I F E R BU S S I E , A B C H F o s t e r P ar ent ed and I had been married for three years when the Lord called us to be foster parents. One morning, we were both awakened by a radio broadcast saying that Mobile County needed more than 60 foster families immediately. The strange thing is, we never slept with the radio on, so we knew this was the hand of God. That morning, Ted told me about a promise he made to the Lord years ago. At the time, he was in a desperate situation. As a single parent of three without a job or home, he needed help taking care of his children and he asked the Lord to send a family to help him during this time, promising that he would remember and take care of other people’s children in the future. The Lord provided by sending a Christian family to help 4


him. And amazingly, he was able to get on his feet within a week! So after hearing this radio announcement, the Lord immediately reminded Ted of his promise. Ted went on to explain to me what it meant to be a foster parent because I had no idea what it involved. After we talked it through, he called the number from the announcement, and within a few days, we went to a foster parent orientation class held by the Department of Human Resources (DHR). We soon learned however, that fostering was not for the faint of heart. At that class, they gave us some information that honestly scared us to death, so we backed out of becoming foster parents at that time—we just weren’t ready.

HIS THOUGHTS, HIS WAYS A few months later, the Lord sent a

Ted and Jennifer Bussie with their family wonderful foster parent, Mary, to our yard sale. She said that though she tried to pass it up, she had to turn back around, being sure that we had some amazing baby stuff because the Spirit’s leading was so strong. We started talking to her about her beautiful multicultural family, and she went on to share about Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries (ABCH). After speaking with Mary, we got the number for ABCH and called that day! That’s one reason I entitled this “A Love Story.” God loved us so much that he continued to pursue us even in the midst of our fear. Within just a few months, we had our first placement—a three-day-old baby boy, with whom we fell head over heels in love! I wanted to keep him forever, but that wasn’t God’s plan. One night I couldn’t go to sleep because I began having an anxiety

attack while I was crying out to the Lord, begging Him to let us keep this now 18-month-old, beautiful little guy. The Lord so gently asked me if I wanted His plans or my plans (Isaiah 55:8–9). In that moment, releasing my plans and desires to Him, He provided me the most incredible peace over this situation. Our little guy went on to be adopted by a family who had tried for ten years to have children, and the Lord used us to help bring their beautiful blessing. God loved this family so much that He heard their cry and answered their prayers. God loved us so much He gave us peace and healing as we made this transition. God loved this little guy so much that He didn’t let me interfere, and God brought him to the family He had planned for him.

52 LOVE STORIES Since becoming foster parents, we have had 52 children placed in our A Parent’s Love


home. Each time a child left, it felt like a part of us was leaving too. It was never easy, but through the years, the Lord always showed Himself to be so loving and faithful by giving us peace and strength with each transition. In 2005, a 14-year-old young man was brought back into our lives, a young

them even in the midst of their pain. He heard their cries for help and rescued them. We never intended to adopt, but again, God’s ways are higher than ours! (Isaiah 55:9) In August of 2001, the Lord placed three beautiful little girls in our home (ages 6, 9 & 10). It was a differ-

. . . the Lord always showed Himself to be so loving and faithful by giving us peace and strength with each transition. man who had first lived with us for three years, beginning when he was six. We had no idea what the Lord had in store when this happened, but he and his now 9-year-old brother became ours forever! The Lord loved those boys so much that he protected 6


ent situation than what we’d commonly encountered in fostering, as these girls were privately placed with us, to be raised as ours. After fourteen and a half years of being a part of our family, I’m super excited to announce we have recently adopted them! We

have always seen them as our daughters, and now all being in their 20s, they decided they wanted us to adopt them, their adoption showing the world what they feel in their hearts. My heart overflows with love!

APPROACHING RETIREMENT After almost 20 years of being in the ministry as foster parents, we decided to retire. However, after just 2 weeks of “retirement,” we received a call to keep another little guy who had been with us a couple times before. Of course, we said yes! Two weeks later, we got a call about another little boy who had been in temporary care for just a month. The Lord told us that this boy and his four sisters would be our children. With such a full house already, that was a bit hard to accept, and we wrestled with the Lord about it for a week or so. But again, in His great love, He continued to pursue us even in our fear! God is true to His words, and

these beautiful blessings have indeed become our children. We recently adopted all five of them in 2016! Our family has now expanded to nine daughters and four sons, along with two sons-in-law, two daughters-inlaw, and six grandchildren. For every one of these lives, we are in awe that the Lord loved us so much that He entrusted us to be the parents of these children! We are also in awe of His love for them, in bringing ABCH into their lives and giving them a forever family. Ted and I are now officially retired as foster parents, although we will always be a part of the ministry of ABCH. They have loved and supported our family in every situation. We are forever grateful that the Lord chose us to be a part of this incredible ministry! In addition to our ABCH family, we are grateful for the support of our church family, which has been there with us through this ministry as well. A Parent’s Love


on Carroll was a resident of our Troy campus from 1951 until he graduated high school in 1963. He is married to Cindy, and they have two children and four grandchildren. Ron and Cindy previously served as relief house parents for us in the Birmingham area, and they are still shining their “little lights” brightly today. Here, in Ron’s words, is a glimpse into a life protected, nurtured, and restored through the ministry of ABCH. As a child, our mother was the only one left to care for us, and she had a hard time doing that. We went from relative to relative, but with 61 cousins, we could never stay long with any family because they couldn’t support us either. Back with my mom, she worked as a waitress at night, so that left me, my brother and sister sort of fending for ourselves. I remember a lot of times being out at 9:00 or 10:00 o’clock at night, still out on the curb playing, and I was only four and five years old. 8


At the time, I didn’t think much about it, but as I look back over it now, it wasn’t the best life. I had an uncle who was a Baptist preacher who eventually looked into having us live at the Children’s Homes in Troy. Moving there really helped me out. It was a different life there with many children in one cottage, but it was probably better. I was in bed at 7:00/7:30 at night, whereas before I was up until 10:00/11:00, so it was a big change. I would get up in the mornings and do whatever chore I was assigned to that month, whether it was mopping floors, helping in the kitchen, or cleaning windows. Once we got our chores caught up and had nothing else to do, we would take off and run the woods for two or three hours! We’d also play ball, play marbles, and on Saturday, we’d go and watch Tarzan movies, and then we’d go out and act like Tarzan for a little while.

Except for the little time I spent with that one uncle who was a preacher, I was never in church as a small child. At the Children’s Homes though, we all went to First Baptist Troy. We had an old saying that if the church door’s open, being from the Children’s Homes, we’d be in church! I received Christ at the age of nine and was baptized. The people I probably remember most were our superintendents, Mr. E.E. Cox and then later Mr. Hobson Shirey, and our maintenance man, Clyde Headly. I picked up on how to be a father from them, how to react, and how to teach children through watching them and the house parents. Clyde stayed in touch with me, and I still stay in touch with Clyde’s sons now.

were able to adopt a beautiful little girl. And my son, as a youth minister, often shares the story of ABCH in his work with teens. You know, the Bible tells us to look after our widows and our children. Through the years, that’s what the Children’s Homes has done. They have taken in children who can’t be cared for, have given them a home, and given them love. They’ve given these children a chance to go to church, to be around Christian people, to help form their life for their later years. Without the guidance and the care I received through the Baptist Children’s Homes, I would probably not be what I am today. Probably would have been dead by now at the rate we were going, but through the Children’s Homes, through the church, in receiving Christ and starting to live the life I should live, I have had a great life. Ron and Cindy Carroll

Every year in April, there is a group out of Montgomery around my age from the Children’s Homes that meets up. Having lived in a house with all these people, it’s like brothers and sisters coming back together, even though we’re not blood kin. We all grew up together as a family. We’re all pretty tight. My children have often gone to the reunions with us. They enjoy the stories and are really appreciative of the Children’s Homes. In fact, knowing my life there and the care I received made my daughter want to adopt and bring up a child in a world where they would have a family, and she and her husband A Parent’s Love



School class heard about our Family Care Program, and about one mother in particular named Sally. It turned out that Sally was going to cosmetology school, and a lot of the classes were at night and on the weekends. Since daycares are not open during cosmetology class hours, this made it difficult for Sally to find stable care for her children. She needed someone to help take care of her kids three or four nights a week, and even some weekends.

ho knew you could learn so much from a singing cucumber?” Judy Paul laughed while sharing about the popular children’s series VeggieTales. Judy and her husband, Larry, have become recent VeggieTales fans since they’ve come to know 6 and 7 year-olds, Molly* and Hayden.* They met these two children and their mother, Sally,* while helping out at our Family Care home “Sometimes I can be on the negative in Gardendale. side, and when I first heard about this The way Judy speaks about this fam- situation, I had a lot of questions,” Judy ily, you would never guess she’s only said. “I didn’t know anything about known them for a year. Really, she this woman, and what all this really considers them a part of her family involved.” Judy wanted to help, but was now. Molly and Hayden even affectionafraid to fully dive in. She tried to see if ately call her “Mimi” and her husband the church or any other sources could “Pappy” after finding out their grandhelp. Though she tried to find solukids call Judy and Larry by those names. tions, they all fell through. “Larry and I A little over a year ago, though, Judy were the only option left, so we finally decided to say yes to help take care of was actually unsure about getting to know Sally. A lady in Judy’s Sunday the kids a few days a week.” 10 Lifeprints

When Judy and Larry first started caring for Molly and Hayden, they noticed the kids always wanted to make sure they were close by. “I would go to the kitchen to grab a snack for the kids, and they would immediately call out to me to know where I had gone. They had been from place to place and experienced instability, so I think they were trying to make sure I wasn’t leaving them.” Though the children were timid at first, Judy and Larry have really seen this family blossom over the past year in our Family Care Program. The kids became more confident and began to trust them. Sally and her children also started attending church with Judy

learning to handle finances and finding stability. That’s not to say there haven’t been setbacks or challenges along the way in her time here, but I’ve been so proud of her for sticking through it and learning so much.” Sally is about to graduate from our Family Care Program, and Judy couldn’t be more proud. With graduation nearing, she can’t help but reflect on the past year and think of all that she and Larry gained just by saying “yes” to helping Sally. On a lighter note, she has seen VeggieTales more times than she can count. And one of the most precious moments she experienced was

After taking that jump, I realized it was God-designed. and Larry, and the kids would often come up to the Pauls sharing what they learned in Sunday School class, or which VeggieTales story they watched that day. Judy’s Sunday School class even started getting involved with Sally and her children. “My class always asks about Sally, and they have been so great in helping out whenever there is a need,” Judy said.

hearing Molly praying the scripture, “Teach me your ways, Lord.” She’s seen Sally grow to be a wonderful mother to her children, and she has also seen her counsel other women just like her in the program going through similar, difficult situations. Best of all, Judy and Larry now have three more members to add to their family.

Where they have seen the most tre- “After taking that jump, I realized it mendous growth, though, is in Sally. was God-designed. That’s the only way “She has never done drugs and never I can explain it,” Judy shared. “People tell Larry and me that we are such smoked because she never wanted to harm her beautiful singing voice,” blessings and are doing Kingdom work, Judy shared. “Really, there were cir- but that is not the case. Its Sally and cumstances outside of her control that these kids who have blessed me, and lead her to the home in Gardendale. Its who have really done a lot for us.” amazing to see how the program has *Names and photos have been changed to helped her be a better mother, with protect identities. A Parent’s Love 11

r e m Sum SAY HELLO

Summer has arrived, and the kids in our care are excited! We asked a few of them what they like about summer, so they drew pictures of a few of their favorite things!

Playing Outside

THE BEACH 12 Lifeprints


Swimming You can view more of our kids’ drawings online at

A Parent’s Love 13

Since 1891,

we’ve been able to share the hope of Christ with more than 30,000 children. What started as “one little light” in a small, farming community in Evergreen has now grown to be one of the most diverse child and family ministries in Alabama. In our most recent 2015 Annual Report, you’ll see how your time, prayer, and gifts have helped shine a light into the lives of children and families across Alabama in the past year. On the next page, you’ll find a few highlights from last year. You can also view our full 2015 Annual Report online at

14 Lifeprints

Pathways Professional Counseling: 5,091

Foster Care: 312

Family Care (Mothers, Dependent Children): 70

Campus & Shelter Care: 160

Help to children when one or both parents die: 70

Family Aid: 47

College Care & Independent Living: 12 A Parent’s Love 15




ABCH was recently honored to receive a $30,000 gift from the estate of Mary Elizabeth Miles Carter. In her will, Ms. Carter expressed a desire to care for abused and/or neglected children between the ages of 2 and 6. ABCH was given the proceeds along with a list of items we could use the funds for, and we will be able to fulfill Ms. Carter’s wishes and help several of our foster children in the coming years with this generous gift. Donors like Ms. Carter allow ABCH to continue to protect, nurture, and restore children and families through Christ-centered services. One of the ways you too can make a difference for the children we serve is through estate planning. In partnership with PhilanthroCorp, a Christ-centered estate planning firm, we are able to offer complimentary consultations or seminars to help guide you through this process.

Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries P.O. Box 361767 Birmingham, AL 35236-1767

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If you or your church would like to learn more, please call us at 888-720-8805 or visit us online at

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