Sitting (left to right) Clare Hobbs, Rita Levesque, Dlaine Jacobsen, Dave Dyck, Henry Aldridge, Mike Thomson, Dick Mak Mid Row (left to right) Ralph Turner, Chris James, Helge Jacobsen, Neil Bennett, John Nash, Clarence Levesque, Wayne Griffith, Terry Naylor Back row (left to right) Ron Scobbie, John Henderson, Dave Nielsen, Tom Tryon, Martin Shulze, Brian Brown, Allan Olsen
OIP Group Luncheon By W.M. Griffith, BCLS(Ret) CLS(Ret)
he first luncheon of the new year was held at Ricky’s All Day Grill on Monday, January 6, 2020. There were 19 surveyors in attendance along with three guests. Helge Jacobsen brought along his wife Dlaine and special guest Clarence Levesque and his wife Rita. Our first order of business was to introduce two new members to the OIP Group. First up was Dave Nielson. Dave retired from Natural Resources
Canada, legal surveys division after a 40-year career. During this time he worked as a technician or surveyor, a project manager, BC Regional Surveyor and contract employee. Since Dave’s retirement some of his pastimes are golf and working as an amateur genealogist. Dave went to BCIT with Robert Allen and Robert talked Dave into coming to the lunch. Unfortunately Robert didn’t make the luncheon due to other commitments.
Terry Naylor was then introduced as the second new member to the group. Terry worked for the City of Surrey for 32 years until he retired. He then found a second career working for Vancouver School Board until the commute into Vancouver got to be too much and Terry retired once again. Helge Jacobsen was up next and introduced his guest Clarence Levesque along with wives Rita Levesque and Dlaine Jacobsen.
the LINK | April 2020