3 minute read
LTSA Liaison Committee Update
By Gord Gamble, BCLS Chair, LTSA Liaison Committee
The LTSA Liaison Committee has a number of new faces this year. After a long period of no changes on the committee, the Board appointed four new members to the group to fill vacancies left by members whose terms had expired. I would like to thank the outgoing members of the committee, Al Di Nozzi, Allen Cox, Kerry Lawson, Scott Rhodes and Peter Ward, for their valued contributions. Welcome to the new members, Rich Redfern, Chris Bryenton, Taylor Kagel and Geoff Hobbs. The diverse backgrounds of these land surveyors will add much to the committee discussions.
In addition to the Board appointees, there are the permanent members from the Land Title and Survey Authority (LTSA): Tim Jowett, Dustin Meyer and Katie Hannah, and representatives from the ABCLS Practice Advisory Department (PAD): Peter Goodier and Greg Bachelder. Committee meetings are held three times per year, usually in January, May and September. More frequent meetings can be convened if an item of particular importance arises.
The primary focus of the committee is captured in two of the “Duties and Responsibilities” from the Terms of Reference:
1. Maintain and enhance the ABCLS’s relationship with the LTSA as partners in ensuring the quality of BC’s land survey structure.
2. Collaborate with senior representatives of LTSA Land Title and Surveyor
General Operations to resolve issues involving LTSA systems, registries, policy, and/or practice as they relate to the practice of land surveying.
Additionally, in collaboration with the PAD, the committee is responsible for communicating important discussion items to the ABCLS membership. Since virtually all items discussed at committee meetings are of significance to some aspect of professional practice, the primary method of communication has been through posting of the meeting minutes on the ABCLS website and notifying members when they are available. Occasionally, a particular topic of significance may warrant an article in the Link Magazine, a Practice Advisory, or Interpretive Bulletin.
To aid members in finding items of specific interest, the LTSA discussion topics since 2010 are summarized in a listing that is continually updated and kept with the committee minutes on the Association website. Doing a PDF word search in this document can help isolate specific topics (e.g. “Strata”, “SRW” etc.). We strongly encourage members to refer to the topic listing and minutes when you have questions about LTSA issues and to review the minutes following each committee meeting. When doing this, be aware that some items are discussed over several meetings, so you should check subsequent meeting minutes to ensure the topic is finalized.
We encourage members to bring questions and any concerns relating to LTSA practice to the attention of a committee member. There may be a quick answer or perhaps the topic can be included in the agenda for an upcoming meeting. Please feel free to contact the committee chair at ggamble706@gmail.com or 778-744-9015 if you have any questions or comments. ✥
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