LINK Magazine, December 2019

Page 5

Message from the President

The Road Home By Chris Cryderman BCLS, President


he months of July and August are the doldrums of the board calendar (at least for the President). It is mostly a light breeze of committee and board teleconferences, writing an article for the Link and not too much else. In September the breeze freshens into a gale of travel that only ends in the third week of October. The “tour” resumed mid-September with the Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors (AMLS) 139th AGM held at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites from September 11th - 13th. On the 11th an early Presidents Forum was followed by a day of touring for the delegates and their partners. Consummate hosts Kim & (President) Arno Stoffel took all of us on a tour of the “Journey to Churchill” at Assiniboine Park Zoo and to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. The zoo provided the opportunity for conversation and getting caught up with the goings-on across the country. The wildlife, including lots of polar bears, provided the entertainment. After a wonderful brunch at the zoo we headed off to the museum. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights is the only “Canadian” museum outside of the Ottawa area. It is unique in that it is not a museum of “things”, but one of “ideas”. The building itself is a stunning metaphor

for the recognition and development of human rights. It is meant to look unfinished to indicate the “work in progress” nature of human rights. You walk up through the building on a journey from darkness to light, from the ground to the sky. Again, representing the journey to human

At the tidal bore. Truro, NS

rights for all. There are many, often disturbing but always thought provoking, exhibits along the path. I put this place on my list of places that all Canadians should visit. This list also includes the High Arctic. If you must choose, the Museum is a lot easier to get to.

The following day was the CPD program. Amanda Le Rougetel presented “Written & Spoken Technical Communications”. Hal Janes presented “Self-Governance, recent trends in legislation governing the selfregulating professions, technology & government policy”. His presentation drew on the “Evolving Boundaries of Practice Workshop” conducted at the National Surveyors Conference last May in Halifax. Following this was the annual Luncheon where guest speaker Keith Macpherson (a former Canadian Idol finalist) talked on “Mindfulness in the workplace”. After lunch Izaak de Rijke presented “National Education – The Future of Education”. Following the presentations there was a Surveyors Open Forum led by Cas Manitowich. It was a lively and informative discussion of experiences and solutions on a plethora of survey topics. The AGM was held on Sept 13th. Danial Gautron was elected President by acclamation. The winds of travel next took Bea and I to Montreal. This was Bea’s first trip since PEI. The Ordre des arpenteurgéomètres du Québec (OAGQ) - 137e assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) was held at Manoir Saint-Sauveur, Québec, September 19-21st. SaintSauveur is about an hour’s drive north of Montreal. It was a beautiful drive

the LINK | December 2019


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