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Age UK Northumberland are pleased to announce they are launching a new gardening social group.
This fantastic new initiative will launch on Wednesday 22 February at Woodhorn Museum in Ashington, and welcomes gardeners of all abilities to come along and enjoy the great outdoors whilst meeting like minded people.
Come rain or come shine, you can enjoy being in the great outdoors while maintaining a natural environment. This is a lovely way to meet new friends and enjoy great chat, and light refreshments will be provided.
Age UK Northumberland is a local independent charity, providing services for older adults throughout Northumberland. In common with all Age UKs, their central service is free information, advice and advocacy. Other services are designed to meet local needs and currently include: personal care, exercise and falls prevention classes, befriending, lunch clubs and day centres.
Anyone who is interested can call 01670 784800, email info@ageuk-northumberland.org.uk, or simply turn up at Woodhorn Museum on the day.
Age UK are also looking for volunteers to help assist with the group. There will be an informal meet for any volunteers wishing to join on Wednesday 15 February - 10am to 11am. Again, please use the contact methods above if you are interested.