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Little Learners (N.E)
from Shiremoor Directory
Childcare Play, Learn & Grow Together
Funded places available for eligible 2, 3 & 4 year olds
Our Private Day Nurseries are located in North Shields Centre and at the top of Rake Lane (next to Vets 4 Pets). We have access to great outdoor spaces on a daily basis as well as educational outings for all children.
Healthy balanced meals and snacks are on offer as well as ensuring any dietary requirements. Our fees include your child’s personal Learning Journey file with photographs, all meals, snacks, outings, visitors into nurseries etc. We do not have any hidden charges.
If available, we offer full day, half day, hours to suit shift workers, term time only as well as all year round, 51 weeks of the year.
Little Learners was voted as one of the best places to work in the North East for 2 years running and we are an Ofsted Good Early Years Provider.
Please get in touch if you would like to look around our nurseries in a safe way
Barnstaple Road, North Shields NE29 8QD
( 0191 289 4047 or 07305 642 777
Open 7.30 am - 5.30 pm
Lovaine Place, North Shields NE29 0BU
( 07914 376 434
Open 8.00 am - 5.30 pm (optional early booking of 7.30am) email: littlelearnerschildcare1@yahoo.co.uk www.littlelearnersne.co.uk