7 minute read
Edward W. Tanzini
Founder of Tancor and ABC Champion, passed December 20, 2020. This is a tremendous loss to the ABC family and someone who will never be forgotten.


Ed graduated from Clarkson University with both a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Distribution degree in 1970. He completed his post-graduate work in Civil Engineering at Michigan Technological University in 1973.
Ed began his career in construction as teenager, when he started working for his father as a construction laborer. He has been continuously employed in the construction industry since finishing college, working his way up from Field Superintendent to Project Manager, and then to Vice President at a medium-sized general contracting firm in Midland, Michigan over an 17 year period. Ed also spent 2 years as Assistant to the President in a $50+ million per year construction management firm in Johnson City, New York. In 1992, Ed and his wife JoAnn started The Tancor Corporation, a general contracting firm in Midland, Michigan, where he has been employed ever since. Ed holds Register Professional Engineers licenses in Michigan and in Wisconsin.
Since 1973, he has been very involved in the Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. He has held many offices in the former Saginaw Valley Chapter of ABC including being one of the Founders (now Associated Builders & Contractors, Greater Michigan Chapter) including four terms as Chapter Chairman and over 45 years on the Chapter Board of Directors. At the National level of the ABC, Ed has served as a

Member of the National Board of Directors for over 34 years and as a member and/or chairman of a number of National ABC committees. He is also affiliated with the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engineers and other civic and professional organizations. At Ed’s passing his dedication to Associated Builders & Contractors and its merit shop mission was as follows: • Associated Builders & Contractors, Greater Michigan Chapter Board Member • Associated Builders & Contractors, Greater Michigan Chapter Government Affairs committee • Associated Builders & Contractors, Greater Michigan Chapter By laws Chair • ABC Michigan Board of Directors

• ABC Michigan Government Affairs Committee • ABC Michigan Workers Compensation Trustee • Treasurer, ABC Michigan Workers Compensation • The Greater Michigan Construction Academy Board of Directors • Associated Builders & Contractors National Board of Directors • Associated Builders & Contractors National By-laws committee
Ed made a tremendous impact on people statewide. Below is just a sampling of those memories, reminding us all what a great man he was. ABC of Michigan will be planning a memorial to honor Ed’s life and legacy in the future. Our thoughts and prayers are forever with his family and friends he left behind.
“Ed was a friend, mentor, and a second father to me. He led by example, with a fierce passion for what he believed in. First and foremost, his family. His love for Joanne, their kids and grandkids was self-evident. His heart was big enough to encompass many though…I had the pleasure of spending a great deal of time with Ed while serving on ABC’s Board. Many car trips to Lansing, plane trips to DC and travels afar. I learned from Ed about the history of ABC, the history of many buildings and even about doorknobs on buildings. More important I learned from Ed how to be a better person.”

– RODNEY KLOHA, Circle K Service Corp
“I knew Ed for 15 years. To me he was the Merit Shop personified. We have lost a giant.
When I first started with ABC National 15 years ago, Ed was on the short list of people I needed to meet. I’d be lying if I told you I wasn‘t intimidated the first few times we met. Luckily we hit it off and it wasn’t long before he was calling me “Little Red.” Ed was as tough as they get. His loss is even tougher. My prayers go out to his family, most especially to JoAnn.” – CHRIS FISHER, former ABC of Michigan president and current partner at Midwest Strategy Group.

“Ed worked tirelessly on local, state, and national organizations and committees of the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) to organize, coordinate, and train contractors and the skilled trades. As a volunteer at ABC, Ed was a founding member of our local chapter and held 10 different Key positions, (Local, State, and National), starting in the 1970’s and continuing to the present. Ed volunteered for 46 years!! Midland and the Saginaw Valley have been enriched by Ed and his wife JoAnn, with decades of volunteerism from which we all have benefitted. We are blessed they decided to stay here — the Saginaw Valley and Midland have been the beneficiary”

“We will miss him dearly.”
“The first time I meet Ed was in the early 70’s on a project at the Gladwin Hospital.
Everyone knew when Ed arrived at the job site either by word of mouth from the workers or when he as having a very boisterous conversation with one of his employee’s or a subcontractor working for him. You learned very quickly to do your job correctly, on time or plan on having a listening session with Ed.
Over the years there is no end to what I learned from Ed, he was a wealth of knowledge and would pass it along if you were willing to ask and listen. Ed will be missed for all of his knowledge, selfless volunteerism and dedication to helping anyone at any time.”
– GARY ELZA, GE Insulation
“I lost my friend, my brother, my ABC Mentor Edward Tanzini to Covid today capping off a miserable year. He was a founder of Associated Builders & Contractors, Greater Michigan Chapter and stayed on the Board of Directors from 1977 right up to today. The Chapter wouldn’t dare invoke term limits because of Ed Tanzini. He was the pulse of the chapter period. You didn’t get into membership without an Ed vote and nothing ever crossed the chapters by-laws or charter without his approval. He was a lion with a teddy bears heart if he loved you and he would tell me that so I never had to assume.”
– JIMMY GREENE, former ABC Greater Michigan Chapter President & current ABC of Michigan President MM

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