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LSFM Update
The new year is fast approaching which means so are the big changes to the state’s codes and amendments. The Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council (LSUCCC) has completed the promulgation process for the adoption of the 2021 I-codes and 2020 NEC. These codes and amendments should be published in the Register, on October 20, 2022, under the normal rules and will be found in the Louisiana Administrative Code under Chapter 17 effective January 1, 2023. For a preview of these codes, anyone can view them on the LSUCCC main page under “News.” They are shown under the Notice of Intent heading. The LSUCCC held meetings and heard testimony on the advantages of a statewide adoption of ASCE 24 without amendments. The final vote was to adopt the ASCE 24 and the IRC as written where structures are located in Special Flood Hazard Areas. This will require residential one-and-two-family dwellings, along with townhouses, to be constructed to BFE+1. For critical commercial structures (i.e. EMS, 911, Police, Fire, Hospitals, etc.), they must be constructed to BFE+2. This proposed adoption has not cleared legislative oversight and has not been filed with the Register yet. The current amendment of letting the locals determine the BFE requirements will remain in effect until legislative oversight reviews this proposed amendment. The Energy Code Commission is currently meeting twice a month to establish amendments to the 2021 IECC and 2021 IRC Chapter 11. These will be promulgated and become effective July 1, 2023. You can find their meeting announcements on the LSUCCC website. These are all open public meetings and all are encouraged to attend and contribute feedback. Anyone can submit proposed amendments to the LSUCCC administrator or attend in person to present their amendments. And if at any time you need clarification, our staff is always open to take calls and emails to help anyone move our state and its residents forward safely.