A LETTER FROM THE executive director

Dear friends,
This year was a tough year for ABCS as we faced many challenges. The bright spot is that despite these difficulties, together we continue to touch lives across Arizona. We are grateful for your support and partnership as we provide hope and care to hurting children and families.
ABCS’ budget is made up of two primary sources of income: state contract income and charitable gifts. The former is a much larger percent of our budget as our Parent Aide and Arms of Love Foster Care ministry has traditionally been a significant portion of our work. Two factors have greatly impacted these contracts—the nationwide staffing shortage and the steep decrease in licensed foster families over the past few years. These are broad concerns that have negatively impacted communities as well as many businesses and organizations.
As a result, we were forced to cut some positions and programs including the Arms of Love Home for girls aging out of foster care and LeaderCare. This was an opportunity for us to reevaluate our ministry priorities, as well as emphasize our mission and calling with our remaining team members. We know that God is doing a great work as He changes and reshapes our ministry for the future.
Another challenge that will likely continue given our faith-based approach to social services ministry is finding ourselves in the middle of cultural and political issues. For example, since we have prolife pregnancy centers under our umbrella, we found ourselves in the crosshairs following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. We have chosen to share the positive impact this had in this report on pages five and six. Additionally, we have already chosen not to renew one state contract over concerns about our ability to meet the requirements and stay true to our Statement of Faith and Core Values.
Through all of the uncertainty we face in this world as individuals and as an organization, God remains faithful. One of the main ways He consistently encourages us and reminds us of His provision is through His people. Your prayers, service and generosity to ABCS are a reminder of His goodness. Because of your support, charitable gifts increased 11.8 percent this year, helping to compensate for some of the losses experienced on the contracts. We remain committed to being good stewards of your support by staying focused on our mission and living out Matthew 25:40.
7 ministries 1 mission
Steve Hanna President & Executive Director“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” — Matthew 25:40

ABCS seeks to work with membership organizations and partners who are Christ-centered and aligned with our mission and values. Below is a list of longtime affiliations and partnerships.
Working together to make disciples of all peoples in Arizona and around the world. ABCS is an autonomous ministry partner that receives 7 percent of The Cooperative Program funding. This represents about 3 percent of ABCS’ overall budget.
Strengthens member organizations through leadership development, dynamic relationships, education and advocacy. The Coalition is a network of Christian organizations united in serving children and families.
hope & care
Unites hundreds of respected organizations and church members worldwide. Their joint initiatives inspire and equip Christians to effectively live out the Bible’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children.
Equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. The Alliance is a Christ-centered collaborative community that convenes and trains Christian nonprofit professionals for greater Kingdom impact.

Enhances trust in Christ-centered churches and ministries. Member organizations must uphold their Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship drawn from scripture in order to maintain accreditation.
Advances life-affirming pregnancy help worldwide through an effective network of prolife pregnancy resource centers. New Life Pregnancy Center is a Heartbeat affiliate.
Dora is a New Life Transitional Program participant. Outside of the transitional program she is a mother and grandma and owns a local salon. After a serious car accident that resulted in 15 months in prison, Dora was on a journey to dramatically change her life and the lives of her children for the better. When Dora applied to join the transitional program, she had already accomplished many milestones. She was in recovery from her addiction to alcohol, had a solid community of mutual support and was making strides in her career as a small business owner. When Dora enrolled, she was looking to take her growth to the next level. She gained a new mentor and began attending weekly classes and Bible studies. Dora also utilized the free counseling services offered to participants. In the winter, she approached a year in the program. Dora shared what she has learned through her experience, “The pace that I am going is okay, that I don’t have to feel like I am playing catch up. That I have overcome a lot. It gives me hope… Everyone’s walk is different, we need each other.” A common thread in Dora’s story of recovery and healing is how she surrounds herself with support and a healthy community. The Bible tells us over and over again how important it is to live in community and bear one another’s burdens. We are grateful for the opportunity to walk alongside Dora in her journey. She has already overcome many hardships; we are excited to see all that God does in the season ahead! Read her full story featured in the 2022 year-end mailing by visiting newlifetransitional.com/Dora.
Did you know that roughly 10,000 people turn 65 every day in the United States? Pursue Life Adult Ministry, a ministry of ABCS, focuses on providing hope and care to aging adults by guiding them to live in the fullness of God’s promises in every season of life. Some ways Pursue Life accomplishes this goal are through support, community, purpose and personal legacy. Project Ready or Not is a new initiative launched in fall of 2022. The first part of the year was spent recruiting a core of volunteers and experts on the topics to help with building out the content. The goal of this project is to help lead older adults and their families to face life’s transitions with peace and purpose. This is done by completing important steps in four main categories: ordering your legal house, preparing your home, stepping into your next season and living your legacy now. Each of these categories has curriculum that informs and equips aging adults and their families to proactively prepare for life’s natural transitions ahead of time. This allows everyone to rest easy and enjoy this season knowing that their plans and preparations are in place for the future. The information and the accompanying resources offered through Project Ready or Not can be shared in a variety of ways. A client can walk through the process with a Pursue Life staff member, in-person workshops are held at churches and mini-sessions are offered online. The ultimate goal is to support individuals in being prepared and making their wishes known to their loved ones. Project Ready or Not makes that goal more attainable. For more information visit pursuelifeaz.com/project-ready-or-not.


At ABCS we refer to those we have relationship with who are engaged with the ministry as a “supporters.” This is a broad term that includes all friends of the ministry who volunteer, give, lead, pray and partner with us in any way. Our approach is relational and transformational—not transactional—meaning we aim to help others use their gifts to accomplish God’s work through ABCS. Together we grow as we make a Kingdom impact in Arizona.
Your support is what allows ABCS to continue our mission to provide hope and care to hurting children and families through Christ-centered ministries. One of the many ways to support the ministry is as a monthly Hope & Care Partner. While this program has existed for a while, we knew that we could do a better job of sharing this opportunity. Our team began working on a monthly donor pilot program to help prepare us to launch a ministry-wide campaign in 2023. We were overwhelmed with gratitude to know that there were already 227 people giving monthly who built the foundation for this program. These donors’ lifetime giving to ABCS is over $8 million! Wow!
The pilot program focused on three ministries of ABCS: New Life Transitional Program, New Life Pregnancy Center (one center) and Pursue Life Adult Ministry. Working on a smaller scale helped us learn some valuable lessons and clarify our messaging. We are thankful for the supporters who jumped on board with the pilot program to help make us better. Many served on committees or small work groups and others signed up as monthly partners! We truly are better together. We look forward to seeing all that God will do through the 2023 campaign.
LINN’S legacy
Linn Mathews and his wife Trecie were married for 73 years and left a lasting legacy through their love for children. While they never had children of their own, Linn was one of 10 children who cared well for his siblings and their kids. His sister Vera shares, “All his life he loved children. He loved his sisters, the oldest just older than he and three were the youngest of the 10. There were 26 nieces and nephews. They all have fond memories of him taking them all to the ice cream store in Wichita, KS where he and Trecie lived before moving to Tempe.”
The Mathews moved to Arizona in 1976. They were members of CrossPoinTempe church for 40 years. Linn served on the Building and Grounds Committee and was described as a “handyman extraordinaire” and “a fix it all man.” At 93 yearsyoung Linn helped build out the New Life Pregnancy Center on the church campus. His pastor, Bob Dodridge, recalls the day at age 97 when Linn returned his church keys and said he wouldn’t need them any longer. Linn said that he needed to give more time to caring for Trecie who passed away soon after that. Pastor Bob warmly remembers, “He wasn’t just a ‘good old boy’, he was a ‘good old Christian boy’, a joy to know and work alongside.”
Linn passed away at 102 years old. The Mathews left a generous estate gift to ABCS. They had a burden for children, especially those who needed a family or help. Linn’s sister Vera flew out to personally deliver the check and directed the gift towards foster care and New Life Pregnancy Center. We are beyond grateful for Linn and Trecie and their heart to faithfully serve and give.
Honoring life
At Arizona Baptist Children’s Services & Family Ministries, we serve the full spectrum of Arizona families, from unborn babies to senior adults. One common thread of all seven of our ABCS ministries is that we value the sanctity of human life. We understand that each person is made in the image of God and therefore has inherent value and dignity. June 24, 2022 is a day marked in history. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. We praise God for the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision which allows states to determine their own laws regarding abortion. In a post-Roe world, the main goal of our New Life Pregnancy Center ministry remains the same—to provide hope and care to those facing a pregnancy, planned or unplanned, through Christ-centered ministries. We continue to walk alongside and support parents through pregnancy and beyond. Most importantly, families have a place to go where they feel welcomed and loved. Our work will not only continue but expand. Shortly after the decision, our community of supporters rallied to show up in a big way. Dozens of volunteer inquiries poured in across the state. Donors gave generously to show their support. People committed to learning more about how to have life-affirming conversations. An investment was made in our pregnancy center staff to equip them for the season ahead. God was moving and we are grateful!

For many years our pregnancy center and ABCS staff members have led workshops at the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention’s youth camp, Zona. The topics of the workshops have been centered on purity and how to help a friend experiencing a crisis pregnancy. A new expanded version of the crisis pregnancy workshop was created for summer camp 2022. The content included how to have grace-filled, life-affirming discussions. God’s timing was perfect. Just days after the Supreme Court Dobb’s decision, Zona youth camp began. The room assigned was too small as it overflowed with students. This required them to move to a lecture hall to accommodate all the interested teen boys and girls who wanted to attend. There were roughly 120 students in attendance. During the workshop, there was a good discussion and many questions were answered. Several students lingered after the workshop ended to continue the discussion.
From that point forward, youth pastors and church leaders gave our staff feedback about the positive impact the workshop had on their students. They shared how the content would also be beneficial for their church members and other students who were not able to attend the camp. These conversations about providing this information and resource to churches are how the Responding with Grace and Truth workshops began. After camp, our pregnancy center team got to work on making this resource more widely accessible. The first community workshop was hosted in

Phoenix in September. Partners from the Central region were invited to attend. Another workshop was offered in Tucson in November with our partners in the Southern region. More are planned for the future! God has already used these workshops to have a positive impact on the community. People have brought their children with them so the whole family can feel equipped to have life-affirming conversations. Attendees have shared how they feel more confident in how to have these conversations whereas before they wouldn’t have known where to start. We praise God for His timing and work in this project.

Care Net is a nonprofit organization that empowers women and men considering abortion to choose life for their unborn children and find abundant life in Christ. They support and equip one of the largest networks of pregnancy resource centers across North America. One of the ways they provide support is by hosting an annual conference, which ministry leaders and pregnancy resource center staff can attend to be spiritually fed, experience fellowship with their peers in prolife ministries and learn more about how to best serve the people cared for through their work. In August, the Care Net conference was in Phoenix! This presented a unique opportunity for New Life Pregnancy Center directors to attend, most for the first time. The Lord made a way for this to be possible through a generous donor. This donor funded the conference ticket and hotel stay for the directors and leadership—11 total. The 2022 theme was “Come Alive” which was yet another Godordained detail for that season. Attending the conference provided refreshment, encouragement, helpful information and times of fellowship both together as a team but also with others across the nation working towards the same goal. This was particularly impactful after the Dobb’s decision and its aftermath. During their week at the conference, the team was able to strengthen their relationships and unity. Raquel Williams, Statewide Director, said “We are serving across Arizona, but our mindset is united for the mission of NLPC.” The Care Net conference was just the fuel needed to launch into what is in store ahead and to continue serving each family who walks through the doors of our centers with the love of Christ.
A NEW beginning
Josie* was an expecting mother who was conflicted about her unplanned pregnancy. She reached out to New Life Pregnancy Center for support. She already had experienced two abortions in the past and felt unsure about what to do.
The center director greeted her with a warm smile and brought her into a private room for a peer counseling session. She listened attentively as Josie shared her fears, doubts and concerns. The director provided compassionate and non-judgmental support, offering practical information about pregnancy, adoption and the resources available to her. She communicated that the center was there to walk alongside her throughout her pregnancy and beyond, providing her with physical, emotional and spiritual support. As the conversation progressed, they began to discuss their faith. The director shared about the hope that Jesus offers to all who put their trust in Him, and she offered to pray with her. Josie walked out of the center several hours later having chosen life for her baby and having accepted Jesus Christ into her life! Before she left, the director invited her to attend the church on campus for further connection and community. Because of supporters like you, moms like Josie are able to receive the hope and care they need in a challenging season. *Name changed

leading AT ABCS
Over the years ABCS has been blessed with outstanding volunteer leaders. We highly value our dedicated volunteers and aim to discern their gifts and calling to help them grow with us into leadership roles. One longtime leader is Dr. Mark Mucklow who has faithfully served on our board for nearly 20 years, including as chairman in 2021 and 2022. Mark is the senior pastor at First Southern Baptist Church Sahuaro Ranch in Glendale. One of his great joys in pastoring there for 30 years is being able to watch the Lord move across generations. Mark and his wife Tricia have four grown children.
Mark is a vocal and active member of the ABCS board who has led or served on multiple committees. Reflecting on the ministry, he said, “ABCS has grown and adapted as needed to reach the most people for the Lord while at the same time serving the real needs of people in our communities all over Arizona. I am repeatedly reminded of the amazing people who choose to serve the Lord through this Christ-centered organization. I count it a real honor and blessing to try to stand with them as the Lord leads us to change lives for the better. Through very difficult times as an organization... God has remained faithful and lives continue to be changed through all seven of our various ministries. What a blessing to share!”
LouAnn was one of the recipients of a hot Thanksgiving meal and a special holiday food box at Rio Vista Center’s Turkey Day several years ago. She struggled with her health since a back surgery that she had in 2019. She was wheelchair bound and unable to work.

She continued to come to Rio Vista Center for free food boxes. As soon as she was physically able to help, she began to volunteer every week. Using a walker for mobility, she would help with tasks such as sorting veggies and getting food boxes ready for the next day. LouAnn’s passion to serve was unrelenting. She had a heart to give back because she felt blessed by the help she received. LouAnn continued to serve and get to know the other volunteers. They invited her to church and she began to attend the Bridge Church at Rio Vista. She quickly began to feel at home and learn more about Christ, and was baptized in September 2019.
In 2022, she became a lead volunteer in clothing distribution. LouAnn is currently a vital member of the church and continues to be a faithful servant at Rio Vista, volunteering daily. She has had a few more surgeries but is doing very well. “I love helping other people!” she said. “Serving at Rio is a blessing to ME! The people at Rio and the Bridge helped me and now I am able to give back to the community.” We are grateful for how God has used Turkey Day to meet LouAnn’s needs and draw
faithfulness IN FOSTERING

In April 2020, God opened a door for Jason and Leah to step into a calling in their lives to become foster parents. In the spring of that year, a family member approached the couple about becoming the temporary guardians of a baby girl, Lyric. It did not take more than a couple of minutes for the two of them to answer with a peace filled “Yes!” In the months following, they began to slowly create a bond with Lyric to help her transition into their home as natural as possible. In September 2020, Lyric was placed in their care fulltime.

At the beginning of their journey, they had heard about Arms of Love Foster Care, a ministry of ABCS. Jason’s sister was connected with ABCS. When she knew Jason and Leah were taking in Lyric, she shared the information with them. For the first year of their fostering experience, the couple was content with remaining as an unlicensed kinship placement. Kinship care is when a child is temporarily placed in the custody of a relative or close relationship. After some time, it was clear that Lyric’s case was moving toward adoption. It was at that moment that the couple decided to become licensed to make the transition smoother and allow Lyric to receive the additional resources available to her from the state. Leah shared, “It was evident that God had lined up all the steps to licensing for us in a way that He knew we would respond. Which for us was, the child first, adoption second, licensing 3rd, and eventually committing to fostering again.” The Lord used their initial “yes” to His calling to grow their family. In the fall of 2022, Lyric’s adoption was finalized. Leah described the way Lyric entered her and Jason’s lives like this, “She was created perfectly to fit into the grooves of our lives and complete our family in ways only God can orchestrate.”
After completing the licensing process and finalizing Lyric’s adoption, they shifted from being kinship foster parents to being open to community foster care. Jason and Leah have the desire to continue to expand their family and open their hearts and home to hurting children. They both believe in and understand that the main goal of foster care is reunification. Jason and Leah also want to be a safe place and a resource for a child where going home is not an option. In the late summer, a baby boy was placed in their care. That portion of their story is still unfolding.
God has worked in Jason and Leah’s lives in big ways through their fostering season. Leah explained, “Foster care in our life has been the greatest testament of God’s faithfulness to us. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” When asked what advice they wanted to share with others who are considering foster care, the couple gave a wise answer that everyone can consider, “There’s no such thing as a child having too many people loving them… That’s not something only foster parents can do, but fostering is a really big way.” We are grateful for Jason and Leah’s “yes” and their commitment to showing the love of Christ to the children God has entrusted to them. If you would like to learn more, visit abcsfostercare.com.
State contracts (Foster Care and Parent Aide)

Public contributions
In-kind contributions
Private care (includes fee-for-service) Other revenue 2022 TOTAL SUPPORT AND
Individual gifts
Corporate/civic gifts
Arizona Southern Baptist Cooperative Program Church gifts
Program services
Supporting services – administration
The numbers above are from the 2022 audited financials. They do not include Caring Ministries, a separate 501(c)(3) organization under the ABCS ministry umbrella. The full audit is available at abcs.org. We know that donors have many choices when it comes to supporting ministries and charitable organizations, and are grateful for your support and interest in learning more about ABCS. Gifts made to ABCS are used wherever the need is greatest, unless a specific ministry is designated. Funds stay locally in the region where the contribution is given. ABCS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. We value financial integrity and transparency.


Dr. Mark Mucklow CHAIRMAN
Jackie Boyd
Dan Fosnight
Kathleen Orr
Tom Peeler
Ron Pollvogt
Ann Seiden
Archie Stephens
Michelle Vickers
Eric Woods


Rachel Bartholomew DIRECTOR OF FINANCE