Abdelrahman poetry selection for prep one

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Poetry Selection for Prep. One Prepared by : Mr. AbdelRahman Mohammed Rashed

Poetry introduction            

It is the oldest form of literature. Poetry is like music It creates beautiful sounds with words. It expresses feelings and ideas. Figures of Speech:1-Personification: To regard a thing or animal as a person. " I am busy " said the sea . The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk. 2-simile: comparison of one thing to another using as or like. He walks like a king. 3-Metaphor: comparison of one thing to another without using as or like. He is the lion. (he is strong and brave) 4-Rhyme: It means that the words at the end of lines sound alike.

1. Day (Sir Cecil Spring Rice) Continents Grain Planets Task

large land masses vain wheat, rice,etc. Toiler Earth, fellow Mars,Venus.. Job

useless worker friend

First stanza:" I'm busy, "Said the sea "I'm busy, think of me. Making the continents to be. "I'm busy" said the sea. Paraphrase: The poet says the sea is busy and important. Because it makes the land that we live on. He says the sea makes the world. Figures of speech:1-Personification: " I am busy " said the sea. The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk. 2- Alliteration : (The repetition of the same sound (letter) at the beginning of some words in the same line to make music) the letter S is repeated in: ( said –Sea)

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Second stanza: (Day) "I'm busy" said the rain. When I fall it is not in vain. Wait and you will see the grain. "I'm busy" said the rain. Paraphrase: The poet says the rain is busy and important because it helps plants to grow. Nothing can live without water. Extract /pick up / Give the Figures of speech: 1-Personification : " I am busy " said the rain The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk. 3th Stanza: " I am busy "said the air. Blowing here and blowing there. Up and down and everywhere "I am busy" said the air. Paraphrase: The poet says the air is busy and important because it blows everywhere. And none can live without the air.

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Figures of speech: 1-Personification : " I am busy " said the air. The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk. 2-Contrast (here/ there- up / down) It makes the meaning clear 4th Stanza: "I am busy"said the sun. All my planets, every one. Know my work is never done. "I am busy"said the sun. Paraphrase: The poet says the sun is busy and important. Because all planets know its work can not finish. Nothing can live without the sun. 5th Stanza Sea and rain and air sun, Here's a fellow toiler one, Whose task will soon be done.

 Paraphrase:  The poet talks to the elements of nature saying he is their friend. He works like them but his work will be finished one day.  Figures of speech: Personification: The poet gives the elements of nature the image of a person who works and talks to them.  Questions  1-What is the main (theme) idea of the poem "Day"  The work of nature is important and it does not finish but the work of man can finish.  2-What is main comparison in the poem "Day" ?  Both man and the elements of nature do certain tasks but the work of man can finish while the work of nature doesn't finish.  3-What is the work of the Sea according to the poem "Day"?  It makes land.  4 -What is the work of the rain according to the poem "Day"?  It helps the plants to grow.

 5- What are the main figures of speech in the poem "Day"  1-Personification : " I am busy " said the sea.  The poet gives the sea the image of a person who can talk.  2- Alliteration : (The repetition of the same sound the beginning of some words in the same line to make music.)  examples : ( said –Sea wait –will )  3- Contrast : ( the use of opposite words in the same line )  examples : ( here –there Up –down)  6-What is the rhyme scheme of the poem "Day" ?  The rhyme scheme is aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, eee  7- Comment on the poem "Day "?  1- The poem consists of five stanzas.  2- The language is simple and easy but beautiful.  3-The rhyme scheme is easy and regular : a aaa, bb b b, cccc, dddd ,eee  4- There are some figures of speech like personification, alliteration and contrast.  Personification : " I am busy " said the sea.  The poet personifies the sea and makes it talk.  * 'I'm busy' said the sea.  Complete the Stanza to the end and give the figures of speech.  *Write from your recitation the lines that show the importance of 'air'?

2. Daffodils To listen to the poem click the following link : https://youtu.be/GOb-iGj87nk?list=PL2C9E11D8EEB792F8

 William Wordsworth " 1770 - 1850"  Introduction : William Wordsworth was the first great poet of the romantic period. ‫ الفترة الرومانسية‬He was sent to school. He toured the countryside. ‫ الريف‬He was influenced ‫ تأثر بـ‬by the nature and country people. This nature love influenced his writings. In 1787, he got his degree then toured Europe. With his sister Dorothy, he published his first book, lyrical Ballads . ‫ مواويل شعرية‬In 1802 William married Mary Hutchinson. In 1843 Wordsworth was crowned Poet Laureate.

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1st stanza : I wandered lonely as a cloud, (a) That floats on high o'er vales and hills, (b) When all at once I saw a crowd, (a) A host of golden daffodils; (b) Beside the lake, beneath the tree, (c) Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. (c) Vocabulary : Wandered: - walking slowly. O'er:- over A crowd: - a large number. Vales: - valleys A host: - a large number. Beneath: - under Daffodils: - a kind of wild flowers. Breeze: - gentle air Fluttering: - moving from side to side. The Rhyme Scheme :- ( ab ab cc) Paraphrase: The poet was walking alone without any aim, like a cloud which flies over valleys and hills. He suddenly saw a large number of the daffodils. They were beside the lake and under the trees. They were moving and dancing in the gentle air.

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Figures of speech :1) Simile: "as a cloud" He likens himself to a cloud. 2) Personification: " Fluttering and dancing" He gives the daffodils the image of people who move and dance. 3 ) Contrast :- ( lonely x crowd) (O'ver x under) (vales x hills). 4 ) Alliteration: (high – hills) (beside- beneath) To give music to appeal ‫ يستحث‬our sense of hearing. 2nd Stanza :Continuous as the stars that shine. (a) And twinkle in the Milky Way, (b) They stretched in never-ending line, (a) Along the margin of a bay : (b) Ten thousand saw I at a glance, (c) Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. (c) Vocabulary : Twinkle: - giving light repeatedly on and off. Milky Way: - the star system including the Earth. Margin: - edge bay: gulf Sprightly: - beautiful Glance: - look Tossing: - rising up Paraphrase : - The daffodils stretch along the lake like the stars that shine in the sky. They were so many that you can't see its end along the edge of the gulf of the lake. They were so many that the poet saw ten thousand at a glance. They were rising up their heads in a beautiful dance.

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Figures of speech :1 ) Simile: - "As the stars" The poet likens the daffodils to stars. 2) Personification: - "Tossing their heads in sprightly dance." The poet gives the daffodils the image of people who rise up their heads and dance. 3rd Stanza:The waves beside them danced; but they Outdid the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed – and – gazed- but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought :

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (c) (c)

Vocabulary :- Outdid: - did something better than the others. Glee / wealth : - happiness. Gay / jocund: - happy. Gazed: - look fixedly at. Paraphrase : - The water in the lake was moving and dancing as well but the daffodils were dancing more beautifully that made the poet happy.

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Figures of speech :1) Personification: "The waves beside them danced" The poet gives the waves the image of people who can dance. 2) Alliteration: - (what – wealth) To give music to appeal our sense of hearing.

4th Stanza:For often, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then – my heart with pleasures fills, And dances with the daffodils. Vocabulary:Couch: - sofa Pensive: - busy Bliss: - happiness

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (c)

vacant: - free inward eye: - memory solitude: - loneliness

Paraphrase : Sometimes, when the poet lies at home thinking and feeling unhappy. He remembers the beautiful daffodils which he saw that day, then his heart fills with happiness and peace.

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Figures of speech :1) Personification: "And dances with the daffodils." The poet gives his heart the image of a person who can dance. Devices: 1- Contrast :- ( vacant x pensive). 2-Alliteration: (dance– daffodils) To give music to appeal our sense of hearing. Important Questions: 1- Comment on the poem? 1- The poem consists of four stanzas . 2-The rhyme scheme is ab ab cc. 3-There are figures of speech -Personification :The daffodils are pictured as people dancing and feeling happy. -There is contrast in the 1st Stanza : The poet was 'lonely' then suddenly, he saw a 'crowd' of daffodils. It makes the meaning clear. 4- The language is simple and easy. 5- The poet is William Wordsworth. 6- The poem shows the poet's love of nature because he is a romantic poet . 2- What is Romanticism? It is a method of art that appeared in the 18th and 19th centuries. It depends on the love of nature, feeling lonely, showing personal experience and clear ideas. 3- How is William Wordsworth's poem a good example for the Romanticism? "I wandered lonely as a cloud " is a good example for the Romantic poetry as it is for the love of nature, the poet describes a personal experience, the poet was alone and the lines are beautiful and clear.

 4-What is the main theme of the poem?  The poet describes the great beauty of daffodils; this shows how he is moved by the beautiful scene, then describes how he recalls the emotions evoked in him by such a scene.  5- What is the main comparison of the poem?  The poet compares between the daffodils and the waves in the lake. They both danced beautifully but the daffodils were better.  6- Why does the poet use many words that have the same meaning in the 3rd stanza?  He uses glee, gay, jocund and wealth to show how happy it is to see nature.  7- How does William Wordsworth show his love to nature in his poem?  He describes the daffodils and the waves in the lake beautifully. He feels happy on watching them. When he feels lonely he remembers them and they become his happiness in his loneliness and his heart dances with them .

This is a very useful site for reading and listening to poetry: https://www.youtube.com/user/Pear lsofWisdom

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