Abdulghadir Alamri MUD, BLA

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01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Master Thesis ...........................02 Pacific Center ...........................03 Internship ...........................04 Al Lith ...........................05 Art and Cultural Plaza ...........................06 Landscaping Modules ...........................07 Al Shoaiba Eco Resort ...........................08 King Abdulaziz Square ...........................09 Eco Tourism Raghadan Forest ...........................10 Photography ...........................11 Design and Competition ...........................12 Art ( Painting ) ...........................13 Contact Information ...........................14


Master Thesis

Elements and principles of Al Ulaya urban development on the Riyadh Air Base.

Recalling Traditional Urban Form in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

01 02 03 04 05 06 07


Elements and principles of Al Ulaya urban development on the Riyadh Air Base.

Recalling Traditional Urban Form in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Urban settlement patterns are influenced by peoples’ practices and behaviors, which in turn are reflections of their values and culture. Similar to many traditional cities around the world, the traditional Islamic city is a reflection of the Islamic beliefs and culture. Most of the urban components in the traditional Islamic city were generated from the Islamic legal system (Sharia law) and cultural customs (Urf). Unless the two laws have a conflict, they can both play the role of structuring the fabric of the society and the city (Akbar). Every Islamic city also has its own identity because there are

varieties of customs, cultures, and environments within each city. The construction of the traditional cities in Saudi Arabia, which is the center of the Islamic world, was influenced by Islamic principles, creating various forms and architecture. Those urban components, elements and principals have been transformed and lost as the nation faced economic, cultural, and political change )20th century.(Neyazi in the late



Elements and principles of Al Ulaya urban development on the Riyadh Air Base.

Recalling Traditional Urban Form in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The construction of the traditional cities in Saudi Arabia, which is the center of the Islamic world, was influenced by Islamic principles creating various forms and architecture. Due to economic, cultural, and political changes, the traditional urban form has been transformed and destroyed. This paper highlights the importance of the traditional urban approach in Saudi Arabia, which was built to meet the needs of the people. The satisfaction and the belief that traditional approach to urban design can solve some of the current urban crises in Riyadh, motivate and drive this proposal. Therefore, the intent of the proposal is to create new elements and principles of urban design that are inspired by the traditional urban form in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Hopefully this proposal will be considered and implemented in the new development taking place in Riyadh and its surrounding cities. In addition, creating a successful model in the abandoned area of the Riyadh Air Base is a magnificent opportunity for future urban .development in the city


Proposed Project and Prototype Implementation

Elements and principles of Al Ulaya urban development on the Riyadh Air Base.

Recalling Traditional Urban Form in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia



Landscape Design Details Semi-public Space

01 02 03 04 05 06 07


Pacific Center

Santa Monica, LA

01 02 03 04 05 06 07


Pacific Center, Santa Monica



I-16 Exit Ramp Removal Study

Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission

01 02 03 04 05 06 07




Al Lith

Waterfront Development

01 02 03 04 05 06 07


Art and Cultural Plaza

Dalton, Ga

01 02 03 04 05 06 07



Art and Cultural Plaza


Art and Cultural Plaza


Landscaping Modules

Bus Rapid Transit

01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Streetscape Design and Specifications


Al Shoaiba Eco Resort

2005 Undergraduate Final Project

08 09 10 11 12 13 14



‫في منطقة املد واجلزر وعلى طول ساحل‬ ‫البحر األحمر وبتوفر بحيرات أو خليج‬ ‫تقل فيه تيارات مياه البحر تنمو في هذا‬ ‫املناخ (غابات النقروف) التي تعتبر املقر‬ ‫الرئيسي لكثير من الكائنات البحرية‬ ‫التي تعتبرها مكانا امنا لتتكاثر وتضع‬ ‫صغارها وبيضها هناك ‪,‬كما تعتبر احملطة‬ ‫الرئيسية لتوقف أنواع مختلفة من الطيور‬ ‫املهاجرة‪ .‬هذا باإلضافة الى ما تكونه من‬ ‫مساحات خضراء على امتداد الساحل الذي‬ ‫تنمو حوله مما يشكل بيئة جديدة ومناخا‬ ‫مختلفا على ساحل البحر ‪ .‬وتكمن أهمية‬ ‫هذا النوع من البيئات أنها فريدة من نوعها‬ ‫حيث ال تنمو اال في اجلزء الشمالي من الكرة‬ ‫األرضية وتنتشر بكثرة حول البحر األحمر(‬ ‫سيناء – السعودية) واخلليج العربي‬ ‫ملاحتتويه من ضروف مناخية مناسبة لهذا‬ ‫النوع من البيئات ‪ .‬باإلضافة الى أن هذه‬ ‫البيئات أصبحت معرضة لإلنقراض بسبب‬ ‫اإلنتشار املدني والصناعي الذي يتم إنشائه‬ ‫دون النظر الى العواقب التي يخلفها‪ .‬ونحن‬ ‫في بيئة صحراوية اكثر مانحتاج اليه هو‬ ‫نباتات وأشجار ومساحاتخضراء تنمو في‬ ‫تربة ماحلة وتسقى مبياه البحر ‪.‬ونحن نقوم‬ ‫في هذا املشروع أوال بدراسة هذه البيئة‬ ‫والتعرف على املقومات األساسية لوجودها‬ ‫حتى نستطيع تفادي أي ضرر من املمكن‬ ‫ان يضر بهذه البيئة لتبقى لنا ولألجيال‬ ‫من بعدنا‪ .‬في نفس الوقت اإلستفادة‬ ‫من هذه البيئة في خلق متنفس اخر وذو‬ ‫طابع جديد على شاطئ البحر من خالل‬ ‫تصميم منتجع سياحي بيئي يحتوي على‬ ‫مرافق ترفيهيه وتثقيفية وسكنية و ‪.. ..‬‬ ‫متماشيا مع الوسط البيئي الذي يقوم فيه‬

Eco Resort Units

Al Shoaiba Eco Resort

Fishing Village


King Abdulaziz Square

Design Competition

08 09 10 11 12 13 14


Eco Tourism

2004 Raghadan Forest

08 09 10 11 12 13 14


Eco Tourism

Raghadan Forest



08 09 10 11 12 13 14


Design and Competition

Logo and Corporate Identity

08 09 10 11 12 13 14


Art ( Painting )

08 09 10 11 12 13 14



Contact Information

08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Abdulghadir Alamri MUD, BLA

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Al_amri600@hotmail.com



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