Abdullah Mahmood Alhasani
Dissertation Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Master of Architecture February 2021
All material contained within the dissertation, including without limitation text, logos, icons, photographs and all other artwork, is copyright material of Universiti Putra Malaysia unless otherwise stated. Use may be made of any material contained within the dissertation for non-commercial purposes from the copyright holder. Commercial use of material may only be made with the express, prior, written permission of Universiti Putra Malaysia. Copyright © Universiti Putra Malaysia
Abstract of dissertation presented to the Committee of Architecture Department Universiti Putra Malaysia in fulfilment of the requirement for the Master of Architecture
: Ar. Wan Sofiah Binti Wan Ishak : Faculty of Design and Architecture
Human lifestyle is an accumulation of behaviors, habits and opinions. Obesity has become the 5th death leading risk disease doubling the number of people that are diagnosed as obese since 1980, in Malaysia alone obesity has increased from 18% to 44% many other chronic diseases such as strokes, cancer and diabetes are in an increase and our lifestyle considered to play a big role on this pandemic. My thesis focusses on exploring ideas how can architecture be used as a medium to promote a healthy lifestyle in buildings by understanding people habits and patterns to find ways to influence their actions and decisions to promote their healthy lifestyle. In order for the thesis to be effective and influence people pattern a building typology specification was that to look for a building that takes place in people daily life and a place that has a high traffic and attract people. Making architecture that create action possibilities that Incorporating the body in variety of actions making architect to be an agent for improving lifestyle creating a community center for improving lifestyle.
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CHAPTER 1 IDEATION 1.1 Background 1.2 Issue Statement 1.3 Thesis aim 1.4 Conceptual frame work – scope limitation 1.5 NABC 1.6 Proposed building typology 1.7 Potential client and target users
7 10 10 11 11 12 14
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Interactive architecture 2.2 Healthy lifestyle
15 15 16
CHAPTER 3 SITE & CONTEXT RESPONSE 3.1 Site selection criteria 3.2 Site location 3.3 Macro analysis 3.4 Micro analysis 3.5 SWOT and challenges 3.6 Summary on site and contexual respond 3.7 Site model
18 18 21 25 29 31 33
CHAPTER 4 CASE STUDIES 4.1 Bioscleave House 4.2 Ku.Be House of Culture in Movement 4.3 Mecanoo Massive Green Train Station 4.4 Proposed programme
36 38 40 42
CHAPTER 5 DESIGN 5.1 Design generator 5.2 Idea development and conceptual model 5.3 Building massing and site planning 5.4 Smmary conclusion
43 49 50 55
56 5
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Active living Figure 2 Active Architecture Figure 3 Movements Figure 4 Healthy lifestyle component Figure 5 Diagram on the relation between architecture and health Figure 6 Conceptual framework Figure 7 train station Figure 8 Plan of current train station Figure 9 Condition of existing train station Figure 10 Majlis Bandarraya Shah alam Figure 11 Prasarana Malaysia Berhard Figure 12 Habits in Age Group Figure 13 Proposed Site location Figure 14 Land Marks plan Figure 15 Land use Figure 16 Commercial Context Figure 17 I-City development facilities Figure 17 Residential Context Figure 18 Institutional Context Figure 19 Community and recreational context Figure 20 Current condition of recreational areas Figure 21 Train routes Figure 22 Train Data Figure 23 Accessibility diagram Figure 24 pattern chart Figure 25 Train frequency Figure 26 Land ownership Figure 25 Site study Figure 20 Current condition of recreational areas Figure 21 Train routes Figure 22 Train Data Figure 23 Accessibility diagram Figure 24 pattern chart Figure 25 Train frequency Figure 26 Land ownership Figure 25 Site study Figure 26 Responding to lake Figure 27 Responding to students and institutional buildings Figure 28 responding to existing community and visitors Figure 29 Site views Figure 30 Site Model 1 Figure 31 Site Model 2 Figure 32 Site Model 3 Figure 33 Site Model 4 Figure 34 Bioscleave House view 1
7 8 8 9 9 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 30 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 30 31 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36
Figure 35 Bioscleave House 3d view Figure 36 Bioscleave House plan Figure 37 Ku.Be House of Culture in Movement view Figure 38 Figure 37 Ku.Be House of Culture in Movement view 2 Figure 39 House of Culture and movement section Figure 40 Meccano Massive Green Train station renderings Figure 41 Meccano Massive Green Train station renderings 2 Figure 42 Proposed Program Figure 43 Habit creation Figure 44 Example of Habits to promote health through architecture Figure 45 Affordances example Figure 46 Types of movements Figure 47 Incidental space diagram Figure 48 Case studies on interlocking architecture Figure 49 Space – Event – Movement Figure 50 Design Development Figure 51 Planning development Figure 52 Conceptual model development Figure 53 Building massing 1 Figure 54 Building massing 2 Figure 55 Building massing 3 Figure 56 Building massing 4 and elements in massing Figure 57 Lake Development Figure 58 Ground Floor Plan Figure 59 First Floor plan Figure 60 Second Floor plan Figure 61 Third Floor Plan Figure 62 Train Station Floor Plan Figure 63 Roof Top Floor Plan Figure 64 Traffic Flow Diagram Figure 65 Long Section Figure 66 Section Detail Figure 67 Sectional Perspective Figure 68 West Elevation Figure 69 East Elevation Figure 70 South Elevation Figure 71 North Elevation Figure 72 View from Playful net Figure 73 View from slope to the lake Figure 74 First Floor Outdoor gym Figure 75 Bicycle Ramp Figure 76 Market Entrance
37 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 62 62 63
Lifestyle is an accumulation of habits, opinions and behaviors. In recent decades, researchers have become more interested in lifestyle as a significant health aspect. 60% of the associated reasons for human health and quality of life are linked with lifestyle, an unhealthy lifestyle is practiced by millions of people. Hence, they suffer sickness, injury and even death. An unhealthy lifestyle can cause problems such as metabolic diseases, joint and skeletal problems, cardio-vascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, abuse, and so on. The link between lifestyle and health should be highly regarded.
Figure 1 Active living One of the ways to achieve a healthy lifestyle is through an active living and active living is active living is a way of life that integrates physical activity into your everyday routines, such as walking, cycling or climbing. Active living brings together urban planners, architects, and other professionals to build places that encourage active living and physical activity.
Figure 2 Active Architecture Architecture exists to create the physical environment in which people and the shape of the environment influence how we behave and move in daily basis so the main question is Can this physical environment influence lifestyle? Because many researches show moving your body has a long-lasting protective benefit for your body, brain and health.
Figure 3 Movments "Simply moving your body, has immediate, long-lasting and protective benefits for your brain." - Wendy Suzuki, neuroscientist 1.1.1 Healthy lifestyle component: Healthy lifestyle needs to be identified to acquire a set of information on what makes a healthy lifestyle and what are the components that shapes the healthy pattern.
Healthy lifestyle component:
Figure 4 Healthy lifestyle component 1.1.2 Relationship between architecture and lifestyle: Our lifestyle type can be affected by many factors and one of those main factors can be seen in our environment and architecture create the environment in which we live in therefore architecture can be used to alter the environment into a place where it can be promote healthier lifestyle. But unfortunately this have not been highlighted and considered in our architecture by designers and we can see in the diagram below how architecture contribute negatively in our daily lifestyle from using our cars to reach the office to use of lifts to reach the desired floor we want in our corporate office and sitting through the whole day in our office in the end this cycles keep repeating that’s where my thesis will take place to break the cycle of how architecture influence our lifestyle choices.
Figure 5 Diagram on the relation between architecture and health
“Our public spaces - our cities, suburbs, shopping centres - are enforcing a culture that consumes energy without expending it.” Tim Townshend (Town Planner) 1.2
Issue Statement
The built environment contributed negatively in our lifestyle. Unhealthy lifestyle is causing a lot of damage in society and it is the leading factor in death rate around the world therefore an intervention of Architecture is possible to influence a healthier lifestyle. From the Issue statement the issues in my thesis will be classified into the followings Main Issues: • •
Lack of Active Design strategies in Architecture Lack of physical activity
Sub Issues: • •
Transforming train station to increase physical activity Train Station Viewed as a transit point only
Thesis Questions: • • 1.3
How Can Train Station be used as an Agent to promote healthy lifestyle? How to expand the use of Train station on more than just a transit point? Thesis Aim
The thesis aim is to create: • • • •
Architecture that creates action possibilities Incorporating the body in variety of actions Train Station as an agent for improving Lifestyle Train Station as a Community Center for Well being
Conceptual frame work
To complete this research report, this is conceptual frame work will demonstrate how the thesis end goal will be achieved
Figure 6 Conceptual framework 1.5
Need: Rapid Increase in chronic disease due to an unhealthy lifestyle needs to be prevented by using architecture as an intervention method that will lead to a healthier lifestyle Approach: Promoting Healthy Lifestyle in Train Stations Through participant spatial environment, Interactive design approach and by integrating it with kinetic energy principles to act as a reward for the user and approach sustainability in buildings leading to a raise an awareness on our lifestyle. Benefits: Promoting healthier lifestyle that will reduce chronic diseases, boosting mental health and improving lifestyle in architecture and the built environment. Competition: a new approach to boost a healthier lifestyle in buildings rather than the built environment alone while also influencing human to be more active and Achieving sustainability in buildings through kinetic energy
Proposed building typology
In order for the thesis to be effective and influence people pattern a building typology specification was that to look for a building that takes place in people daily life and a place that has a high traffic and attract people. Therefore, this thesis can be implemented in a train station where it fits all the criteria above. 1.6.1 Why train station:
Figure 7 train station • • •
Host a lot attraction. Daily routine to use for most people Strategic place for influence
1.6.2 Limitation of a Train Station: Current train station design lacks the diversity of having different options and facilities that can be used to achieve many goals and transform the train station more than just a transit point so the aim is to expand the limitation of space functions in train stations that would lead to human wellbeing.
Figure 8 Plan of current train station “A multi-functional space can be described as a true integration of different functions in time and space” (Brandt & Vejre, 2004). 1.6.3 Habits (Impulsive Actions): Current train station design does not take the advantage to promote healthier lifestyle in a crowd puller space so due to high and daily usage of the train station there is a chance to influence people habits.
Figure 9 Condition of existing train station “The buildings that are involved with our daily lives are part of our system of habits, and we live our lives with them in the background, unproblematically, as unconscious of their role as we are of the air that we breathe or the time that is passing.” Andrew Ballantyne, Architecture, Life, and Habit
Potential client and target users of
Due to the project value to the community and connection to a train station leading to attract multiple clients from government clients to public companies as such as:
Majlis Bandarraya Shah Alam Figure 10
Prasarana Malaysia Berhad Figure 11
The thesis will cover various users targeting both genders and all age group but since the aim is to change people habits t's important to start young when teaching habits, both bad and healthy habits can be hard to break. The earlier we introduce healthy habits, the more likely these habits will stick for years to come. So young adults will be the aim to influence carving the habits in young age that will change their lives in a long term.
Figure 12 Habits in Age Group
Interactive Architecture
As a new trend in design, Interactive Architecture based on User and space connectivity, the capacity of space to respond in real time and to more efficiently meet various and evolving user needs, providing a continuous partnership between society and the built environment. It explains the development and growth of interactive architecture, evolving over time, the theory behind it and methods of implementation in the built environment. Jeremy Michalek (2010) stated that Both quantifiable and subjective purposes, desires, and constraints are involved in many aspects of design. In optimization models, aesthetic and other subjective aspects of design are usually overlooked because they are difficult to model with mathematics; but in areas such as product design and architectural design, they are extremely significant. Interactive approach for combining human decision-making with mathematical optimization during the conceptual design of architectural floor plan layouts. In a prior paper, the optimization models and algorithms were discussed. Here during optimization, an object-oriented representation enables the builder to communicate with physically related building objects. The involvement of the designer allows the program to dynamically alter the on-the-fly representation of optimization by inserting, removing, modifying objective, constraints and structural units. Hamed S.Alavi (2016) stated that In our designed worlds, at home, at work, and also in public urban spaces, we will have a new immersive experience in 2030. This is due to developments in sensing and actuation systems that can be incorporated into the infrastructure of the house, in symbiosis with the current environmental issues that demand new ways of life, work, and mobility. This transition can have a remarkable effect on our daily lives, whether incremental or abrupt, obvious or seamless. It also
requires efforts to define and prepare for future scenarios. We believe that buildings should be built and nurtured in a conversation with their users at both the individual and social level, as they will represent our digital and physical interactive everyday interactions. Hamed S. Alavi (2016) mentioned that interaction design is about integrating interactive technology into our built environment; architecture is increasingly about using interactive technologies to reimagine our built environment and creatively repurpose it. Alexandra Lee (2019) Stated that Infrastructure can dictate means of transportation and neighborhood walkability, which is associated with weight status. High neighborhood walkability has been found to be associated with decreased prevalence of overweight and obesity (36), which can link back to structural differences discussed earlier between urban and rural areas (urban areas having higher walkability). 2.2
Healthy Lifestyle
A healthier lifestyle is a way of living that decreases the risk of dying early or becoming seriously ill. Not all diseases are preventable, but it is possible to avoid a large proportion of deaths, particularly those from coronary heart disease and lung cancer. Peter Korp (2010) Mentioned that Strategies for disease prevention and health promotion have a long tradition of individual-level initiatives, with the primary goal being the promotion of 'safe lifestyles.' A sociological critique of the current healthy lifestyle debate has been prompted by emphasis at a person level devoid of social meaning. (Mathew J. Reeves) 2005 stated that the importance of healthier lifestyles is emphasized by several public health recommendations and clinical guidelines. Latest epidemiological studies indicate that there are important health advantages to adopting a healthy lifestyle. Earl S. Ford (2012) highlighted that Adults who do not smoke, consume a healthy diet, and participate in adequate physical activity will reduce their risk of early death significantly. According to Dana E. King MD (2007), A prompt advantage of lower rates of cardiovascular disease and mortality is experienced by people who have recently adopted a healthier lifestyle in middle age. Strategies should be implemented to promote the adoption of healthier lifestyles, especially among individuals with hypertension, diabetes, or low socioeconomic status. Walter C. Willett (2002) mentioned that educating people, improving the environment, adjusting the food supply, conducting community
interventions, and introducing economic policies are interventions aimed at changing diet and lifestyle variables. In most cases, it is difficult to measure the results of the intervention, since behavioral improvements can take several years and synergies are theoretically significant in formal studies, but difficult to estimate. Substantial nihilism frequently occurs over the ability to alter the diets or habits of populations, but over long periods of time, substantial changes are probable. Also, R Marsh (2020) Stated that Architects can play a vital role in ensuring that the design of buildings is health promoting—not only in physical environmental terms such as lighting, ventilation, Heating and risks, but also more holistically, in the manner in which buildings facilitate physical activity, social mixing, access equity, and address health and well-being needs throughout life. This is intertwined with environmental sustainability, such as sourcing of materials, water management and access to facilities.3,5 Their work can also contribute to reducing inequalities. For example, buildings with better energy efficiency can have lower running costs and therefore lower risk of fuel poverty. According to Dariush D. FARHUD (2015) 60% of people health problems and the state of their life are related to lifestyle and a large number of people that do not follow a healthy lifestyle they face many health-related issues such as illness, disability, metabolic disease, joint and skeletal problems, cardio-vascular diseases, hypertension, overweight, violence and even death. According to Takashi Ohida (2001) on the study conducted in Japan more than 65% of the population were getting less than 6 hours of sleep and it is associated with unhealthy lifestyle for example: lack of exercise, poor health status, and irregular eating habits). Mehraban Parsamehr (2015) reported that the relationship between health-oriented lifestyle and its dimensions and social well-being is important and optimistic. On the other hand, there is the hope of raising the level of individuals' health-oriented lifestyle to improve the level of their social well-being. Reinforcing and spreading of health-oriented lifestyles in society brings social well-being, according to research findings. Eric Ravussin (1994) stated that lifestyle plays a big role on our health and obesity rate, yet the investigation conducted showed a huge difference on health from “traditional” lifestyle that is highly dependent on physical movement and being active general while people in a “affluent” lifestyle showed a higher rate in obesity
Site selection criteria
Site selections was based on finding a community that can feel related to an active lifestyle, exploring a potential site demography that contains a high number of young adults and a place with a sense of belonging and lacks a centre that aims to bring people together and strengthen the bond of the neighbourhood. Therefore, the main criteria needed to be in the selected site are three:
1-High young adults’ population
2-A community in need of an active activity
3-An area with a community bond Site Location
Figure 13 Proposed site location Selected site is located in Persiaran Permai, Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor which considered as an area that’s dominated by a lot of institutional buildings due to the high number of schools and 2 major universities UITM and UNIS and in figure 13
the site boundary is highlighted with red dotted lines to indicate the location of my propose building. Shah Alam Seciton 7 considerd a strategic location for the thesis due to the following: •
Multiple Future Development in the area and it contains few tourist attractions places that will guarantee a high usage of the train station.
Demography shows a high number of students and young people who tends to be more active and in a need of a supportive environment.
Connected to Multiple Main Train Station Routes which allow it to be easily accessible via train station
Surrounded by residential blocks increasing the chance of a community bond.
Figure 14 Land Marks plan Furthermore, from figure 14 the highlighted landmarks in a 3km radius are identified to respond to the nearby building and identify the lacking and existing facilities in the area.
Figure 15 Land use In addition, the land use plan showed in figure 15 is included to understand the zoning of the area. The zoning distributions is dominated with Institutional and community facilities following up with the Residential to commercial, industrial, Recreational and empty lands respectively.
Macro analysis 3.3.1 Urban context – Commercial:
Figure 16 Commercial Context The highlighted blue shade on figure 16 indicate the location of the commercial buildings with the location of the daily street markets and it contains: Shop lots, Icity mall, food courts, Sumurwang tower (corporate tower) and the daily street market and the I-City Development include more than just a mall and a corporate tower in figure 17 are the list of facilities can be found in I-City development
Figure 17 I-City development facilities I-City has been endorsed as a tourism destination by the Ministry of Tourism and declared an International Park by the Selangor State Government this guarantee a high usage of the future proposed train station in section 7 which will give my building the advantage to influence larger groups. Lastly, we can conclude the potential users that will be drawn in to the train station from the commercial building into 2 categories: Employers and Shoppers. 3.3.2 Urban context – Residential:
Figure 17 Residential Context
The highlighted orange shade on figure 17 indicate the location of the residential building and there are 4 nearby types of housing: PKNS Sections Flat (Low income), Wadi Iman condominium (Mid income), Kristal View condominium (Mid income) and Gated housing (High income) from the rental price of these houses we can identify the income of the residents and the area to include facilities that could be suitable for them and the potential users generated form the residential building are Residents. 3.3.3 Urban context – Institutional:
Figure 18 Institutional Context The highlighted purple shade on figure 18 indicate the location of the institutional buildings, there are many schools in the area for different age group such as Kindergarten, primary, elementary, secondary schools and 2 major universities in Kuala Lumpur UITM and UNIS. This gives the information on the student’s demography and confirming that there are high percentage of youth in the area so students will be a potential user to the train station. In addition, one study was conducted in march to June 1991 in a school in shah alam to determine the prevalence of obesity among primary school children in the State of Selangor. One School Health Team in each of the 9 Districts of Selangor participated in the collection of data, the whole project being coordinated by the Selangor State Health Department. A total of 28 rural and 24 urban schools were selected for the study,
involving a total of 2,688 pupils in Standard 1 and Standard 6. The proportion of boys affected (66.7%) was twice that among girls (33.3%). 3.3.4 Urban context – Community & Recreational:
Figure 19 Community and recreational context The highlighted red shade on figure 19 indicate the location of the community buildings and the green shaded area indicate the recreational area man all of the community areas are religious building either mosque or temples which will draw regular users to the train station to perform their prayers and for the recreational areas although they are scattered and small they lack facilities and proper design for the community all of them only feature a slide and a swing and it is totally abandoned and not being fully used by the community there.(Figure 20)
Figure 20 Current condition of recreational areas 3.4
Micro analysis 3.4.1 Accessibility & Proximity:
Figure 21 Train routes 26
One of the advantages of having my proposed building in a train station is how easy the accessibility is because it is well connected to other train station and Section 7 Shah Alam future train station it is going to be connected to 2 major routes LRT Kelana Jaya Line and KTM Port Klan Line Figure 21 demonstrate the stations routes to my building.
Figure 22 Train Data In Figure 22 Section 7 Shah Alam train station demsontrate the connection to adjacent train stations and the traveling distance it takes to 2 major Stations such as Suria KLCC and Petaling Jaya.
Figure 23 Accessibility diagram Figure 23 highlights the other methods used to reach my site for walking and vehicle 1km radius is used to identify the route but for bicycle a wider radius of 3km was used to highlight how far bicycle users can reach my building and how this can be capitalized to respond to the cycling community. 3.4.2 Users Patterns/Habits:
Figure 24 pattern chart
The potential users that is generated from the context study is analyzed in figure 24 highlighting the time of the users arriving and leaving the train station indicating the type of users arriving and leaving at the same time which can be translate in the design to provide spaces and programs that can fit for the users and in the figure 25 train frequency is identified to get the time span of how long people do wait for trains.
Figure 25 Train frequency 3.4.2 Land Ownership:
Figure 26 Land ownership I decided to choose 2 sites the one belongs to MBSA (Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam) and the one next to the lake is under the Jabatan Pengalran Dan Sallran to increase the connection to the lake while the train station site which is highlighted by blue dotted line belongs to Prasarana.
SWOT and Challenges
Strength: •
Easily Accessible
Sense of Place
High Youth Population
Connected to multiple universities and schools
Expected high traffic on the train station
Connected to a lake
Weakness: •
Insufficient pedestrian walkways
Lack of healthy food outlet
Open spaces without facilities
Weakness: • • • • •
Tourist Attraction High potential for Influencing the youth Changing the perception of a train station for more than a transit point Strategic location Programs along the water bodies will enhance wellbeing
Threat: • •
Many scattered small parks but lacks facilities Corporate gyms unsuitable for students
Figure 25 Site study Current site condition lacks any support to a healthy lifestyle the sidewalks are not comfortable to walk in and it is not well celebrated and the connection of it to other facilities it poorly designed also food chains in the area are mostly fast food which identify that the site lacks facilities that aims to improve human lifestyle.
Summary on site and contextual respond
Figure 26 Responding to lake Orientating the view to the lake is one of the ways to take advantage of the lake and the lake could provide an interesting architectural exploration such as having a cantilevered building on top of the lake in addition generate few programs such as boat paddling or capitalize the fishing community that is currently practiced there.
Figure 27 Responding to students and institutional buildings Providing facilities that could fit student’s lifestyle a place where they can socialize so the building act as a central hub where it can be part of their daily routine and also providing an active area based on the age group that can be suitable for each group while adding places such as a library or a café so students can study inside of the building.
Figure 28 responding to existing community and visitors Providing facilities that bond community together in the area while also equipping the site with strategies that promote the life of the community such as designing wide pedestrian walks adding facilities that support the cycling community and encouraging the community activities such as the daily market by extending it to the building. 3.7
Site model
In the figures below there a combination of the site pictures and the site 3d model.
Figure 29 Site views
Figure 30 Site Model 1
Figure 31 Site Model 2
Figure 32 Site Model 3
Figure 33 Site Model 4
Bioscleave House
Figure 34 Bioscleave House view 1 Architecture has always been designed to prolong life, from the bunkers built to protect soldiers to the caves that sheltered the earliest humans from the elements. But in thinking about prolonging life now, scientists are more apt to study how science and computers can help us. We're told to get off the couch to exercise and eat right, but Arakawa and Gins would likely argue that the complacency and familiarity inherent in being a couch potato is the bigger risk. The architecture that we inhabit shapes us, and Arakawa and Gins think they have developed
architecture with a far better effect.
Figure 35 Bioscleave House 3d view Rather than lying on the sofa and admiring the landscape, Arakawa and Gins want you up and about, climbing over rocky floors and getting knocked off course by an odd home. This method not only has the physical advantage of enhancing the immune system, but it also reorganizes your idea of what a house can be. If design is one of our fundamental relationships to the environment, we're rearranging our ideas on how the world can function as a result. We can see that there are many choices and methods to things. If you don't have a hypothesis that contributes to the fact that you would perish, so maybe you don't.
Figure 36 Bioscleave House plan
Yamaoka one of the residences of the Bioscleave House says Reversible Destiny forever changed him, both emotionally and physically. The constant stimulus of merely living in the space was like practicing yoga; in the first few months, he lost weight, felt more energetic and was no longer bothered by hay fever. 4.2
Ku.Be House of Culture in Movement
Figure 37 Ku.Be House of Culture in Movement view The 3200 m2 Ku.Be House of Culture in Motion was built for the municipality of Frederiksberg as a focal point for both the immediate community and the larger Copenhagen area; one that the citizens will own and develop its programme based on the unique wants and needs of its users. The project is a modern typology that emerged from a brief that called for a framework that will bind citizens together and enhance people's quality of life. MVRDV and ADEPT replied with one that incorporates theatre, sport, and learning through a space where body and mind are engaged to encourage a healthier existence for all, regardless of age, skill, or interest; building bonds between individuals that may not otherwise interact with one another.
Figure 38 Figure 37 Ku.Be House of Culture in Movement view 2
The path through the building is built to encourage and improve new modes of travel. People can crawl across a three-dimensional network of cubes from the second and third floors on their hands and knees in the Labyrinth, or they can take the Mousetrap, a vertical maze. Users will ascend from floor to floor – suspended over the voids – using a net that covers many floors in the house, and slides and fireman poles provide a convenient way down. “With Ku.Be, we attempted to change the traditional construction experience on its head,” says ADEPT co-founder Martin Krogh. “What might otherwise be a mindless stroll around the building becomes a movement exploration and discovery. It's up to you to determine the course, whether it's ascending, falling, crawling, or jumping.” Both simpler and more standard forms of getting around are offered to appeal to both abilities and genders, but a visual link is preserved in Ku.Be.
Figure 39 House of Culture and movement section 4.3
Mecanoo Massive Green Train Station
Figure 40 Meccano Massive Green Train station renderings The 8.5-hectare project would function as a green connector, linking multiple forms of transportation and reflecting Kaohsiung's vision for its future as a sustainable community. The transit hub's curvilinear landscaped canopy would incorporate rail, tram, bus, taxi, and cycling systems, as well as offer green public space for pedestrians and cyclists. A hotel, industrial houses, stores, restaurants, and other services would all be linked by the canopy.
Figure 41 Meccano Massive Green Train station renderings 2 The sprawling green canopy protects the open public plaza underneath from Kaohsiung’s tropical climate like large trees would do. Here people can meet, enjoy a refreshing breeze, or visit events that take place at the station, like a farmers’ market, second-hand market.
Proposed program
Figure 42 Proposed Program Programs are generated based on the community need and in the aim to promote their lifestyle into a healthier habits providing a focal attraction places that could pull in regular users for example student hub and providing facilities and strategies that stimulate their movements such as dancing hall or a martial art classes while also giving users who invest their time learning and sharpening their skills by providing a platform that would empower them and provoke them to push the boundaries to their limits such as a theatre for the display of their skills. In addition, designing spaces that could be occupied by healthy food outlets as well as workshops for raise and awareness and teach people how to pick healthier options as well empowering physical activity by providing retails for hobbies and enough facilities for the cycling community.
Design generator 5.1.1 Habits influence:
Figure 43 Habit creation In order for people lifestyle to be improved their patterns and daily habits needs to be influenced so their unconscious is stimulated to improve their health so it becomes a pattern they won’t notice as it plays a part in their everyday life and it is demonstrated that habits go into 4 stages Cure which is the problem phase, craving seeking information about solving the problem, Response is the act to solve the problem and the Reward is the final outcome for solving out the problem.
Figure 44 Example of Habits to promote health through architecture If Obesity have been taking as an example as a problem which is the Cue phase a phase on which problem are identified they will need to seek for a healthier community, a community that can be easily found and identified and that’s the role of the train station drawing the regular users and allowing the healthy community to be easily exposed to people who in need of an influence resulting in the Response phase where all the accumulated knowledge and influenced that was collected in the craving phase will be in actions in the end the Reward phase is where the end goal and prize await to those who their lifestyle have been influenced and improved. 5.1.2 Active design guideline: The Active Design Guidelines (2010) provides architects and urban designers with a manual of strategies for creating healthier buildings, streets, and urban spaces, based on the latest academic research and best practices in the field. Which can be used as a reference to optimize the strategies used to promote a healthier lifestyle such as: •
Locate the building’s commonly used functions strategically to promote walking and standing during the course of the day.
Provide building facilities that support recreational and transportation related exercise.
Encourage stair use through appealing environments and experiences. 5.1.3 Expanding the possibilities:
Figure 45 Affordances example Affordances are, in other words, a way of seeing architecture as an evolving and interactive landscape. ... The architecture of affordances, in other words, is one that bases itself neither on function nor on form, but on the perceived and exploited uses to which we can put the environment architects create. Therefore, Affordances can be used to generate more possibilities and active stimulus outcome.
5.1.4 Movements in architecture:
Figure 46 Types of movements In order for movement to be translated in architecture and be formulated to design strategies the types of movements should be identified to understand how people move so the strategies can be stimulating body movements. And movements are classified into 3: •
Object control movement
Locomotor movement
Non-locomotor movement
In Figure 46 the type of movements identified can be see how the translate can take place in architecture through the section illustrated.
5.1.5 Incidental spaces:
Figure 47 Incidental space diagram Creating a space with various unconventional function from what it is supposed to be, allowing users to be part of space Incidentally. Using spaces to act as Pop Up Advertisement that will promote wellbeing unconsciously. 5.1.6 Interlocking architecture:
Figure 48 Case studies on interlocking architecture
Building language needs to interesting and explorative in order to evoke people and stimulate their body movements and interlocking architecture allows the building form to take an interesting shape that provoke people to explore and in Figure 48 the case studies displayed firstly the Lego House interlocking was used to promote social gathering continuous exploration and interaction with the surroundings while for The Mountain the interlocking was used to allow sun light, fresh air and good views into the building. 5.1.7 Space – Event - Movement:
Figure 49 Space – Event – Movement “There is no architecture without event, without activity, without function; architecture must be thought of as the combination of spaces, events and movements, without precedence or hierarchy between these terms.” Says Bernard Tschumi this concept can be translate into my thesis aim where the event created is to promote healthy living and the evoking of movement in space and with the aid of many researches conducted on the traffic flow of pedestrian movement this can be translate to achieve a precise place for influencing people.
Idea development and conceptual model
Figure 50 Design Development In figure 50 the five stages of design development are illustrated and the connection to the context.
Figure 51 Planning development Planning development was designed by identifying pedestrian movement and the places where it will feature heavy traffic flow as it is highlighted by red in the planning development and the schematic plan illustrate the respond to the context.
Figure 52 Conceptual model development By applying the language of interlocking architecture to make the form interesting and allowing spaces to be interlocked applying the concept of incidental spaces while orienting the building towards the lake to achieve good views.
Building massing and site planning
Figure 53 Building massing 1
Figure 54 Building massing 2
Figure 55 Building massing 3
1 Figure 56 Building massing 4 and elements in massing Building massing is generated to stimulate body movement in transitioning from a space to another or to interact with the surrounding through the elements used in massing such as: •
Interactive structure
Interlocking platform
These elements used are to generate different kind of physical activity for example terrain design is facing the lake allowing users to sit or lay on it to enjoy the view, the interlocking platform allows different kind of movement such as stepping, hopping and climbing or activities such as parkour or as a platform for the market to be held on, slide and poles used as a playful way to travel vertically through the building.
Figure 57 Lake Development Transforming the lake to act as a vibrant place for the community with strategies that provoke physical activity that support the thesis aim.
Figure 62 Examples in the lake
Floor Plans:
Figure 58 Ground Floor Plan The ground floor is dominated by the 3 core parts in it, the climbing hall, Funtopia and the bicycle station. The Funtopia are located in the center upper part of the building to be part of the main circulation to attract people to take part in it allowing them to engage in the various activities that are designed in it such as the mini basketball area, the trampoline, the cave and the climbable pillars and it also accessible from the northern part of the building taking advantage of the existing market designing a market path that leads into the building attracting more users to influence, and for the bicycle station it shapes the facade with the bicycle parking surrounding the inner part of the building while being covered with the ramp that allow bicycle users to travel to higher level while providing essential spaces such as a workshop and a bicycle retail and also the educational kitchen teaches people how to eat and pick healthier food while providing few healthier food options in the food station On the lower part of the building facing the lake the drop off are in face with the climbable area and the climbable areas are divided into 3 stages that is required in any climbing gym, one for beginner, intermediate and the advanced climbing hall takes part as an exhibition to the building next to
it providing a designated fishing area for the existing fishermen in the area that have been fishing in a regular pattern in the lake and the restaurant is located next to an outdoor bicycle parking to act as a bicycle restaurant gathering area that also enjoys the lake view.
Figure 59 First Floor Plan People climbing up to the upper floor are faced with 2 dancing halls vibrating to the inside and the outside of the building through glass walls and providing an inner changing area for the dancer while providing a mph to allow the performers to exhibit their talent, while on top of the playground provided in the ground floor it is covered with playful net allowing users to lay on it on top of people playing on the ground floor giving the funtopia a higher volume that people can interact with so u can use it if u want to relax during the day coming out from or to the station and the upper bicycle station ramped up with an outdoor bicycle parking taking a chance to influence people from the outside and providing bicycle facilities such as a changing area, lounge and few retails and the section shows the ramp covering up the building showing the movement created with it. Connection both building via a pedestrian bridge that is 5 meter high from the ground connection both sites for easy access providing a co working space that enjoys the lake view and allowing the climbing hall from the ground floor to be part of the co working space through double volume as it is seen in the section the red track is a jogging track inside of the building that takes you in a journey through the spaces for more exposure of the activities provided and connecting the climbing area with a gym that provides outside and inside training areas and also Designing a yoga area that is isolated from heavy pedestrian traffic next to a few retail.
Figure 60 Second Floor Plan Second floor is more secured especially for the northern part of the building giving the chance to transform it into a kids are the also provide a day care for the working adults in the area with few fun activates such a climbing net, outdoor playground are placed next to the adjacent school to attracts the kids into the area and a children area and the section shows the kids area with a uneven flooring that stimulate different body movement and the climbing net that children could lay and relax on it As for the part lake side the co working is connected to the upper library with a stair case and a slide that makes it a fun experience traveling from the library to the co working space with few private studying rooms and outdoor library area, and also connecting the gym with an upper martial art with and outdoor training area the vibrates into the street giving the adjacent street a vibrant influence to attract people into the sport area and providing a big changing room for the active spaces provided in the lower floors.
Figure 61 Third Floor Plan The train station level is connected with the lower floor amphi-theater that is shown in the section surrounded by ticketing area installing an interactive floor that generate electricity while people walk on top of it to influence people to be more active and it could also provide a challenge such as for a required number of energy a passenger could get a free train ticket, and also providing a private administration area for the building.
Figure 62 Train Station Floor Plan The train level is elevated 10 meter form the ground with a lower crossing platform elevated 6 meter from the ground to allow passengers to reach different track and on the crossing platform level a toilets with musolla is provided and the central part if designed with bicycle that generate electricity that could let you charge your phone while you are waiting for the train station.
Figure 63 Roof Top Floor Plan As for the rooftop level it is celebrated to act as the party place with a swimming pool and a juice bar giving a beach vibe to the roof top that increase the excitement and the involvement of a person to be more active and the swimming pool is facing the lake for a better view and around the lake is a maze the could playful for the user. 6.2
Traffic Flow Analysis:
Figure 64 Traffic Flow Diagram Traffic flow shows an indication of human movements heading directly towards the train station on the third floor, the red highlight shows the kind of exposure of active spaces and active strategies that will influence people on their journey.
Section & Elevations:
Figure 65 Long Section
Figure 66 Section Detail
Figure 67 Sectional Perspective
Figure 68 West Elevation
Figure 69 East Elevation
Figure 70 South Elevation
Figure 71 North Elevation
Figure 72 View from playful net
Figure 73 View from slope to the lake
Figure 74 First Floor Outdoor Gym
Figure 75 Bicycle Ramp
Figure 76 Market Entrance 6.5
By creating a background that act as a constant reminder and an advocator for empowering their health and improve their lifestyle in a strategic place that host a lot of attraction and traffic the thesis aim will consider to be successful due to the similar affect advertisement company use to promote a product this building will promote a healthy lifestyle.
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Space – Event – Movement Bernard Tschumi can be found https://www.pidgeondigital.com/talks/space-event-movement/chapters/