1 minute read


Islam is a very simple religion all along the history. Some simple forms of architecture and simple geometry can represent the simplicity of Islam. Decoration (which is derived from Persian heritage) can be expressed in somemodern ways. Here ‘simplicity’ can also be a language of expression. Facing of the complex is blended with the local context. When one passes beside the complex can feel it a building for his own. There is no alien use the building belongs to. So one can feel very easy to use the building, enjoy the building and after all think over the building.



1. Entry/ main Lobby

2.Temporary Exhibition



5.Class Room

6.Open Exhibition


8.Prayer Hall

9.Residential Block

10.Central court

11.Court of Light

12.Connecting bridge

13.Axis court if interaction placed between public and private functions for share transitional communication central court linked up with strong axis to the prayer hall and enclosed with other public semi public and private functions

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