Pride in what we wear
Pride and Prejudice
My Idea • My new idea for my Pride and Prejudice project is taking pride in what a person wears. By this i mean the clothes that people wear out everyday and the different fashion styles out there. Basically being comfortable with the clothes you wear. I wanted to take pictures of people walking the streets in clothes that they are comfortable with. And am hoping that I will find people wearing a different variety of clothing. Ranging from the weird and whacky to very formal and reserved. • I plan to shoot mostly around Camden, as this is where I believe would be best for my project. As Camden is well renowned for the clothes they sell and the clothes that people wear.
Sean McDonald
Sean McDonell • One of the things I like about this photographers work is that the images are full of contrast with the backgrounds darker than the subject in the image. This emphasises both what the subject looks like, as well as what they're wearing. It also adds a dramatical effect on the subject which makes the image mesmerising to look at. I hope that I am able to recreate a similar effect when shooting my project.
Ronya Galka • This is another photographer i thought would be very helpful when thinking about how I was going to shoot my project. • I really like the depth of field of the images produced by this photographer as in each image they are focusing on the individual and what they are wearing and doing. This is another thing I want to experiment with when shooting. • I also want to try having the background as clear as what happening in the shot to show what is also happening behind the subject.
Stephan Cosh
Stephan cosh • I also like this photographer for the different contrast used, which help change the feel of the actual image. And by using this method draws more attention to certain images on his site. I hope to use a similar method when selecting my final prints. Hoping to emphasise certain images in the set. I also quite like the way he plays with depth of field and focus points on different images.