Impact Report 2021

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connecting stories impact report 2021

Where there are people, you hear stories We tell, make up, twist, and forget. Where there are people, stories pop up. In one ear, out the other.

But what we remember, are not the words. Not the wonderful sentences. But the acts behind them. A story that stays with you, is a story that does something.

A beautiful story grabs you. Shakes you up. Leads the way. Lifts you up. We believe in the power of stories.

In a world filled with fakes and plastic, beautiful stories keep us together. There’s no stopping them.

A beautiful story shows that everything is possible. If you dare to start. If you just believe. If you persevere. And most importantly: if you aren’t afraid to adjust your plans.

Let’s tell each other a story every day, a story that stays with you,

foreword by our founder

proud on our journey in 2021

beautiful lives connect

• A Beautiful Story and the SDGs

• theory of change lucky jobs connect

• 217 lucky jobs

• calculating lucky jobs

• makers’ stories

• a living wage plus in Nepal

• more equality lucky tools connect

• fair products telling a story

• the whole chain under a microscope

• more product categories, more meaning, more work

• a new way of sharing results

• inspire with stories a lucky movement connects the world new steps connect

• our plans for 2022

5 6 8 12 22 28 37

foreword by our founder

At A Beautiful Story, we’ve been creating beautiful stories for 15 years. With our artisans, our retailers, our office team and all those others who are part of our lucky movement.

In 2021, on September 1, all those stories came together as we celebrated our anniversary with a theater show. We gave our core values a stage, sharing all the stories with partners, retailers, family, and friends. Everyone was there. Live and online. From Amsterdam, Düsseldorf, New York, Soest, and Nepal. We showed so much of ourselves, which touched me more than I had dared to dream.

2021 was a year with hurdles and obstacles. But there were milestones as well. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 100% of our artisans kept their jobs. Even better, an additional 94 jobs were created. Our producers in Nepal and India faced challenges that dwarfed those in Europe. I have nothing but respect for the way they took care of their people during the pandemic and still managed to continue production.

We continued to believe in magic. We continued to grow, thanks to new sales channels and new ways of working. For instance, when our German points of sale had to close for 5 months, technology kept us connected, and aligned.

We are still here. We are stronger. We are growing. Together and with each other. Because we keep believing that it can be done. Every day brings us closer to our 2025 goal of 1,000 lucky jobs.

In this impact report, you can read what we accomplished in 2021. We show you how we work and, more importantly, what our dreams and plans are.

Let’s believe in magic!

foreword by our founder
Cathelijne Lania
“We believe that every human being has the right to create the most beautiful story out of life.”

proud on our journey in 2021

Every year we aim to make more impact than the year before. By creating more lucky jobs, launching social projects or organizing events. Although we had difficult times in 2021 because of corona, we still managed to create more impact with our lucky movement.

proud on our journey in 2021

many achievements in 2021

lucky jobs lucky tools lucky movement

The number of lucky jobs grows by 76%: from 123 jobs in 2020 to a whopping 217 in 2021.

• A Beautiful Story acquires 539,241 items in Nepal and India: accounting for 391,687 hours of work.

• 93% of our makers in Nepal earn a living wage. And no less than 88% earn a living wage plus.

• Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 100% of our artisans keep their jobs.

Our turnover is € 3,462,686: up 42% from 2020.

• We sell 384,238 items: a 40% increase since 2020.

• We reach 2,651 people with our 2 inspiration events.

• We add 4 new product categories.

Our team grows by 66%: to 15 employees at our headquarters in Amsterdam and 3 at our office in Düsseldorf.

• We welcome 1 new producer in Nepal.

• And 60 new active retailers.

• We complete the B Corp certification process. And are now patiently waiting for certification.

proud on our journey in 2021

beautiful lives connect

We believe in the power of people and in the power of stories. In everything we do we want to contribute to beautiful lives all over the world. This year the main theme was the renewed connection between all links in the chain. Seeing each other again, traveling together, expanding in points of sale. Through this connection we feel that together we create a lucky movement.

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A Beautiful Story and the SDG’s

In 2015, UN countries agreed to make the world a better place. A total of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs for short) are meant to ensure that everyone on this planet lives a life of peace and prosperity by 2030. At A Beautiful Story, we fully support these agreements. We contribute to multiple SDGs. The most important 3 SDGs to us are the ones below.

We develop long-term relationships with our artisans. That’s what we invest in. We provide support in building their businesses and in the steps needed to provide a living wage plus for all employees. With a stable and long-term income, which is more than a living wage, you really reduce poverty and quality education (SDG 4) becomes affordable.

With stable, life-changing jobslucky jobs as we call them - we are committed to sustainable, inclusive economic growth. We closely monitor the number of lucky jobs we create with our producers. And we promote gender equality (SDG 5), because fair work applies to both men and women.

beautiful lives connect

theory of change together we make a difference

We sell jewelry, greeting cards, and gifts with a special meaning. They are lucky tools: a stone to give strength or wings, a bracelet for luck, a card to offer comfort. They are made on the other side of the world. Not just by manufacturers far away, but by craftsmen and women who are a part of us. For them, our products have a very direct meaning: a reasonable income, a roof over their head, food on the table and independence.

Lucky jobs

A job that enables you to live a fulfilled life. It is continuous work in a safe and healthy environment and provides a ‘living wage plus’. This means a steady income, a roof over your head, food on the table, healtcare and a good school for your children. Moreover, it empowers you to develop yourself and make the most out of your life.

Lucky movement

Co-creating is not just working together. It is about creating a win-win business with the shared goals and values. We work with our suppliers in long-term relationships. This way we create stable impact. We choose producers who emply people from vulnerable communities. Working circumstances must be fair and safe. Together we make improvements in our supply chain. We learn from each other. We grow together.

Lucky tools

All of our handmade items have a meaning, bot to the giver and receiver. The meaning comes from the gemstone or the symbol. In the countries where we sell and use our products, we share lucky tools and positive stories to support people to have a growth mindset, be vulnerable and realize their purpose and dreams.

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theory of change

with a lucky job you’ll have:

A living wage

Lifelong learning Skills for work and life in general

lucky jobs lead to empowered artisans who are:

Financially independent Confident

Have a voice and the power of choice

A role model in their community

a lucky tool:

Is a connecting gift for yourself or loved ones

Supports you on your journey Ignites positive stories

encouraged consu m e r s e m poweredartisansluckyjobs luckytool s

beautifu l li ves

independent entrepeneurs

lucky tools encourage consumers to:

Be brave and vulnerable

Use a growth mindset

Be a role model and share stories

Live a life of purpose

lucky movement

our lucky movement is about:

Community effort

Long term collaborations

All contributing different talents

Being fair throughout the whole chain

co-creation leads to independent entrepreneurs that are:

Financially empowered

Are leaders in their field and communities

Driven by purpose and strive for a lasting positive impacts

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lucky jobs connect

Our goal is to create 1,000 lucky jobs worldwide by 2025, with everyone involved in our production earning a living wage plus. A living wage allows you to take care of yourself and your children. And, with a living wage plus you can send your children to a good school and also put some money aside. For instance, for your retirement or to cope with unexpected (medical) expenses.

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217 lucky jobs

2021 brought us closer to our goal. The number of lucky jobs increased by 76%: from 123 in 2020 to 217 in 2021. Even though travelling to Nepal wasn’t possible in 2021, we managed to keep on working and placing orders. Also, producers managed to pay the artisans full wages during the lockdown. Every disadvantage has its advantage, as it turned out again. Even a lockdown. We heard from our (female) artisans that the lockdown had given them empowerment and self-confidence. When their husbands lost their jobs in the pandemic, they became breadwinners.

The lockdown strengthened our conviction: a good job makes you a more complete human being. A job in a safe and healthy environment, with a living wage plus and opportunities to develop yourself is a lucky job as far as we are concerned.

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2007 2009 2015 2017 2018 25 50 0 2019 2020 75 100 125 2021 150 175 200 225
We grew the number of lucky jobs by 76% from 123 in 2020 to 217 in 2021

calculating lucky jobs

We intentionally do not work with our artisans on a project basis. We want stable jobs for our artisans. The 217 lucky jobs we have created so far are actually 217 FTEs.

We calculate the number of lucky jobs as follows: We know how many minutes it takes to make each item. We convert that to the hours of a full-time job in Nepal. We check how many items we ordered in a year (in this case 2021) and multiply that by the number of minutes per item.

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example Together bracelet 40 minutes working time X 5370 bracelets sold = 214.800 minutes 214.800 minutes = 3580 hours / 7 working hours per day = 511 working days 511 working days / 288 working days a year = 1,8 fulltime lucky job 1,8 fulltime lucky job per year

Deepika’s story

Deepika is 26 and lives with her brother at her parent’s house. Deepika has been working at Artisans Workshop in Kathmandu for 9 years. She started as an artisan, but she got the opportunity to develop herself and now has management skills. She works as well as studies and pays for her studies herself. This brings her a lot. Like a sense of freedom. Deepika wants to do more at Artisans Workshop after her studies. She likes the variety that her job offers. And she is proud that her job allows her to earn a living. Her parents also work: they can share many expenses.

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“Working and learning boosted my selfconfidence.”
27 minutes work
by Deepika

Sita’s story

Sita is 29. She has been married for 13 years and lives with her husband, her daughter (12), and her in-laws. Before working at Beads Home, Sita was a homemaker. Now she has been working at Beads Home for 9 years, where she is responsible for the final inspections. Sita feels more independent because of her work: it has given her more self-confidence and self-esteem. Her salary enables her to make ends meet. She also pays the school fees for her daughter, who is now in grade 7 at a private school and getting good grades.

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35 minutes work by Sita
“I feel independent. Because I can take care of my family. Even when my husband has no income.”

Shoba’s story

Shobha is 50 years old. She has been working at Giftsland, the manufacturer of our garland cards, for about 20 years. Shobha hangs the paper to dry after dyeing. You can almost always find Shobha in the workshop, even though she doesn’t work full-time. She also manages her household - with her 2 daughters (ages 12 and 22), husband, and in-laws. Shobha’s husband also works at Giftsland. Together, they earn just enough for their children’s education. They also have some savings. Shobha doesn’t know what they spend monthly on living expenses, because her husband makes all financial decisions. During the pandemic, her mother-in-law fell ill and had to go to the hospital - which meant she was out of work for almost a month and a half.

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“I want to give our daughters a good education. That way they can make their own choices in the future and live their best possible lives.”
60 minutes work by Shoba

living wage plus

We think every world citizen deserves a living wage. To take living wage to the next level we are working towards a living wage plus, with extra focus on quality education and financial literacy.

living wage plus

lucky jobs connect 18

a living wage plus in nepal

To assess what makes a living wage plus, we have our artisans and producers fill out questionnaires. We also engage in discussions. Questions and conversations cover topics such as work environment, financial situation, and dreams for the future. In May 2022, we conducted 44 interviews with artisans and producers, and distributed 45 questionnaires. The answers produced interesting numbers.

• 7% of the artisans earn a minimum wage, 93% earn a living wage, and 88% of those earn a living wage plus.

• On average artisans rate their jobs with a 9.

• On average they rate their lives with a 7.2.

How satisfied an artisan is with her life depends on economic and social factors.

Household composition Living with an extended family makes it easier to share expenses and you get more social support.


Life is easier when your family accepts you even though you don’t fit the mold. For example, if you are not married, have no children, or

are divorced. Some women feel left out because their family situation is different from most.

Owning land in Kathmandu

If you don’t have to pay rent, there’s more left to spend on household expenses.


If you have to make special medical expenses for yourself or your family, your position becomes very vulnerable in the long run.

The interviews show that it is mainly medical expenses and registration fees for a good school that weigh heavily on income.

In 2022, we will also conduct these interviews with our artisans in India.

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more equality

The partnerships we develop with our suppliers are always impactdriven. This means that our producers also make a positive social or ecological impact with their products. For example, by supporting single mothers, by empowering women, or by upcycling materials. We encourage producers to make a greater impact, to promote equality. To increase people’s confidence, well-being, and independence, because it makes for great stories.

Since women are the backbone of our society, 4 of our 7 producers focused specifically on women in 2021. Female artisans told us during the interviews that they rated their feelings in making financial and personal decisions with a 7.9. This is higher than the average score overall (including men): a 7.5.

Role models

Women with jobs are role models. To their children and to their communities. We are convinced of that. Besides, thanks to those jobs, their daughters and sons can attend a good school.

77% of the artisans we interviewed are women. 62% of those women have children - an average of 1.2 children per person. That means most artisans have children. Which makes access to good education even more important.

By 2021, 100% of their children were attending school - 53% to public and 47% to private schools.

Our 2018 survey showed that 84% of children attended private schools. Only 2 of our long-term partners participated in that survey: in the 2021 survey, we included 3 new producers. Which school their children attend is obviously up to the artisans themselves. The only thing that matters to us is that their salary is sufficient for a private school.

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respect for crafting techniques

Some of the handicraft techniques used by our artisans are traditionally Nepali. These techniques are passed down from generation to generation. But they – just like the artisans - are by no means always valued. We like to keep those techniques alive. And we assume that there will also be more respect for the artisans when others see what they produce: work, trade, and export.

Of course, we are as sustainable as possible when it comes to the use of materials. Some producers recycle a lot of material: scraps from the cotton industry for the covers of our notebooks and upcycled saris for our scrunchies. After all, why use new materials if you can work with what’s already there?

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lucky tools connect

For 15 years, we’ve been selling lucky tools: jewelry, cards, and gifts that bring happiness. From a greeting card that comforts to a bracelet that celebrates friendship. All items have a story. For the giver, because with such a gift you really tell something positive. For the artisans, because they get to build a life thanks to their craftsmanship.

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fair products telling a story

The gemstones, symbols, and quotes add meaning to our lucky tools. We aim for all those materials to be 100% traceable and sustainable by 2025. As a consequence, we have to look critically at sourcing materials with a higher risk of human rights violations. By sharing more stories, and telling more often how our products make a difference in someone’s life, we create more connection.

In my daily work I’m driven to make people more healthy and happy. To live my mission I started a new education. It’s a bit out of my comfort zone. I bought this necklace as a reminder to have faith in myself.

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“This necklace is a reminder to have faith in myself.”

the whole chain under the microscope

In 2020, we conducted a risk analysis on our supply chain. The gemstones are the biggest risk. We don’t know exactly where they come from: we are only certain about the origin of our materials from the second link in the chain on.

We have taken the following actions in 2021.

• We only want to work with gemstones that we know for certain were sourced ethically. We have taken the first steps.

• For 2022-2023, we are working on a new, fully traceable jewelry collection, from ethically sourced gemstones and responsible silver and gold.

• We are now investigating a number of systems to help us trace the origins of our gemstones from the source so we can take decisive action in 2022

We’ve also made strides when it comes to tracing the origin of other materials.

• We are testing different materials so that we no longer need to package our products in regular (recyclable) plastic.

• We have 2 new, more sustainable product groups: dinnerware made from brass and notebooks

made from leftover cotton from the fashion industry.

• We addressed a couple of supply chain issues: the pandemic prevented us from traveling, and that caused delays in the supply chain as well.

• We organize interactive meetings about our sustainability and impact journey, involving the whole team.

Dream for the future: a complete transparant chain

Our dream is to make jewelry sparkling from mine to consumer. A collection that radiates, from start to finish. We are now doing extensive research all over the world. Starting at the beginning: the mines. To be continued in 2022. We keep you posted.

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more product categories more meaning, more work

In 2021, we sold 382,791 lucky tools, all samples of pure craftsmanship from Nepal and India. We added 4 new product categories in 2021: bracelets with symbols, stationery, a limited edition celebration collection (15 years of A Beautiful Story), and home accessories.

Each product is handmade from materials such as cotton scraps from the fashion industry and eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable lokta paper. In 2021, gemstone cards were the most popular items in 19 countries.

Bracelet 33%

Earring 11% Necklace 21% Brooch 2% Card deck 1%

Gemstone card 17%

Home Accessories 1%

Jewelry postcard 6% Greeting cards 1%

Rings 4% Notebooks 2%


lucky tools

lucky tools connect 25

a new way of sharing results

Anyone who buys something from A Beautiful Story knows exactly what she (or he) is contributing to our mission. With every lucky tool, we don’t just state the price, we also state minutes it takes to produce it. We love to show how much time of craftmanship goes into each product.

How we calculate

We tell our artisans which items have been selected for a collection. They fill out an information sheet. so we know exactly how many minutes are needed to make the parts for that product - based on the design - to finish the product and then package it. We add up those numbers.

See detailed calculation on page 14.

140 minutes

Joëlle’s parents provided 140 minutes of work in Nepal.

For her graduation, Joëlle was given rose quartz earrings and a necklace by her parents. With the loving rose quartz, she is all set for the next phase of her life.

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“With these luck tools, we express how much we love her.”

inspire with stories

lucky tools connect 27
We inspire consumers to buy

a lucky movement connects the world

Everyone involved in A Beautiful Story is working towards the same goal. To be precise: 1,000 lucky jobs worldwide and a 100% fair and safe supply chain by 2025. Together with all our supply chain partners, we form a lucky movement.

a lucky movement connects the world

from bead to consumer

When a bracelet is on your wrist, it already touched the lives of many people. Our Lucky Movement gathers people from all over the world. In our value chain we care, share and co-create. All with the same goal: to create beautiful lives.

producers and sourching

purchase sales



a lucky movement connects the world

end consumer

retailers, webshop, agents and corporate partners


our producers co-creating together

Creating lucky tools and lucky jobs only succeeds if we truly collaborate with producers. Within that cooperation, sustainability is paramount: we go for sustainable relationships, sustainable operations, and sustainable materials.

Handbook and code of conduct

In 2020, we created a handbook and a code of conduct. In the handbook, we explain our vision and the way we work. In the code of conduct, we explain the boundaries within which we work. The agreements apply to the entire supply chain. With the Social Compliance System that we set up, we make sure it actually works.

Our goal for 2021 was to have our code of conduct signed by 100% of our producers. Even though the producers in Nepal (71%) have already signed, the producers in India haven’t yet. Since we prefer to discuss the handbook and code of conduct in person, we will go to India in October 2022: arrangements have already been made.

a lucky movement connects the world

a lucky movement connects the world


headquarters team one family

We care, we share, we co-create. Feeling like one big family, located in different countries: our head office in the Netherlands, the artisans in Nepal and India, and our agents and retailers throughout Europe. We learn from each other, from each other’s stories and cultures. In 2021, we also opened a branch in Germany. Thanks to our German colleagues in the GmbH, the relationship with our retailers has become more personal. Our core values of connection and never ever giving up really took us forward in 2021. We grew together. Despite the distance. We are proud of that.

a lucky movement connects the world
“We are one family, we care, we share, we co-create.”

agents a loving bridge to

Our agents are important links within our family. In Europe, we work with 12 agents. They establish contacts with retailers that we would otherwise not reach. NinaJo has been our agent in Austria since 2016 and collaborates with several stores. Nina-Jo: “In a time of greenwashing, I find it admirable how open A Beautiful Story is about the artisans. We work well together. Such a great back office cannot be taken for granted. A Beautiful Story is an honest partner. And everything works amazingly well. You can’t help but notice that the atmosphere in the company is absolutely right.”

a lucky movement connects the world
“I love the team and the sincere, fair trade approach of A Beautiful Story.”
our retailers

our retailers spreading our lucky tools

Our 811 retailers are entrepreneurs who match our values. They don’t just sell our products, but also value their meaning and the story behind them. No Lemons, Please! is one of those stores that share our values. Owner Martine van der Heijde lives very consciously: “I love people who do their best to make the world a better place. By selling symbolic and honest products, I hope to inspire others to live consciously every day. I realize that I have to stay true to myself, steer my own course to make the most beautiful story of my own life.”

a lucky movement connects the world
“By selling symbolic and honest products, I hope to inspire others to live consciously every day.”

corporate partnerships the story of rijksmuseum

Alongside delivering our collection to retailers and online consumers, we also make custom collections for corporate customers. Since 2019 we have been proudly creating a special jewelry collection together with the Rijksmuseum. Our custommade items are exclusively sold in the Rijksmuseum (web)shop. We came up with various special designs jointly. The designs match the meaning of gemstones with the symbolism of masterpieces, such as Rembrandt’s famous Night Watch painting. It’s a great way for A Beautiful Story to create more work for our artisans, reach new target groups, and tickle our creativity.

a lucky movement connects the world
“Such a corporate collaboration is a great way to put our creativity on edge, as well as reach whole new audiences and create additional jobs.”

becoming a B Corp recognition of our way of working

To formalize our social vision and responsible ways of working, we applied for B Corp certification in 2021. B Corps work to create a more inclusive and sustainable economy. B Corp™ describes this as following: using business as a force for good™. With the goal: transform the global economy to benefit all people and the planet. ( Naturally, we want to be part of that movement.

Due to a waiting list we have to be patient. We will become a B Corp in 2022.

a lucky movement connects the world

new steps connect

We are immensely proud of what we have accomplished as a family in 2021. By sharing our stories as well as connecting them, we have grown together despite the distance. We continue to work toward our 2025 goal of 1,000 lucky jobs around the world. On the next page are our goals for 2022.

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our plans for 2022 lucky jobs lucky tools lucky movement

At least 300 lucky jobs.

• Expand our production to at least 1 additional continent.

• Update our research on a living wage plus in Nepal.

• Expand our research to India to determine the living wage plus and needs of Indian producers.

• More artisans with a living wage plus: from 88% in 2021 to 93% in 2023.

• Increase the average rating that artisans give their financial independence to an 8.

We implement a solid tracing system so we have a good overview of the complete supply chain.

• We find an alternative to plastic packaging for at least 75% of the collection.

• We are working with our core team to launch our completely traceable jewelry collection including gemstones.

We consult on what our suppliers really need and support at least 2 producers.

• B-Corp certification has been completed.

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Dare to be Yourself. It’s the most beautiful thing. To accept yourself, with all your flaws. Stand up for who you are, for your principles. Stick to your neck out. Dare to make mistakes, and dare to own up to them.


There can be no happiness without connection. We feel connected to the world, to each other, to our agents, to our retailers, to our producers, and to our clients. From this connection flows compassion. We are loving, attentive, and personal. And we treat each other as equals. ,

Never ever give up

You’re thinking happy thoughts every day. You’re paying attention to your dreams. But you are still stuck. That happens sometimes. But we never give up. We do not despair. We hold on to our dream and to our principles. But we are not donkeys. We are not stubborn or rigid. We are realistic enough to let go. To slightly change our plans. We’ll get there, one way or the other.

Believe in magic

Think happy thoughts and you can fly. We’re pretty down to earth but Peter Pan taught us to also believe. We believe that everything you pay attention to, will grow. You will come closer to fulfilling your dream if you pay attention to it. Every. Day. Again. And again.

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“If we stay true to our core values, we believe we can reach our goals.”
thank you for being part of our lucky movement

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