1 minute read
from The ABE Way
by abeuk
Everyone in the global ABE community is committed to the following principles:
1. We recognise that uncertainty and disorder is desirable, even necessary for innovation to happen.
2. We are not just 'resilient' to shocks, working creatively through a crisis make us better and stronger.
3. We are not just 'surviving'... we are always flourishing.
4. We turn risk into opportunity.
5. We are always bold.
6. We work hard for our achievements.
7. We pay it forward, and pay it back.
8. We soak up the pressure.
9. We are always learning, gaining stronger skills every day.
10. We always use hard evidence.
11. We are always thinking ahead.
12. We will relentlessly pursue innovation.
13. We will always act with integrity.
14. There will be no excuses, no compromises and no backing down.
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