Best Homeopathic Medicines For PCOS

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Best Homeopathic Medicines For PCOS


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder in women where hormonal imbalance occurs.

This imbalance results in the formation of cysts in the ovaries.

Symptoms include : irregular periods, delayed periods, absent menses, short and scanty periods, acne, hirsutism, difficulty in getting pregnant, hairfall and weight gain.

Homeopathic Medicines Can Cure PCOS 

Homeopathic medicines are made from natural plant sources and are therefore, more effective.

There are no side-effects at all.

In PCOS, Homeopathic medicines correct the hormonal imbalance and neutralize its negative effects.

With proper treatment, the cysts dissolve and the menstrual cycle gets regularized.

Homeopathic Medicines for PCOS ď ľ

Pulsatilla – o

One of the best medicine for treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome


Best for cases where periods are suppressed, scanty or short and that appear too late.


Helps dissolve the cysts in ovaries and regularize the menstrual cycle.

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Sepia o

Highly effective for PCOS with facial hair


Best for cases where facial hair appear especially on the chin and upper lip area and in cases of irregular, feeble menses or suppressed periods.

Thuja o

Prominently indicated Homeopathic medicine for PCOS.


Helpful in cases of PCOS where there is hair growth on the face and body and retarded periods of scanty duration.

Calcarea Carb o

Highly recommended for treating PCOS in obese women.


Best suited for PCOS with heavy, prolonged periods, a chill running down the body during menses and a headache that worsens.

Graphites – o

Best for PCOS with scanty, pale or suppressed periods.


Suitable for cases with a painful swelling of the ovaries and an excruciating pain in the right ovary during menses.

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Conium – oHelpful

in cases where acne appears as a result of the accompanying menstrual irregularities. oSuitable for

cases with swelling and pain in the breasts before

periods. oUseful for curing

infertility resulting from PCOS.


Get best homeopathic treatment for PCOS from our expert homeopathic consultant. Visit :

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