Importance of Digital Marketing in Educational Sectors Introduction:We are seeing a digital marketing revolution throughout India, where digital marketing is spreading across various industries and sectors. Education sector too included in this the digital marketing revolution is bringing about several changes, such as an increase in the number of internet users – especially students, who access the internet to seek information, entertainment, and social media. More and more education players entering in this market has set forth an intense competition among educational institutions to stand ahead among the rest. Interestingly, it is noticed that the average time spends on the Internet among teenagers and youth in India is rising day by day. Hence, it can be easily predicted that the digital platform is the most convenient, effective and a suitable way to target desired audience groups. Definition of Digital Marketing Digital marketing as a process of reaching out to target audiences across digital platforms, attracting them to know your brand and providing 360degree solutions and services to all your digital customers. To simply put, digital marketing is the process of marketing conducted on the digital mediums or tools. The broader definition of digital marketing refers to advertising and promotions using digital platforms like websites, search engines, social networking sites, email, and mobile apps marketing, etc. 1. Builds a Strong Reputation:The major benefit for an educational institution to having an online presence is that it builds the strong. There no doubt that the internet has become the main source to access information. For educational