M as t ers in A rc h it ec t ure
S kills
Abhi Panchal
1996, August 05 +1 984 888 3477 aapancha@ncsu.edu 1110, Mckimmon View CT, 104 Raleigh NC 27606
ABOUT ME Growing up experimenting with wood and metal to fitting them together in a building is my journey of architecture. Exploring the materials, forms, shapes, and tools with adapting the future techniques such as digital fabrication has trained me for architectural challenges. Architecture is timeless and has a lot of things to describe your past and your coming future which can always be seen in my visualization in form of sketches. I find myself as an adaptable, ambitious, self-motivated, and persistent individual. My goal is to keep learning and refining my design perspective to an extent that it can start bringing about a change in society and make a difference in this field through my work.
Educati on North Calorina State University,
Sketchup Rhino Grasshopper Rhino inside Revit Revit Autocad Adobe Creative Cloud Lumion Vray ArcGIS
Masters in Architecture, 2021
Anant National University Undergraduation, B.arch, 2019
Work E xperienc e Studio 2+2 MYVN Architecture
Workshops attend ed 2 years Internship
Architecture with Algoeithmic Design Rhino inside Revit. Rhino and grasshopper parametric modeling Parametric Wall Origami and Kirigami Construction of Segmental Arch and Geodesic dome Leewardists for architectural story telling Glass workshop 3D Painting and Wall Art
Ceramic Architectural Fabrication Rejuvenating Riverfront with City Library
Architectural Sketching Landscape Representation
Architectural Sketches
Landscape Representation
Academic Works
o N rth Calorina State University, MArch 2021
Ceramic Architectural Fabrication Rejuvenating Riverfront with City Library
Part 1 Introduction to ceramic printing, and potterware 4.0
ARC 582 Ceramic Architectural Fabrication
This design & research seminar will explore 3D-printed ceramic assemblies drawing inspiration from the rich tradition of North Carolina clay craft. The course will oscillate between two mutually reinforcing projects: design & fabrication of a unitized screen wall and a study of regional ceramic history & techniques. Tutorials, prototyping, and field trips will support these pursuits. Through algorithmic modeling, digital fabrication, hands-on making, observation, collection, and discussion, this course will span from native makers and folk potters to emerging digital systems. These investigations will generate space for critical discourse around the use of (digital) technology in architecture.
Workflow from rhino and grasshopper.
Script was designed for 2 types of input just like potterware, you can make a simple object or you can import a rhino object, this part of script deal with the number of base layer, layer height, overall object height and sides of objects.
Final script need to be copy past into notepad and renamed to .gcode for printing.
Part of script contains the skirt settigs, base settings and object contouring
Part of Script contains shifting the cordinates of the part of printing, flow of the mass and control over the rate of flow as well as, it contains the generation of g-code for printer.
Addition of the intial and end part of the script to make the desired workable script for the printer.
Part 3 Ceramic Installation module
Option 1
Option 2
Part 2 Expolaration of form, to print from grasshopper script
ARC 500
The New Bern Public Library is envisioned as a center for lifelong learning, oriented around interactions between learners. It offers a rich variety of resources – providing access to physical and on-line collections, technology, and mentorship, in spaces that are flexible enough to grow alongside changing needs. The library will provide universal access to education and information, including engagement with both analog and digital resources for a rich learning and community experience.
Main axis present on site
In-respond of the flooding this land will be striking point and can be redeveloped with taking careful steps keeping in mind
This constructive lines are drawn on basis of flow of water flow into the bottle neck and site
In-respond of the site, cone of vision can be enhanced
Existing bottle neck enhance the flow of water in prominent way towards the broad street side, and some sustainable design element should be added
Design idea The idea was to develop the land in such a way that it responds towards the regeneration of the area by minimizing the flooding effects of natural local species of vegetation which act as buffer between the public areas and the waterfront.
LEGEND 1. Floating Jogging Track 2. Marsh Wetland 3. Exit point from Riverfront. 4. Central attractive Sculptor 5. Retaining Walls with Vegetation 6. Open Gathering Plaza 7. Flower Gardens 8. Step Decks 9. Recreational Boating Docks
Zoning Diagram
Quite Areas
Placing block such a way that it create open area towards the riverfront
Rotation towards the constructing lines which were taken from master plan
Split into two parts and reducing the size and creating the division between the silent and quite spaces
Extrusion and creating Vehicular entrance from the Broad street.
Active Areas
Assailable Terrace with open air seating.
Primary office zone which have conference hall and meeting spaces.
3rd level have high tech labs such as computer cluster, sound studio Video studio and game development room
3rd level have classrooms, meeting rooms and open study areas. Public Space which has Social service office, Children play area, and community space
Rotation creating axis towards the broad street
Pushing the Form so, it create the floating effect.
Parti Diagram
Public Library
First Level Plan
Second Level Plan
Third Level Plan
Forth Level Plan
Mesh Screen
Mesh skin acts good for cutting the direct vision to the outside and also can bring the north light into the places. Mental is punched into the round holes and fitted on the frame.
EAST ELEVATION East Side elevation is also the River side elevation making it as the main elevation towards the proposed master plan. Maximum opening are provide on the east side.
NORTH ELEVATION North Side or Broad Street elevation is opening towards the Main street of the New Bern town and thus is creating the main Vehicular entrance to it.
Horizontal Louver system The Anodized Aluminum Horizontal Louver system is be specifically designed to prevent from the glare and also cut dun the noon sun intensity. 14” Aluminum sheet is twisted along the entire Facade creating a fish scale effect.
Accessible Terrace
Curtain Wall with horizontal Mullions to support Louver
Anodized Aluminum Twisted Horizontal Louver Steel Structure on Concrete Base Slab
Support system for Louver
Mesh Skin
Concrete Column Supporting Concrete Platform Slab Concrete Platform Slab
Polyisocyanurate Air Control Membrane TPA Coated Metal Scupper 5" Concrete Slab Cant Wooden Blocking
Parapet level 60' - 0"
PVC Flooring Polyisocyanurate Control Membrane Slope 2%AirMinimum 5" Concrete Slab
TPA Coated Metal Scupper Cant Wooden Blocking PVC Flooring Polyisocyanurate Air Control Membrane 5" Concrete Slab
8" Channel Section 8" Batt Insulation Wooden Blocking 1 16"
Metal Copping Seat
1 16"
Metal Flashing 6"X4" Box Section 6" Cleat
Terrace level 58' - 10" 60' - 0" Terrace level 58' - 10"
Slope 2% Minimum
Cant Wooden Blocking Polyisocyanurate 5" Concrete Slab
9 16"
1 16"
Metal Copping Seat
1 16"
Metal Flashing 6"X4" Box Section 6" Cleat
TPA Coated Metal Scupper
Air Control Membrane
Parapet level
8"x4" I Beam
Metal Flashing 8" Channel Section 6"X4" Box Section 8" Batt Insulation 6" Cleat Wooden Blocking
Slope 2% Minimum
PVC Flooring
Terrace level 58' - 10"
6" Cleat
1 16"
Parapet level
Parapet level 60' - 0"
Metal Copping Seat
60' - 0"
Gypsum Board Ceiling
Terrace level 58' - 10"
Slope 2% Minimum
8" Channel Section 8" Batt Insulation Wooden Blocking 6" 1 Cleat 16" Metal Copping Seat 8"x4" I Beam 1 16" Metal Flashing 6"X4" Box Section 6" 9 Cleat 16" Gypsum Board Ceiling 6" Cleat 8"x4" I Beam
9 16"
Gypsum Board Ceiling
Part Section B 6" Cleat 1" Plywood Subfloor 3 4"
stone flooring
8"x4" I Beam
Blower 6"X4" Box Section
9 16"
Third Floor Level
Part Section A
Part Section A
1 16"
Gypsum Board Ceiling
43' - 5"
Wooden Blocking 1 16" Metal Support 8"X4" I Beam
1" Plywood Subfloor 3 4"
Fire-safe Floor Separator 1 16"
Metal Floor Stop W 12 Beam
stone flooring
Blower 6"X4" Box Section 1" Plywood Subfloor 3 4"
Third Floor Level 43' - 5"
stone flooring
Blower 6"X4" Box Section
14" Aluminum Sun-brakers
Adjustable Pivoted Fixture
Third Floor Level 6" KAWNEER Deep Mullion
Second Floor Level
43' - 5"
29' - 10" Bracket fixed on Curtain wall
Wooden Blocking 1 16" Metal Support 8"X4" I Beam 1" Plywood Subfloor 3 4"
stone flooring Fire-safe Floor Separator
Blower 1 16" Metal
Floor Stop Wooden Blocking W 12 Beam
6"X4" Box Section 1 16" Metal Support
8"X4" I Beam
Part Section D
Third Floor Level 43' - 5"
Part Section B
Part Section C
Fire-safe Floor Separator 1 16"
Metal Floor Stop W 12 Beam
Concrete Two way Slab with Terrazzo Flooring 6"X4" Box Section Supporting Curtain wall Anchor Holding Curtain wall
Wooden Blocking 1 16" Metal Support 8"X4" I Beam
First Floor level 16' 3"
Fire-safe Floor Separator 14" Aluminum Sun-brakers 1 16" Metal Floor Stop W 12 Beam
1 16"
Soffit Metal Plate with Drip hole
4" C Metal Stud 2" Rigid Insulation Polystrene (XPS) Box Header
Adjustable Pivoted Fixture
Part Section E Hydronic Radiant Heating Blower Wooden Boxing
6" KAWNEER Deep Mullion
Second Floor Level
Bracket fixed on Curtain wall
2" Rigid Insulation Polystrene (XPS)
6" KAWNEER Deep Mullion
Concrete Floor 1" Mud Mat 3" Sand Bed Compact Gravel 6" Ø Drainage Pipe Landscape Soil
Undisturbed Earth
Adjustable Pivoted Fixture
29' - 10"
Protection Board Metal Flashing
Second Floor Level 29' - 10" Bracket fixed on Curtain wall 14" Aluminum Sun-brakers
Adjustable Pivoted Fixture
6" KAWNEER Deep Mullion
Second Floor Level 29' - 10"
Exterior wall section
Bracket fixed on Curtain wall
Concrete Two way Slab with Terrazzo Flooring
Part Section C
14" Aluminum Sun-brakers
29' - 10" Bracket fixed on Curtain wall 6" KAWNEER Deep Mullion
Second Floor Level 29' - 10" Bracket fixed on Curtain wall
Concrete Two way Slab with Terrazzo Flooring 6"X4" Box Section Supporting Curtain wall Anchor Holding Curtain wall Concrete Two way Slab with Terrazzo Flooring
Part Section D
First Floor level 16' 3"
First Floor level 16' 3"
6"X4" Box Section Supporting Curtain wall Anchor Holding Curtain wall
1 16"
Soffit Metal Plate with Drip hole
4" C Metal Stud 2" Rigid Insulation Polystrene (XPS) Box Header 1 16"
Soffit Metal Plate with Drip hole
4" C Metal Stud 2" Rigid Insulation Polystrene (XPS) Box Header
Hydronic Radiant Heating Blower Wooden Boxing Protection Board Metal Flashing
Part Section E
2" Rigid Insulation PolystreneRadiant (XPS) Heating Hydronic Blower Concrete Floor Wooden Boxing 1" Mud Mat 3" Sand Bed Protection Board Metal Flashing Compact Gravel
2" Ø Rigid Insulation 6" Drainage Pipe Polystrene (XPS) Landscape Soil Concrete Floor Undisturbed Earth 1" Mud Mat 3" Sand Bed Compact Gravel 6" Ø Drainage Pipe
Landscape Soil Undisturbed Earth