Abhishek chauhan

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Portfolio User Experience Design

e-Cleaners Project Brief To study an exixting systems , analyze , indentify opportunity areas and to provide design solutions .


Focus Areas

Field Research Observations and Interviews User Research Understanding task flows Analysing user needs Taskflow Prototyping

User Groups Task Analysis Information System Design Relationship Mapping

Summary Creating a mobile solutuion for a laundry service which aims at providing at door service.This helps the consumers to keep a record of what’s being washed and a notification system which alerts them for different task status

People Tracking System Project Brief To analyze the problems faced by the pilgrims in a pilgrimage and to come up with design solutions that helps people in various ways


Focus Areas

Field Research Observations and Interviews User Research Understanding task flows Analysing user needs

User Groups Task Analysis Task Criticality ICT usage Wearable Technology

Summary Ever year there are a lot of events in which people or groups of people go to places for worship and travel. One of the biggest problems faced by them is to keep a track of themselves or their families or groups. By the use of wearable technologies , not only pilgrims but certain other user groups can be provided help and services .

EMR & Health Management System Project Brief To redesign the User Experience of the Raxa apps and unify the webportal with the apps.

Methodology Field Research Observations and Interviews User Research Understanding task flows Analysing user needs Component Mapping Interviews Shadowing

Focus Areas Usability Testing Information System Design Secondary Research Competitive Analysis

Summary The project is about creating an open-source Electronic Medical Records system through which people can posses , accurate and transferable personal medical data which is available to themselves and their medical practitioners anywhere they might be. Also to redesign Raxa.com for mobile devices which is adaptable for the Raxa apps .

Information System Design Healthcare Record Management Task flow Scenario based tasks Learnability Efficiency

Inter College Portal for Management and Design students to share resources , information , media Snapshots

Project Brief To come up with an idea that can make an impact among the various groups of people living in the society.The need to drive that change happen and making an impact on people’s lives.

Methodology Field Research Observations and Interviews User Research Understanding task flows User Personas Brainstorming Analysing user needs

Focus Areas Understanding information browsing Mapping user flows Conceptualization Information archtecture of the website Wireframes

Summary Networking with friends and meeeting people of same nterests for service or even help creates new opportunities. This portal provides access to an index of posts and queries of people from the real world

Addressing the need to connect and change Forecasting Megatrends Grassroot Innnovations Creating Scenarios and Storyboards Contextual Research

Information Architecture

Interface Design for Induction Plate Project Brief To redesign a product with embedded electronics/ICT using ergonomics framework, and its knowledge base and tools.


Focus Areas

Research for information and insights Ergonomic evaluation Contextual Research Buliding the User Centred Design Framework Egronomic Study Semiotic Study Insight Mapping

Psychological aspects of ergonomics

Summary With the increase in Products with embeded technology for household work, there has been a increase in the type of interfaces. Induction cooker is one of the widest used product and has been through the early stages of interaction design. Designing an interface which meet the requirements for family , bachelors living away from homes and making it linked to an intelligent library that automates the cooking

Sensory information acquisition Perception Information processing Communication and control Cognitive ergonomics Artificial Intelligence and Automation Human-Computer function allocations Physical aspects of ergonomics Anthropometry Biomechanics Anatomy Physiology

Interactive E-learning Game for kids Project Description An interactive game for Nursery and K.G students with a combination of four colorful and musical disney characters to perform different activities like Karaoke , Nursery Rhymes , Songs ,Maths and much more.

Methodology Field Researchs Interaction with kids Obsevation Shadowing Classroom Activity

Summary Compiling the four type of well defined interactive sessions that helps children to deal with visual , audio , analytical , puzzle solving and learning at the same time.

Focus Areas Task to Game simplification User Engagement Audio /Visual appeal

Identity guessing game for National Seminar on Visual Identity Design : Chhap Project Brief A simple game to guess identities of various companies and brands based on the idea of the very basic element od design , a dot , which activates the space around it. Simplifications in dots challenges the natural recall skill of a person which leads to re-think for the things they already know.

Methodology Research Conceptualization Sketches Identity Simplification

Summary Logos of various websites , newschannels , softwares etc are simplified to coorful dots. Play the game and identify the logos ..... The colored dots represent Characters in the logo.Each Correct answer takes the user to the next question.

Focus Areas Visual Design Continuity Task Flow

Depicting my journey till college in Infographics Project Brief Creating mood board for self and representing the journey of life till now while in college studying as a student of User Experience Design


Focus Areas

Brainstorming Doodle Rough Sketching Information Chunking Pinpointing key events Considering time period

Events Time period Semiotics Visual Heirarchy


Depicting the some of the important stages of life and decision making that lead me to opt for a career in Ux Design.

Usability Testing of Interface of Induction Plate Project Brief Perform the usability testing of the lo-fidelity wireframes and analyze and observe the user behaviour while they use the interface .

Methodology Concurrent Think Aloud (CTA)

Focus Areas Notes of the participant’s behaviors, comments, errors and completion (success or failure) on each task.

Summary To validate and test interface for usability and validate it accordingly

User Behaviour Usability Metrics Time Task flow Scenario based tasks Learnability Efficiency Memorability Errors Satisfaction

Heuristic Evaluation of Spice Jet website Project Brief To perform a Heuristic Evaluation of a website


Focus Areas

Understanding information browsing Mapping user flows Information archtecture of the website

Usabilty Mapping user activity Neilsen’ s 10 heuristics

Summary The hueristic evaluation of the various screens of the Air India website was done acoording to Jakob Neilsen’s 10 Heuristics. The problem was identified and it was enlisted in one among the three categories of techincal problem, interaction problem, visual design problem.After this, the severity rating of the problem was listed along with the heuristics violated The project was concluded with a Summative Usabilty testing of the website and its report.

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