3 Things You Need to Know Before Taking the IELTS Speaking Exam
One of the advantages of selecting in an IELTS audit program is that you wind up aware of a great deal of little-known things about the high-stakes exam. Along these lines, consider benefiting IELTS audit online bundles. You will find out about the things you have to know before taking the talking exam – three of which are recorded beneath – and other valuable data about the IELTS test.
1. The IELTS speaking exam is not a job interview. While the reality of the matter is that you have to leave a positive impression in the two situations, you ought not regard the talking exam as you would treat a prospective employee meeting.In the IELTS exam, demonstrating your communication skills matters more than highlighting your talents and experiences. So, stop hesitating. Be spontaneous and speak freely. Show that you are confident with your control over the language.
2. You don’t have to avoid giving negative answers. Don’t be afraid to give negative answers. For example, if you are currently having difficulties with your studies (e.g., you have a ton of projects to complete, etc.) and the examiner asks you about you school life; you don’t have to lie and say that you are having a great time. If you availed excellent IELTS review online packages, here’s what your instructor will tell you about this matter:
Negative opinion has no bearing on your overall speaking score. It’s how you express it that matters.
Truthfulness is not essential to IELTS success. However, IELTS instructors still encourage their students to be honest. This is because you are more likely to buckle, stutter, and commit speaking mistakes when you are lying.
Think about it this way: it would be better to reply “I’m actually having a hard time at school...” then cite the reasons behind your statement, than to say “School is great…” and then struggle to come up with things to support your statement. Keep this in mind when you take the IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training test.
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