E-Way Bill Generation for Transactions Recorded in Tally.ERP 9
This blog post is relevant if you are using Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.3.2 or lower versions. We recommend you to upgrade to Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.4 using which you can manage e-Way Bills conveniently.
Update: According to a tweet from the official Twitter handle of the GST Council on the night of first Feb, 2018, it has been chosen to broaden the trial stage for age of e-way charge, both for bury and intra-State development of products, in perspective of the troubles looked by organizations in creating the e-route charge because of specialized glitches. It should be made mandatory from a date to be declared
In the 24th GST Council Meeting which was held on 16th Dec. 2017, the GST Council took the decision to launch the e-way bill on 1st Feb. 2018, instead of April 2018 as announced earlier. However the dispatch of the e-way charge application has been conceded because of specialized glitches.
Until such time the GST Council declares another date, you should get acquainted with how the e-Way Bill impacts your business. Huge numbers of you who are pursuing this blog entry have this one inquiry at the highest point of your psyche, "How would I create e-Way Bill for my business?" This blogpost will take you quickly through what an e-Way charge is about, and how you can produce them for solicitations recorded in Tally.ERP 9. We will likewise give you a sneak review of how you can create e-Way charge serenely and effectively by utilizing the up and coming Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.4. ● ● ●
Introduction How to generate e-Way Bill for transactions recorded in Tally.ERP 9 Sneak preview of how to manage e-Way Bill in the upcoming release of Tally.ERP 9
Introduction If you are transporting goods worth more than Rs. 50,000 to another State, you will need an e-Way Bill. The e-Way Bill has to be generated on the e-Way Bill portal where you or the transporter have to upload certain mandatory details, after which the portal generates an e-Way Bill along with a unique e-Way Bill Number (EBN). A copy of the e-Way Bill Number has to be carried by the transporter along with the invoice.
Generate e-Way Bill for transactions recorded in Tally.ERP 9 if you already using Tally.ERP 9, underneath is a basic well ordered guide on the most proficient method to create e-Way Bill Numbers for exchanges recorded in Tally.ERP 9. The e-Way Bill captures invoice details and transport details. The invoice level details will be readily available in the invoices which you have created in Tally.ERP 9. Tally.ERP 9 provides two options to print invoices. You can choose from either of the following two options which are available in the F12 configuration while printing. ● “Print item-wise GST details” option ● “Print HSN/SAC details” option
Now you must login to the e-Way portal and provide invoice information along with transport details. You can do this either by downloading the Excel Offline Utility tool and filling it up, or by entering details directly in the portal itself. After this, the portal will generate the corresponding e-Way Bill with a unique e-Way Bill Number. This bill can be printed and the same can be carried along with the tax invoice generated from Tally at the time of transporting goods. You can also record e-Way Bill information in the narration field of the invoice. If your business operates in Karnataka, you can capture the e-Way Bill information in the “Provide GST details� sub-form.
Upcoming Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.4 will make e-Way Bill management simpler While you can even now utilize your current Tally.ERP 9, the Tally group is happy to advise that we are propelling another discharge by second seven day stretch of february with highlights to influence e-Way To charge administration an agreeable involvement in Tally.ERP 9.
When you use Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.4, you won’t have to re-enter all the invoice details that are required for creating e-Way Bills in the portal. Release 6.4 simplifies it all. Below is a sneak preview of the key features of Release 6.4: ● Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.4 will distinguish solicitations that need e-Way Bill and caution you if there are any missing points of interest which are required for creating the bills. ● With a solitary snap, you can send out all the data required for producing eWay Bill numbers in a JSON organize or the Excel Offline Utility instrument gave by the division.
(+91) 9988741983 counselor.cbitss@gmail.com SCO 23-24-25, Sector 34A Chandigarh, IN 160022
Website:-Tally Training in Chandigarh