Masters thesis

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PG in Graphic Design The Design Village 2014-2017



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry, blah blah blahhhh.... Wait am just kidding :) Am Abhi from Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. I did my Bachelor’s in Animation and Master’s in Graphic Design. To me design is neither arbitrarily good or bad. Rather, I see it as “effective” or “ineffective” and I’m energized by working in that rational framework. That being said, I think having a strong aesthetic is just as important to a brand as great customer experience, products, and people.

Checkout my portfolio:


A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T /

I would first like to thank my thesis advisor Lolita Dutta Mam. The door to reach Kshitiz Anand Sir & Rajesh Advani Sir was always open whenever I ran into a trouble spot or had a question about my research. They consistently allowed this paper to be my own work, but steered me in the right the direction whenever they thought I needed it. I would also like to thank Dr. TSS Balaji, principal of BITS Engineering College in Kurnool for allowing me to interact with the students and to conduct the survey. Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents and to my friends for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them.


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1.1: Objective and Goals 1.2: Important Research Questions

Academic Education in India


2.1: Stages of Education 2.2: Rapid Growth of Engineering Colleges 2.3: Unemployment

Education & Career Choice in Kurnool 3.1: Geography of Kurnool 3.2: History of Kurnool 3.3: Education in Kurnool 3.4: Engineering Education in Kurnool 3.5: Survey 3.6: Findings of the Survey 3.6.1: Role of Parents 3.6.2: Role of Teachers/Institute Directors 3.6.3: Current Student Situation 3.6.4: Lack of Employable Talent 3.7: Conclusion of the Survey


4 51 5 67 Case study

4.1: Career Cards 4.2: Career Counselling 4.2.1: Benefits of Career Counseling 4.2.2: Methods of Career Counseling

concepts and CONCLUSION 5.1: Axis - I 5.2: Axis - II 5.3: Axis - III 5.4: Conclusion

1 Introduction


1.1: Objective and Goal

Making a career choice is one of the main and vital decision that every student have to go through their life, for which they need to be well aware of their aptitude as well as available options. Many students are going in wrong path by choosing engineering as a default career option and suffering. The objective of this study is to explore and understand the career choices by students in Kurnool and how they are choosing. This study will be conducted through a review of Primary/ Secondary research and factorize characteristics, as well as precedent studies. The goals of this research are to identify characteristics of a 10+2 student, to identify the lifestyle of people in Kurnool, and to identify the conclusion that helps the students, parents to choose right career choice.


The purpose of this study is to find a solution to the problems faced by the students while choosing their career after 10+2

It was hoped that the findings of the study would be of immense help to stakeholders of career guidance in the Kurnool City. The stakeholders include university students, educational institutions, parents, teachers and counselors. The study would help the students because they would come to know the importance of career choice.

1.2: Important Research Questions In order to find out what factors influence the career choice of students the question stated below guided the study: • • •

Why most of the students choose Engineering as a career? Role of Parents/Institute Directors while choosing a career? How successful are students after graduating engineering?


2 academic education in india


2.1: Stages of Education

Education in India is matter of prime concern for the government of India. The University Grants Commission (UGC) coordinates, determines and maintains the standards of education at various levels. Education is provided by the public sector as well as the private sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: central, state, and local. Under various articles of the Indian Constitution, free and compulsory education is provided as a fundamental right to children between the ages of 6 and 14. Education system in India is divided into three different stages:

academic education in india

Primary Education The Indian government lays emphasis on primary education, also referred to as elementary education, to children aged 6 to 14 years old. This elementary education covers from GRADE-1 to GRADE-8

Secondary Education Secondary education covers children aged 12 to 18. This covers from GRADE-9 to GRADE-12. The final two years of secondary is often called Higher Secondary (HS), Senior Secondary, or simply the “+2� stage.


Tertiary Education Tertiary education is also referred as third stage, third level, and post-secondary education, is the educational level following the completion of a school providing a secondary education. Tertiary education as including universities as well as institutions that teach specific capacities of higher learning such as colleges, technical training institutes, community colleges, nursing schools, research laboratories, centers of excellence, and distance learning centers. Higher education is taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, while vocational education and training beyond secondary education is known as further education in the United Kingdom, or continuing education in the United States.

academic education in india

2.2: Rapid Growth of Engineering Colleges There is a huge growth of Engineering colleges in India in the last few years. The increase of these colleges number has gone up from 1,511 colleges in 2006-07 to 3,345 in 2014-15. There are more than 700 colleges in the state of Andhra Pradesh only. 4000

No. of Colleges

No. of Colleges


3000 2000

1000 0

3000 2000

1000 0

2006 - 2007

2014 - 2015

If these figures are anything to go by, it would be easy to be led into believing that opting for a degree in engineering would be a wise career move in India. As you see the growth of engineering colleges leave no choice to the students to explore new opportunities and letting them to choose engineering as default option. As a result very few graduates get placed. For those who do get the job, their entry-level salary is pathetically low, and has stagnated at that level for the last eight-nine years, though the prices of everything from groceries to vehicle fuel have shot up during the same period.


1.5 Million Engineering Students Graduate In India Every Year

academic education in india

Out of 1.5 Million Engineering Graduates Only 20 - 33% Are Getting Into Jobs Based on economics times survey


As you see there are more than 650 colleges which have more than 2.25 lakh seats available around the Andhra Pradesh in 2010. Based on Andhra Pradesh 2011 Census there are 8,093,747 students of age around 15-19 years old. And 8,132,094 students of 20-24 years old. Due to huge no of seats in engineering colleges and population both the average and below average students are getting into engineering colleges as their default option.

2.3: Unemployment Unemployment means lack of employment. In simple way, unemployment means the state of being unemployed. Especially in India Unemployment is a serious social issue. Unemployment Rate in India decreased to 4.90 percent in 2013 from 5.20 percent in 2012. Unemployment Rate in India averaged 7.32 percent from 1983 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 9.40 percent in 2009 and a record low of 4.90 percent in 2013. Here are some factors that cause serious Unemployment for the Graduates in India:

Outdated Syllabus Today’s academic system is focusing more on theoretical knowledge, not on application of principles. Syllabus is so impractical/outdated that is never helps students in being able to do real time work. Example: A biology student is still confused to put a tree in a pot and leave it growing.

academic education in india


Competition In Education Business for Ranks These days schools are focused on getting ranks, not an imparting quality education. Students are made to learn by rote. Even though they don’t know how to apply it practically they memorize thoroughly without understanding anything.

Preparation Of Question Papers From Guides Available From Market Forget about textbooks and reference books. Students can easily pass their exams by memorizing some questions from guides available in the market. If we check with any engineering student in Andhra Pradesh, he/she will have a ALL IN ONE from one specific publisher. Due to this students are just memorizing the answers as it is and writing the exams.

English Language Skills Many of today’s graduates are struggling with lack of english language skills. They are unable to write a small paragraph without spelling mistakes and grammar errors. A recent survey by “ASPRING MINDS” done in 200 engineering colleges says that today’s graduates have grammar skills no better than 7th Standard.

In Ability To Apply Subject Knowledge In Real Life Situations Most of the graduates have degrees but no practical knowledge. All concepts they can memorize before the exams without understanding. They can do work only when someone is continuously behind them.

Lack Of Big-Picture Mindset Many of today’s graduates are struggling with lack of english language skills. They are unable to write a small paragraph without spelling mistakes and grammar errors. A recent survey by “ASPRING MINDS” done in 200 engineering colleges says that today’s graduates have grammar skills no better than 7th Standard.

3 Education and Career Choice IN KURNOOL


3.1: Geography of Kurnool Kurnool district occupies an area of approximately 17,658 square kilometers (6,818 sq mi), comparatively equivalent to New Caledonia. Kurnool is surrounded by districts of Mahbubnagar district of Telangana to the north, Anantapur district, Kadapa district to south, Praksam district to east and Bellary of Karnataka to the west.

3.2: History of Kurnool The name of the place as Kurnool was derived from Kandanavolu, which is a Telugu name found in the ancient inscriptions and in literature. In the year 1687, the last Mogul Emperor Aurungzeb conquered the Deccan and later on let the Nizams control the Andhra centre of Kurnool. After some time, the Nizams and the Nawabs declared independence and later on ruled their independent regions of Hyderabad and Kurnool. The first ruler of Kurnool was Nawab Alaf Khan Bahadur and after his tenure, his descendants ruled the area for over 200 years. In the early 18th century, the Nawabs along with the sultans fought against the British Empire.

education and career choice in kurnool

The state of Andhra in South India, was first formed in 1953, with 11 districts drawn from the then Madras state, with Kurnool as its capital. Kurnool is the headquarters of Kurnool District in Andhra Pradesh and it is often referred as The Gateway of Rayalaseema. Kurnool has a population of 4,60,184 as of 2011 census. And it was the capital of Andhra Pradesh from 1st October 1953 to 31st October 1956. The primary and secondary education is imparted by government, aided and private schools of the School Education Department of the State. There are good number of private and government universities in Kurnool but the sad part is most of them are Engineering.


3.3: Education In Kurnool

The primary and secondary school education is imparted by government, aided and private schools of the School Education Department of the state. But only in private schools/colleges students get quality education. The medium of instruction followed by different schools are English, Telugu. There are good number of government and private educational institutions in the city. But 80% of them are Engineering Colleges/Universities.


Private School

Government School

3.4: Engineering Education in Kurnool Based on Kurnool City 2011 Census it has population of around 4,30,214 in which Male - 2,13,747 and Female - 2,16,467. When it comes to kurnool District in Andhra Pradesh state there are more than 20 Engineering colleges. Due to huge no. of colleges in the city itself people are directly getting into or forced to join engineering by default without even trying to explore the other available options. Even out of these many colleges only 5 colleges are providing the quality education to the students. Because these days Education today has become a multi-billion industry; colleges are focused on awarding degrees and making money.


Even after graduating there are only 20-30% are getting into the jobs. Rest students are doing other jobs which are not at all related to their education but just for the sake of earning money and survive. Every thing in this world is developing day by day but the syllabus and the teaching faculty in most of the engineering colleges remain old; which results in zero practical knowledge. There are students who score really good grades in the colleges and don’t understand anything at the job interviews and unable to answer the basic practical questions. There are some major issues which states why most of the today’s graduates are unemployed.

education and career choice in kurnool


Most of the students are not getting into the jobs because of the huge


3.5: Survey

I have traveled Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh to visit College students. It is important to conduct a primary research to identify the issues faced by the specific stakeholders. It helps me to get into indeep knowledge/answers about specific issues. It involve questionnaires, surveys or interviews with individuals or small groups.

education and career choice in kurnool

In my survey i spoke with students, teachers, institute directors and parents by preparing individual questionnaires.


As we know that making a career choice is one of the main and vital decision that every student has to go through in their life, for which they need to be well aware of their own aptitude as well as available options. In a survey conducted by the COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH’S(CSIR) and NATIONAL METALLURGICAL LABORATORY(NML), among 4000 students of 44-odd schools, it was found that about 40% of teenagers in India are confused about their career options/choices. In my survey with students my 1st question was WHY DID YOU CHOOSE ENGINEERING AS YOUR LINE OF STUDY? and the answers are quite surprising and very few gave the relevant answer.

education and career choice in kurnool

By Mistake Influenced By Friends Lack Of Guidance For My Parents It’s Better Than Other Degree My Teacher Told Me To Become Engineer My Brother And Sister Did The Same No Idea My Parents Forced Me

Am Interested Influenced By Relatives


3.6: Findings Of The Survey

education and career choice in kurnool

3.6.1: Role Of Parents Parents play a significant role in building their children’s careers. Studies have shown that parents have the greatest impact on students’ career selection. Parent’s influence on children affect than inadvertently and intentionally. When the children are moving into their adolescence, they seriously start looking forward on their careers and often consider their parents as a reference to initiate their path for a career. It may not always be a righteous role for the children, but it’s a fact that how children raised in their teenagers age determines their future. If they raised with love and affection, they probably adapt the consequences regarding devotion, feelings and sentiments. Alternatively, if they raised with rude behavior then they turn themselves according to the type of treatment, which ultimately affect their future.


education and career choice in kurnool

These days may parents are burdening their child with their unreal expectations by leaving no choice to them. Even if the child is not at all interested they are forcing them to join and expecting them to be top of their class and their future.

Majority of the today’s parents are misguiding their child into choosing a career of their choice because they want their child to choose career that their parents dreamed of. As their parents had limited sources to study engineering in those days and they think that still engineering is the only respectful line study for their child.

Most the parents take child career decision without their concern. Still parents think that their child is not capable of choosing right career and end up wasting time and money. Even though sometimes children are fighting for their own choice of career option but still parents considered them as amateurs and ignoring their choices/interests.

Emotional Blackmail is one of the most common practice done by parents to their child. Through these kind of practice parents are killing the ability of child in taking decisions and letting them to depend on parents all time.

Many parents allow their friends, extended family or relatives to influence their child’s career choice. When a child starts fighting with their parents to choose a career on their interest; then their parents use friends, relatives to speak with the child and convince them to choose career on their own.


There are few factors that are of immense importance in the career selection process. It is very essential for the parents to understand and consider these factors while selecting the career option. Here are some of the important factors that every parent should consider.

Evaluate your child’s aptitude, strengths and weaknesses.

Help your child in discovering his/her own passion.

Motivate your Child in pursuing his/her passion.

Inform your Child regarding all aspects of the career.

Help the Child understand the work life in the chosen career by associating with professionals in the field.

Stop your Child from falling prey to peer-pressure and herd mentality.

Gain your Child’s confidence and motivate them to discuss their queries with you.

Seek professional help whenever required.

education and career choice in kurnool


3.6.2: Role Of Teachers/ Institute Directors Teachers plays a major role in every student life. Some of the great teachers were the cause of political and industrial revolutions around the world. Their vision helped various societies to gain self-sufficiency and financial freedom. But these days teachers are teaching without passion. They here into this teaching field just to earn money. When is comes to Engineering colleges they are hiring their passed out students as their college faculty who have no teaching experience earlier and students are suffering. There is huge demand for teachers/faculty but only few colleges can afford them. In some colleges they have ancient age faculty which keep teaching the same thing from the textbooks. This doesn’t help a student go and survive in the society. Faculty should also keep updating themselves while teaching students. They should not only teach the syllabus but they should also give them the related practical knowledge to the students to survive in this competitive society.

education and career choice in kurnool

Teachers/Faculty should treat every student equally. In every class there are above average and below average students. Sometimes faculty will be very supportive to their pet students and helps them in all the possible cases. With this kind of practice many students are suffering and even scared to interact with the teachers/faculty. Education today has become a multi-billion industry; college directors are focused on degrees and making money. Students are set to study hard and get good grades so that the institute directors can earn the success rate reputation and earn money by selling their college seat. In some cases these institute directors are attracting parents by previous success rates and convincing them to join their students in their colleges. Some school directors have engineering colleges too. So they are convincing their students to join their college blindly without even letting them to think of their field of interest by giving them unnecessary scholarships and reservation. Due to this students are getting into the trap of studying engineering and spoiling their career.


3.6.3: Current Student Situation Currently many students are into engineering but they are still confused why did they joined and what they are going to do after the graduation. •

Most of the students join because they need job but not on interest. Their brains been washed thoroughly that they started thinking that only by doing engineering this society will respect me and can get a job easily.

Many students need marks then knowledge. Because faculty/institute directors are forced them to study and teaching them that good marks will get you a good job. Because of this students are not interested in learning the skills.

Even in the colleges most of the staff does not like each other if he/ she is teaching better than others.

Teachers gives good grades to the students who serve them.

Students cannot do better things without permissions. There is no proper support from teachers to let the students innovate.


education and career choice in kurnool

3.6.4: Lack Of Employable Talent A New Delhi-based employment solutions company, Aspiring Minds, conducted an employability-focused study based on 150,000 engineering students who graduated in 2013. The findings were rather shocking. As many as 97 per cent of graduating engineers want jobs either in software engineering or core engineering. However, only 3 per cent have suitable skills to be employed in software or product market, and only 7 per cent can handle core engineering tasks. Though the quantity of engineering colleges and programmes are going on increasing in the country, the lack of quality education persists. Profit-hungry management’s, lack of skill education, resplendent corruption, focus on rote-learning methods, and shortage of faculty (both in quantity and quality) are the major issues plaguing higher education. Graduates are collecting their degrees despite not being skilled enough to be a productive part of the Indian economy. Factors behind Lack of Employable Talent: •

Held back by limited English

Even after pursuing 15-16 years of formal education, graduates are still not suitable for a job in the society

Lack of employability skills or employable talent among Indian graduates is the current problem in Indian job market

Obsolete syllabus

Poor academic delivery, lack of work culture exposure and emphasis on just scoring marks instead of gaining knowledge


3.7: Conclusion of The Survey •

More than 70% of parents influence their children while choosing a career

Burdening children with unreal expectations

Out of 100 Engineering students only 8 of them are interested in doing it

Emotional Blackmail is common practice by parents

Parents take decisions without child concern

Some students do know about other careers but still they end up choosing engineering as a career due to lack of support and motivation


4 Case Study


4.1: Career Cards

Mr. Pruthvi Raj, who studied masters in design and specialises in communication design at IITK’s Design Program, by working with Kirti Kalyan (25) they both developed the concept under the guidance of Jhumkee Iyengar created CAREER PLAY CARDS under which students are introduced to various career options through a pack of cards designed.

case study


His first initial idea was to improve the educational experience of technical undergraduates to make sure that they enjoy the subject and the learning experience by creating an interesting methodology to learn and grow. But late after the Primary Research he got the things clear and started to design a system for parents and children that helps them to know the existing and upcoming career choices for enabling them to choose their future after they know majority of the existing career opportunities. Like any normal pack, the set has 52 career cards, 3-4 people can play at a time including four groups of regular cards(13 in each group) and eight special boom cards, with eight career names on each of them. A boom card is to be randomly selected at the beginning of the game and the career named in it will have the maximum value in that game. The career cards depict the name of a career, illustration based on the career, its features, a definition and career variations. The Cards are quite interesting, the cards have cartoon character on each card and depicts the best possible visual of the career in a funny way. Raj said that “Besides providing a better understanding of the career, the visual impact will help children easily remember a career and its details. There are some designed to create an understanding among children that a particular career is not at the top all the time and they are many factors which decide which career is best at the given time�. His testing proved that Children are excited to know each career meant and started discussing, inventing their own rules to play with these cards. There is a very minimum influence with this game on the children mind at the right age by putting Career Options Titles.

case study


4.2: Career Counseling

Career counseling, also known as career guidance, is counseling designed to help with choosing, changing, or leaving a career and is available at any stage in life. One’s career is often one of the most important aspects of adulthood, and embarking on a new career, whether for the first time, the second time, or any time thereafter, can be a stressful event, especially when economic difficulties such as recession are a factor. A career counselor can help by outlining and discussing one’s potential career options. A career counselor could be a therapist, life coach, or a volunteer from the business world but will generally be trained to provide career information resources, discuss career development, and administer and interpret aptitude and ability assessments. Students should see a guidance counselor in high school before applying to college and then again in college before choosing or changing majors, but career counseling can help anyone who wishes to change careers, leave work altogether, or explore ways to be more satisfied with a current career.


case study

4.2.1: Benefits of Career Counseling Approaching a career counselor is essential when you are not sure about choosing a suitable career option. Selecting a career option determines your course of life. While a good decision at the right point of time can make your life pleasant, a wrong one can ruin it. In case of dilemma, it is also better to take professional help. Career counseling is probably the best option in this case. Helps in determining a student’s true potential: There are students who are clear as to what they want to become. On the other hand, there are others who are either confused or have no idea about their career preferences. Regular aptitude tests and counseling sessions conduct by career counselors can help students in finding out the right career options and the fields that interest them. On the basis on these counseling results, students make the right choice regarding what course they want to enroll into in order to accomplish their career goals. Clear doubts: Despite having a clear idea of what they want to achieve in life, some students do not know the career path they need to follow to have the requisite academic qualification to join a particular course. Career counseling can help students clear these doubts by giving them a clear cut view of what they can expect from various educational courses. Some students might also have preconceived beliefs about certain fields. Career counseling also helps students overcome these by knowing the true facts. Support and motivation: A career counselor also provides essential support and boosts the morale of a student by understanding the kind of requirements. Building the motivational level of a student is necessary for long term success. This aids in improving overall performance of a student. In addition to this, career counseling also teaches how to expand your network which in turn enhances emotional support.


4.2.2: Methods of Career Counseling There are many different techniques that counselors can use with their clients. Let’s take a look at some of the techniques that we feel to be most effective during a counseling session:

Spheres of Influence: This is an assessment tool will get the individual to look at areas of their life and see which areas may be impacting and influencing them. The person’s job is to figure out which systems in their life give them strength, and which ones give them stress. Some spheres of influence to consider are: themselves, immediate family, friends, husband or wife, extended family, job or school, community, culture or religion, and any external influences.


Each ring symbolizes a target audience. The ring closest to user symbolizes the people connect with on a regular basis and know fairly well. They can include your manager, co-workers, peers, clients, family, close friends, etc. They are people whom user associate with directly, who could impact their career. Conversely, user can influence their perceptions through your messages and actions. The medium-sized ring symbolizes others who may have some influence on user career. They are people user know, but may not see on a regular basis. They could be managers from other departments, senior managers, past employers or clients, externals suppliers, or people whom he/she met at professional associations, civic organizations, or trade shows. The big ring symbolizes user wish list – those whom he/she want to meet and add to sphere of influence. Is there someone who impressed user, whom user would like to get to know?

case study

Core Conditions: This technique in counseling goes over some essential traits that the counselor needs to integrate for effective counseling, which are: positive regard, empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard.

empathy congruence


Empathy we all have our own perception of the world. The counselor tries to understand the thoughts and the feelings as the client experiences them, sometimes referred to as ‘walking in someone else’s shoes’. In other-words empathy refers to feeling with the person in his painful situation.

Congruence In this the counselor is genuine and real. This condition is important as it allows the client to build a trusting relationship with the counselor. The counselor’s congruence has got another use. It will help to defeat the negative attitudes or conditions of worth that others might have placed on the client.

Unconditional Positive Regard Giving a sort of relief to the client,being unconditionally positive to him,like without blaming. UPR allows the Counselor to open up and speak about the difficulties without a fear of being criticized or prejudiced.


Encouraging: Being encouraging for client is an essential technique that will help facilitate confidence and respect between both parties. This technique asks that the counselor focus on the client’s strengths and assets to help them see themselves in a positive light. This will help with the client’s progression.


case study

Focusing: This technique involves the counselor demonstrating that they understand what client is experiencing by using non-judgmental attention without any words. Focusing can help the counselor determine what the client needs to obtain next from their services.

Immediacy: The technique of the counselor speaking openly about something that is occurring in the present moment. This helps the client learn from their real life experiences and apply this to their reactions for other past situations.

Open-Ended Questions: Open ended questions encourage people in a counseling session to give more details on their discussion. Therefore, these types of questions are used as a technique by counselors to help their clients answer how, why, and what.


Reflection of Feeling: Counselors use this technique to show clients that they are fully aware of the feelings that client is experiencing. It helps to draw clear distinctions between what is appropriate socially and what is appropriate therapeutically. In the therapeutic milieu, clients are “stuck” when they are unable to identify how they feel about what is happening in their lives. Effective use of the reflection of feeling skill helps clients gain the self-awareness needed to get “unstuck.” There are different methods used while reflecting client feelings: 1. Step into the client’s shoes. This approach involves the counselor stepping inside the client’s reality and attempting to experience it. As the client describes the unexpected end of an important relationship, the counselor silently asks, “How would I feel if this were going on in my life?” Whatever emotions occur to the counselor are then verbally reflected to the client: “You feel lost and lonely without your partner.” 2. Use emotional recall. Many individuals have common reference points-past experiences that are similar. One example of this is that most people have experienced a romantic relationship end before they were ready for it to end.

Miracle Question: The miracle question, created by Steve de Shazer one of the pioneers of solution-focused therapy in 1988, is a great ‘thought experiment’ and a creative way to devise good therapeutic goals. The miracle question basically asks people to make believe, however fantastical it may be in their particular circumstances, that their life has already dramatically changed for the better. So instead of focusing exclusively on how insoluble their problem is, and how difficult life is because of it, it switches attention to what will happen after the problem is dealt with – focusing on the desired future rather than the undesired present. One of the pillars of solution focused therapy. It jumps right over the mechanics of how, exactly, the problem will be solved into the mechanics of how will they live when it is solved.

case study

It’s a neat and rather fun way of bypassing rigid constraints, black and white thinking, and unshakable beliefs that “things can’t possibly change!” The technique of asking a question of this sort will help the client see the world in a different way or perspective. A miracle question could be something total fantasy: If by some very real magic you were to go to sleep tonight and a miracle happened while you were sleeping, and when you wake in the morning you and your life are in an altogether happier place, as if the problem has been swept away… just imagine how that will feel now with your eyes closed… how will it be?… what will you do?

Proxemics: This technique has the counselor study the spatial movements and conditions of communication that their client exhibits. By studying their clients body orientation, the counselor can determine mood, feelings, and reactions.

Self-Disclosure: The counselor will make note when personal information is disclosed at certain points of therapy. This technique will help the counselor learn more about the client and use this information only to benefit them.

Hierarchy of Needs: This technique involves the counselor assessing the client’s level of needs as based on the progress that they are making. The needs that they will factor in are: physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, self esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.


5 Concepts and Conclusion


5.1: Axis - I

Creating a one stop platform to inspire and empower 10+2 students and parents to identify various other career opportunities available


Creating a career counseling App that let’s the user to discover available career options and interact with the other professionals




(basic wire-frames)

concepts and conclusion


5.2: Axis - II

Awareness campaign to parents: to realize their mistake.

Parents play a significant role in building their children’s careers. Studies have shown that parents have the greatest impact on students career selection. Parent’s Influence on children affect than inadvertently and intentionally. When the children are moving into their adolescence, they seriously start looking forward on their careers and often consider their parents as a reference to initiate their path for a career. It may not always be a righteous role for the children, but it’s a fact that how children raised in their teenagers age determines their future. Data Based Advertising Poster Campaign is especially to make parents understand their mistake and not to influence the child while choosing their career because


in kurnool, out of 100 students only 8 are interested studying engineering


5.3: Axis - III

Motivating Campaign to the students about choosing right career choices



Based on my survey it was clear that some students do know about other career choices but still they ended up choosing engineering due to lack of support and motivation

Creating a Fresh Eco-System for the students in 10+2 & Engineering colleges through industry experts like Entrepreneurs, Career Counselors to Inspire, Educate and Evolve the students.



5.4: Conclusion

India is a country where people first become engineers and then figure out what they want to become. This research helped me to understand the education sytem in India, especially in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. Choosing a right career is the biggest challenge for every student in India. Parents play a major role while a child is choosing career, they should allow their child to choose career on their own. A child can only know his subject, abilities and area interests better than anyone else. So parents should respect the child decission and support them.

Bibliography Images PageNo: 11 - Students Discussion - PageNo: 15 - Primary Education Students - PageNo: 15 - Secondary Education Students - PageNo: 16 - Tertiary Education Students - PageNo: 17 - Engineering College - PageNo: 25 - Kurnool Konda Reddy Buruju - PageNo: 27 - Private School Students - PageNo: 27 - Govt School Students - PageNo: 29 - Engineering College - photography by Mighty Sekhar Babu PageNo: 33 - Field Survey - photography by Abishai Tippana PageNo: 34 - Students Examination - photography by Abhishek Sanjapogu PageNo: 36 - Indian Parents - PageNo: 38 - Kid Writing - PageNo: 38 - Student At The Window - PageNo: 38 - Parents and Child - PageNo: 41 - Child Holding Father Hand - PageNo: 41 - Parents Speaking With Their Child - PageNo: 41 - Guitarist Band - PageNo: 42 - Aged Faculty - PageNo: 43 - Institute Director - PageNo: 43 - Speaker - PageNo: 43 - Seminor - PageNo: 45 - Students Walking - PageNo: 46 - For Hire - PageNo: 49 - Students - photography by Mighty Sekhar Babu PageNo: 53 - Prithvi Raj Case Study Images - PageNo: 55 - Prithvi Raj Case Study Images - PageNo: 57 - Career Counseling - PageNo: 58 - Career Counseling - PageNo: 63 - Counselor - PageNo: 75 - Career Campaign -


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Special Thanks To Joseph Abishai for helping me to get into the BITS Colleges Romil Motta for clicking cover photos Roshan Maru and Mayank Maru for modeling Mighty Sekhar Babu for clicking college photos


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