Q & A Matinee
The man, the myth, the Legend
Corey Sholes Legend Skateboard my own boards. My primary business was going to be making furniture, but skateboarding really Been pressing and selling boards since 1994, but took off in the mid-’90s. So I did that full time. started buying uncut boards and making my own shapes in 1988. Before blanks and shop How many companies do you make skate decks, you had to buy uncut boards and make decks for? And what are the companies? your own shapes if you wanted to save money. Probably make boards for about two dozen What got you started in making skate decks? companies: H Street, Alf's company Everybody Skates, Ron Allen's company American Dream, Started my own company just like anybody and Yousta brand, etc. else didn't want to get a real job. People were How long have you been making skateboards?
stoked on my shaped boards in the late ’80s (made out of the uncuts), so I decided to press
Words & Photos: Jake Levon @jakethehated