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This report outlines the AW15 marketing promotional strategy for Pure Collection, the campaign ‘un voyage beau naturel’ meaning the natural beautiful journey in English will roll out accross the French market from August 2015. The aim of the campaign is to increase brand recognition and sales within the French marketplace by using a variety of marketing techniques to target the appropriate consumer. The tactics employed will consist of an advertising campaign, followed by a store opening and in-store event and finalised with a full digital campaign.


Executive Summary_______________________________________1 Contents__________________________________________________2 Introduction_______________________________________________3 Background & Rationale___________________________________4-6 Target Consumer__________________________________________7 Aims & Objectives_________________________________________8 Strategic Approach________________________________________9-10 Tactic One: Advertising Campaign__________________________11 Tactic Two: Store Opening & Event_________________________12 Tactic Three: Digital Campaign_____________________________13 Conclusion________________________________________________14 Appendices________________________________________________15-16 References_________________________________________________17


This report will explain the outline, implementations and outcomes of AW15 promotional strategy for Pure Collection in order for it to increase brand recognition and sales in France/Europe. There will be an introduction to the brand and its background with an overview of its targeted consumer in the French marketplace. Following this, the report will look at the strategic approach and will address the number of tactics employed to promote a successful campaign. A short conclusion and assessment will follow summarizing the campaign and its level of success; appendices will complete the report alongside references containing primary and secondary research.


Pure Collection was founded by Nick Falkingham and Adam Holdsworth in 2002 and since the opening it has been recognized as one of the largest direct and online retailers of cashmere in the world. Offering ‘superb quality at a price that’s fair and right’, Pure offer 3 different weights of Cashmere; Warm and Soft 12 Gauge, Light and Airy Gassato and Fine and Cool Featherweight using eight goats to make just one sweater. By 2007 Pure had successfully launched their womenswear range and by 2011 had opened its first boutique in Tunbridge Wells. Today, there are seven stores in the UK, one in the North of England and the remaining six in the South. In store as well as online Pure provide a range of sizes from size 6-20, online Pure ship internationally and offer a ‘collect in store’ service to all of its customers, at £5.95 Pure will also gift-wrap your item. There is a 90-day free returns policy for all full priced items and 14 days return on sale items. The main marketing technique used by Pure Collection in the UK is their catalogue, which offers an exclusive 15% offer with free returns. As a customer signs up to receive the catalogue online they are also immediately entered into a prize draw to win £1000 in cashmere products. Other promotional offers online include clearance with up to 70% off on last season’s collection to introductory offers with 25% off the new collection. Currently in France catalogues are very popular with ‘La Redoute’ and ‘Trois Suisses’ being the main catalogues in France to order clothes from. See Figure 1 for Pure website statistics. Value for money

Exceptional service

Core Values & Messages

High quality

Pure Collection currently has 13,000 likes on Facebook and over 1,080 Twitter followers however don’t have an App available for smartphones and tablets. They also currently do not use visual marketing platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram so the website is the main way for consumers to access Pure. See Figure 2 for Pure Collection Online Statistics.


Currently, Pure Collection needs to further develop its marketing techniques to gain recognition in the French market, as more emphasis needs to be placed on the digital aspects to cater to the targeted consumer. In 2012 mobile spending in France rose by 171% with nearly half of French shoppers using at least 2 channels such as brand websites and in-store to purchase. See figure 3 in appendix. Research shows that in France consumers are inspired and drawn towards politicians, artistic and cultured people as oppose to reality stars and celebrities and often seek a more laidback approach to life. In terms of fashion this means that the choice of garment is a classic practical piece made from high-quality natural fabrics. The campaign has been developed in a way as to be culturally and economically aware of its positioning entering the French market as a new brand, so for this reason Pure Collection retail prices will be higher than average price in comparison to the UK.


Figure 1 - Website traffic statistics for Pure Collection.

Figure 2 - Pure Collection Online Statistics.


From the feedback collected from Pure Collection employees, the brand targets a wide audience from a range of backgrounds and ages. Alongside this photographic research was conduced in Paris in order to discover the appropriate target audience, which led to two types consumers:



To execute the promotional strategy campaign ‘un voyage beau naturel’ at a higher price bracket into the French marketplace successfully.


To increase overall sales performance through advertising in France by 25% in 2017.


To expand customer demographic by 15% in France by April 2016.


To establish strong brand recognition from the in-store event over the course of the campaign.


To strengthen overall online presence and retain consistency throughout each social media and digital platform for France and UK.


The campaign named ‘un voyage beau naturel’ is based around Pure Collections journey from the UK to Paris and the essence of the brand with its natural fibres and classic look. The colours used throughout the campaign are sympathetic towards to French consumer and reflective of the research conducted there. Planned for AW15 the campaign will be rolled out from August 2015 and will contain advertising, store opening and in-store event and a digital campaign. Each tactic will ensure a delivery of brand recognition, an increase in sales and an expanded customer demographic, meeting the needs and desires of the intended target consumer. Advertising Campaign AWARENESS 15/08/15

Digital Campaign

05/09/15 INTEREST Store Opening & In-Store Event


11/09/15 ACTION Release of Catalogue

The location of the concept store will be on Rue Bonaparte, a side street off the main tourist road of Blvd Saint Germain in the Latin Quarter of Paris. Starting from the Luxembourg gardens right through to Quai Malaquais, the area is cultured and features museums, restaurants, cafés and local art galleries. It also features some of the main historic landmarks surrounding it such as The Ecole de Beaux Arts, The Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Pres to The Church of Saint-Sulpice Fountain and The Jardin du Luxembourg. See Figure 4. In the main area of the Latin Quarter are a number of higher education establishments in the area of Sorbonne. Along the main road of Rue Bonaparte it is known for housing some of France’s most famous and influential names. To many it is considered as one of Paris’ most sought-after residential area’s and the only main competitor in the area is the store Kirane Cashmere with prices ranging from €250 (£180) to €580 (£418) selling only around 17 garments with a choice of 4 different colours. Research shows other competitors in Paris of a high quality however Pure is of a lower price range, with this in mind it is justifiable to increase Pure’s price bracket by 12%. See Figure 5. The area has bicycle/motorbike stands as well as street parking many residents live; a short walk away there are the tube stations Saint-Germain-des-Pres. Saint-Sulpice and Mabillion which access different area’s all across the city.



-  -  -  -

Exclusive store, only Pure in Paris Exceptional personal service High quality Trend aware


-  Higher price point than the UK market -  Rarely do discounts, consistent price points


-  Convenient access -  Luxury area -  Sell online as well as in-store


-  -  -  -

Advertising Event Digital campaign Media awareness

Figure 4 - Location of Pure store HIGH PRICE




Figure 5 - Competitors in Paris


Advertising is an essential component in building and maintaining brand awareness and sales growth and will be rolled out three weeks prior to the store opening to allow enough time for promotion. Pure Collection will be advertising from the 15th of August 2015 along frequently used commuting networks such as the main RER stations, Metro stations and bus routes in and around Paris. By advertising on billboards and posters in the city and on train platforms and tubes, aside from gaining local attention and target both identified consumers, the campaign will also be successful in expanding customer demographics. The advertising campaign will be simple and reflect the quality of the brand well whilst promoting the official store opening. As French consumers generally pay a higher price point for better quality clothing the campaign will also feature a short sentence outlining the brands values and promise of high quality to attract the consumer. In promoting the advertising campaign to the French consumer the current French presidents wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy’s name will be featured, as she will be the main attendee at the opening. A well established singer-songwriter, mother and former model who is known for her career as well as being the wife of president Nicolas Sarkozy has been involved in a variety of charities, and recently launched her foundation Carla Bruni-Sarkozy to promote access to culture and knowledge for all. Alongside the billboards a one-page advert will appear in just two French publications, Marie Claire and La Femme Actuelle which will enable Pure to target both consumers during this part of the campaign without commercializing the brand and losing is exclusivity status.


The second aspect of this campaign will be the opening of the Pure Collection Flagship Store on the 5th of September, a week after the French school holidays. With the advertising campaign running three weeks prior to the store opening and being promoted with the attendance of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy this will of created enough awareness, brand recognition and promotion before the opening. The official store opening will be at 11.30AM as French stores open later and close later, however the press and the media will be invited for a short interview prior to the opening from10.00AM with Carla Bruni-Sarkozy where she will talk about current affairs and then propose a short speech about the store and what Pure Collection means to her and what it represents. During the store opening customers will have the opportunity to meet and have pictures taken with Carla Bruni-Sarkozy who will be promoting the brand by wearing a full Pure Collection outfit on the day. The highly thought of bakery ‘Pierre Herme’ will be supplying the store with a range of different flavoured macaroon’s in AW15 colour themes relevant to the collection, wine and coffee will also be available throughout the day to create a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere to the store. Although there won’t be any discounts given on the day of the store opening to maintain exclusivity, data will be collected by staff using iPads where details of the attendee’s names address and email will be taken. Using this data the first official Pure catalogue will be sent out on 11th of September and will include a promotional voucher for customers who spend over €250 will receive a free accessory under €60 of their choice.


To appeal to the younger consumer a full digital campaign will be launched and will run alongside the store opening, featuring a new smartphone app and website. The website is currently specific to the UK market, therefore the site will be changed into a worldwide site including specific language options and changed pricing to suit the market. The site will maintain its current clean, fresh and simple layout, however the visuals will be catered to the French market by including accessorizing and the layering of products. The colour palette will also become more neutral with hints of colour running throughout certain pages so as not to deter the younger consumer. The app will be available on Apple and Android and feature a desktop version for those accessing through their iPads and computers, this will be primarily used an advertising, entertaining and educating platform. The App will allow its users to view and purchase products, see up and coming events, link to their social media accounts and offer style advice and inspiration. Another feature of the App will include care and cleaning advice and information, educating the consumer into the history and values of the brand, reinforcing its brand image and overall customer loyalty. See Figure 6 in Appendix. The catalogue will be updated to match the theme of the store and all digital platforms so that there is a flowing and recognizable theme throughout. Visual platforms are important in creating ideas and inspiring so an Instagram page will also be created for easy and accessible viewing of the brand visually. As the brand will be easily accesible by using the new app there will be an increase in sales and brand awareness as consumers will begin to meet up with friends at the events that they have been notified about as a social event as well as for their love of the brand.


The success of the campaign, ‘un voyage beau naturel’ will be measured in different ways, the main beings the sales and market performance as a result of the campaign. There will of been an increase in sales on products, primarily accessories. Analyzing the brands market performance will also be achieved by collecting customer data and staff feedback via online and face to face research. The brand will of be successful in moving forward digitally and targeting the young consumer and expanding customer demographic. A bi-monthly report will also be put together comparing website visitor statistics and social media statistics to measure its growth and level of interaction and attention the brand is receiving. The overall campaign has been created in such a way that it will retain its exclusive and classic feel whilst attracting new and exciting consumers, its main focus is to make the consumer aware of the quality and heritage of the brand whilst interacting with the customer on a personal level to build loyalty. By using the tactics deployed consumers won’t feel overwhelemed by the brand, but comfortable and will be eventually recognized as a trusted, well established brand at the fore-front of womans fashion.


Figure 3 - Online Retail Sales

Figure 7 - Online sales growth for France.

Figure 8 -Investments and growth in France 2014


Figure 6 - Mobile App mock up for Pure.


Figure 1 - Figure 2 - Figure 3 - Figure 7 - Capital%20Markets%202015_LR.pdf?2f43b0b6-a956-4ab8-b7d24f20e2e41438 How Britains retail sector is going and is being invested by. Figure 8 - boom_triggers_transformation_in_retail_logistics_whitepaper_Nov2013. pdf?55965ff4-566c-4dad-9ad3-84d0225fc9b4 The one with the england flag and stats (2014) Ghauri N. Pervez & Cateora, Phillip 4th Edition, International Marketing (2014) Lacobucci, Dawn Marketing Management (2014) Pickton, David & Masterson, Rosalind 3rd Edition, Marketing an Introduction


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