A b IG A I L K L E E R E KOPE R F MP03 R e s earc h P D F
Co nt ent s 3
D i scover
Dev elop, deliv er & det ermi ne impact
D elve
Reflect ions
D efine
Abigail Kleerekoper
Abigail Kleerekoper
The v ery begi n n i n g As Paul said, I have a growing interest in the way design can be used to solve social issues. I aimed to gain a better understanding of the topic of social design. I wanted to take my key interests/skills and plot them into a social design context. In this way I would be able to focus on them in the right conext and strengethen them through this project.
“A growing interest in the role design can play within social contexts, in response to particular issues or concerns, clearly motivates your interest in the subject. You also express an appreciation for the value of, and requirement for, research to identify ‘precise’ insights that inform appropriate responses to a given problem or challenge. This mindset situates you very comfortably within the field of social design.” - Paul Bailey
Abigail Kleerekoper
My key interests
Through splitting my key interests into two sections, I realised that in fact, they are all related to social design either directly or as part of
“Cause/concern, ethics, research & analysis, Reason/not baseless, precision, originality, helpful.”
the process used. Now I realise that not only do I need to find a cause/ concern to focus my project on but I need to enhance the process by keeping these other factors in mind. I will try my best to develop this project by practicing these skills. Through the implementation of
1. “Cause/concern, ethics, helpful and Reason/not baseless”
2. “Research & analysis, precision and originality”
these aspects, I hope to result in increased accuracy of conceptual and contextual decisions as well as design decisions. Through doing this I hope to create a more meaningful
The essence of Social Design
Factors that would enhance a social design project.
and impactful outcome.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Ageing Population
Obesity in Society
Dangers of After thinking about a number of pressing social issues
Womens safety
Internet & Social Media
that are constantly being mentioned in the media, I decided to focus on the dangers of the internet and social media as I was intrigued to find out how I could contribute
Unemployment in UK
to one of the many issues regarding this matter.
Property prices in UK
Abigail Kleerekoper
Abigail Kleerekoper
I n t ern e t A ddi ction After having discovered more about all the other categories of the dangers of the internet and social media, I ended with looking at internet addiction.
Abigail Kleerekoper
I n t ern e t A ddi ction
Abigail Kleerekoper
I n t ern e t A ddi ction I found some headlines that jumped out at me as being really pressing social issues surrounding Internet addiction. Regarding it as an “illness” made me really think about how extreme this issue really can be. I also looked at the symptoms of Internet addiction as I thought that it would help me understand the issue on a better level.
Abigail Kleerekoper
I n t ern e t A ddi ction I began looking to see if there were any solutions to this issue. It was interesting to see that there was a campaign that was created in order to motivate people who are “addicted” to their phones. This made me think about Internet addiction with regards to using email and social media on mobile devices and how internet addiction is not limited to the computer.
Abigail Kleerekoper
[ chosen route: Internet Addiction ] The topic of Internet addiction is often discussed in
This leads to many different areas of exploration, for
the media. Unlike other issues, there are quite a few
example, the increasing expectations of employees due
examples of social design around this topic. As well
to 24/7 access of emails via computers, smartphones
as a general awareness of what internet addiction is,
and tablets. This forms a pressure that never used to
there are two main initiatives that have been taken.
exist where employees feel that they ought to respond
One is a general disconnection from the Internet in
within 30 seconds which doesn’t leave much room
order to enhance communication with the important
for thought. We are living in a world that relies on
people in our lives. This is not specifically aimed at
technology but it is suffocating us.
diagnosed addicts but is directed at the addict in all of
A feasible route for this project could be the
us. This includes concepts like “disconnect to connect”
exploration into the digital age with the intention of
and “unplug to recharge”. The disadvantage of these
spreading awareness and empowering the audience
campaigns is that they are extremely short term. It is
(e.g employees) to take a stand and demand some
unlikely that switching one’s phone off for an hour will
breathing space.
have a lasting impact.
I realise that in reality, drastic change will not be
The other initiative taken is when an individual
made as the world relies on technology but it would
decides to disconnect in order to inspire, be inspired or
be interesting to explore the attitudes of an audience
make a social point.
and strive to alter their mindset slightly in order to
It is clear that internet addiction or dependency,
enhance their quality of life.
(even in a mild form) is an issue that a huge number
Although “Disconnect to Connect” may intrinsically aim
of people in society face every day. It seems that
to solve similar issue, my aim would be to have a long-
although one cannot turn back time, there is an issue
term impact on attitude rather than suggest a “one
concerning the digital age and its effect on society.
hour disconnection”.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Audience: City Lawyers
Aim/Context: To empower the audience to take a stand and demand some breathing space from technology. Creating systems that provide “timeout”.
Client: Mental Health Foundation
Modes of Engagement: Participatory/ Motivational Campaign
Abigail Kleerekoper
Abigail Kleerekoper
[ INTroduction: Why i chose this topic ] Ever since I was born, I have been carrying out
worse. Although it meant that she could work from
primary research for this very project. My mother
home more, it also meant that she was glued to her
is a high-flying city lawyer who takes her job and
responsibilities very seriously. For 22 years I have
Buzzing on average every 3 minutes, with about 175
observed her expertise, her attitudes towards
emails a day it was enough for anyone to wonder how
colleagues as well as her consistent drive to produce
on earth she stayed sane. She loved it though. She
top quality work for her successful and demanding
thrived on the “efficiency” of her fast responses. She
clients. This meant waking up at 3am every morning,
adored helping people in times of “need”. Whether she
staying awake for more than 48 hours during intense
was fighting for a discriminated victim on grounds
multi-million pound deals. It meant being on call day
of race, age or sex or for long standing partners in a
and night for high-profile clients to cry like babies,
sensitive dispute, she was there, waiting for that “buzz”.
demanding instant attention. It meant dropping social
Eager to reply in an “efficient” instant. It was always
commitments to satisfy the needs of these people who
a case of being “quick on the uptake”. Responding
needed her more than her family. It also meant having
in a flash. Never sleeping. By the time I was 16, her
no “true” holiday but Christmas day.
fingertips were glued to her blackberry. Little did
She was a fantastic mother, but growing up it was
she know that maybe speedy responses weren’t as
sometimes hard to always know who came first. The
productive as she may have perceived. Maybe the way
kids or the clients? As I grew up, technology became
she handled the emails were making her job harder?
more advanced, as did her career. This made everything
Abigail Kleerekoper
res earc h aid s I began to look through these books in order to get familiarise myself with social design methods as well as revise some general research methods in design. I found these very helpful in getting a better idea about the order in which this project could be carried out.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Expert Co n tact Due to the nature of my audience, I have to accept that I will be unable to attain information, answers, feedback and insights from a big number of lawyers. With over 30 years experience in the legal industry my mother has worked closely with many other lawyers, legal practitioners, senior partners, associates and junior solicitors in numerous different settings. With this experience she is able to offer many insights into the attitudes, behaviours and expectations of lawyers and their clients. She provides me with a hugely perceptive and insightful understanding of my target audience on the whole and the issues that many face with regards to email use in the legal industry.
Abigail Kleerekoper
primary/s e co n dary
emaillogic.com 1
res earc h ov erv iew to date.
VW email block after hours 2
Related work
Other Inbox3, InboxWhizz4, Bloxx Flitering Solutions5
Cause Emailers are in denial about extent of problem19
Email Compulsion (City Lawyers)
Effects “Damages thinking time”
1. http://www.emailogic.com 2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16314901 3. http://www.otherinbox.com 4. http://inboxwhiz.com 5. http://bloxx.com
Negative impact on productivity and efficiency at work.6
“Email is treated like a phone where instant response is “expected”
Infringes upon work-life balance.7
6. http://www.emailogic.com, “Tools of the Trade - Getting a Handle on Email” By Karen C. Knox. 7. Journal: Information & Management 48 (2011) 88-95, http://www.chatelaine.com/living/after-hours-work-emailscause-woman-guilt-and-stress/ 8. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/people-places-and-things /201301/every-little-interruption-counts 9. http://www.sciencewa.net.au/topics/social-science/item/2015email-induced-stress-investigated-for-cause.html 10. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/workers-suffering-from-emailstress-6605380.html 11. Journal: Information & Management 48 (2011) 88-95 12. http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/04/taking-e-mailvacations-can-reduce-stress-study-says/ 13. http://comicsbeat.com/give-yourself-a-present-email-amnesty/ 14. http://leavinglaw.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/good-fences-makehappier-lawyers/ 15. “Tools of the Trade - Getting a Handle on Email” By Karen C. Knox. 16. http://bloxx.com 17. http://bloxx.com 18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTugjssqOT0 19. http://bloxx.com
PRIMARY RESEARCH SOURCES Elaine Aarons, Solicitor. Partner at Withers LLP. (Over 30 years experience in legal industry in the City)
“Unrealistic expectations of employers, clients & self”
Suggested Action
Interruption proves to be unproductive 8 Causes stress
“Desire to be consientious” Further research
“Job insecurity” “Email amnesty”13 “Lwayers think there is no solution.”
Primary research based on cause, effect & opinions.
Implementation of ground rules 14
“Driven by fear”
Down time/refresh
“Fear of an overflowing inbox”
Email filter managagement 16
“Fear of inefficiency”
Dedicated email times/batch emails 17
“Fear of negligence” “ “Fear of loosing a potential client”
“Touch every paper once and that is especially true with email. ” - Andy Pausch 18 “Review or introduce a new email etiquette”
Keeping up with volume of emails in inbox. 9 Obligation to respond quickly 10 Lack of work-life balance 11 Checking emails regularly 12 “Information overload”
Abigail Kleerekoper
[ Final major project: aims ] We have this seemingly intractable problem of clients’
There may be a problem with the expectations of
very high expectations of their lawyers, which is
clients who want their email answered immediately
perfectly understandable.
and don’t understand that this leads to badly thought
This has many effects among which are problems
through emails. (This could be dealt with by the
associated with email and we find that this leads to
lawyers themselves explaining that they are offering
a better class of service by implementing the email
So, this project aims to solve problems associated with
email use. Not so that lawyers will be less effective or
The general aim is not to make the lawyers feel that
lose business but that they should be able to deal with
they are being told to use emails less or to treat
their emails in a healthy way and be more efficient.
their clients with any less efficiency but that they
What we need to do is help the lawyers understand
themselves stand to gain by the proposals and if they
that by treating the emails differently, they themselves
implement them, can expect a competitive advantage
might be more productive and efficient and be able to
over rival firms as well as reducing their stress and
deliver a better class of service to their clients.
getting better quality down time and sleep etc....
Abigail Kleerekoper
[ Audience questionnaire preps ] After looking closely at my primary and secondary
was relatively limited in responses and gained 10
findings to date, there were certain pieces of
information I wanted to confirm. There were also
I designed the questionnaire in the form of multiple
other issues that seemed to widely affect people
choice whilst also giving my audience the option
in the workplace but I wanted to discover how my
to explain their answers. The multiple choice style
audience was directly affected. Through asking specific
questionnaire intended to help the audience feel less
questions, my aim was to identify the needs, feelings
pressured to answer big, overwhelming questions
and behaviours of my audience in the context of work
and could be answered simply with a tick. I thought
& email activity.
that this would be most the most efficient way for me
My mother put me in touch with a few people in
to gain responses from my extremely busy and time
my audience, but due to the busy nature of city
pressured audience.
lawyers and the sensitivity of my mother’s career, I
Abigail Kleerekoper
Que s tion n aire respo nses
1. How often do you feel the need to respond to an email on a client matter very quickly?
2. When you feel the need to respond to an email on a client matter very quickly, does very quickly generally mean:
3. How often do you regret responding to an email at work too quickly?
A) Occasionally B) Frequently C) Quite often D) Never
A) That day B) Within 24 hours business day D) Longer?
A) occasionally B) frequently C) quite often D) never?
C) By the end of the next
10% Quite often 10% Never
100% Frequently
100% That day
4. Do you feel speed of response is important to clients: A) Always B) Often C) Occasionally D) Never?
70% Occasionally
5. How often do your regret responding to an email at work too slowly?
6. Do you send emails on client matters after 8.00pm or at weekends:
A) occasionally B) frequently C) quite often D) never?
A) occasionally B) frequently C) quite often D) never?
10% Frequently
50% Always
10% Rarely
10% Quite often 40% Occasionally
50% Often 80% Occasionally
60% Frequently
Abigail Kleerekoper
7. Do you receive emails on client matters after 8.00pm or at weekends:
8. Do you reply to non-urgent emails after 8.00pm or at weekends:
A) occasionally B) frequently C) quite often D) never?
A) occasionally B) frequently C) quite often D) never?
10% Quite often
30% Quite often
10% Occasionally
60% Frequently
30% Occasionally
60% Frequently
11. Does working at a fast pace
A) increase productivity and efficiency
A) Enhance the quality of your decisions
B) decrease productivity and efficiency
B) Damage the quality of your decisions?
C) both?
C) Both
80% Both
12. If you leave a draft email or letter overnight, do you make improvements before it is sent out:
10% Enhances quality of their decisions
60% Increase productivity and efficiency
A) easier B) harder C) both?
20% Easier
10. Does using email
40% Both
9. Do emails make your job
A) always B) often C) occasionally D) never
40% Occasionally
80% Both
60% Always
Abigail Kleerekoper
Ov erv iew: re s pon s e s
Emails increasing productivity & efficiency
“Fascilitates fast communication.”
Emails decreasing productivity & efficiency
“Further emails will be necessary.”
“Ability to work out of the office.”
“Cannot read long documents on screen.”
“Ability to move matters forward.” “Keeps exchanges short & to the point.”
“Clients expect a fast turn around and get frustrated if they do not get this.”
Feeling the need to respond quickly
Email use at Work
“Top quality service means being as responsive as possible.” “The expectation is that we are all connected 24/7 The days of Jane Austen have passed!” “Pressure of deadlines set by opponents.” “Law has very strict time-limits. It would be negligent to miss them!”
“The response could have been improved.” “Quick emails have more typos that look unprofessional.”
“Could be taken over by new incoming work.” “Helps maintain good relations with clients.”
Regret responding too quickly
Regret responding too slowly
“May get sent to the wrong person by mistake.” “Situation changes and I may need to change my response.”
“The clients get upset if we don’t turn matters around fast enough!” “On an initial introduction, one can lose the client!” “I can miss the chance to make a point because it loses force with the passage of time”
“I hit send and later think of something else to add.” “One can give a better thought out response by waiting a little.”
“Priorities become blurred because of emails.” “People fire from the hip and send red herrings running.” “Cannot always bill accurately with time recording when spending time on emails.” “Causes a problem with time management.” “It means there is no down time. Being constantly on call and having a big lack of down time is bad for productivity.”
“One should always sleep on it!”
“Email is taken over by events.”
Abigail Kleerekoper
I n clearer word s After carrying out the primary research, I have clarified many of the email related issues that I found out from my secondary research. Other interesting and related issues also came to light during this research. I discovered that the lawyers I asked did feel that email has it’s advantages and that it has a positive impact on their work to an extent. It also became very clear that there are issues regarding speed and interruption at work due to emails. There seems to be a pressure to work at a very fast pace and to be as responsive as possible. This evidently leads to interruption from emails and the “need” to respond quickly. This speed also seems to cause an inefficiency in the way emails are being written and sent to important people. There seems to be a lack of professionalism including typos, angry emails and more. This suggests that there is often a lack of thinking time, which could be valuable. What was interesting to me was that the “blurring of priorities” was mentioned. This relates to time management issues, which was also spoken about. The final issue that arose that interested me was that of “downtime”. “Having a big lack of downtime is bad for productivity.”
Abigail Kleerekoper
A day i n t h e life I asked my mum to send me updates on how many emails she had received and sent during different times of the day. I received updates quite a few times as she began to realise how much more bizarre her job is than she had ever realised!
3 & 4 MAY 2013 “82 emails sent and received on one client matter between 8.00pm and 8.00am” - Elaine A
“Just came out of a 4 hour meeting and 77 emails were awaiting me of which 31 were on client matters.”
“More than 25 emails sent & received on client matters between 8pm -11pm. Going home now!”
“23 emails received between 19:15 yesterday & 21:15 today ”
Abigail Kleerekoper
W ellbein g Having found out that there may need for more downtime, I looked into what that could involve. Being mentally sound seemed just as important as being physically sound. I was directed towards the “5 Ways to Wellbeing” that was published by the New Economics Foundation. These categories are something to keep in mind when developing the outcome.
“It is important in my job to take care of myself and my wellbeing. I don’t do as well as I could and am not so motivated to do so. Many lawyers find it difficult to think about anything but their job and this could include staying physically, mentally & emotionally well. Being healthy enhances efficiency and sharpens your mind.” - Elaine A
Abigail Kleerekoper
A lawy er’s i n b ox After finding out the different categories and percentages of my mum’s inbox, I asked her to elaborate further about the various categories of
emails that she receives.
“Varies from email to email. An email can
This helped me further understand the general nature
take 10 seconds to reply to or 2 hours or
of her inbox.
more. Some I can delegate to others in
15% Junk
the team.”
15% Internal emails URGENCY:
15% Law updates & Conference invites
65% Emails about client cases
“Depends on the case and the client (you can generally tell the clients with less patience!) but even when not urgent, would try to respond on the day even if just to say when a detailed response will be sent.”
TAKES LONGER IF: “A client attaches complex documents to NATURE:
“Quite a few long internal emails that are
There is a draft email or document that is
important - would prefer hard copies on
sent to me to review and amend
my desk when I arrive in the morning.
The email raises a point of law I need to
“Firm wide emails re: items lost in the
check up on before responding.”
toilets/water cooler etc...”
Abigail Kleerekoper
Mos t di s rupti v e email s
“When a client or an opponent
“Charity runs/just giving - I often
“Spam email that gets through our
suggests I have got things wrong as
feel I have to give for business
firewall - still too many per day.”
I then need to work out if the attack
reasons. Feels being forced to give.
is justified.”
Takes time & I give charity anyway.”
“The charity emails are internal and external. I get about 4 per week. Donating takes 10 minutes. So that’s 40 minutes every week!!!!!!”
“Out of office replies to say
“Firm wide emails re: items lost in
“Long internal emails that are
someone is out of the office for a
the toilets/water cooler etc...
important - would prefer hard
couple of hours.”
There are less than there used to
copies on my desk when I arrive in
the morning.”
Abigail Kleerekoper
W hat does your c lie n t wa n t from you?
“Certainty at the outset as to the
“No signs the lawyer is sloppy (signs
“To know the lawyer/ firm is well
fees they will be charged - clients
being typos, getting the facts wrong,
regarded by other clients and by
hate surprises.”
forgetting what they have already
other law firms.”
told you.)”
“Speed of response can win or
“A crucial skill is to keep the client
“Confidence the lawyer has the
lose the client’s confidence - swift
up to date as to when a piece of
right experience to deal with their
accurate responses wins it, slow and
work will be done. They appreciate
sloppy responses lose it.”
knowing where they stand.”
“Responsiveness - turning work
“We are told clients want to feel
“Feeling the lawyer will approach
round efficiently and effectively.”
they are our only client (or our most
the matter in the way they would
important case)”
like.” 29
Abigail Kleerekoper
A law yer’s a spirat ion s
downfalls due to email
“24/7 advice expected...”
good decision making...
“instant communication expected...”
To make the client happy by
“Thinking time is reduced which
exceeding expectations...
effects quality of decisions & quality of advice...” EA
to keep on top of workload... CONTRADICTIONS
“less money made with emails not
to make a good impression...
being time recorded accurately...” EA
to make money for the firm
more mistakes made due to speed...
through productivity...” - Elaine Aarons
InTerruption causes counterproductivity...
Abigail Kleerekoper
M aj or mot i vator of city law firms. This tells me that at it’s most ambitious, ultimately one
“The league tables are a
would be trying to develop a system where the success
constant reference source
of firms in dealing with email usage actively become
for clients and potential
measured in a league table. Clients would regard firms
recruits. Therefore culturally
who score well as providing the best service (which doesn’t necessarily mean always responding the most
law firms are very driven by
quickly). You could create a concept of a “productivity
competing with each other.” -
& efficiency” league tables according to how each firm
Elaine Aarons
uses the system!” - EA
Abigail Kleerekoper
Chan n el s of commu n i cation I automatically assumed that my outcome would steer clear of digital technology given that this causes the issue. However, after mentioning this to my mother, I found that I had been mistaken!
“A digital based solution would be best suited to your audience. Lawyers are busy and often on the go. You want the “used” outcome to be flexible so that they can interact with the “system” and gain the most out of it! I feel your communication needs to be integrated into my every day computer/Smartphone use. Obviously a campaign targeted at the audience in order to support the idea could be in the form of a leaflet but the actual solution itself should be digital.” Elaine Aarons
Abigail Kleerekoper
Abigail Kleerekoper
Barrier s & Be n efi ts This Define research method really helped me to clarify the needs and attributes of my audience. I found it really helpful in order to understand how I need to take careful notice of my audience in order to develop an outcome that will be suited to their needs. There is no reason in my mind why I can’t use the barriers to shape and enhance an outcome rather than letting them hold me back.
Descriptions/quotes of barriers for users engaging with my solution
Descriptions/quotes of the long-term benefits of increased productivity & efficiency for users engaging with my solution.
Successful results in cases due to increased
• • •
“24/7 advice expected” EA “Instant communication expected” EA Audience is motivated by being busy and under pressure
• • • •
Clients’ high expectations Cannot get rid of email as the audience relies on it The clients will not go away or change Cannot neglect emails
thinking time
“Thinking up interesting and creative arguments” EA
• •
“Regular flow of new work” EA “Aiming for quality decision making & quality advice in order to exceed clients’ expectations and make a good impression.” EA
“Making more money by being “efficient” and “productive”.” EA
“Appreciation from clients and colleagues.” EA
Abigail Kleerekoper
Stakeh older map Creating a stakeholder map helped me clarify the 3 main groups that affect the behaviour of a lawyer relating to time and email issues.
Stakeholder 1: Colleagues Competition at work and impressing colleagues is a major part of this issue. This creates a pressure to work at high speed and turn work around fast for the sake of being conscientious .
Stakeholder 2: Clients
User: City Lawyer These are the main stakeholders to focus on as the nature of these stakeholders is what forces lawyers to aspire to supernatural behaviours!
The clients have a major effect on the email related issues that lawyers face. The lawyer feels high levels of pressure to turn work around quickly in order to produce what they believe to be a “top quality” service!
Stakeholder 3: Family Family influence the decisions of a lawyer. They need attention, care and love. The lawyer will always feel a pull towards the direction of the family and will always feel guilty when work needs to come first.
Abigail Kleerekoper
segmen tat io n I will mainly be targeting the lawyers who understand the problem but do not believe that there is a solution. After speaking to my mother, my understanding is that there are many people in my audience who don’t think there is a solution and put the “problems” they face to the nature of their job which cannot be changed. She believes that if my audience really knew the true THINKS THERE IS ROOM FOR CHANGE
impact of time and email management through being given a solution, they would co-operate.
“This issue is widely known about but many people think that it cannot be solved!
Many lawyers find people telling them obvious things that they already know very irritating and most time
management training is comprised of statements of the
blithering obvious!!!!
Where they score is when they motivate the lawyers to try harder to change their bad habits!” Elaine Aarons
Abigail Kleerekoper
Name: Will Harding Age: 43 Firm: Eversheds LLP Job: Family Lawyer Position: Equity Partner
[ Personas: The lawyer ] Phone: Blackberry
more motivated to work for them when they are
Checks emails: On average every 5.5 minutes.
positive. He thrives on helping people in difficulty
Work ethic: “Clients get upset if we don’t turn
and helping them find a way forward. He is
matters round fast enough. It is our responsibility
motivated by successful results in his cases and
to maintain the integrity of the client. At the end of
continuing to help people through thinking up
the day my aims are to be as efficient as possible, to
interesting and creative arguments to help their
make the client happy and to make money for the
case. He worries about having a regular flow of
firm. “
new work but new clients and cases inspire him to
Will becomes engaged through communicating with
continue striving for success. He works best whilst
his clients. He likes to keep them happy through
busy and under pressure.
keeping on top of their cases.
Personal Life: Will has a wife and 4 children. He
He likes to take time over decision making in order
tries his best maintain a work life balance. He often
to give the best advice possible but often finds that
finds himself trapped between his work and his
this time is not granted due to the fast pace of the
family. Although he loves his family, he realises that
technological world.
his clients need him too and he is fearful of not
He likes to be appreciated and strives to exceed the
meeting their very demanding needs. He wishes that
expectations of clients and colleagues.
there were more than 24 hours to each day!
He likes working for nice, friendly clients and is
Abigail Kleerekoper
Name: Max Reed Age: 55 Firm: Big bank! Position: CEO Problem: Accused of Discrimination
[ Personas: The client ] Work ethic: I like to know that the firm I use is well
I like to be kept up to date with regards to when a
regarded and highly respected. I make sure to go for
piece of work will be done. I hate to be left in the
the lawyer with the most experience who will give me
lurch. If my lawyer needs time I want to know that he
attention when I want it.
is doing the work and I want to be kept up to date.
I like to feel that I am cared about. I don’t ever want to
I worry that I will loose all my money through the
be told that someone else is more important than me.
negligence of my lawyer. I worry that I wont get what
After all I am paying a fortune for the service.
I deserve!
I want efficiency. I don’t want any surprises when it
Personal Life: Will has a wife and 2 children. He find
comes to fees. I hope to think that my lawyer will
his job very stressful and demand attention and
produce work efficiently without sloppy mistakes. I
respect from his colleagues and the people who work
respect creative arguments and thorough results.
for him.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Identified behaviour 1 (Opportunity for change)
Aiming to be efficient & productive at work by aiming for high speed and creating fast turn around through email. This causes problems with decision making, efficiency and productivity due to expectations, interruptions & lack of thinking time & lack of down time.
The Contradictive triangle of Lawyers’ Aims and Goals Identified behaviour 2 Aiming for quality decison making & quality advice in order to exceed clients’ expectations and make a good impression.
Identified behaviour 3 Aiming to make money by being “efficient” and “productive”.
Abigail Kleerekoper
New behaviour A system put in place in order to create true efficiency and productivity at work. To alter expectations, eliminate interruptions, increase thinking time & down time resulting in top quality service.
The Balanced Triangle of Lawyers’ Aims and Goals Identified behaviour 2 Aiming for quality decison making & quality advice in order to exceed clients’ expectations and make a good impression.
Identified behaviour 3 Aiming to make money by being “efficient” and “productive”.
Abigail Kleerekoper
New behaviour A system put in place in order to create true efficiency and productivity at work. To alter expectations, eliminate interruptions & increase thinking time, resulting in top quality service.
Appealing to the Actions and Motives of the Audience Motives “Competing with other firms in league tables... ...appreciation from clients and colleagues... nice clients...helping people in difficulty and helping them find a way forward... successful results in my cases... thinking up interesting and creative arguments... regular flow of new work... being busy and under pressure.” - Elaine Aarons
Actions Aiming for quality decison making & quality advice in order to exceed clients’ expectations and make a good impression. Aiming to make money by being “efficient” and “productive”.
Abigail Kleerekoper
posi t i v e dev ia n c e In order to look for some answers or solutions, I went
“My job works by appointment so there are certain types of work
in search of a person who doesn’t have the problem
at different points in the day.”
that my audience faces. My dad has worked as a GP for the NHS for over 30 years. I wondered if he could enlighten me as to how he stays efficient at work. I was eager to know his views on this matter too. I carried out an interview. This flow chart summarises his thoughts and feelings and actions surrounding this
topic. I found the outcomes of this method interesting. The nature of his job does mean that he gets far less emails than the average lawyer but I found that he has some basic time/email management strategies that could be applied to a system for lawyers to use.
“Works by appointment.
“I work through tasks that
Time with patients is
I have looked at in the
sacred. Not to be
morning. When it comes
to emails, I take the following actions:”
“I’m not being asked for opinions
so there is no need for email contact with patients. If I had 2000 patients emailing me, I would resign!!” “They are paying indirectly for a
Flag non-urgent requests to deal with when less busy & finish priorities.
Deal with straight away if it will not take more than a couple of minutes.
service, they don’t expect the same level of attention as someone coughing up 600p/h!!”
Abigail Kleerekoper
Event-driven/In Person Activia Training
“I am not going to bother reading time management documents. It’s nothing
I dont already know! And it looks
I want something I can easily access!
pretty boring and uninspiring to read!!
Something that motivates me to put new and easy solutions into practice! No one wants to hear all the same things at
another time management event!!!” - EA
Concurrent Activities
Microsoft AtWork
Boomerang SaneBox AwayFind
Google Apps
Spencer ConsultingTime Management for Lawyers Time Management “Toolkit” by MindTools.com
Lumosity.com www.mindtools.com
The Learning Architect
Rules/Guidance/Training 43
Abigail Kleerekoper
Concurren t acti v i ties
Event-driven/In Person
vis ual a n alys i s I thought that it could be useful for later on in the project to see what colours are being used in the logos for the concurrent activities. There is a clear trend which is interesting to see!
Concurrent Activities
Abigail Kleerekoper
Concurren t acti v i ties conclus ion s There are numerous pieces of software to download
inspire motivation in the audience.
that claim to increase efficiency at productivity at
Looking at the concurrent activities has made me
work. These however still do not specifically tackle the
aware that there is a big gap in the market for an
deeper speed based problem that my audience face
event but having spoken to my mother, this route
including issues like interruption and lack of thinking
doesn’t seem like it would be welcome.
Based on the concurrent activities as well as feedback
Mavenlink.com includes concepts that my audience
from my audience, it seems to me that my audience
may need to engage with but like the other apps and
needs to be motivated to use a time and email
software programs, it does not tackle the attitudes and
efficiency system/solution. It needs to appeal to them
expectations of my audience and their clients. This
and it needs to be quick and easy to access and use.
company uses many methods or ideas that I may have
Although there is a gap in the market for an event too,
initially thought of at the ideas generation stage.
it seems pointless for busy lawyers who have “been to
Having come across this company, I realise that I
many useless time management events” before. The
will have to steer clear of the obvious solutions that
need seems to lie in a new system that works in an
have already been done. Hopefully a rigorous ideas
easy, inspiring and non-intrusive manner, encouraging
generation process will help me to solve the issue that
small changes.
my audience face in a new an innovative way. There seems to be information about time and email management online but again, this is not targeted at my audience and their specific needs. The guidance that I did find was extremely text heavy and uninspiring. Many of the websites that I came across were just overloaded with information and there was no clear practical application of the suggestions or guidance. “I wouldn’t bother reading it. I have enough uninspiring documents to read without another bunch of uninspiring paragraphs to add to my pile!!” - EA There is a lot of information being published in a very formal style that doesn’t seem as though it would appeal to any audience! It certainly doesn’t seem to
Abigail Kleerekoper
Bigge s t compe ti tion
As mentioned earlier, mavenlink.com seems to offer many tools to it’s audience that could potentially solve some issues that my audience face. Having showed this to my mother, she felt that these tools wouldn’t effectively solve the speed based problems that my audience face. What my audience needs are small, quick and easy solutions that would help them manage their time and email on a day-to-day basis at work or on the go.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Hope s
fear s
I hope that i will be able to
I am worried that the issue is a large
appeal to the audience based
societal issue that cannot be solved
on all the information i have
in just a few weeks.
gathered. I am nervous my outcome will not I hope to solve the problems in a
appeal to the audience in the way
way that will make a difference
that i want it to.
to my audience.
The motivations of my audience seem set in stone and inflexible. I need
I hope to identify small
to work around their needs rather
problems that are feasible to
than trying to alter them.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Chose n c lie n t Invigor8 is an Employee Engagement Performance Consultancy. They help organisations to drive business performance, implement change and engage with their employees. To do this they develop bespoke customer and employee engagement campaigns across various channels. As a Strategy Execution Consultancy they focus on performance improvement to increase profitability. My aim is to target city lawyers using this company as my theoretical client. As of yet, there is no solution that specifically targets this audiences’ issue. Directing an innovative solution at my audience through this consultancy will create an advantage for this project whereby the outcome will hopefully be convincing and feasible.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Inivigor8 - Employee Engagement Performance Consultancy CLIENT
City lawyers who know there is a problem with time and email management but don’t think there is
a solution and do not know how to
Primary (system): Digital (Iphone/Ipad/Computer) Secondary (campaign): Posters, leaflet, booklet etc...
solve it.
Dealing with emails and time in a
The way emails and time are being handled creates problems with efficiency and productivity
healthier way can lead to increased efficiency and productivity. In
due to interruptions, lack of
turn this will create a competitive
thinking time, down time and
advantage for you and your firm!
speed. •
The expectations & attitudes of clients & colleagues fuel this issue.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Include solutions for increased productivity and efficiency
Help the audience control impulses
Include a promotional material that educates about
Include designed guidance tools for audience to use in
the positive impact that the solutions could have on
productivity, efficiency and overall success for the user & •
order to increase efficiency and productivity including
speed-based problems.
Acknowledge positive aspects of email use
Primarily be delivered in a digital format.
Create a sense of being left behind compared to other firms
Help lawyers identify priorities
Include “Quick fix” behaviours.
Incorporate factors of wellbeing and general health to increase competitive advantage over rival firms.
Endeavour to create a new culture through competition with peer firms and colleagues.
Appeal to audiences’ current motivations and behaviours.
Be fast and easy to use and flexible for needs of audience.
Be appealing for audience to use and engage with as a competitive advantage.
Encourage audience to make small effective changes
Tell audience to make drastic changes or go “cold turkey” on email.
Be regarded as a waste of time
Change or affect genuinely urgent matters
Stop audience from being able to keep busy
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Develop, deliver, determine impact
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
Quic k fix e s I looked at many different sources for information about time management with the intention of relating my findings to this project. I took solutions and turned them into quick fixes that could potentially aid the solution. I also included a few myself based on existing knowledge. I then placed them into a matrix, assigning them to four relevant categories. In this way I was able to clearly see which quick-fix would help which part of the issue.
O n lin e Sourc e s http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_05.htm http://www.rememberthemilk.com/ http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_94.htm http://northstarpsych.com/files_uploaded/1e6cf43949bf2f55924 f2daf00606720.pdf http://www.bestvendor.com/lists/the-best-email-managementtools http://www.microsoft.com/atwork/productivity/email. aspx#fbid=hklas9h_b0v http://www.cipd.co.uk/NR/rdonlyres/C73D05FC-E686-4B49AD7E-6B5428C7CF89/0/TimeManagementToolkit.pdf http://www.timemanagementforlawyers.com/articlesdownloads/ http://www.coachingforchange.com/TimeManagementHandout. pdf http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/science-andsensibility/201201/how-get-and-stay-organized-part-3
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
Quic k fix e s
Efficiency & Productivity “Thanks in advance”
“Tasks accomplished reward”
Activity Log
Collaborate using Google Docs
“Written agenda when making a call”
liesure breaks Urgent/Important Matrix
Leave important and non ultra urgent replies for 30 minutes before sending
“Start anywhere approach” “3 Item daily to do list”
Prioritised To-do List & Critical Path
Action Priority Matrix
Task Timeline and Estimated Completion
2 minute reply rule. “touch the paper once” approach applied to email
Delegate jobs that are not part of your role Initial Meeting: Rules & Intentions agreement
Alter Expectations “Eearly night Wednesday”
Time/Email Management “Quick Fixes” for increased productivity & efficiency
Increase thinking time Interruptions Log
Available & Unavailable Time
Turn buzzer off once a day for an hour Weighing scales (weigh up priorities)
Autoreply With Explanation Use text or email chat for non urgent responses. Anti internal email day. Book by appointment
20 second urgency asessement
Don’t CC everyone in an email unless necessary.
Unsubscribe from newsletters that do not interest you.
Auto file non urgernt emails.
Have updates, blogs and newsletters sent to a different email to check once a day
Eliminate Interruptions
Priority alert system (only check emails that buzz with priority for 3 hours) Filter non urgent & junk emails to eliminate from inbox
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
100 s ke tc he s I sketched 100 concepts that could be included in an app to solve the issue. These were all based solely on the “quick fixes” so none of these concepts could stand alone as ideas. After reviewing them with my mother, a few of them stood out as being strong concepts for the content of an app. My aim now was to create a first prototype based on the compilation of the chosen ideas.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
100 s ke tc he s SUCCESSES My outcome was deemed convincing and effective which suggested that my research is thorough and my aim is clear. After having carried out extensive delve and define research, I was happy that this was evident in my first prototype.
SHORTFALLS My outcome was also deemed not to be innovative or attractive. This suggests to me that I have to carry out some rigorous develop research in order to create a concept that is innovative and attracts my audience to using the system.
ACTIONS I need to look at insentivising and create a system that appeals to my audience based on my research. I need to think about how to solve the issue as a concept rather than confining myself to solving it through an app based on things that have already been done. I will go back to my mum to ask her how she sees the problem being solved. This may give me some fresh ideas as to how to solve this problem as an issue.
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
Us er Jour n e y Mappi n g
AWARE How are users finding out about this system?
This method really helped me to clarify how the
JOIN What is influencing their decision to engage with the system?
system will work from the beginning to the end of the
The awareness of the new system will
process. In this way, I am able to understand what I
be non-existent. A printed leaflet will
need to do for the sake of this project at the moment
be presented to my audience at work
as well as possible routes for future development.
detailing the information about this new system. “It will need to be quick and
They will be urged to join the system through reading the information and downloading the app. This will be merged with the “aware” stage.
easy in order for the user to access the information”. This will have to be made after the system has been finalised so that I am able to accurately inform the user of the system.
How are users accessing and using the
How are users using the system to develop
What is motivating the users to continue
their relationship with me or to improve the
using the system?
I aim to make the system as easy and
system? By carefully designing the outcome
simple as possible to use but at the same
After this project I could take this system
to make it as easy as possible to use.
time make it appealing. It aims to be
further by developing the app. This could
Hopefully, the audience would see results
part of the audience’s daily activity and
include tracking the audience’s use of the
in increased productivity and efficiency.
possibly integrated with their inbox. In
app in order to decipher how to improve
In this way, I would hope that they would
this way, it will have a daily impact on
the UX, the content and the UI.
continue using the system and eventually
their productivity and efficiency. I would
come to rely on it for top quality
like to find out how to make it as easy
as possible to use by looking at UX and existing apps.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
conc ept uali s i n g I went back to my mum and asked her the following: “If anything were possible, how would you solve this issue?” She sent me an extremely long email with lots of long-winded ideas. I condensed these down further to quick fixes and attempted to categorise them into their relevant groups. I found this extremely confusing and frustrating, as I was not sure where to go next!
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Breaki n g i t down I realised that I had to break down her suggestions because some of them had already been included in the previous quick fix matrix. The wish list included a combination of conceptual and technical solutions that she wished existed.
WISH LI ST Urgen cy Filter In box status light “read each email once ONly” Non - urgen t email prompt “Inviting a reply?” beep emails read more than once
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
CATEG OR I S I N G After identifying the wish list, I added them to the
Time/Email Efficiency
previous “quick fix” matrix. After doing so I then started Only read each email once
categorising these quick fixes in order to conceptualise
“Tasks accomplished reward”
how they work in digital categories.
“Reply all” stopper
Virtue Log
Collaborate using Google Docs
“Thanks in advance”
Think about emails that invite replies Non urgent email reading time slot
“Reply all” stopper
Prioritised To-do List & Critical Path
Action Priority Matrix
Task Timeline and Estimated Completion
2 minute reply rule.
Activity Log Initial Meeting: Rules & Intentions agreement
liesure breaks
Client area Personal Target
Downtime “Eearly night Wednesday” Sleep Log
Delegate jobs that are not part of your role
Time & email management “Quick Fixes” for increased productivity & efficiency
Software collaborative
Beep emails read more than once.
“3 Item daily to do list” Limit to 50 per day
Leave important and non ultra urgent replies for 30 minutes before sending
Sent emails log/tracker & feedback
“Start anywhere approach”
“Written agenda when making a call”
Urgent/Important Matrix
Limit to 100 emails per case
Point system that tracks sent emails
Increase thinking time Available & Unavailable Time Mindmapping
Switch off time
“shop” - log, “buy time Turn buzzer off once a day for an hour
Wellbeing Tasks
Weighing scales (weigh up priorities)
Autoreply With Explanation Snooze Button for Work
Email replacement by text
Anti internal email day. Book by appointment
Use text or email chat for non urgent responses. Non-meeting hour
Urgency email filter (contains urgent words) 20 second urgency asessement
Inbox status light
Reduce Interruptions
Thinking timer Don’t CC everyone in an email unless necessary.
Interruptions Log
Unsubscribe from newsletters that do not interest you.
Auto file non urgernt emails.
Urgency Filter Control email with red flashing light.
Thinking time tracker
Priority alert system (only check emails that buzz with priority for 3 hours)
Non-urgent email time slot
Have updates, blogs and newsletters sent to a different email to check once a day
Filter non urgent & junk emails to eliminate from inbox
Interruptions Log
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
CATEG OR I S I N G Arranging them in different groups helped me to
Client area
clearly visualise which quick fix belongs to which category.
Email replacement by text Autoreply With Explanation Initial Meeting: Rules & Intentions agreement Use text or email chat for non urgent responses. “shop” - log, “buy time
Only read each email once
“Reply all” stopper
Urgent/Important Matrix
Urgency email filter (contains urgent words)
Leave important and non ultra urgent replies for 30 minutes before sending
2 minute reply rule.
Prioritised To-do List & Critical Path
Control email with red flashing light.
Activity Log 20 second urgency asessement
Limit to 100 emails per case Available & Unavailable Time
Action Priority Matrix
Filter non urgent & junk emails to eliminate from inbox
“Start anywhere approach” Interruptions Log
Priority alert system (only check emails that buzz with priority for 3 hours)
Inbox status light
Snooze Button for Work Personal Target
Mindmapping Think about emails that invite replies Liesure breaks
Thinking timer
“Tasks accomplished reward”
Weighing scales (weigh up priorities)
Non urgent email reading time slot
“Eearly night Wednesday”
Task Timeline and Estimated Completion collaborative
“Thanks in advance”
Collaborate using Google Docs
Point system that tracks sent email activity
Delegate jobs that are not part of your role
Sent emails log/tracker & feedback
Anti internal email day. Book by appointment
Sleep Log
“Written agenda when making a call” Unsubscribe from newsletters that do not interest you. Non-meeting hour Don’t CC everyone in an email unless necessary.
Switch off time
Virtue Log Wellbeing Tasks
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Sketc h ed prototypes TOOLS I began selecting quick fixes from the categorised lists in order to apply them to an Iphone app. These sketches included a number of tools including tools for controlling how many times the user reads one email. This would be integrated with the inbox and after 3 attempts would transfer the user to the personal target area to set goals as to how many times to read one email.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Sketc h ed prototypes TOOLS CONT...
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Sketc h ed prototypes COLLABORATIVE + CLIENT AREA The collaborative area would be for colleagues to communicate and drop important emails, files and messages in order to save time email back and forth. There would also be a client area with case numbers and relevant emails, documents and chargeable hours all in one place.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Sketc h ed prototypes PERSONAL TARGET These targets are based on the ideas from the 5 Ways to Wellbeing by the New Economics Foundation. The “do it”/”done it” buttons are inspired by a social design website called GOOD.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
AUD I ENC E F EE D B AC K & CO - DES I G N I fed the concepts back to my mum and we discussed the value of this outcome for over two hours. After more sketching and conceptualising,
“Texting makes things more complicated!...Let them have control over it. Lawyers like to be in control!
I went away with a clear vision of what needed
Let them be able to customise the
to be done based on her feedback. The most
settings and change them when
important message I went away with was
necessary....I should be able to
“simplify”. It seemed to be the most important step
access my calendar on every page!...
at this stage as the feedback suggested that this
Most importantly, the more tools
prototype had too much going on and was far too
there are, the less it will get used!
busy. I gave her some Iphone templates and she sketched out a vague idea of what she thought the app should include.
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
AUD I ENC E F EE D B AC K & CO - DES I G N Personal
These are the original quick fix list that I went through with my mum. She reduced them heavily leaving quick fixes that she really thought could
System that tracks sent email activity
Only read each email once
“Reply all” stopper
Urgent/Important Matrix
Urgency email filter (contains urgent words)
work. Switch off time
Leave important and non ultra urgent replies for 30 minutes before sending
2 minute reply rule.
Prioritised To-do List & Critical Path
Control email with red flashing light.
Wellbeing Tasks Progress
Interruptions Log Mindmapping Weighing scales (sums up email activity) Don’t CC everyone in an email unless necessary.
Priority alert system (only check emails that buzz with priority for 3 hours) Filter non urgent & junk emails to eliminate from inbox Inbox status light
Client area
Delegate jobs that are not part of your role
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Sketc h ed prototype 2 This new version of the app has 3 main sections. Email, settings and personal target. The aim would be to customise the way the email works through the settings.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Sketc h ed prototype 2 This illustrates how the inbox could work based on the settings. This includes enabling the inbox to be viewed in the urgent/important matrix and efficiency prompts.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Sketc h ed prototype 2 The personal section includes a notepad, progress area, prioritised to do list, “did” list, priority scales and a wellbeing section. These ideas all sprouted from discussions with my mum about content.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
APP V I S U A L R E S E A RCH I found an assortment of legal apps and presented them to my mother. Her reaction was that most of them were very cluttered and in her opinion, the app I will design needs to be simple and appealing to use. “There is an overwhelming amount of information on most of these screens! I don’t know where to look! Also don’t use fancy gestures! It overcomplicates things!” She did however like the “Create Legal” design. “It looks a bit like a blood donation website but it is nicely designed and seems clear”. “Obviously there will naturally be a lot of content if it’s going to integrate with the emails but make sure you display in a clean and neat way!”
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
APP V I S U A L R E S E A RCH I began to look at email screens on the Iphone to get an idea of the way emails should appear on an Iphone. At this point I started struggling because time was ticking and I new I needed to start designing the app. In hindsight I realise that I actually wasted time on the whole by being too hasty. I hadn’t realised that my limited knowledge of the Iphone would hold me back in designing an app for Apple.
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
Bran di n g t h e app Round
Here, I have collected basic elements that I will need
Primary Colour Pallette
to create a form for my app. Reflecting upon the Invigor8 brand really helped me form an idea of the types of shapes and colours that I should be using to design the app. I have also placed colours for the secondary colour palette that had been selected based on visual research that will follow. I discussed naming the app with my mum and we came to a joint decision that the app should be called Invigor8. This name is easy to remember and reflects
Sharp Suqared
the app well in what it aims to do.
Secondary Colour Pallette Round
Sans Serif Typeface Sans Serif Typeface Sans Serif Typeface Sans Serif Typeface Sans Serif Typeface
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
St rap lin e s I came up with a few ideas for strap lines and presented them to my mum. She chose one strap line for the app and another for the promotional material.
Opt imi sin g time & email
““Optimising time & email” is quick and straight to the point, whereas “Bringing efficiency to another level” is also convincing but may be too long for a digital app. You could still use it to advertise the app.”
Bringing efficiency to another le vel
COntrolling m y world effic iency b roug h t to life Effic iency i s mone y the digital li ve s aver begin agai n now b e in co nt rol
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Us er Experie n c e I started sketching different possibilities for the layout and UX of the app. I knew I had to keep in mind how the user was going to navigate the app. I wanted to make it as easy as possible for them to use. I presented these to my mum and she chose a very simple layout. “It seems like it would be the easiest to find my way around. Everything is right there where you need it!”
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Us er Experie n c e I began to look at different gestures in order to get clearer idea of the way my app could be use. My mum felt that as it is for business, it should be straight forward to use. She feels “fancy” gestures should be reserved for leisure apps.
“Don’t overcomplicate things with fancy gestures. Make it as simple as possible. The trickier it is to use, the less likely it is that lawyers will use it!” - EA
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
E xhi bi t Based on the research, prototyping and sketching, I mocked up some screens to test. My mum chose the one she preferred and I used this feedback to start developing the app visually.
12:34 PM
Jeff Henson
1 May
1 May
1 May
1 May
References to employment tribunals.
1 May
Amend documents for meeting today
Amend documents for meeting today
Sarah Jackson
1 May
1 May
Employoment Law Update
1 May
Franko Rodrigo Catch up
1 May
1 May
Sarah Jackson
1 May
Jill Fara
1 May
1 May
Introduction: Lawyer needed
Franko Rodrigo
1 May
Franko Rodrigo
12:34 PM
1 May
Jill Fara
1 May
Employoment Law Update
1 May
1 May
10% off bananas next week! 1 May
Catch up
Sarah Jackson
References to employment tribunals.
Introduction: Lawyer needed
Catch up
1 May
1 May
Abdul Nessa
1 May
Urgent last minute meeting in conference room 6
10% off bananas next week!
Jeff Henson
Meeting in 2 weeks with Tom Harris 1 May
Employoment Law Update
12:34 PM
Amend documents for meeting today
References to employment tribunals.
Abdul Nessa
1 May
Urgent last minute meeting in conference room 6
References to employment tribunals.
Abdul Nessa
Meeting in 2 weeks with Tom Harris
Jill Fara
10% off bananas next week!
Jeff Henson
10% off bananas next week!
Introduction: Lawyer needed
12:34 PM
Jeff Henson
Urgent last minute meeting in conference room 6
Urgent last minute meeting in conference room 6
Employoment Law Update
Meeting in 2 weeks with Tom Harris
Meeting in 2 weeks with Tom Harris
Jill Fara
Amend documents for meeting today
Sarah Jackson
12:34 PM
Abdul Nessa
1 May
Introduction: Lawyer needed 1 May
Franko Rodrigo
1 May
Catch up
12:34 PM
12:34 PM
Add to list Go for a power walk
Play a game
Do some gardening
Personal Go cycline
Eat lunch in the park with a friend/colleague
Cook a new recipe
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
P rototy pe 3 Based on the feedback, I designed an app from beginning to end and created an interactive pdf in order to show how it would work. It was made up of multiple screens that displayed the content I that had discussed with my mum.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
E art h s hat t eri n g reali ty Before I got the chance to test this on my mum, I had a session at university. Everyone was brutally honest. It was hideous! I hadn’t paid enough attention to researching into Iphone apps and as a result I ended up with an outcome that just didn’t look up to scratch.
“To be honest Abigail, right, well, yeah. It looks like it just walked out of the 1990’s!!” - Shodor Uddin
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
SUGG ESTED ACT IO NS During the session with Joanna, after a bit of a panicked moment, we discussed how I could improve my outcome. I created a list of things that needed to be done based on the feedback from Joanna and the rest of the group. The main piece of advice that I was given was to
switc h to android
switch to Android. I have an HTC and it was going to be much easier to design an app based on my existing visual knowledge of the Android UI and UX. Obviously, it would have been ideal if I could design an app based on the phone use of the audience but
read t hrough developer princ iple s
for the sake of this project, I would design an Android app in order to put across the idea that I intended to convey.
t hink ab out user experience Creat e a map of your proposed app careful at t ent io n to grid ge t rid of all inde sig n effects, Yuc k!
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
An droid researc h I began looking at android apps on my phone. I was taking careful notice of various email apps that I downloaded. I took note of layout, strokes, type/image, iconography, content, navigation and user experience.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
An droid researc h
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
An droid researc h
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
An droid researc h I found more images of android apps that related to the app I intend to redesign. Again, I paid careful attention to strokes, icons, UX etc... I was also looking at top and bottom bars to see how much they varied. One thing that I noticed as I looked through all the examples of apps was that there was a certain consistency. Even though they were all different, they had a similar feel to an extent. I knew I needed to look at Android developer material. Hopefully this would give me some answers.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
An droid researc h
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
D EVELO P ER R E S E A RCH Looking at the developer material for Android really helped me get a clearer idea of what I needed to keep in mind in order to design a convincing outcome. I read through all the material and selected a few pieces of “advice” in order for me to refer back to when designing the app.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
D EVELO P ER R E S E A RCH I was very happy to see that there was a set font for me to download and use. I often struggle with choosing an appropriate typeface and considering this was the first time designing an app, I felt out of my depth as far as typography was concerned.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
ANroid De v elopme n t I began playing around with the action bar, icons and strokes. I wanted to keep the colours the same as these were based on the Invigor8 brand. I played around with the homepage and inbox in order to create a basis for the visual style after exhibiting and choosing one route. After mocking up some screens, I presented them to my mum. She chose the ones she thought were most suitable and gave her reasons. “I like this style for the inbox. It is subtle and clean. This homepage is just really nice and striking. It’s visually stronger than the other options.”
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
ANroid De v elopme n t
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
A Nroid De v elopme n t
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
t es t i n g I downloaded some screens onto my phone to test the colours, strokes and font size. I had to make a few alterations after testing it as I could see that it appears slightly different on the handset as it does on the computer screen.
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
App Tree I created a tree of the proposed app in order for me to design it with consistency and clarity.
Urgent/important matrix
Folder Add new Drawer
New View (same as inbox+)
Prioritised to do list
All messages Pop up
See did list
New email
Prioritised to do list
Notepad Back
To-do list
Prioritised to do list
Opening emails
Priority Scales Wellbeing
Emails at weekends Emails 8pm-8am Improving emails
See benchmark
See did list
Prioritised to do list
Stroke Type
Priority scales
Drawer Calendar Back
Back Prompts Email setup Device setup Filters
Back Drawer
“Key words”
Important + urgent
Key words
Not important + urgent
Current client matters
Important & not urgent
Not important + not urgent
Back Drawer
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
HTC Super s o n i c I decided to choose a vector of an HTC model, as this is the phone that I have. I thought that it would be the most appropriate option given my existing knowledge of the HTC and the navigational behaviours.
12:00 PM
When designing the app, I realised that the menu button could have the option of displaying more actions for example “refresh” in the email inbox. For this reason, I didn’t overload the drawer icons with too many actions because I knew that in reality, the menu button on the handset would also work to display actions and functions.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Fin al outcome After a lot of playing around with the icons, strokes and typography, I finally settled for a style for this app. Once I had finished designing it from beginning to end, I went back to my mum to ask her what she thought. She mentioned two things. 1. Make sure your lines are not too thick. 2. What about the key word filters? Regarding the second point, I had created a visible section in the setting called filters but I hadn’t actually made it active. She thought it would be a good idea just to demonstrate how a key word filter with manual input may work. We also discussed her e-filing system at work and how I should show that there could be an option to integrate that into the app.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Fin al outcome I kept making the strokes more and more subtle and as thin and as light as I made them, they still seemed to be too bold. I carried on persisting and experimenting with different tints and strokes and eventually I found a stroke that seemed to fit the bill.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Fin al outcome
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
pres e n t i n g th e app To begin with, I created every page with an individual sentence at the top. I tested this on 3 people including my mum. The feedback I received regarding the navigation of the PDF was that it was not smooth enough. It became evident that it was frustrating for users to keep referring back to the directions. It would be easier if I placed a simple symbol or dot on each page directing the user where to click. I tested it again using this technique and the users seemed to be much more focussed on the content of the app rather than the technicalities of a frustrating navigation system.
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
Vary i n g Platforms For the sake of this project, I have developed this app for Android. In an ideal situation, this app would be developed for numerous platforms including desktops and tablets as well as being developed for apple.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Promot ion al material/ v is ual res earc h I began carrying out visual research by collecting a variety of promotional material related to the legal sector. I took note of the colour, shapes, layout, elements, formats, typefaces etc in order to gather inspiration.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Promot ion al material/ v is ual res earc h
Abigail Kleerekoper
Promot ion al material/ v is ual res earc h
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Legal adv erti s i n g I looked at a few legal adverts for inspiration. The Jeff Davis adverts are relatively simple but contrast striking imagery with bold colours creating strong outcomes. The angular shapes create an illusion of depth.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Legal Campaig n s It was interesting to look at the various type and image used in these campaigns. Although I was not designing a campaign for this project, I could still take inspiration away from these campaigns posters.
NOT SEEN AND NOT HEARD - HOW CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE WILL LOSE OUT FROM CUTS TO CIVIL LEGAL AID A report by Sound Off For Justice and JustRights on the impacts of the proposed Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill on children and young people
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Legal Campaig n s
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Clien t v i s ual re s earc h I found some existing case studies that Invigor8 had published. Looking at these helped me gain more of an idea about the brand’s visual feel. The brand’s colours and use of white space is evident and makes the whole look seem consistent. I didn’t want to copy what they had already done. I wanted to create something fresh using the brand colours so that it is still recognisable as being part of the Invigor8 brand.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
A pp promot ion al res earc h After looking at general promotional material from the legal sector, I gathered promotional material relating to apps. I wanted to see how the information was displayed. I took note of various layouts, visual styles, typography etc... Most of these images were found on app promo websites. Some were also digital images that were being circulated on social media websites. A few of the examples I collected were designed for print. Although most of these were created for digital purposes, there was no reason why I couldn’t combine the inspiration taken from these visuals together with inspiration gathered from the legal material.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
A pp promot ion al res earc h
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
Vi s ual A Nalys i s
Photographic Style
Having carried out visual research, I consolidated everything I had observed and created some guidelines for designing the leaflet. I would most likely stick to the primary colour palette, as this is a strong representation of the Invigor8 brand. I decided to use the typeface I had used for the app, as the visual style is clean and would represent the app well.
ROBOTO typeface typeface Primary Colour Pallette
Secondary Colour Pallette
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Format s I played around with different formats and presented them to my mum. She chose a simple two fold style.
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
Co n t e n t I went back through my delve and define research in order to create content for the leaflet that would describe the app accurately and convincingly.
the inv igor8 app
Te s t imonial
The Invigor8 app provides you with suggestions to make small
“The struggle with email management has intensified over the
changes to your daily routine and email tendencies. It can
years to the point that we now not only face relentless email
automatically prioritise emails and tasks and urges you to
traffic but the quality of output is also suffering. Just as we are
think about your emailing habits, e.g. reviewing important draft
at breaking point, an app has arrived on the scene that simply,
emails before sending. The app also enables you to track your
thoughtfully and effectively addresses the issues. Imaginative
progress. This can provide useful data for appraisals.
and on point this long overdue work aid is very welcome and has the potential to be transformative. Well done to the designers.” - Elaine Aarons, Equity Partner, Withers LLP
how it works Simply gain access to your inbox when on the go or at work! The settings give you the ability to customise the way you deal with emails and helps you prioritise. It’s tuned into your schedule through the calendar which means that prompts are tailored to fit your needs. The “Personal” area enables you to tailor the app to your needs, keep track of your goals and progress and ultimately, help you feel more in control.”
Bac kground Emails are a good form of communication but clients’ very high expectations of their lawyers have given rise to bad habits. Time management has deteriorated and the pressure to reply rather than think has affected the quality of outputs. By thoughtful email use, you could stand to not only be more productive and efficient but also to deliver a better class of service to your clients.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Ske tc hi n g I began by sketching layouts in order to get a few variations out on paper. I also played around with the icons from the app to see if I could implement them into the leaflet.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Exhi bi t I mocked up around 50 prototypes based on the visual research. I presented them to my mum and asked for her opinions. She gave the following feedback: 1. I like the ones with really solid, bold colours. 2. The one with photography on them are nice but I think it’s too much. A bit overwhelming. 3. I really like the ones with angles, they are nice and striking.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Chos e n Ou tcome She chose the following two outcomes and after persuasion she picked the one on the left as the final outcome. Her reason was that although the one on the right was nice and bold, it didn’t say “here’s an app” straight away. This leaflet would be distributed in law firms. They would be left on the desk of each lawyer in offer for them to gain direct access to it.
Develop, deliver & determine impact
Abigail Kleerekoper
There are also TV screens near our lifts, you could advertise the app there too! - EA
Introducing the app
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
To-Do List
Priority Scales
Optimising time & email
12:00 PM
that brings efficiency [ TESTIMONIAL ] “The struggle with email management has intensified over the years to the point that we now not only face relentless email traffic but the quality of output is also suffering. Just as we are at breaking point, an app has arrived on the scene that simply, thoughtfully and effectively addresses the issues.
to another level.
Imaginative and on point this long overdue work aid is very welcome and has the potential to be transformative.” - Elaine Aarons, Equity Partner, Withers LLP
Abigail Kleerekoper
[ Looking back: My reflections ] Looking back on the last few weeks of the FMP, I can
ability to think straight and produce the best outcome
identify some successes and some shortfalls.
I was really happy with my primary and secondary
I feel that overall, I learnt a lot with regards to
research. I felt that I really put my all into finding out
new research methods as well as learning about a
about the topic. Although I struggled with defining the
completely new field of design.
project, I also feel that I succeeded in understanding
I feel that I did push myself throughout the project
and identifying the precise issues that my audience
and experimented with new methods that were
were facing.
unfamiliar to me.
As far as the development of this project goes, I do
On the whole, I feel that my delve and define research
feel that I improved the outcome over time but I felt
was the strongest.
very out of my depth, considering that this was the first
The fact that my mum was my main audience contact
time I have ever come into contact with designing for
meant that I was limited in the project. I would hope
digital applications. I felt quite limited, after reading
that in the industry, I would have better access to a
the developer rules. I didn’t feel that I had room to
wide variety of audience members.
push my creativity because everything was confined by
I do however feel that she represented the audience
specific requirements.
well for the sake of this project.
I tried to manage my time as best as I could but felt
Overall, although an outcome can always be improved,
a little rushed towards the last couple of weeks. I felt
I feel that a really gained a lot from my last project at
a lot of pressure and I may have let this affect my
the LCC.
Abigail Kleerekoper
Bi b liograph y BOOKS Ambrose, G, (2008) The Production Manual. AVA Publishing Berger, J (2005) 1oo Habits of a Successful Graphic Designer: Insider Secrets from Top Designers on Working Smart and Staying Creative. Rockport Chatfield, T, (2012) How to Thrive in a Digital Age, The School of Life Dean, Jeremy, (2013) Making Habits, Breaking Habits: How to Make Changes That Stick, Oneworld Publications Harkaway, Nick, (2013) The Blind Giant: How to Survive in the Digital Age: Being Human in a Digital World Human Centred Design Toolkit (2011) IDEO Innovating with People, the Business of Inclusive design, (2010) Norwwegian Design Council Lupton, E and Cole Phillips, J (2009) Graphic Design the New Basics, Princeton Architectural Press Lupton, E, (2011) Graphic Design Thinking, Princeton Architectural Press Mcchesney, Robert (2013) Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism Is Turning the Internet Against Democracy, The New Press Noble, I and Bestley, R, (2011) Visual Research; An Introduction to research methodologies, AVA book production O’Reily, J and Linkson, T (2009) Recharge your Design Batteries. Rotovision Publishers Roche, Steve, (2012) Internet and Technology Dangers: The Wake Up Call Every Parent Needs, Dragonwood Sandler, Corey (2010) Living with the Internet and Online Danger, Checkmark Books Shea, A, (2012) Designing for Social Change: Strategies for Community Based Graphic Design, Princeton Architectural Press Solomon, Phyllis, (2009) Randomized Controlled Trials: Design and Implementation for Community-Based Psychosocial Interventions, OUP USA Trautschold, M (2010) Crackberry; Trie Tales of Blackberry Use and Abuse. Apress Visocky O’ Grady, J abd Visocky O’ Grady, K (2006) A Designer’s Research Manual.
ARTICLES Epstein Henry, D (2007) Business Development in a 24/7 World, Diversity & the Bar Epstein Henrey, D (2007) Stepping into your shoes, Its time for job shares in law firms, Diversity & the Bar Epstein Henrey, D (2007) facing the Facts: All firms lawyers within the billable working model, Diversity & the Bar Epstein Henrey, D (2008) The Elusive Balance: Tips to assess and meet your work-life needs, The Woman Advocate Epstein Henrey, D (2010) Three Keys to Selling and Achieving Work/Life Balance in Today’s Legal Market, The Bencher Epstein Henrey, D (2012) Work llife balance is an issue facing all lawyers during the $pan of their careers, The Student Lawyer Kirscher Goodman, C (2011) Cellphones raise workplace issues, The Miami Herald
Abigail Kleerekoper
Makri, S (2008) A study of lawyers’ information behaviour leading to the development of two methods for evaluating electronic resources, UCL Making email less stressful, Business and Finance Leadership Academy Action Learning Project, Leadership Academy, Renaud, K and Ramsay J, (2010) Whitepaper: Email filter, why we need it?, Bloxx
WEBSITES https://secure.csi.edu.au/site/Home/Blog.aspx?defaultblog=https://blog.csi.edu.au/2012/01/what-is-social-design/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=p8YHa1W_neI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demography_of_the_United_Kingdom http://www.statistics.gov.uk/hub/population/ageing/older-people http://www.realestateforum.com/real-estate-information/25813-2011-rent-vs-buy-infographic-choose-best-real-estate-investment.html http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/33579/10-Social-Media-Risks-MOST-Companies-Are-Too-Afraid-to-Take.aspx http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2236208/How-Facebook-social-networking-sites-used-child-abuse-gangs-groom-victims-sex-parties. html#axzz2JwkLfUlg http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=social+media+awareness+campaign&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en& tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Rj0QUZaXOJS6hAejloCADQ&biw=1440&bih=703&sei=Sj0QUYO0GsqphAeu1YHYBw#imgrc=EFQcS2DzhOj8M%3A%3B8PO-2kLnwXHMvM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fandreeaoctavia.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252Fsocial-media-prism. jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.andreeaoctavia.com%252Fsocial-media-marketing-online-marketing%252F%3B1024%3B958 http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/channel-2-explores-dangers-social-media-and-your-k/nMfPZ/ http://newyorkdivorcenews.com/the-dangers-of-social-media-post-divorce/331396/ http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/33265.asp http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/counterintelligence/internet-social-networking-risks http://www.pacific.edu/Campus-Life/Safety-and-Conduct/Safety-and-Security/Online-Social-Networking-Dangers-and-Benefits-.html http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/4758139/Dangers-social-networking-sites.html http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/4758139/Dangers-social-networking-sites.html http://www.4mat.com/blog/the-danger-of-social-media-blog-12529918478 http://www.optimum7.com/internet-marketing/social-media/dangers-of-social-networking-sites.html http://www.securelist.com/en/analysis/204792113/The_Dangers_of_Social_Networking http://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/4-dangers-internet http://education.purduecal.edu/Vockell/CAI/Cai5/cai5dangers.htm http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/internet/9637676/The-internet-can-be-a-dark-and-dangerous-place.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/mobile-phones/9719067/The-anti-social-network-.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9779193/Teenage-girls-arrested-for-drugging-parents-to-use-the-internet.html
Abigail Kleerekoper
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/facebook/9625255/Police-investigate-vile-Facebook-bullying-as-headteacher-declares-site-a-nightmare. html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/sex/9633394/Theres-no-way-to-shield-children-from-pornography.html http://jobsearch.about.com/od/employeerights/a/fired-for-facebook.htm http://www.bu.edu/today/2011/facebook-got-me-fired/ http://www.morton-fraser.com/blog/employment/1838_more_facebook_employment_issues https://www.getsafeonline.org/protecting-yourself/safeguarding-identity/ http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3078835/#.UREntjmFxvA http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3078835/#.UREntjmFxvA http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/mel-kelly/google-and-skyhook-internet-privacy-invasion-0 http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/mel-kelly/google-and-skyhook-internet-privacy-invasion-0 http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-cyber-bullying http://www.dosomething.org/actnow/actionguide/volunteer-a-local-domestic-violence-org http://www.covenanteyes.com/2012/01/17/bullying-statistics-fast-facts-about-cyberbullying/ http://internetsafety101.org/cyberbullying.htm http://www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Child-Sexual-Abuse-6-Stages-of-Grooming http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-20409229 http://www.oscb.org.uk/wps/wcm/connect/occ/OSCB/Professionals/Guidance/OSCB+-+Child+Sexual+Exploitation+(CSE) http://www.addictioninfo.org/articles/3946/1/Internet-addiction-linked-to-self-harming-among-teens/Page1.html http://www.techaddiction.ca/internet_addiction_statistics.html http://www.cleancutmedia.com/internet/are-you-addicted-to-the-internet-statistics-infographic http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Have-An-Internet-Addiction/773190 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-XiSIGPIi7s#at=129 http://lukeuk.hubpages.com/hub/Twitter-why-use-it http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Social-networking-has-hidden-dangers-for-teens-3289805.php http://facebook-parental-controls-review.toptenreviews.com/30-statistics-about-teens-and-social-networking.html http://www.onlinesafetysite.com/P1/Teenstats.htm http://therealtimereport.com/2012/06/29/social-networking-stats-nearly-90-of-u-s-teens-on-facebook-rltm-scoreboard/ http://pewinternet.org/Presentations/2012/July/Teens-2012-Truth-Trends-and-Myths-About-Teen-Online-Behavior.aspx http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=anti+social+media+campaign&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&rls=en&biw=1440&bih=699&tbm=isch &tbnid=UqlzeA0vgN2tIM:&imgrefurl=http://workthatmatters.blogspot.com/2010/11/dude-you-are-looking-at-anti-socical.html&docid=ZHa1D_ HoqQaIlM&imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_QHRSfg6XGrg/TOP3rS4PdZI/AAAAAAAABcc/xYJExuqt8sM/s1600/6a00d8341c51c053ef013489084817 970c-450wi.jpg&w=425&h=670&ei=pUcRUYSvI6G_0QWy7YE4&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:0,s:0,i:79&iact=rc&dur=687&sig=104151748714943630006
Abigail Kleerekoper
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Abigail Kleerekoper
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