Tecnicas homework pem rocio galicia

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Teacher´s Manual

Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala PEM en Ingles Lcda. Sussan Carranza Learning Techniques II Semester Alumna: Rocio Abigail Galicia Ambrosio ID: 5176-13-22476 Welcome Teacher! You may ask sometimes what you need to do in case of have an special student, maybe problematic, maybe a little disappointed, but don’t worry. Here are some tips that can be functional in your class, just try it and never give up.

Connectedness:  Involve them in activities were everyone can participate because it

is a signal of acceptation. Some students have a bad behavior because the ways that their classmates treat him or her, so for them

Rocío Abigail Galicia Ambrosio

PEM en Ingles

Teacher´s Manual

is necessary have a “reputation”. It depends of the things that they do in the class or how much distinguished for their friends can be.  Try to don´t grouse them in front of the all class because then they

going to feel disappointed and embarrassed.  Some students have bad behavior because may in their house they

have problems or be in trouble for some situation, the only thing that they need to receive is love and a little bit of patience.  Make groups of students that have different ways of behavior and

comprehension in the class, DON´T support the divided groups that only cause troubles with their actions. Be diciplinated. 

Put a beginner student next to an advanced student, they can help each other, and in this way he or she can feel acceptable.

“I feel connected with my friends when they tolerate my ideas”

Capability: 

Drop the negative words! The students may see you like a model so they going to imitate some things that you do or say. For example, if you say:-“This is impossible” or “you can´t do it”. They going to record it in their minds. So try to use positive words.

 Motive them with activities.  If you see like some students are criticizing to others scold them and convinces them that everyone can do the things, that they are captable and able. Rocío Abigail Galicia Ambrosio

PEM en Ingles

Teacher´s Manual

 If you found students with problems of learning, don´t apart them from the all class, do the opposite of that, try to incorporate them to the class with activities that are easier for them and with the time they can have a progress and can reach other lever of learning.

 Promotion the phrase “NEVER GIVE UP”  Notice them about their abilities, don´t accept rages and tell them that they are able to do the things that the want if they encourage enough.

“I feel captable for do things that I can never image. I know a lot of things now, I can learn more by myself”

Worth:  Sometimes the students feel insecure about themselves, because they don´t have self-steam or because someone tell them that their can do some kind of things, the objective here is change that thought and transform it into a high self-steam.

Rocío Abigail Galicia Ambrosio

PEM en Ingles

Teacher´s Manual

 Convince them that they don´t need to prove anything to anyone to be accepted, they just need to be their selves.

 Show faith to them when they are facing some challenge in the Learning.

 If they fail in some test or something like that tell them that there isn´t the “end of the world”, it is always other opportunity, but it doesn´t mean that they going to fail again and again. They need to encourage more the next time and reach to the top.

 Put some challenges for they can show their own abilities and convinces them selves that they can be able.

“I can do anything because I have qualities that make me unique, special and important”


Rocío Abigail Galicia Ambrosio

PEM en Ingles

Teacher´s Manual

 The students always can be able to do the things in the class that are required but sometimes they need to take risks and be stronger.

 When the students already pass the principal goals, challenge them to reach other ones that are more difficult, but not impossible.

 Sometimes the students don´t feel courage for do some things because they may had a bad experience and they don’t feel able to do it again, but inspire them to try again and do it better.

 Don’t accept one “I CAN´T” like an answer when a test fails.  Impulse the disciplines and make challenges according to their learning level, but never underestimate them.

 Go from the easier to the hardest part always. “We can understand and reach our goals because we know, even if we fail, we can try it again and win the next time.”

Rocío Abigail Galicia Ambrosio

PEM en Ingles

Teacher´s Manual

They are going to be more self-confident, if they are sure about what are they doing and what they want.

It is always good to accept their opinions because sometimes we learn from them too.

Challenge them and stimulate their imagination and creativity for further abilities

RocĂ­o Abigail Galicia Ambrosio

PEM en Ingles

Teacher´s Manual

Rocío Abigail Galicia Ambrosio

PEM en Ingles

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