WILDERNESS WARRIOR Programme and Intinerary

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Many British ‘warriors’ do not feel like Heroes. They are suffering from deep emotional trauma following intense experiences in the field and have found it increasingly difficult to transition back into normal civilian life. Some of them have become homeless, addicted to alcohol and drugs and suffering from depression and PTSD. These issues, do not only impact them personally, it also impacts their immediate and extended families and the whole of society is poorer for it.

‘If you want to go quickly-go alone. If you want to go far-go together.’ - African proverb

Wilderness Warrior is an initiative of Gary Waterworth-Owen, Eva Hamilton MBE, Helen Douglas-Dufresne and supported by ResponseAbility Alliance allies. The programme is conducted In the Spirit of UBUNTU.

“In Africa there is a concept known as ‘ubuntu’ ... the profound sense that we are human only through the humanity of others. If we are to accomplish anything in this life it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievements of others.” -Nelson Mandela

Eight selected British Warriors will team up with Samburu Warriors /Scouts, along with a team of expert guides and a string of camels. Incredible territory will be navigated and traversed including the Matthews Range, the Ndotos Mountains, Mt. Nyiru (located on the edge of the Great Rift Valley - the sacred mountain of the Samburu people and the heart of their territorial homeland), Ol Donyo Mara, passing through the spectacular valleys of these dramatic 'Islands in the Desert’, as well as navigating a number of enormous luggas, including the great Milgis, Seiya, and Parsaloi. Samburu is situated in the arid and semi-arid area of the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. The Lorroki Plateau in central Samburu acts as an important water catchment for the surrounding arid areas and serves as an area for dry season grazing for the Samburu people.

Wilderness Warrior is a trail blazing journey exploring sustainability, leadership, peace and reconciliation in one of the most harsh yet fragile regions in the world.

The expedition will provide opportunities 24/7 to share life skills, to explore and discover common meaning and purpose, while simultaneously engaging with model Milgis Trust community based development and nature conservation projects.

Wilderness Warrior, aims to help selected participants find ‘Meaning And Purpose’ and gain more clarity, focus and alignment in their lives and future careers. -To help them identify and realise that they, their training and experience has value - that their past has not been in vain and that they have a responsibility to get involved and contribute to the betterment of society. -To raise their levels of awareness of the global challenges of Responsible, Environmentally Aware Leadership, Responsible Water Stewardship, Global Citizenship and Universal Values, Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, Design for Social Impact, Climate Change, and the urgent need to preserve Biodiversity and strengthen Nature Conservation.

-To provide them with proven personal development and leadership inputs, while on a unique journey that will broaden their horizons, speed up their rehabilitation, enhance personal responsibility and strengthen their resilience. -To inspire and equip them to return home, eager to embed effective and innovative solutions to the global challenges now confronting every individual, company and community on planet earth. -To inspire them to assume roles of ResponseAble ambassadors and in-turn inspire others to lengthen their stride towards a more just, equitable and sustainable society.

Itinerary 20 September – 4 October 2011 Day 1

Arrive in Nairobi on 21 September The International Day of Peace Day 2 Transfer to Samburu Territory NE Kenya Days 3/10 Expedition Days 11/12 Bush Camp Debrief Day 13 Transfer to Nairobi Day 14 Return to London


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