5 minute read
The Common English Bible is a new translation. One hundred and twenty biblical scholars from twenty-two faith traditions worked as translators. These women and men balanced rigorous accuracy in translation of the ancient texts with an equally passionate commitment to clarity of expression in contemporary English. The result is a clear, direct, and powerful English version of the scriptures for use in Bible study, devotional reading, and worship. Find out more about the scholars involved at: CommonEnglishBible.com/explore/our-scholars.
Large Print CEB
This new thinline, large-print edition of the Common English Bible translation is packaged in a classic black bonded-leather cover, with the words Holy Bible stamped in silver, making it a timeless Bible for personal reading or to give as a gift.
9781791008147 | $34.99
The CEB Study Bible
Written by leading scholars, the CEB Study Bible helps readers understand the biblical texts within the larger historical and literary framework of the Bible through book introductions, thousands of notes, more than 300 articles, and full-color images throughout, revealing cultural contexts and exploring relevant background information—while always seeking to inspire. Sometimes we need a little help to understand ancient meanings and to line up the rich layers of history and revelation. The CEB Study Bible is a readable, reliable, and relevant invitation to grow in God.
9781609262167 | $49.99
With Apocrypha Bonded Leather Cordovan
9781609261900 | $89.99
The CEB Lectio Divina Prayer Bible
Reflective reading of the Scriptures to lead us into prayer has been a practice in the church since the earliest centuries. The method of Lectio Divina, or “Divine Reading,” is a systematic reading of each section of a book with pauses for reflection and prayer.
The CEB Lectio Divina Prayer Bible makes it simple to do. For every chapter of the Bible there is: • A recommended passage for slow and thoughtful reading, • Questions for guiding a time of reflection and meaning of the text, • A prayer, • Suggestions for putting your new insights into action.
This Bible is perfect for personal devotion and reflection and for leading small groups. It will guide you to a lifelong source of fulfilling prayer, a conversation with God.
9781609262174 | $34.99
Bonded Leather
9781609262181 | $52.99
The CEB Storytellers Bible
Jesus and the prophets taught through story, and The CEB Storytellers Bible helps readers see the big themes and important truths of the Bible while also guiding them in how to tell these stories in contemporary language. Key features include: articles about reading and telling Bible stories; extensive commentary on all best-known (and many less common) stories of the Bible, including Jesus’ parables; “Learning to Tell Bible Studies,” a self-directed, nine-step workshop to help speakers learn to tell stories to make them come alive for listeners.
Improve sermons with better storytelling and with better understanding of the Bible’s stories.
9781609262082 | $39.99
The CEB Student Bible
Reading the Bible will change your heart and life. Living the Bible will change the world. The CEB Student Bible will help you to read and live by asking challenging questions, connecting the Bible’s words and today’s world, and showing you how to participate in the story of God’s people. Includes introductions to each book of the Bible by leading biblical scholars, more then 350 articles by scholars and youth pastors from a diverse representation of faith traditions, and much more.
9781609261795 | $29.99
The Wesley Study Bible
Experience the depth of John Wesley’s perspectives on scripture presented for the 21st-century disciple. The Wesley Study Bible highlights the depth of John Wesley’s perspectives on scripture and features accessibly written notes and articles contributed by pastors, theologians, and Bible scholars. Easy-to-understand explanations of core terms encompass the following themes: eternal life, forgiveness, grace, heaven, holiness, justice, and mission.
CEB Wesley Study Bible Brown/Burgundy DecoTone
9781609261108 | $49.99
Clover Honey Bonded Leather
9781609262105 | $59.99
NRSV Wesley Study Bible Green/Brown Decotone 9781501881237 | $49.99
Charcoal Bonded Leather 9781501847554 | $59.99
CEB Bible Map Guide
Explore the Lands of the Old and New Testaments
The CEB Bible Map Guide opens up the Scripture by placing the events of the Bible in time and space with 21 full-color maps by National Geographic. A brief narrative accompanies each map, describing what is being shown and what chapters and verses of the Bible are being illustrated.
9781609260743 | $19.99
The New Interpreter’s® Study Bible
Walter J. Harrelson, General Editor
The best of biblical scholarship to the service of the Church. Sixty distinguished scholars have provided background and insight on the biblical text in the NRSV translation. Features include extensive historical and theological annotations on the biblical text; brief introductions and outlines for each biblical book; excursuses giving further background and insight regarding particular themes and passages. Walter J. Harrelson was University Professor at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and Distinguished Professor of Hebrew Bible emeritus at Vanderbilt Divinity School.
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