1 minute read

Ode secrète. Secret Ode


DOWNFALL superb, ending so soft, Forgetting the struggle, what delight To stretch out on the naked moss After the dance, the body smooth!


Never before a like such glow As these glimmerings of summertime Upon a brow sprinkled with sweat Which has no triumph to celebrate!

But by the Evening Twilight touched, This great body that did such things, That danced, that wore out Hercules, Is no more than a bank of roses!

Sleep then, under the starry paths, Conqueror so slowly scattered, Because the Hydra fit for heroes Is spread out to infinity...

O what Great Bear, what Bull, what Dog, What objects of tremendous conquest, When it is out of time's resources The soul imposes on formless space!

Ending supreme, glittering such That, past the monsters and the gods, Proclaims to the universe at large The great deeds that are in the Skies!

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