The Fairy Universe

Page 1

To my beautiful little girl, Lola, and to my mom, who has been pushing me to make this book for almost twenty years.

O . L .

To our parents, to Stéphanie and Nadège, to Mathilde, Morgane and Maëlle for their smiles…

L . S . and O . S .

Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

Names: Ledroit, Olivier, author. | Souillé, Laurent, author. | Souillé, Olivier, author.

Title: The Fairy Universe / by Olivier Ledroit; illustrating texts by Laurent Souillé and Olivier Souillé.

Description: Portland, OR: Ablaze, 2022. Identifiers: ISBN: 978-1-950912-51-3

Subjects: LCSH Fairies—Comic books, strips, etc. | Spirits— Comic books, strips, etc. | Graphic novels. BISAC COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / Fantasy

Classification: LCC GR549 .L4314 2022 | DDC 741.5—dc23

THE FAIRY UNIVERSE. Published by Ablaze Publishing, 11222 SE Main St. #22906 Portland, OR 97269. The Fairy Universe © 2005-2022 Editions Daniel Maghen –Arts Graphiques. All rights reserved. Ablaze and its logo TM & © 2022 Ablaze, LLC. All Rights Reserved. All names, characters, events, and locales in this publication are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events or places, without satiric intent is coincidental. No portion of this book may be reproduced by any means (digital or print) without the written permission of Ablaze Publishing except for review purposes. Printed in Mexico. This book may be purchased for educational, business, or promotional use in bulk. For sales information, advertising opportunities and licensing email: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Artwork by Olivier Ledroit

Text by Laurent and Olivier Souillé Book design by Vincent Odin


Managing Editor: Rich Young Editor: Kevin Ketner

Design: Rodolfo Muraguchi

Part one

livier Ledroit’s universe is made up of elusive and mysterious spirits: the Elves and Fairies.

It took our illustrator all his dexterity to be able to approach them, to sketch them, and deliver us this guide of the most remarkable fairies and elves. These beings are, to say the least, facetious, often capricious, sometimes jealous, always obstinate, but rarely malicious. They are festive, joyful, and generous, but not too much so!

Should we fear or worship them? One thing is certain: they were here long before us and will be here long after!

Remember this if you meet one on a beautiful day or a dark night.

Humans were unaware of the elves for centuries until Queen Yvonne, as pious as she was powerful, learned of their existence. She gathered her valiant knights to exterminate these pagan spirits, whose morals were more than questionable.

But the elves are cunning by nature and their dwellings cleverly concealed.

They reside very far from humans. Some live in the depths of the oceans, others take to the skies or hide in dark caves from which they rarely emerge. The less fortunate survive in arid deserts or swamps.

The knights’ search was in vain. The Queen insisted that her subjects continue their noble quest. But they abandoned their mission, becoming more interested in politics than in religious issues.

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