P&LO September 2019 | School Newsletter

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£7 MILLION INVESTMENT INCLUDES FIVE TIMBER CANOPIES FOR NEW PRIMARY SCHOOL IN DEVON Able Canopies Ltd. Deliver Covered Outdoor Spaces for Dartington C of E Primary School As par t of a £7 m illion con st r u ct ion of t h e n ew Dar t in gt on Ch u r ch of En glan d Pr im ar y Sch ool, Able Can opies Lt d. design ed, su pplied an d in st alled a n u m ber of bespok e t im ber can opies t o pr ovide ver sat ile ou t door spaces f or pu pils an d t each er s. The new £7 million school in Totnes, Devon, replaced the previous eco-school which opened in 2010 but vacated in 2014 due to serious and persistent issues with the roof. The new development, which

consists of 12 classrooms and a range of modern facilities, will be used by 315 primary school pupils and 30 Early Years children. An important aspect of the design of the school was to establish a free flow between the inside and the outside. The school canopies were an important part of creating a space that could be used throughout the school year. More than 130 metres of Able Canopies?wall mounted Tarnhow system was installed and wrapped around the building. This includes an internal and external corner at the entrance as well as

variations in ground height. The canopy projects four metres from the classrooms which allows plenty of space for the children to play outside in all weathers.

www.ablecanopies.co.uk | sales@ablecanopies.co.uk | 0800 389 9072


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