Systems: Chicago, Vision for the future Goal Use Chuck Owen’s structured planning process to solve a complex problem at the system level: creating a new vision for the Future of Chicago for the next 100 years with a focus on the featured environment. Focus balanced between process, team skills and content.
Outcome A system of interrelated elements that vitalize urban life, unify elements of the city and celebrate natural and human values.
Skills used Systems Design Team leadership, analysis, synthesis
Project: Process Structured Planning is a systematic planning process for developing concepts where policy, products, processes, services and communications are organized to act together to achieve multiple goals.
1. Definition
Featured Environment
Defining Statement
Current status of enviroment
Defining Statement
3. Information Structuring
4. Synthesis
Current status of enviroment
Defining Statement
2. Action Analysis
Current status of enviroment
f. b. c.
b. Design Factor
Water based transit is slower than mass transit
d. System Element
System Element
Barge Fleet
System Element
Barge Fleet
Barge Fleet
This process taught me the importance of: + Framing the scope of the project early on
+ Organizing elements as a discreet step from identifying them
+ Clarity of team member alignment on issues early on in the project
+ Efficiency of brainstorming strategies
+E stablishing coverage and the role of each element to the project as whole
+ Reorganization for concept generation
+ Brainstorming strategies and capturing ideas early on
+ Repetition to ensure high quality concepts + Clearly defining concepts in full to avoid assumptions
Systems: Chicago, Vision for the future Project: Content relationship Our team designed a system of 14 elements, organized into groupings of infrastructure, interaction and support. Each system element is a network of complementary solutions.
Elements RiverWalk
Functions Communicating offerings
Each element serves many functions as a holistic set RiverWalk
Integrating with daily life Engaging senses
Integrating with daily life Canals
River Haven
Barge Fleet
Revealing the system
Engaging senses
Raising awareness
Communicating offerings
Each function is served by many system elements
River Haven
Raising awareness
Sidewalk Stage
Revealing the system
Integrating with daily life Engaging senses
River Haven Raising awareness
Capturing and directing Promoting discovery
Communicating offerings
Revealing the system
Encouraging activity
Meet the River
Hydro Connect
Capturing memories
Capturing and directing
Managing traffic
Storm Water Mgmt
Promoting discovery Sidewalk
Mitigating emergencies
Virtual Guide
FEP Network
Maintaining quality Resolving damages
Emergency response
Capturing memories
Meet the
Promoting discovery
Sidewalk Stage Encouraging activity
Meet the River
Capturing memories
Hydro Connect
Creating communities
Managing traffic
Coordinating infrastructure Land use planning
Encouraging activity
Capturing and directing
Creating communities
Adapting Curating experiences
Barge Fleet
Barge Fleet
Creating communities
Managing traffic
Mitigating emergencies
Storm Water Mgmt Mitigating emergencies
Hydro Con-
Maintaining quality
ter Mgmt
Maintaining quality
Resolving damages Adapting
Storm Wa-
Virtual Guide
Resolving damages
Curating experiences Coordinating infrastructure Land use planning
v Curating experiences
Coordinating infrastructure
Land use planning
Systems: Chicago, Vision for the future Project: Team skills Voted Overall Team Leader The 16 week course is split into phases where each team member takes a rotation as team leader. At the end of each phase each member reviews themselves and their fellow team members. Professor Owen reviews and complies the comments and returns direct feedback to each student at the end of every phase.
Strengths: Nice job! The team appreciated your sensitive style, providing direction without micro- management. Your energy energized the team. You listened well to all and your attitude “made the work a positive experience.
Strengths: The team finds you to be a great team member, a natural leader even when it isn’t your responsibility. You are enthusiastic and committed, “Best on the team” for listening and finding the way when disagreements arise. Your organization skills keep the team on track.
Strengths: The team continues to appreciate your positive, energetic commitment, you “continue to be a great asset to the team”, initiating work, bringing new ideas and driving the project. Your communication skills are essential.
To work on: Not much. The team tried to find things to suggest, but mostly it was “Do more of the same.”
To work on: No one commented.
To work on: Confidence that the project can be carried off at a high level of excellence... abandon the idea that all team members will produce equally, and frankly carry the weak.
Voted Overall Team Leader
Systems: Chicago, Vision for the future Project: Content entities Infrastructure
RiverWalk Development of the riverwalk for environmental preservation and entertainment
Barge Fleet A fleet of barges that allows the city to provide a variety of offerings and continually adapt to changing needs of the city
Canals Taking over 20% of downtown streets and converting them into urban canals River Haven Areas of parkland along the river providing an escape from the stress of the city without having to leave the city Islands Development of a square mile island to balance the urban development with natural development. Provide immersion in nature and a spectacular view of the city
Support Storm Water Management A system of natural methods for managing and filtering storm and waste water WeMonitor A set of methods to enable the system to monitor and learn about current status of the users and environment Virtual Guide A navigation system with tour and virtual tagging options to enhance the system FEP Network The administrative arm of the system to get things done and promote transparency of decision making
Sidewalk Stage A city block along a canal devoted to promoting ad hoc performances and a tipping system to motivate both performers and viewers to attend Meet the River A set of programs to raise environmental awareness and motivate residents to take action to protect nature Hydro Connect A fleet of boats for water based transit that provide motivation and reward for using this alternative means of travel rendering by teammate Judd Morgentsern
The Barge fleet concept pushes development off land and on to barges To preserve undeveloped land To easily and cheaply change offerings • to keep the experience fresh and therefore appealing to residents • to allow the city to have seasonal offerings • to allow the city to prototype offerings cheaply as barge development requires significantly less investment than land development
Memberships A set of programs to encourage community formation and reward members and groups Emergency Response A set of programs to allow the system to respond efficient to emergencies as well as learn from and prevent further events
Potential options include: Docked Wine cafe barge Floating farmers market to travel through the city Skating rink barge to tour the city while people skate