Spinifex Wati Tjuta (Men from Spinifex)
Aboriginal & Pacific Art is delighted
Spinifex Wati Tjut (Men from Spinifex)
in association with Spinifex Arts Project, Tjuntju
11 November - 11 December 2021
Front page: Noli Rictor, Kamanti, 21-229 (a & b), Acrylic on li
d to present
untjara, Western Australia
inen, 200 x 137 cm (Diptych)
Spinifex Men
As you travel throughout the great sandhill country th you’re immediately taken by the diversity of flora and are also struck by the remoteness of this beautiful cou in equipping you with the necessary skill set needed interior is so inaccessible to most of us and, for a myria for thinking they were on another continent. There ar making the country seem even more boundless. But
To the Spinifex People this land is more than their h religion with the doctrine written in the breathtakin and talked of in hushed tones. It has secrets known o uninitiated. It has history and culture, and a languag very people who are born from it. A symbiotic relatio
So to be able to move through this environment in present view is not just a privilege but an educatio knowledge of the world. Travelling and watching as unhurried hand gestures pointing to where the land Creation Beings. It was they who traversed this land, e Fingers are lightly tapped onto the dashboard of the is sung faintly above the sound of constant corrugat greatness. ... continue to next page
hat encompasses much of traditional Spinifex Lands, d colour within the rich, red sand landscape. But you untry and how inadequate your own upbringing was d for survival in an environment like this. For this vast ad of reasons, unfamiliar, that one would be forgiven e no road signs, no parking bays and no speed limits, of course, this is only to those that can’t see.
home. It is their umbilical, the foundation of a lived g landscape. It is sung into life, danced by firelight only to those few and dangers to the uninvited or the ge all of its own that keep it alive while sustaining the onship of immense consequence.
n the company of those who perceive beyond the on in the enormity that can exist outside one’s own s the layers are peeled back with the movement of dscape carried and was thus formed by, those first effecting their journeys into the physical form we see. e Toyota, while the poignant song of this very place tions. It is then you realise you are in the presence of
It was in the middle of last century, in this very co traditional nomadic existences within Australia. Unch all the necessary skills needed to survive in an arid society with the spiritual land forming the basis of its c dominant power would unleash a deadly contagion very land that kept them alive and taken over 600km protection. The British and Australian Governments w from a land they stated was unoccupied while det Maralinga for a ten-year duration.
The Spinifex People became determined to return t demise of their people through substance abuse, inc home. Over the subsequent decades a slow physical people were dispossessed from, while also making th and ownership of the country that was taken from the of Western Australia granted Native Title to the Spin land they never ceded. The Spinifex People were fin
And whilst today Toyotas may take the Spinifex Pe before, the story remains the same. The created land is sacrosanct. What a joy it must be to never be lost i - Brian Hallett 2021
ountry that the Spinifex People lived one of the last hanged for up to 60,000 years. They were gifted with but plentiful environment and they built a complex culture. But within reach of their territory an unknown n that saw the Spinifex People being moved from the m south to a Mission that was deemed for their own were complicit in the removal of the Spinifex People tonating atomic weapons at nearby Emu fields and
to the country of their birth as they saw the familiar carceration whilst a great distance from their spiritual l journey was taken north toward the land the Spinifex he arduous journey through the courts for recognition em. It was in the year 2000 that the State Government nifex People over some 55,000 square kilometers of nally back home.
eople further and faster across their land than ever d is unchanged, the songs are still sung and the Law in this endless country.
Simon Hogan Lingka 21-93 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Simon Hogan Lingka 21-254 Acrylic on linen 140 x 137 cm
Simon Hogan Lingka 21-222 Acrylic on linen 137 x 110 cm
Noli Rictor Kamanti 21-229 (b) Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm Diptych
N K 2 A 2
Noli Rictor Kamanti 21-229 (a) Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm Diptych
Noli Rictor Wati Kutjara Pukaralanguru 21-92 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm SOLD
Timo Hogan Lake Baker 20-127 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Timo Hogan Lake Baker 20-113 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Timo Hogan Lake Baker 21-241 Acrylic on linen 230 x 200 cm (Unstretched)
Timo Hogan Lake Baker 21-257 Acrylic on linen 230 x 200 cm (Unstretched)
Patju Presley Walkipi 21-243 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Patju Presley Waltari 21-182 Acrylic on linen 137 x 110 cm
Patju Presley Kulpinya 20-230 Acrylic on linen 137 x 90 cm
Patju Presley Puntipiran 21-266 Acrylic on linen 137 x 90 cm
Patju Presley Malara 21-11 Acrylic on linen 110 x 85 cm
Patju Presley Ngirpanta 21-265 Acrylic on linen 110 x 85 cm
Winmati Roberts Ngura Pulka 21-262 Acrylic on linen 137 x 90 cm
Winmati Roberts Ngura Pulka 21-264 Acrylic on linen 110 x 85 cm
Lawrence Pennington Pukara 21-239 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm SOLD
Lawrence Pennington Pukara 21-256 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Lawrence Pennington Nyuman 21-107 Acrylic on linen 140 x 137 cm SOLD
Lawrence Pennington Pukara 19-223 Acrylic on linen 137 x 110 cm SOLD
Lawrence Pennington Mituna 21-4 Acrylic on linen 137 x 110 cm SOLD
Lawrence Pennington Wati Kutjara 21-180 Acrylic on linen 137 x 110 cm SOLD
Lawrence Pennington Mituna 21-247 Acrylic on linen 110 x 85 cm
Fred Grant Piralyinya 20-25 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Fred Grant Kupanya 21-248 Acrylic on linen 137 x 140 cm
Fred Grant Tuwan 21-219 Acrylic on linen 137 x 110 cm
Fred Grant Tjaltunya 21-249 Acrylic on linen 137 x 110 cm
Ned Grant Palpatatjara 21-246 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Ned Grant Palpatatjara 21-250 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Ian Rictor Kamanti munu Tuwan 21-245 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Ian Rictor Untitled 21-251 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Ian Rictor Wati Nyii-Nyii 21-252 Acrylic on linen 200 x 137 cm
Lennard Walker Untitled 21-129 Acrylic on linen 137 x 90 cm
Lennard Walker Kulyuru 21-261 Acrylic on linen 230 x 200 cm (Unstretched)
Bruce Tjinpun Parker Kalaya Piti 21-255 Acrylic on linen 137 x 110 cm SOLD
Bruce Tjinpun Parker Katala 21-149 Acrylic on linen SOLD 95 x 85 cm
Bruce Tjinpun Parker Katala 21-253 Acrylic on linen 110 x 85 cm
The Spinifex Arts Project was established in 19 process. Both Native Title paintings, the Men document the entire Spinifex area showing cla traverse and give form to the area. These paint the Native Title agreement ratified before the the success of the land claim process the Spinif the People of Western Australia, to be housed
The Spinifex artists continue to paint traditiona with acrylic paint on linen, often using a vibra become widely known in the fine art world and acclaimed and housed within major art and overseas.
997 as part of the Native Title documentation n’s Combined and the Women’s Combined, aimants’ birthplaces and important stories that tings were formally included in the preamble to Federal Court in November 2000. Celebrating fex People bequeathed ten major paintings to at the Western Australian Museum.
al stories and document kinship responsibilities ant, unrestricted palette. Spinifex works have the now growing body of work is internationally d museum collections both in Australia and
Spinifex W (Men from
11 November - 11
Aboriginal & Pacific Art, S
Spinifex Arts Project, Tju
All images and text copyright the Artists and S
Courtesy of the Artists and Spinifex A
Aboriginal &
1/24 Welling Waterloo,
Ph: +61 2 9
E: info@aboriginalp
W: www.aborigina
Wati Tjuta m Spinifex)
1 December 2021
Sydney in association with
untjara Community, WA
Spinifex Arts Project, Tjuntjara Community, WA
Arts Project, Tjuntjara Community, WA
& Pacific Art,
gton Street, NSW, 2017
9699 2211