big Mob birds
Nyangulya Katie Nalgood
Nyangulya Katie Nalgood
Presented by Aboriginal & Pacific Art in association with Spinifex Hill Studio, South Hedland, WA
“Nyangulya Katie Nalgood has a strong affinity with birds, the diverse feathered creatures filling her personal history as well as cultural life. They are as much a part of her Country as she is, and their songs are the sound memories of her home. Nyangulya started out painting only the birds native to her country in Western Australia’s Pilbara region, and collaborated with family members to help her sketch out their forms. Her technical skill has since become more refined, and she now works independently. Her imagination has also expanded, and she looks to birds from across Australia finding inspiration in their different colours, forms, and personalities.”
- Spinifex Hill Studio
big Mob birds
Aboriginal & Pacific Art, Sydney
In association with Spinifex Hill Studio,
Port Hedland, WA
23 March - 13 April, 2024
All images copyright the Artists, Courtesy of Spinifex Hill Studio
Aboriginal & Pacific Art, 1/24 Wellington Street, Waterloo, NSW, 2017
Ph: +61 2 9699 2211
E: info@aboriginalpacificart.com.au
W: www.aboriginalpacificart.com.au