The stone spc looks like marble.It is 100% waterproof, which you can install on every room in your home.It looks very simple and atmospheric.
The stone spc looks like marble.It is 100% waterproof, which you can install on every room in your home.It looks very simple and atmospheric.
Subdued hues rule here, from charcoal to greige and every ecru-inspired tone in between.The Urban Collective luxury vinyl tiles simultaneously showcases exceptional functional design while artistically portraying the detailed intricacies of stone and concrete.
Standard Reference
Characteristics Detection result
Peeling Strenght of layers
Shearing force of layers
Residual indentation after static load
Dimension Stability
Flexibility-10mm mandrel
Resistance to chemicals
Bearing a castor chair
Color fastness to light
Wear resistance
GB/T4085 PVC block material performance testing
GB 8624 B1 grade ammability testing
Slip resistance
classi cation CNS 8907 anti- aming testing
Impact Sound Reduction (AS ISO 717.2-2004)
Water Proof SPC ooring features an entirely waterproof core.
SPC ooring is made to be installed on top of just about any type of sub oor or existing oor as long as it`s at and sound.
good Mean value 0.01mm shrikage≤0.002%;curling≤0.2mm
No damage Class zero
No disturbance,no delamination ≥6
SPC ooring is resistant to scratches and stains.
Eco-friendly Not only it is formaldehyde-free, but there is no plasticiser inside.