April - June 2010
AChrist, Moment of Focus Doctrine, Christian Living
Cover: The Church of St. Peter & St. Paul - Olney, UK Inside Cover: Sunset, Nordale Road - Fairbanks, AK
AChrist, Moment of Focus Doctrine, Christian Living Thank you for reading our first, quarterlyinstallment of A Moment of Focus. This online devotional guide, published by Abounding Media, is intended to focus our attention on Christ, Doctrine and Christian Living through daily, application-focused articles based upon the Word of God. In this issue, we address selected passages from Titus, Proverbs, I & II Peter, Ezekiel, Galatians, Ecclesiastes, Colossians and Psalms. Photography is included from Alaska, Massachusetts, Maine, the United Kingdom and Peru.
Christopher Harper
Each article is presented in a one-paragraph format, though more than a single thought is often expressed. They appear as they were originally published on www.missionarybroadcasting.com and are hopefully arranged in a manner that lends itself best to this medium. We pray the thoughts expressed here are a blessing to you. Please visit our website for more: www.alwaysabounding.org.
Volume 1 - 2010
A Moment of Focus:
April 1 Titus 1:9 - “Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.” There are numerous prescribed attributes for a Bishop in this passage. He must first hold firm to what he has been taught, showing both determination and knowledge. Some mistakenly believe knowledge is enough. Formal Bible training can furnish a man with facts, but it cannot endow him with courage to stand. This can only come as a result of character development above and beyond textual understanding. He should also be capable of using his education for both exhortation and Biblical defense. In this we more typically see an emphasis on the former. While mastering discipleship is a worthy endeavor for Pastoral ministry, one must also be ready to meet critical attack on the Bible. I point out these distinctions for the sake of often neglect. A Biblically learned man, able to encourage believers in teaching is a fine person indeed, but a Bishop must also have toughness and sharp apologetic skills to succeed. Let’s praise God for pastors who have both and pray the next crop chosen will too.
April 2 Titus 2:4-5 - “That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” Some aged women make it a policy to teach in both word and lifestyle. They do this out of concern for the younger generation and in the process fulfill a Biblical mandate. Two ideas that may have been better observed when these older women grew up go too often ignored today. Wives who are keepers at home and obedient to their husband are both hard to find and increasingly disrespected in society. Still, the word of God has not changed with the feminist movement. Bible teachers who avoid the direct address of these concepts do their students great harm. Some perform textual acrobatics in an attempt to explain away God’s obvious meaning. The finest young, Christian women of our day are faithful to these commands and some equally fine older women have been their examples. Do not fear or avoid passages that conflict with worldly thought; “that the word of God be not blasphemed.”
April 3 Titus 3:9-11 - “But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.” These are verses we must remind ourselves about often. As ministers of Jesus Christ, we should understand core doctrines and have at least a conceptual understanding of how to navigate complicated aspects of our faith. In doing this, we must remember not to be weighed down by foolish struggles concerning opinion, preference or the letter of the law. These encounters profit nothing and succeed only in magnifying ourselves. Still, there are those both in and around the church that teach doctrine that is clearly false. These would seek to pervert the gospel and deceive many out of their own lusts. God has given us tools from His word to identify and reject these liars. We must not confuse legalistic wrangling with Biblical confrontation of evil. These duties are interdependent and equally important - that is why they are found within the same passage.
April 4 Titus 3:14 - “And let ours also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful.” The wording of this verse has always intrigued me. It seems to be a typical encouragement to good works for those within the context, yet it adds the interesting term “for necessary uses." This gives us the idea that our good works are indispensable in the advance of God’s Great Commission. They become important when those around us observe them, deducing that we have acted as a result of our commitment to Christ. I wonder how often we have refused to act upon God’s prompting to do something good. Perhaps at these moments we have not recognized the importance of practical, daily activities in accomplishing spiritual goals. Next time we consider resisting God’s call, we should remember this verse and the indispensable usefulness of good works. How will the
We must not confuse legalistic wrangling with Biblical confrontation of evil. world know the character of our Savior if we fail to display it in our own lives?
April 5 Proverbs 1:5 - "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:" The first thing the wise man does is simply hear; sometimes I think this is our biggest problem. If reproof or correction comes, we begin to formulate an argument in defense instead of listening. Our chief concern should be learning, determining our weakness (big or small) and correcting it for God's glory. Don't become terribly concerned with affirming the source to be wise when it is a question of reproof. A Pastor recently told me something I had never heard: he said "All criticism is valid." He was not talking about lies or half-truths, but honest criticism that challenges our thinking patterns and actions. Ponder this thought next time you are confronted. Most of all, stop, listen and be patient to hear everything that is said or implied. You may find yourself a wiser person for doing so!
Christ, Doctrine, Christian Living April 6 Proverbs 2:3-5 - "Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God." The most common reason we don't search for knowledge is that we believe we have already found it. Our mind is often made up by what we see, hear or formulate in our own minds. We come to each subject already believing we know the answer to the question. This is human nature. If it were not, would we need this exhortation from scripture? Remember that the most wise and eloquent servant will always admit he lacks knowledge. Be wary of those who claim to have plumbed the depths of Bible truth, grasping even the smallest detail. These men do not likely seek after knowledge as the Bible commands. We will not arrive at perfect knowledge in this earthly life. Keep searching and seeking answers to the tough questions, knowing all along the answers may be just beyond your grasp.
Tit. & Pro. in God's word. If the subject is touched upon in the Bible we can guarantee its accuracy, because it comes from the only One who knows everything. Trust the scripture; it will never let you down and will always hold up under academic scrutiny.
April 10 Proverbs 4:1-2 - "Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law." This was a profitable passage for me today, because it put into words something I have been thinking about lately. One of my prayers to God as I raise my children is that I teach them correct Bible doctrine. I am sad to report that some I know have worked much of their lives at overcoming a bias toward false teaching imparted to them by parents. These wrong doctrines get passed from generation to generation and are rarely corrected, unless the hearer is unusually committed to scriptural accuracy and makes a habit of confirming that which
April 7 Proverbs 3:1-2 - "My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee." The Bible promises long life for those who are obedient to parents. I have always thought this was a terrific promise. Many aspects of the principle are simple. Parents say don't smoke, don't drink, don't drive the car too fast or don't run with the wrong crowd. Avoiding all of these things will prolong life, yet in scripture this promise means more than just those practical things. Here we see a young person's obedience to Biblical principles and Godly wisdom will increase his days. It just seems God blesses greatly those children who are obedient to Him and His ordained authorities. Don't make the mistake of believing this is somehow figurative. Actual obedience to parents in and of itself results in actual long life on the earth; of this we can be certain.
April 8 Proverbs 3:9-10 - "Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine." This is a terrific way to express the giving principle. I just love to think that by giving my firstfruits to God I am honouring Him with my substance. He has been so good to me; providing food, clothing, a warm place to sleep and so many other great things. I can do no less than offer this "substance" to Him as a gift. This is a core principle. Our love for God is shown by our willingness to release all He has given us. We do this not for the purpose of being blessed, but for the purpose of honouring Him. Those who do anything for this purpose can expect the associated blessings. How much of your substance belongs to God today? If you are holding something back you are failing in your faith. How can we trust Him with our souls while at the same time fearing He may leave us penniless?
April 9 Proverbs 3:19 - "The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens." Have you ever taken a moment to think about how much God knows? If there is anything to be known in the world, He invented it. Engineering, chemistry, geometry, physics and every other academic pursuit or intellectual endeavor can be traced back to His plan and creative hand. He designed it all and has every bit knowledge that could ever be attained on the subject. What a wonderful thought! Our knowledge of the world should not be based on textbooks alone. We should seek for knowledge of all kinds
George Parks Highway - Anderson, AK they are taught. Whenever I teach, I pray I have dealt with scripture honestly, without worldly bias and with the help of the Holy Spirit. These are some of the ingredients that lead to proper scriptural understanding, but we must keep learning, keep paying attention and keep leaning on His knowledge and not our own.
April 11 Proverbs 4:23 - "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." This passage goes on to describe some ways we can accomplish this commandment. The ear and the eye are portrayed as the gateway to the heart (verse 24-25). This we obviously understand, as we endeavor to avoid all manner of corrupt communication that may influence us to live worldly lives. Or do we? We know this principle, we declare its benefits, we tell children and teens how important it is, but do we really prove our belief by action? As adults we often think we can handle some worldly influence and not be affected. This may be true to a limited extent, but we must be aware that prolonged exposure to flawed philosophies can have a cumulative, eroding influence. We must keep, guard, shield and otherwise protect our hearts from that which could cause us turn against our Savior and His principles. Don't believe the subtle influence of a “mostly-acceptable� television show or movie will be safer than one which is overtly evil. Satan deceives us in subtlety. If you don't believe me, ask Eve!
A Moment of Focus:
April 12 Proverbs 5:3-4 - "For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword." I recall a nickname the late Pastor Adrian Rogers called this woman: "Old Honey-Lips". While I thought this was a funny thing to say, it really does hold true to the Biblical text. This is a person of ugly inner-character, with a beautiful outer-shell. She uses Satan's most tried and true tactic of offering an attractive package that is filled with rotten, sickening content. You should know that the most successful temptation is the one that looks, sounds and smells great. It may even resemble something Biblical and Godly. Get to the heart of the matter. Don't just look on the outside, then make a decision that will lead to heartache and pain. The sinful woman will flatter with her lips and charm with her appearance, but her bite will be quick and deadly. Your best defense is distance...lots of it!
April 13
my heart foolish. These are the experiences that help to make a prudent man. Concealing a matter does not seem the correct course of action for someone who wants to show himself wise, but the prudent man learns how little wisdom he usually has and keeps many things to himself. God help us to learn from these moments of proclamation, to be quiet.
April 16 Proverbs 13:10 - "Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom." I have recently talked to a couple of people about struggles in their marriage. This is a verse that often comes to mind on that subject, as conflict is always an ingredient. I asked one of these people why they argue and "contend" with their spouse, but not their commanding officer in the military. They made a conscious decision not to argue with the commander because of the consequences. Their pride was suppressed by cold,
Proverbs 8:8-9 - "All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge." If you have ever wondered why some who claim the name of Christ seem to grasp so little of even the most fundamental Christian principles, your answer may be revealed here. Righteous words find their origin in scripture and righteous concepts come from One, heavenly source. Therefore these words and ideas are readily grasped by those committed to honestly discovering what God has to say. The wisdom flowing forth from God's word is both comprehended and adored by the Spirit-filled man that desires to know them. Those who would rather see God's word through the lens of their own desires, find them confusing, complicated or even wrong. That which is good and Godly should be plain to those who are seeking it with integrity. Beware of receiving Godly concepts with a fleshly bias, this can only lead to doubt and rejection.
April 14 Proverbs 10:12 - "Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins." I often wonder how much I really, truly love people. This verse brings great conviction, I'm afraid. Finding myself quick to point out a fault seems to prove I don't have the kind of love this passage describes. Do you characterize a person based upon sins with which they struggle? Perhaps you mention how they need to grow, need to overcome some significant flaws or could use some extra wisdom. These are the kind of sins that love should cover. This does not mean we fail to assist our fellow believers with confronting and eliminating sinful behaviors. The act of revealing sin can also be one of love, but only if the aim is imparting truth for the purpose of directing to reconciliation with God. Be careful about stirring up strife, too, as it may reveal a disturbing attitude of the heart.
April 15 Proverbs 12:23 - "A prudent man concealeth knowledge: but the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness." Some of the most embarrassing moments of my life have come as a result of opening my mouth when I should have refrained. In most of these instances I have known all along that saying nothing was best, yet I somehow still wanted to reveal what was in my heart. You guessed it: the things that were "in my heart" were often unwise, usually self-serving and always unnecessary. If I had only waited another moment (or even another day), considering the matter further, I would have likely determined the thoughts of
First Baptist Church - Rowley, MA hard facts. These facts are even more severe in our families. Our pride comes first only because we refuse to acknowledge the terrible results. The very fact that we often believe it is all "the other person's fault" should be proof enough! It reveals the place we hold in our own opinion; far above strangers, family members and sometimes even our Lord. Let's make a decision in heart and action to reject our pride and rid ourselves of the subsequent contention.
April 17 Proverbs 14:5 - "A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies." This verse prompts a tough question: what kind of people are we? It matters not who people think we are or what they see us do. We need to be primarily concerned with the reality of our character, whether anyone observes our actions or not. This thought comes to mind because of the very specific wording of this verse. A person who is a truly faithful witness will engage in a particular type of behavior, as will the man that is a truly false witness. This reminds me of the oft-repeated phrase - we are not sinners because we sin, we rather sin because we are sinners. Character development, rather than simple behaviormodification is key. If we concentrate on the reality of our inner man, I'm afraid it could reveal some strong disappointments. It should also compel us to develop heart-attitudes that resemble our Savior.
Christ, Doctrine, Christian Living April 18 Proverbs 16:3 - "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established." Recently I find myself asking God for guidance and direction more than anything else. I need God to work in my mind, shape my motivations and "establish my thoughts." The mode for accomplishing this is fundamental. Like so many other outcomes in our lives, it hinges upon our obedience and commitment to Him with our daily actions. Many have summed it up by telling us that direction determines destination. The teaching of scripture confirms this by always recommending the same prescription: first we have faith and commit our way to the Savior - then He will lead us to a successful end. This is not new, it is not revolutionary, it is not an astounding bit of wisdom; it is more like a simple and typical, Biblical formula that needs to be more obeyed than re-iterated. Let's finally get it right by doing what the Bible says - then expect to understand God's will for us.
Tit. & Pro. outcome for the righteous man. He spends no time desiring riches, but rather gives without regard to his own desire. This righteous man is only the more likely to receive gain, even if it does not come in the form of financial resources. Doing right by following God and specifically giving, results more in the riches of peace, joy and a clear conscience. Though we all tend toward sloth because of our flesh, we should examine the results and choose instead to remain faithful. If we do, we are likely to reap a grand harvest of God's eternal blessing!
April 22 Proverbs 22:15 - "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." Many people want to ignore this verse. Modern Christian philosophers call it arcane and persuade parents to instead embrace worldly methods. Some will even tell us we don't understand what the verse means, calling the rod “figurative�. This method of viewing scripture is dishonest, as any man of
April 19 Proverbs 18:22 - "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD." I can fully endorse the reality of this verse. My wife has not only been a great blessing to me herself, but has also provoked me to actions that have brought blessing. Simply put; she causes me to be a better man and a better servant of Christ. While some verses in Proverbs note the terrible atmosphere an ungodly wife causes in the home, we see exactly the opposite of a faithful wife. God said that it was not good for a man to dwell alone and therefore set up a system of mutual blessing for husband and wife. If you asked me, I would say the husband is the greater recipient of reward. A faithful wife can make a man soar to great heights. She builds him up and shows by her Godliness (not necessarily words) where he must work to do better. It is her meek and quiet spirit that often prompts him to choose actions that bring blessing to the entire family.
April 20
Let's see money as a tool to minister and avoid being snared by its fleshly appeal.
Proverbs 20:1 - "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." It is unfortunate that this subject is on the "do not address" list for so many Christians - Pastors, Missionaries and other Bible teachers included. We are sometimes tepid in our response to questions on the matter because there is no "thou shalt not" passage in scripture. I have not hesitated to voice my belief in a rather firm way, because the vast and overwhelming majority of scripture points in only one direction and this verse sums it up. Consuming alcohol is not wise. I can hear the opposing view in my head already. No doubt the purveyor of this idea will be arguing in favor of their liberty. I would suggest that anyone showing higher regard for their rights than their responsibilities is always revealing a lack of wisdom. Paul thought it best to cast aside his liberty when in doubt (I Corinthians 8-9), considering first the weaker brother. Any seasoned Christian who chooses the opposite route gives evidence of lacking love and scriptural understanding.
April 21 Proverbs 21:25-26 - "The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour. He coveteth greedily all the day long: but the righteous giveth and spareth not." Sin always promises one thing and delivers exactly the opposite. This slothful man desires riches, but his sin provides nothing but more desire. While the enemy tries desperately to convince us that seeking our own pleasure will satisfy, we find only that it empties us and increases the intensity of our hunger. We find a different
clear conscience can understand this simple English. Passages like these have been on my mind lately. I have been praying that we stop explaining away the obvious and begin just reading the scripture as it is written. Doing this will help our children and allow us to stand before God knowing we have not been negligent. Families can use all the Godly advice they can muster these days and it would be wise to start right here. Let's not allow the misguided and incorrect Bible teachers of today to persuade us to dismiss observable reality.
April 23 Proverbs 23:5 - "Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven." Why is money so attractive to us? We can all understand the truth of this verse as we look at our account balance shrink over the course of a month. It is amazing to see much become little after what seem like just a few nickel and dime expenditures. I believe we could eliminate most of our selfish desire for money if we could only internalize its fleeting nature. Even the things we purchase are fleeting, as they break down, get old, wear out and are lost or stolen from us. Money could be much better used to encourage the brethren or assist in the spread of the gospel. These investments will pay eternal dividends and accomplish the goal God has set for our lives – to see Himself glorified with our time, effort and resources. Let's see money as a tool to minister and avoid being snared by its fleshly appeal.
A Moment of Focus:
April 24 Proverbs 24:10 - “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” Those who fall down or give up under pressure are usually given a pass these days. It seems we have become too anxious to make an excuse for those who take the easy way out. I can think of a rare instance when it would be noted that someone lacked the strength to overcome; yet this verse makes it clear that the strong person holds their ground in trials. Those who are mighty in character are ready and able to face adversity, trusting in The One who grants grace for every moment. We should understand that the storms of life are either upon us or just around the corner, holding tight to Jesus, who is able to calm or help us endure them all. If we fail during these tests, let’s be honest and admit we were lacking strength – then prepare for the next, building confidence in Jesus. There can be no shame in lacking strength, for we must, in any state, rely upon our Mighty Savior. In His grace and mercy He uses even our weakness to glorify Himself.
fearful of the future. I know people who have faced major hardships that have caused heartbreak, increased temptation, brought physical pain and forced excruciating decisions of conscience. I have encountered these problems rarely and with minimal intensity. My prayer can only be that when the fire comes, I will fully rely on God. Pray that He is glorified when these difficulties come in your life as well.
April 28 I Peter 1:15-16 - "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." Most of those who have been saved for some number of years know this verse, but I wonder how many of us really make holiness a goal. I actually prayed in public once that God would make me holy and felt a little strange about it. Asking God to make me holy seemed almost arrogant or selfish, yet I knew in
April 25 Proverbs 28:1 - “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” I found myself sad today, understanding so well this verse. I have experienced evil flight and known the fear of revealed sin. Even the most secret sin has caused anxiety and cover up, haunting me at every turn and causing me to avoid righteousness. Yet in moments of closeness with God, I felt as though I could do anything! We, in times like these, can face any obstacle that life and the enemy put in our path, free from guilt and confident in victory. Disobedience causes nothing but hesitation and fear, while obedience gives us peace that we may face the battle without hindrance. We should confess even the smallest sins each day and rid ourselves of those phantom footsteps. We do not make these confessions for God’s sake; we make them for our own. They show us our frailty while revealing the wonderful, loving character of our God. When we are close to Him, nothing can cause our hearts to fail!
Do what is right, consider others first and make holiness a serious priority;
April 26 Proverbs 31:10-11 - "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil." What a wonderful thing to have full and safe trust in your wife. A virtuous woman is worthy of this trust, yet we know from the question that begins this passage that a woman of this character is difficult to find. It would be in the best interest of any man to look hard for a woman of great faithfulness and integrity; yet we know that the concern of many is first and foremost on the outward appearance. It is important to note that these superficial things do not last. While strong character stands the test of time, a beautiful appearance fades through the years. Consider that which is truly important and be blessed beyond measure.
April 27 I Peter 1:7 - "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:" I am continually impressed by God's timeliness in my daily Bible reading. I have been wondering recently how I would react to real, serious, honest-to-goodness trials. Much of what I typically call trials are nothing more than inconveniences. This has made me almost
actuality this was a wise and Biblical prayer. I believe we often have the idea that our personal righteousness should never be considered, since it conflicts with our skewed view of humility. We should know that humility is considering ourselves last and not a lack of attention to our personal behavior. Do what is right, consider others first and make holiness a serious priority; this will bring you closer to the character of our perfect Savior.
April 29 I Peter 2:12 - "Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation." This verse may not have impact for you, unless you have been spoken against as an evildoer. Did you know that you could perfectly follow God's principles, behaving with impeccable integrity and someone could still speak against you, calling your actions evil? If this happens in our lives we must remain secure in the knowledge that we have done right and obeyed God. We need to know with certainty in our own hearts that we have nothing to fear when we are accused, understanding that being accused is not a sin when that accusation is false. Don't ever let the evil words about you be true, instead do good works and let the evil say what they will.
Christ, Doctrine, Christian Living April 30 I Peter 4:11 - "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." I have used this verse in a recent sermon about doing your best. We see here that we must minister with all the ability that God has given us. It is imperative that we take every talent God has given us and use it to its fullest potential for Christ's kingdom. Sadly, I have seen little evidence that modern Christianity sees this as important. When considering an action, we often set the bar just high enough to be seen as "righteous" to others. Obviously, in this regard we are considering how we look more than how much we have really challenged ourselves to do great things. Forget appearing "good enough" and always function in your God-given responsibilities at peak-performance; this will bring outstanding results and certainly glorify the Savior.
Pro. & I Pet. none, men in Christ have the ability to discern the spiritual wisdom of scripture, understanding the mysteries of God. Let us not just affirm this as fact, but embrace it with our lives and allow it to help us have long-lasting victory.
May 4 II Peter 1:21 - "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." The verbal inspiration of God's word is a contentious subject in some circles. We know however, from passages like this and others (II Timothy 3:16-17) that these men "spake" exactly the words God gave them. They wrote these words not because they were special men, but because God had given them a special assignment. Make no mistake, many of the men who wrote the Bible were indeed great men of God, yet it is not their greatness that makes the Bible an inspired book. The direct and deliberate involvement of God himself in
May 1 I Peter 5:5 - “Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.� The idea that we should be subject one to another is neither popular nor often-practiced. I would readily admit that I rarely think of this principle and sometimes have the feeling I am a bit of a free-agent for God. If pressed on the matter I would admit mutual dependence, but as for practicing it daily, I fall short. This is an unfortunate thing, because this command seeks to do nothing more than help us. What a wonderful thing it would be to see a younger man hearing and learning from an elder with humility. It does happen, but I would venture to say that if we payed more attention it could happen a lot more. Seek to be the "elder" or the "younger" today.
May 2 I Peter 5:8-9 - "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world." I read this passage with new eyes today it seems. The words "in the faith" really jumped out and I can't say I ever remember noticing them before. This refreshed my belief in the idea that we do most of our resisting of the enemy by simply living a consistent, faithful Christian life. Those who have a strong walk with Christ tend to be attacked more by the enemy, but also do a better job of resisting and having victory over him. This seems a strange comment to make, yet we know that those who are aware of attack are more equipped to withstand it. It is the subtle and almost forgotten enemy that will overtake and destroy most effectively, so walk the walk daily and be reminded by God of the battle you face.
May 3 II Peter 1:3 - "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:" We have little room for excuses according to this verse. All the equipment we need for doing what God wants is already in our hands if we will just utilize it. This passage gives all who will put their faith in Christ hope to live victorious over sin. We very well may find it hard to know what to do in a given circumstance, yet in Christ we have full access to all the wisdom of God through scripture. While all other souls in the world search for knowledge and find
Houghton House - Bedfordshire, UK providing each word and idea that was written makes the Bible special. We call it God's word, because it is His divine, eternal message to us in written form. Let's commit again to living life as though we truly believe it!
May 5 II Peter 2:1 - "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." Do you keep your eyes and ears open for false teachers? I think we probably have two tendencies: either we are too quick to trust those who claim the name of Christ or we are too suspicious of those who are different. These problems represent two sides of the same coin. Both attitudes are a result of trying to do things the "easy way". It is never easy to be discerning. This pursuit will require us to take teachers at their word, yet know with certainty and detail what we believe. The Bible is the only standard by which we can judge the teachings of other men. If we know the real thing, dealing with people honestly, we will have little difficulty spotting a phony.
A Moment of Focus:
May 6 II Peter 2:20 - "For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning." Experience tells us that we have a tendency to return to our lives of sin. Those who have trusted in Christ have no reason to do so, for we have all the equipment we need to live victorious over our former master. The problem is, if we were to admit it, we sometimes enjoy sinfulness more than righteousness. This enjoyment is only a deception, because we also know from experience that the pleasure lasts only a season and has dire consequences. The moment we feel tempted to forsake the right and return to our old ways, we should recall the deception of it. The sadness of our lost estate is nothing in comparison to the sadness of our saved return to its bondage. We should keep a sharp eye, watch our step and reject the potential allure of the old life.
do right and follow God, we will be blessed. Chastisement will come to every saved man that rejects His ways. Remember that our deeds have consequences. If we rebel against God and His leading, we should realize this, confess our sin and ask God to forgive us. I am confident this would have worked for Israel and know it is certainly our solution today.
May 10 Ezekiel 9:1 - "He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand." Sometimes even a verse that does not particularly address an issue still makes one think. This is one of those verses for me. It is simply a portion of the larger vision given to Ezekiel during this time, yet it contains a phrase I could not get around. The phrase is in regard to the way in which God chooses to speak to Ezekiel. He does so with a loud voice in the ears. I can't tell
May 7 Ezekiel 5:5-6 - "Thus saith the Lord GOD; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her. And she hath changed my judgments into wickedness more than the nations, and my statutes more than the countries that are round about her: for they have refused my judgments and my statutes, they have not walked in them." In this verse we see the people of God in a state of worse sin than the heathen nations around them. How is it that those with the most information about God's character and glory are the most hardened in their rebellion against Him? As stories are told of Pastors, missionaries and Christian leaders falling into gross sin, we wonder how it is possible. The one thing we should know is that all men are capable of sin. The difference between the saved and lost is that the saved are disciplined of God (Hebrews 12:6). If you are a saved person living in sin, expect chastening - as Israel had. If you experience no chastening, I would urge you to to examine closely your position in Christ.
May 8 Ezekiel 5:8 - "Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, am against thee, and will execute judgments in the midst of thee in the sight of the nations." I don't think there are very many things more scary than hearing God is against you. Can you imagine the power of the Lord of Hosts being set against you as a person, or in this case your entire nation? It can sometimes be overlooked that God hates sin and will not only dis-allow it to prosper, but (especially if it comes from His people) set Himself against it. If we are preparing to do something sinful, as Christians, we may want to read this verse a few times first. Let's be very careful not to put ourselves in a position against God. If we do, we can expect to come out the loser every time.
May 9 Ezekiel 7:3 - "Now is the end come upon thee, and I will send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense upon thee all thine abominations." It is sometimes difficult to apply a passage specifically given for Israel to New Testament Christians. Our promises in this covenant are different than the promises of Israel over the years. One thing that has remained the same is the accountability God's people have to Him. In Old Testament Israel, as we see here, people were judged by their deeds - we are judged by our deeds as well. If we
Lady Bug, Birch Tree - Fairbanks, AK you how many times God has spoken to me this way. I am, of course, not referring to a literal voice in my ears, but rather a figurative one. Isn't it unfortunate that God's servants through the years have needed such loud and pointed instruction? I often find myself not hearing the first time - then regret that God had to speak louder and closer to my ear. Let's listen more closely for God's voice, then maybe He wouldn't have to yell!
May 11 Ezekiel 11:5 - "And the Spirit of the LORD fell upon me, and said unto me, Speak; Thus saith the LORD; Thus have ye said, O house of Israel: for I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them." Sins of the mind seem to be some of the most overlooked and common. Our minds are sometimes filled with wickedness, even when our actions are "pure". This verse leaves us with no illusions about what God knows about the thoughts of His people. Even if the people could refute their personal involvement in actions described as abominations by the Lord, they could not be held guiltless for their thoughts. The man who stands and shouts "I have done nothing wrong" is often the same one who's mind has been overrun with terribly wicked imaginations. Let's resolve to guard our minds and remember that God knows everything we think.
Christ, Doctrine, Christian Living May 12 Ezekiel 11:17 - "Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will even gather you from the people, and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel." Gathering all Israel into one place is a colossal bit of logistics. We know however, that God has given His people that land and they will all be gathered together there in God's time. This caused me to think again of how much bigger God is than we are. Those of us in ministry have a difficult time just getting all of a church congregation together for one service! After talking to several Pastors lately, I am realizing it is sometimes impossible even to gather a quorum of members for an important vote. We seem to have neither the organization, nor power to bring people together, yet God's strategies are effective and thorough. What a great and wonderful God we serve, that can make a promise that seems so big and then cause it to come to pass with no effort and no delay.
II Pet. & Eze. there with the most idolatrous in history. Church members will often describe all the "tremendously important" things they are doing that keep them from church each week and/or prayer and Bible study each day; most of them fit nicely into the idol category. The only solution to the problem is to simply turn from that idol back to God. Simple solutions like these are only simple on paper. In real life they take a hearty dose of faith and commitment.
May 16 Ezekiel 16:1 - "Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations," When I sin, the last thing I want is to be reminded of it. Sin is not an enjoyable thing to have placed in front of your eyes time and time again, especially when it is - not only God, but another man doing the reminding! I am rather certain Israel was not happy to have her abominations brought before her
May 13 Ezekiel 12:2 - "Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house." The house of Israel was indeed rebellious, as God reminds Ezekiel numerous times in this book. I wondered if the rest of the world in this generation was equally rebellious. Then I thought of the years of gospel ministry throughout the world and the masses of people that have rejected Christ, realizing we are much the same today. We cover our eyes, shield our ears and harden our hearts to the work of the Spirit - in active rebellion against God and His principles. One can only hope this is not the position of a believer, yet I am not naive enough to think it is not the case in many instances. For years we sit in church, hearing the truth and seeing its testimony lived out in lives, but we refuse to change our ways and embrace obedience. A lot of stones are tossed at ancient Israel, but rarely do we actually pause to consider the characteristics we often share with it.
Each action of unrighteousness should be replaced with an action of righteousness,
May 14 Ezekiel 13:2-3 - "Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!" One of the great dangers of teaching and preaching is that we will do so based on our own experiences. Rather than proclaim the truth as it is, we filter it through the experiences we have in life and cause it to be tainted by our feelings about them. Apparently the prophets of Israel that God speaks about here were very much like some of the Pastors and teachers we know today. They "prophesy" not according to truth, but according the their knowledge of what the people want to hear. Our responsibility is not to survey the modern landscape and then tailor our message accordingly, but rather to study and understand God's message and proclaim it no matter the situation. Let's not be like these prophets, ministering to others based on what is in our own hearts.
May 15 Ezekiel 14:6 - "Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations." Once you have turned yourself over to an idol, it is difficult to break the habit of putting it before God. Many have defined an idol in just that way: anything you set as a higher priority than your Lord. If we indeed embrace this definition of an idol, our society ranks right up
as the Lord commanded. That being said: what can be more effective to change behavior? If we struggle with sins of the mind, we may imagine a scenario in which our thoughts are broadcast to friends, family and brethren in Christ. This scary thought, in some cases, has brought me to a place of readiness for confession and repentance. I can see why the Lord wanted Israel to know her abominations and be reminded what they meant. The stark reality of revealed sin can be an internal warning that brings about desire for change.
May 17 Ezekiel 18:21 - "But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die." Turning from sinful actions to right actions is always demanded of God's people. Our responsibility is to choose God's will, while at the same time rejecting our own, replacing fleshly desires with deliberate, spiritual action. Some have written and spoken about this as a "replacement principle". Each action of unrighteousness should be replaced with an action of righteousness, almost as in the principles of science that tell us every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I don't know if this holds true in every circumstance, but we do know that the encouragement to reject sin in scripture is usually accompanied by an admonition to do good. If we are struggling to eliminate a particular sinful behavior from our lives, perhaps adding a new habit of righteousness might be a step in the right direction.
A Moment of Focus:
May 18 Ezekiel 18:30 - "Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin." Sin, in the final analysis is the ruin of all who do not trust in Christ. Our willful rejection of Christ not only sentences us to an eternity separate from Him, but also (often) causes us great pain in our earthly life. The question can be asked, what good has ever come of sin? Certainly it does nothing but bring pain, anguish, frustration, and ultimately the destruction of all effected by it. Anyone who urges another to turn from sin is certainly urging them to do so for their own good. This is why God's commands are so beneficial to us: not as we often feel - a burden. The very fact that we have rejected any evil action will certainly make our lives better. Sin, on the other hand, by its very nature causes irreparable harm. Realize just before you decide to sin that all this action will do is bad. The enemy may lie and tell you good will come of it, but certainly he does not have your best interest at heart!
The problem with some religious "worship" today, is that it so greatly resembles worldly behavior that it can no longer be distinguished as religious. You notice I have carefully used the word religious where some may place the term Christian. Much that passes for "Christian" these days is nothing more than a pathetic, sub-par replica of pop-culture. We are much like Israel in our blurring of the distinction between holy and profane, as we learn to love the things of the world and then purpose to bring them into the church, changing only their label. This is today's great scourge of the church in America. Some may be deceived into believing God will accept this counterfeit, but He sees clearly our motives and does not. He made Israel aware of their reflection on Him and in our day we should have the same understanding. Our desire to blend the un-blendable holy with profanity is not ignored by the Father and succeeds in nothing but tarnishing His name among the heathen.
May 19 Ezekiel 20:3 - "Son of man, speak unto the elders of Israel, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Are ye come to enquire of me? As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will not be enquired of by you." What a strong word of rebuke this is to the elders of Israel! The Lord will only speak to them His words, while they are to ask and say nothing. His disgust with them has grown to the point that He will not even allow them to address Him. While sometimes it is hard to know exactly what kind of communication God allowed under the Old Testament system, we do hear Him speaking loudly on the matter in instances such as this one. God's only concern here is that Israel hear what He has to say. He is not the slightest bit interested in any type of two way communication with those who have committed such great sins against Him. I often wonder how far some of our prayers rise above our heads. We make many grand inquiries and lofty requests of God, yet we sometimes fail miserably at hearing what He says back! Let's listen to this verse and do a better job of hearing "Thus saith the Lord."
May 20 Ezekiel 20:22 - "Nevertheless I withdrew mine hand, and wrought for my name’s sake, that it should not be polluted in the sight of the heathen, in whose sight I brought them forth." Our action or in-action can have a remarkable effect on how the lost view God. We must realize that we represent Him and our behavior can either glorify or "pollute" His name in their sight. We see clearly in this instance that God even makes a choice of His own, based on what will bring Him glory among the people set against Him. Our recognition should always be that God is concerned about how He is viewed by the world. Not only should we seek to glorify Him and show others His greatness, we should also be careful not to pollute people's view of Him with our own bad behavior. Let's be always aware that God wants to be glorified and resolve to make choices that will please (and reflect well upon) Him.
May 21 Ezekiel 22:26 - "Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them."
Our action or inaction can have a remarkable effect on how the lost view God. May 22 Ezekiel 26:13 - "And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease; and the sound of thy harps shall be no more heard." One of the first things to leave during trial or rebellion is a Godly song in the heart. I note clearly that it is a Godly song that leaves, because we know much of the music of today promotes rebellion. Therefore even a believer can have a heart full of ungodly songs, being far from the Lord. Rock & Roll has long been the music of the rebel, as it goes against so-called social norms and encourages the hearer to cast away their inhibitions. I wonder what song these people were singing in Ezekiel's day? I would assert that the Godly person sings spiritual songs during a time of obedience, while a rebellious person sings songs of sinful release when their heart is hardened. If the people of Israel were in great sin, I wonder if their songs were rebellious or if God was taking away their songs of Godly praise because their hearts were far from Him? Perhaps we will find the answer in later chapters.
Christ, Doctrine, Christian Living May 23 Ezekiel 28:5 - "By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches:" Increasing our riches can do a number of things to endanger our spiritual lives. Many have the tendency to trust in the security riches can give, rather than the security the Lord provides. Others find an inferior satisfaction in the things money can buy, instead of finding true and full satisfaction in the Savior. Money has always presented great challenges to the people of God, especially when it has come to us quickly, and in great abundance. Being weak and sinful, we are tempted greatly to love it with an intensity that surpasses our love for the Lord, and cling to it, even when it is drawing us further from Him. If you experience financial blessing, be certain you are not lifted up as these in Israel, because unfortunately you will not be lifted up to God, but rather lifted up in pride.
II Pet. & Eze. With our modern society in a battle for it's life against radical Islam, many are making comparisons. Some of the latest observations by liberal "thinkers" compare the Koran to the Bible and declare them equal in their calls for violence. We must totally reject this notion on the basis of the ideas expressed in this verse. Our God is not a God of violence, but a God of great and abundant mercy and forgiveness. He takes no pleasure in eliminating the wicked, but has commanded it only as a last resort. Our mandate as Bible believers is to present the gospel with faithfulness, leaving the results to God. We believe quite strongly in a person's right to reject God and have only the responsibility to warn anyone who does so. A person who threatens violence against those who reject Christ is not living according to the scripture. God alone will choose to bring judgment - and only after He has provided sufficient opportunity for sinners to embrace Him.
May 24 Ezekiel 30:22 - "Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and will break his arms, the strong, and that which was broken; and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand." Sometimes the strangest passages of scripture will prompt a thought about God's working in our lives. This is one of those verses that makes me think about things that really have nothing to do with its content. It is more that the picture created by its language prompts a remembrance of times God has dealt in a similar way with me. Pharaoh's arm is broken first by God, and it is only at that point he drops his sword. Even though it seems the sword is the real problem, God deals with the arm, which results in the elimination of the problem. I might be stretching in application, but I know God has dealt with me in this same manner on a regular basis. A pastor I knew once said that if a church member decided to skip services regularly to ride his motorcycle, he wouldn't be surprised if that motorcycle didn't break down. The implication was that while the problem was a lack of faithfulness, God may deal instead with the object associated with that act of sin. Further examination may be needed on the topic, but it is certainly something to think about.
May 25
Portland Head Light - Cape Elizabeth, ME
May 27
Ezekiel 33:4-5 - "Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul."
Ezekiel 33:18-20 - "When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby. Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways."
We have been warned about a number of things in the scripture. We know about the problem of sin and its penalty in Hell, we understand that Christ will soon come back and that we should be ready, and we are also aware that our responsibility is to live according to the things we are taught. Why then, in so many cases, do we not heed these warnings? Is it that we really do not believe the Bible's clear teaching? Do we feel that there will always be time to fit some of these things in? Are we just careless? I think the answer is all of the above, but that we should all understand that disregard for warnings can be a very dangerous thing. Is there anything at all God is warning you about today? Perhaps you should take heed now and not delay.
Some will point to a passage of scripture such as this and attempt to convince us how immoral God is. They will call into question His character by pointing out the "unequal" ways He dealt with both righteous and wicked. Their aim is to destroy our view of God, so as to call into question the basis of our faith in Him. Those young or weak in Christ have fallen prey to these arguments - but we should not. Our perspective must be that all God does is righteous, because He is the one and only author of righteousness. Our definitions of goodness and equality cannot bind the Lord. His ways are beyond our understanding, yet we can be most certain in all instances that anything He does is right.
May 26 Ezekiel 33:11 - "Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?"
A Moment of Focus:
May 28 Ezekiel 36:27 - "And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." The gift of God's Holy Spirit gives us such great advantages. In our age of grace we have God's principles written upon our hearts by that member of the Godhead that indwells us. While the law was an external tool of conformance to God's will, the Spirit is our internal guide, which also enables us to perform that which God intends. Those receptive hearts in Israel that believed this promise must have longed to see our day. To know that they would no longer have the law only for the revelation of their sinfulness, but also be given the ability to do right must have fascinated them. Unfortunately, we rarely give thought to our privilege and it sometimes serves as no great motivator for us. Think of the wealth a saved man has to experience the very nature of God through the indwelling of the Spirit. Let's not reject His leading today and go back to a legalistic conformation to the letter of the law. We have much more in Christ that these in Israel could only look forward to.
victory today, giving God all the praise for it, and then fail to do the same in a future victory. Often when we come through a difficult time of trial, when God has shown himself mighty in our behalf, we can dwell on that sense of triumph, failing to remember we also need God for the next trial. God's grace for one situation will not carry over into the next. We must rely on Him moment by moment, hour by hour. If we fail to do this we may find ourselves on a spiritual roller coaster thats destination can be only that of confusion and defeat.
June 1 Ezekiel 43:25 - "Seven days shalt thou prepare every day a goat for a sin offering: they shall also prepare a young bullock, and a ram out of the flock, without blemish." During this day Ezekiel certainly didn't understand all God would do through Christ so many years later, but he did get a picture of the spotless sacrifice God would make for every sin.
May 29 Ezekiel 37:4-5 - "Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:" As we read this Old Testament passage, we are reminded of New Testament reality. These dry, dead bones are a good representation of a man without Christ. The contrast of God breathing life into the bones makes clear what occurs when Christ takes that dead man and makes him alive. By this we are reminded what state we were in before Jesus quickened us in Him. We can also identify with Ezekiel here as he faced the task of speaking to dead things. It may sound like a joke, but our work of witnessing to the lost is sometimes just as intimidating. A dead man cannot hear or understand unless God intervenes. We should remember that our job is to speak "Thus saith the LORD God" and let Him do the work of bringing that which is dead to life.
May 30 Ezekiel 38:23 - "Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD." If you read through the preceding verses in this passage you wonder at all God has to do to get the attention of the world. We are such a sinful and rebellious people that even death and war and ruin cannot wake us up to the fact that God is trying to get our attention. God demands our recognition of His glory and goes about reminding us of it by any means necessary. In the end every knee shall bow, but some will do so at a great cost in their earthly life and in eternity. Logically, it doesn't seem like it should have to go this far - yet men so rarely avail themselves of logic. We may understand why the world would need such a drastic awakening, but it should not be so among the born-again. We should be well acquainted with God's ways, responding to them immediately.
May 31 Exekiel 39:22 - "So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward." Sometimes we can see God's power and glory with clarity on one day, but fail to recognize it in the future. God intended for Israel to know Him and His methods both in this specific instance, and "forward". A real danger for each believer is that we will have a
Adobe Home Construction - Arin, Peru This sacrifice needed to be made every day, yet the later sacrifice of Christ was made once for all. This reminder of Old Testament routine made me aware again of how wonderful our age of grace really is. Not only was this animal sacrifice incomplete, being only a covering for sin, it was also a difficult and time-consuming process. Thank God today for the gift of Christ's spotless sacrifice for our sin, that is so much better than the system of the Old Testament.
June 2 Ezekiel 44:9 - "Thus saith the Lord GOD; No stranger, uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any stranger that is among the children of Israel." Today when I read that "no stranger" could enter into God's sanctuary I was surprised by its similarity to Matthew 7:22-23 where Jesus says to "many" calling upon Him "I never knew you". These people were strangers to Christ, and therefore had no right to receive His blessing. God has never shown favor to those who were not personally acquainted with Him. His desire is that we come to know Him. It is at that point we can understand the obedience He demands, because we understand the character of the one who demands it. Determine to know God better today, or come to understand that no stranger can be a recipient of the blessings in His presence. If you are reading this today as a stranger to God, I would encourage you to trust Him today .
Christ, Doctrine, Christian Living June 3 Galatians 1:6-7 - "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ." One of the chief tactics of the enemy is perversion. He is forever searching for opportunities to take that which is good and twist it for the deception of the saints. We must be on guard at all times, knowing that the only effective false teaching contains some (often much) truth. It is not the blatant lie that first catches our attention, but rather the subtle deviation. Like the Bereans in Acts 17 we must consult the scripture before becoming wrapped up in any new teaching. Later verses in this chapter tell us how dangerous false teachings are, then warn that we should not take them lightly. Wrong doctrine sneaks up on the believer who is not careful to examine what they are taught. If we believe everything any person says without sound Biblical confirmation, we may count ourselves prime candidates for deception.
Eze. & Gal. Paul had a hard message to deliver the Galatians in this book, and his question serves as a challenge to them - and to us. It is not looked upon as "wise" to confront false doctrine in today's American Christian society. Those who point out the wrong beliefs of others sometimes come under vicious attack for their "judgmental" attitudes. Yet the words of Paul (God's words) in this book are so much more harsh than most criticisms I've heard leveled recently, that it seems almost impossible to compare the two. Even the most conservative of Pastors and Missionaries feel discomfort in making pointed statements about wrong doctrine for fear of upsetting their congregations. We are reluctant to face issues head-on for fear of becoming the enemy, yet Paul did not share our sense of fear. Confront wrong, but do it with warning; 1) be absolutely certain you are Biblically accurate and 2) do it in full submission to the Holy Spirit, as Paul did.
June 4 Galatians 1:8-9 - "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." Is there any question in your mind what God is trying to teach through these verses? As sad as it may sound, some people actually read it like this: "If any man preach any other gospel unto you, unite with them in a city-wide evangelistic crusade". If you think I am making a joke, perhaps you should examine some of the materials produced by today's more popular evangelical thinkers. Those who clearly and without reservation teach that good works bring salvation are widely accepted and joyfully cooperated with by many who claim to believe and teach the Bible. Those who question this practice often become the accursed ones, as they are labeled un-loving, legalistic and judgmental. If you earn this label when taking a stand against false gospels, count yourself fortunate. Paul puts himself firmly in that camp with his verbiage in this passage, calling for all false teachers to be accursed.
June 5 Galatians 3:8 - "And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed." The very roots of the Christian faith are grounded in God's promises to Abraham. This particular promise looked forward to the time in history when Jesus Christ would come (a descendant of Abraham) and bring salvation to everyone that believed. This faith is not different from the kind of faith Abraham had. It is grounded not in what we can verify by sight, but what we believe about the person (God) making the promise. Abraham believed God was trustworthy and therefore had total confidence that He would keep His word. We put our faith in God's word regarding the person and work of Jesus Christ, even though we cannot personally verify it. We see in this passage the common ground we have with Old Testament saints - and it gives us confidence even the more in God's eternal plan for salvation.
June 6
Those who point out the wrong beliefs of others sometimes come under vicious attack June 7 Galatians 5:7 - "Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?" The question comes in this form for a very specific reason. Someone (not something) has usually caused a person to stray from the truth. It is most likely a person that commands love, loyalty and great respect; for no person would follow a leader without these things. This false teacher gains the attention of the listener because they are able to explain their argument with great eloquence and etiquette. The person being deceived then develops a feeling of comfort with that person's character, to the point that they can no longer be persuaded to believe anything is problematic with their teaching. It is only at that point the typically "well running" believer becomes entangled in promoting the wrong doctrine. If you do not believe it happens this way, just speak with someone caught up in false teaching about their favorite "Bible scholar". If you then raise a question about that teacher's theology, you can expect great offense. Don't be deceived, it is always a person or persons that make false doctrine believable to the redeemed. We must be careful to instead look to Jesus and His infallible word.
Galatians 4:16 - "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
A Moment of Focus:
June 8 Galatians 5:14 - "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Imagine the problems that could be avoided if we were to obey this command. It is not surprising that this is used as a summary statement for all the law, because all sin ultimately impacts our neighbors. Even the secret sins of our mind, if not eliminated, will eventually become actions that hurt or offend those around us. We cannot operate outside community, no matter how much we attempt to isolate ourselves. Our lives as believers and citizens are inexorably connected to other people and our responsibility is to act in a way that shows love and concern for them. All that we do outside this emphasis is dangerous, both spiritually and socially. We must consider others, care for them and do all we can to see them come to know or grow in Christ. Let's consider how much we love ourselves, then ask if we show this same love for those around us .
June 9 Galatians 6:1 - "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." When a person in our church sins, we often withdraw ourselves from them believing they are somehow damaged in their spirituality. Many times we hold that sin, no matter how small, against them many years into the future. This is a terrible offense against them and God, and is certainly a sin equal or greater to their own. Moses was a murderer, David committed both murder and adultery and Noah was guilty of drunkenness; yet we lift these men up as great heroes of our faith. In the same breath, we may condemn someone from our church for saying a harsh word, or not being as friendly as we think they ought to be. Do we see the great disparity? We should understand that all are capable of great evil and this should be the basis for our dealings with erring believers around us.
June 10 Ecclesiastes 2:24 - "There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God." We are tempted to look upon all we have worked for and congratulate ourselves. If we have obtained wealth and recognition, we may often credit ourselves by pointing out all the things we have done. Here is the question I ask the person that feels this way: "Who gave you the hands, mind and strength to work?" This usually puts the world back in perspective for the believer. All we have can be credited to the goodness of God. We have nothing to offer Him for the things He provides, because all of our skill, intellect andability come from Him. Look at the great things you have, then consider how God himself was involved in allowing you to obtain them. This will certainly bring you to a place of humble thanks.
June 11 Ecclesiastes 3:14 - “I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.” This is a tremendous passage for those in full-time ministry. Our own efforts will amount to nothing in light of eternity, but that which we do in the Spirit, the work of God, will have lasting impact. The work God has done in my life proves this, as all changes wrought at His hand have been permanent. It is only when I get involved that the principle breaks down. We must be very careful to free ourselves from sin, worldly thinking and mis-placed priorities, so that we can truly walk according to God's plan. We may see results
of some kind when we operate according to our own agenda, but lasting and true ministry is only possible in the Spirit. Remember that our power comes from God alone. Let's not be enamored by our own ability, as it will bring only temporary results that are destined for decay.
June 12 Ecclesiastes 4:1 - “So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter.” Those without Christ can expect all the heartache and pain the world, by its very nature, brings. The believer faces these same difficulties, yet we, being indwelled by "the Comforter", have resources to face them. This world is completely void of hope and comfort without the presence of the Holy Spirit. The evil
Even the secret sins of our mind, if not eliminated, will eventually become actions that hurt or offend god of this world and his servants that hold places of leadership have no mechanism for encouraging us in times of trouble. They can only burden, oppress and aid in the destruction of those under their influence. Apart from Christ, eternal torment is their only future. We must understand and act based upon these principles. Our message brings hope by offering a relationship with the person Christ himself called our Comforter.
June 13 Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 - "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up." The Bible says there will be some that forsake the assembly of the saints and we know from experience that many do. This is an excellent verse to remind us of the importance of church attendance. Believers were never intended to live the Christian life in isolation. We are commanded to both be accountable to, and have a ministry in, the lives of other believers. There is a two-fold advantage to laboring together: 1) we provide for ourselves a network of helpers 2) we become part of the helpnetwork for others. Many who forsake the assembly only return to it when they are in need of assistance. They believe that the church is designed to help them, but have little regard for their responsibility to contribute in-kind. Read this verse again with the local church in mind, observing benefits and responsibilities.
Christ, Doctrine, Christian Living June 14 Ecclesiastes 6:7 - "All the labour of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled." The stories are numerous of those wealthy men that risk everything for just a few dollars more. They work for more money not because they need it to live, but because they are trying to fill a void in their lives. The desires of their flesh beg for satisfaction, yet we know that nothing, not even riches, will satisfy them. Working to earn money that will purchase the things we need is certainly not wrong, yet many will work to obtain things they believe will bring fulfillment outside Christ. We must be very careful to understand our motives for obtaining financial resources. Do we believe that just one more promotion will make us happy? Do we think that a raise or a few dollars more in our retirement will provide us security? These beliefs will only bring dissatisfaction and disappointment, as the whole of our security and happiness should be wrapped up in the person of Jesus Christ. Let's not be another of history's sad stories, as our appetite for financial independence goes forever unfilled.
Gal. & Ecc. offended party, they are displeasing to Him. This verse indicates however, that our words are often heard by those we talk about without our knowledge. I know this to be true from experience. Let's stop relaying negative information about others, not for fear of their hearing, but for fear of God.
June 18 Ecclesiastes 12:13 - "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." You wouldn't think you could sum everything in the Christian life up in just a few words, but this is what "the preacher" says he is doing here. The fear of God is indeed a weighty subject. It includes having reverence and respect for Him and denotes a measure of love and adoration. We ought to truly understand who God is and therefore take actions consistent with His character. This is where the commandment portion comes into play: if we fear God, we will certainly do what He
June 15 Ecclesiastes 7:9 - "Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools." When dealing with a person who gets angry easily I often hear the phrase, "that's just the way I am." If this is accurate, the person is indicating they are a fool. This is a harsh and sad reality, yet we know in our hearts it is true. Instead of dealing with the symptom of anger, we need to deal with the characteristic of foolishness. A foolish heart always produces foolish actions, including this hastiness to anger - and the problem with the heart is where defeating anger begins. If we are prone to anger at the drop of a hat, we need to deal with some serious internal issues. Opening ourselves honestly to God's working and leading in our lives, putting everything under His control. We must truly turn from our sin in repentance and repair damaged relationships. This is the only hope for an angry fool.
June 16 Ecclesiastes 9:10 - "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." It has concerned me for years that so many Christians fail to understand the principle of working as hard for the Lord as they work for their employer. We seem to seperate our secular job from our service in the church, believing we should do our best at work, then offering God our leftovers. The whole of scripture, as represented in this verse, is clear on our effort level for all service. Whether at home, on the job or in the church, we should put in a "mighty" effort. We do not know where we will be observed by the lost and we should be ready to represent Christ with integrity in any situation. Let's re-examine our effort in every situation and see if it matches up with God's command in this passage.
June 17 Ecclesiastes 10:20 - "Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter." We typically say bad things about others in secret. This is sometimes because we are too cowardly to confront the person face to face - other times because our facts cannot be completely verified. In either instance, we, not the other party are in the wrong. Imagine if everything we said about another person was eventually revealed to them on video. This would cause most of us to modify our daily speech greatly. The bad news for us is that our words are being recorded by God and even if they are never heard by the
Fireweed - Denali National Park, AK commands. We do this not only because we fear what He will do if we don't, but because we believe in who He is enough to follow Him. If we know God, understanding Him through Biblical revelation, we will desire to follow Him in obedience. It seems like that really does sum it up quite well!
June 19 Colossians 1:18 - "And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence." I often wonder who is preeminent in our ministry efforts. Much of the time we receive the credit for teaching, witnessing or serving well. I am afraid we too regularly want it that way and actually work for the purpose of receiving, what ought to be, His glory. While this is a human reaction, it is neither appropriate nor right. We need to concentrate on making Christ the primary recipient of credit for all good that is done in His name. This will not come to us easily, as we may actually have to make an effort to reduce our own visibility so He can be seen in our actions. In the end Christ will have all the glory, but we need to work daily at assuring we get none of the praise that is due only to His name.
A Moment of Focus:
June 20 Colossians 2:6-7 - "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving." How many of us really abound in what we have been taught? Many sit under the preaching and teaching of God's word our entire lives, but never embrace much of what we know God requires in His word. It seems we have such a simple task; to hear and understand what the Bible teaches - then live our lives in accordance with those principles. While the theory is elementary, daily practice can be difficult. We really must make certain that we are keeping in mind those things which the Spirit has taught us. Consistency is a theme that runs throughout scripture and it is repeated because God understands our inconsistency. Wake up in the morning ready to live what you have been taught and rely on that knowledge when you are confronted with situations that challenge.
Christ. We seem to rather believe that some situations require a more graceful manner of speaking than others, adjusting our speech for the moment. Home is a place of less graceful speech for many, although this should not be the case. Our words should be chosen carefully in all situations. A good rule of thumb is an old one: think before you speak. Keeping these principles in mind could help us avoid many serious problems.
June 24 Psalm 1:2 - "But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night." A blessed man will always have a love for and devotion to the word of God. I am wary of those preachers and teachers that stray from its teaching in favor of stories, illustrations and "good advice". A love for scripture will display itself in the teaching of a man, blessing those who listen and affirming the validity of his words. Any person who claims to be born again, yet has no
June 21 Colossians 2:8 - "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." We "beware" many things these days, including driving without a seatbelt, biking without a helmet and undercooking beef. These aren't bad things to beware; I just fear we do less than beware some of the more dangerous things. I find more and more Christians willing to open themselves up to philosophies and traditions that would destroy their Christian witness. Men come bringing false gospels, false doctrines and worldly ideas and we listen without using the Bible as a filter. Instead of fearing their "spoiling" words, we fear what others will think if we call their message wrong. Look to those men who point you to Christ in an honest, Biblical fashion. Be truly wary of those that bring a new fad, an amazing new formula or a wonderful new idea. It is not likely that these men offer anything that resembles Biblical truth.
June 22 Colossians 3:1-2 - "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Our affection seems to be a difficult thing to measure, although a quick examination can tell us a lot. What do we spend the bulk of our time doing? On what do we spend the majority of our finances? If we had unlimited resources, what would we spend our days doing? These questions bring to mind activities and objects on which we place affection. We need to be very serious about placing the things of God above everything else. If we spend the bulk of our time at a job we enjoy, are we willing to give it up to serve the Lord? This is not to say God is asking us to release it, but we do need to know if we really would, upon His leading, even if it meant a period of financial struggle. Look at where you place you affection today, and get serious about where Christ stands. If He is anywhere but at the top, we need to begin a process of change.
June 23 Colossians 4:6 - "Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." I can say without reservation that I speak with grace often; but do I speak with grace alway? The Bible makes so many statements about our consistent obedience to Christ, and many of these statements include words like "always", "all" and "every." It is clear that our behavior, in this case our speech, should at all times reflect
The Underground - London, UK affection for God's word needs to examine themselves. How can a person alive in the Spirit live without a desire for spiritual food? In the close of the verse we observe a formula for studying scripture: we are to meditate upon it both day and night. We seem to find it difficult to read even once a day, let alone true meditation twice a day! This may not be a result of lacking discipline, but rather lacking appetite. Let's examine our pension for delighting in God's word and pray for change if we find ourselves lacking.
June 25 Psalm 5:3 - "My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up." How many times in the Psalms and in other passages of scripture do we see an example or admonition to pray in the morning? I know of several passages with the same theme. Experience has also taught me that prayer in the morning will set a man on the right path for the day. Think of all we face during the course of our day and ask yourself why we so often don't start by imploring the Father. The Christian life can sometimes be so simple; in this case the principle is only to look to the Lord when we get up, yet we neglect it and are often the worse for it. My prayer would be that this is not the case in our lives. I would desire to see the great men of God rise up in the morning and beg God to give them a profitable day. Let us commit, as David did, to looking up in the morning and then expect great blessings for our day!
Christ, Doctrine, Christian Living June 26 Psalm 9:20 - "Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah." This is a tremendously interesting verse, and one that I can't remember ever noticing before. Through history powerful men have either declared themselves to be - or went about as though they were - gods. Pride has a way of elevating the opinions we have of ourselves, as we take the reins of our own future, believing we have the strength and aptitude to shape it. I would confess that the most spiritual moments of my life have come only after the stunning realization that I had no power within myself. It was when the terrific commonness of my manhood became reality that I realized I must rely only upon the Lord. This is good prayer for the lost among the nations. Pray that they come to grips with their humanity and turn to Christ.
June 27
Col. & Psa. know. If we are struggling with doing God's will today, we need to come to the understanding that He has your best interest at heart and will never lead us astray. As soon as we realize this fully, we should take the action He asks us to take, then thank Him for the results.
June 30 Psalm 18:49 - "Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name." When you think of all the places you could thank God and give praises to His name, doing it among the heathen seems most advantageous. We are called to bring the message of Christ to the world through both our words and deeds, yet most of our thanks and praises are heard only within the walls of our church. Before we get carried away, I do believe the church is an excellent place to honor the Lord, yet many of us could increase our praise for God in other places too. I challenge myself often to use the same verbiage in the "secular world"
Psalm 11:7 - "For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright." How much do we truly understand how God loves to see us succeed in our service for Him? Sometimes our hearts are set on seeing Him only as un-happy for our wrong, never delighting in our righteousness. This is not God's fault; it is ours for misunderstanding who He is and what He finds pleasure in. We have focused often too much on His hatred for sin and come to view Him in our mind as always out to get us. In reality He is rather looking forward to our success in serving Him and angry only when we refuse to operate by the means He gives us, rather choosing sin. He has given us all we need to live victorious through Christ, and He wants to see us take advantage of this power. Look to the tasks you are assigned within God's church as opportunities to delight Him in His love for righteousness. This may give you just the inspiration you need to have victory in Christ.
We should, with great honesty, examine the manner of our speech.
June 28 Psalm 12:1-2 - "Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak." I so hope that we are not at the point in our society that David was in his time, though I fear we often are. If the faithful men are failing to live with sincere Godliness, then certainly the world is in deep trouble. It should be the practice of any man of God to speak with integrity and purpose. Our lips should never utter flattery and deceit as these men uttered. If the people in our communities cannot count on the men of God to uphold Godly principles, then to whom will they turn? We should, with great honesty examine the manner of our speech. If it is anything but true and faithful we should take great steps to change it. God help us to refrain from ruining our good testimony with false words.
June 29 Psalm 18:30 - "As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him." There have been times in my life that I have refused to do what God wanted because I thought my plan would work out better. In each case I can remember, my plan turned out to be a disaster and I wished I would have done what God commanded. The advantage God has is that He can see the entire picture. His way takes into account past, present and future, while ours can only potentially reflect on past and present. The truth is we usually don't even see those time periods with clarity. God's way is always, always right, because He sees and knows all things that we can neither see nor
that I use in the church. If I say the Lord led me to do something in church, why should I not say the same in the market? We must be clear about our faith no matter what the audience - and I would contend that the heathen could benefit most from our praise of God. They need to see our good works and hear our praise and worship.
June 31 Psalm 19:7 - "The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple." If you have not struggled with your intellectual fitness for expounding to others the truth of God, you should count yourself fortunate. I have, at many times, wondered how qualified I am for taking the high things of God and explaining them to the simple people of the world (like me). In the past several months I have had a breakthrough on this topic. I believe if we stay true to God's word, handling it with honesty and respect, it will speak for itself. The word of God, even when it's only read or spoken, can communicate to the heart like no intelligence can. It can transform a man of simple mind into a great decision maker, because it comes from the only Provider of Greatness. God's word is just what it claims to be. It is a collection of all the words God wanted to speak to humanity in written form. We could not be more confident of its accuracy if God were to impart it to us in an audible voice (II Peter 1:19). These are the reasons it makes wise the simple.
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All articles, photography and design by Christopher Harper, Š 2010 Abounding Media Special thanks to Deborah, Elisabeth, Hannah, Stephen and Sarah Harper. www.alwaysabounding.org, www.twitter.com/abounding