Nandina ‘Flirt’ ‘FLIRT’ is a dwarf groundcover Nandina producing red new growth throughout Spring, Autumn and Summer. White flowers appears in Spring. Use as a ground cover, low hedge or a feature in a full sun to moderate shade position. It is very drought, humidity and cold tolerant, growing well all over Australia. Prune every few years if desired. Works in free draining to heavy clay soils.
40cmH 50cmW
20cmH 40cmW
Nandina ‘Lemon and Lime’ has a compact, evergreen form and tight habit. With stunning lime green foliage and an explosion of lemon tones year round, this Nandina is extremely versatile and tolerant of frosty conditions and full sun planting. SIZE
y Pete’ Agapanthus ‘Bab y - compact variet
100cmH 100cmW
P ho t o cour tesy of PM A-
’ is Acacia ‘Limelight dging. perfect for low he A -
Photo courtesy of PM LOVES POTS
courtesymagazine of PMA - page 06 | About thePhoto garden
40cmH 40cmW
Dianella ‘Little Jess’ is dwarf with short, upright canes producing masses of purple flowers during Spring to early Summer. Plant in full sun and moderate to heavy shade. Tolerates drought, humidity and frost. Easy to care for.