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SIZE 25cmH 40cmW


SIZE 20cmH 40cmW

Sparkling bright blue blooms engulf the plant from late winter into spring and summer. They grow best in full sun to part shade. Whilst Lobelia erinus grows well in cooler climates, Lobelia Lucia also grows well in warmer areas of Australia if protected from frosts. This variety has a neat compact habit, perfect for low growing garden colour or potted colour. Lobelias like to grow in well composted fertile soil that is kept moist. Lightly prune after spring to encourage more fl owers for summer colour. The fl owers of the Sundaze® range are paper-like and

are featured either fresh or dried in fl oral arrangements. These Australian natives have proven themselves with showy, vibrant colours, which shimmer in the wind.

Sundaze plants fl ourish quickly planted in pots. Position potted plants in a sunny position where they receive some shade during the heat of the day if possible. In garden beds plants grow quickly, fl owering almost immediately.

Watering is important. Keep the soil moist but not too wet. It is important to shear the bushes every few months to remove old fl owers and seed heads.

Sundaze - ‘Totally Yellow’ Fertilise natives in small amounts

with Searles Native

Plant Food to keep growth compact.

Keep plants well mulched.

Want to decorate that old paling fence or screen out the neighbours?

Here’s the plant for you. Like so many Aussie plants Pandorea Wonga Gold Sunset combines hardiness with beauty, and it does it fast.

It’s a light climber of only medium vigour, and you won’t have to spend weekends keeping it controlled with a chainsaw. Austrafl ora bred this plant with small spaces in mind so you’ll have the effect you need in just a short time.

The purple-pink and golden trumpet fl ower bunches bloom throughout spring, completely covering the glossy leaves which will give you a screen all year.

Full sun or light shade, and climates ranging from cool temperate to tropical and even semi arid, suited to well drained soils.

The leaves are a vivid blue and round in shape, with new growth tips a blushing lilac.

Cream fl owers are produced between May and November, and the large fruits that follow are cup-shaped.

Birds, butterfl ies and bees absolutely love this plant. Use as a standalone feature plant in the landscape, or mix with others to form an interesting contrast.

Clip back to maintain shape, it can also be used for cut foliage in your fl oral arrangements to bring its beauty indoors.

Will tolerate frost and dry conditions – simply plant in a location that’s full sun to part shade, in well-drained soil.

SIZE 100cmH 100cmW

SIZE 5mH 3mW

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