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Tn Bjp Secy Held For Tweet On Cpm Mp
ED officials then approached the principal sessions court to get Balaji remanded Chennai principal district j u d g e S A l l i v i s i t e d t h e h o s p i t a l t o inquire about his health The judge then remanded the minister in judicial custody till June 28 but allowed him to remain in the hospital for treatment until further orders
Stalin w arns B JP
Meanwhile, Stalin warned the BJP not to “provoke” the DMK, saying it will not be able to “bear the consequences ” and that his party also knows “all types of politics”, escalating his attack on the saffron party after the arrest of Balaji S t a l i n a l s o a l l e g e d t h a t t h e B J P l e a d e r s h i p w a n t s t o d o i t s “ p o l i t i c s through the ED ”
The government will introduce a bill in this regard in the upcoming legislature session, which begins July 3 “With this, the state government will r e s t o r e t h e f r e e d o m g i v e n t o p e o p l e b y t h e Constitution to profess the religion they wish, which was taken away by the BJP government under the guise of stopping forceful conversions,” state law and parliamentary affairs minister H K Patil said B J P r e a c t e d s h a r p l y t o t h e C o n g r e s s government’s decision and dubbed the party as the “ new Muslim League”
BJP national general secretary C T Ravi called Congress the new Muslim League and said it would go to any extent to hurt Hindus The previous BJP government, led by Basavaraj Bommai, had enacted the law through an ordinance in 2021, claiming forcible conversions had become rampant in the state and needed to be curbed
The legislation enacted by the previous BJP government proposed imprisonment of three to five years with a fine of Rs 25,000, while for violations of provisions with respect to minors, w o m e n , a n d S C / S T , o f f e n d e r s w o u l d f a c e imprisonment of three to 10 years