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K A P I L’ S K H I C H A D I
Kapil D udakia Islamists Exposed
The lau nch o f the mo vie ‘Th e Kerala S tory’ has put th e cat amongst the pig eons not only in Ind ia, but right acro ss th e globe
The movie follows the story of three young girls from different parts of Kerala and their life experience of being converted to Islam The primary focus is on Shalini, who is abducted and subsequently converted to Islam She is then radicalized and compelled to join ISIS as a terrorist
The movie exposes how Islamists use various techniques to lure vulnerable girls and young women into their network of conversion And whilst this movie reflects the experiences of girls from India, this phenomenon is a lot more widespread across the world than many people might have realised
T h e d i r e c t o r h a s s h o w n t h e d e p r a v a t i o n o f t h e s e Islamists who use violence and sexual abuse as a tool for exploitation and control Nothing is beyond them, and in their own words, it is for their faith
Of course, one of the most famous cases for the UK was Shamima Begum who with her two friends travelled to Syria to join ISIS They became known as the Bethnal Green trio In this case, she was a Muslim who was groomed and radicalised
At this point any sane person would have thought that such a movie was a must see It exposes the methods Islamists use in grooming, forcing conversion, and how sexual exploitation and violence is used for control and to radicalise The issue arises right across the world and therefore one would have thought that protecting vulnerable girls and young women would be one of the highest priorities for everyone However, this is not necessarily true What we have witnessed is the inhumanity of some people, some politicians and even censor boards in wanting to appease to the Islamists, rather than protecting our girls
Take for instance the stand of CM of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, who had banned the movie We ended up with the fiasco that in some states in India one could watch the movie that was made in India, but not in other states Local politicians played the politics of appeasement to ban the movie Fortunately, the Supreme Court had a bit more sense and lifted the ban
In the UK we ended up with a delay before the movie was given an 18 certification It created a huge outcry, but in my view the error rests partially with the distributor Logic tells me that if I was going to show it on the 12th of May, then at least the certification process should have started a few weeks prior Sufficient time had not been allocated for this and inevitably it led to a lot of confusion The British Board of Film Certification might have been playing for time, but in the end, they did give it a certification and as far as I know, without any cuts One of the very few places in the world where you can see the full movie as it was made by its director
The movie will be shown in more than 30 locations throughout the UK Unfortunately, in Birmingham the well-known extremist and Islamist sympathiser Shakeel Afsar screamed all sorts of accusations at the peaceful audience This is the same chap who was found to be on the streets of Leicester when Hindus suffered attacks from Islamists Again, as far as I know the police have taken no action against this miscreant who disturbed public peace and order, and terrorised the audience with his hateful outburst
The world is now at the crossroads of its own humanity Nation after nation has fallen foul of Islamists who commit the crime, and then hide behind the rhetoric of being victims of Islamophobia We have now reached the stage where extremists and Islamists are objecting to the voice of victims from coming out And we have got mainstream politicians across the globe pandering to their wishes
We have lost sight of the victims, be they of Pakistani grooming gangs, the Yazidi survivors of genocide and sexual enslavement, the persecution of the Hazara community, the genocide of the true Kashmiris, the violation of girls by Boko Haram, and the list goes on The world is decaying into a cesspit of its own cowardice to stand up for truth and justice
I guess the silver lining being the movie is making huge profits right across the world The Islamists and their appeasers in their attempt to ban the movie, have given it the best publicity possible I can’t wait for the next movie, the Bengal Files Wonder who will want to see it banned!
The world of E
In this world of E-mails, E-ticket, E-paper, E-recharge, E-transfer and E-governance, never forget E-shwar (God) who makes e-verything e-asy for e-veryone e-veryday
"E" is the most eminent letter of the English alphabet
Men and women don't exist without an "E" in them
House or home cannot be made without an "E" in it
Bread and butter cannot be found without an "E" in them "E" is the beginning of "existence" and the end of "trouble"
It is not in "war" but it is twice in "peace"
It is once in "hell" but twice in "heaven"
"E" represents "emotions" Hence, all emotional relations like father, mother, brother, sister, wife and friends have an "e" in them
"E" also represents "effort" and "energy" Hence, to be "better" from "good", both "e's" are added
Without "e", we would have no love, life, wife, friends or hope and see, hear, smell or taste, as eye, ear, nose and tongue are incomplete without an e Hence, go with "E" but without having an "E-go"
World Migratory Birds Day
W o r l d M i g r a t o r y B i r d s Day was on May 11 and a c a m p a i g n t h a t r a i s e s a w a r e n e s s o f m i g r a t o r y b i r d s , t h e i r e c o l o g i c a l importance and need to conserve them and their h a b i t a t s D u r i n g t h e i r long journey they need places to rest feed and breed Sadly these places are destroyed by humans for profit Birds inspired Dr Kalam to study aeronautical engineering and a l s o t h e d e s i g n o f B - 2 b o m b e r , J a p a n ' s b u l l e t train and wind turbine Swami Sivananda kept w a t e r f o r b i r d s ( 2 0 2 3 WMBD theme) and said by serving them you are closer to God