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Various plans announced including a new agreement on the use of India’s Unified Payment Interface (UPI) in Eiffel Tower, five-year visa for Master’s students and Indian Consulate in Marseille

The history of the relationship b e t w e e n F r a n c e a n d I n d i a i s extensive and has been progressively improving in recent years. India and France have collaborated on a wide range of international problems, including commercial relations, climate action, and defense collaboration

I n d i a n P r i m e M i n i s t e r Narendra Modi's two-day visit to France to attend the Bastille Day parade marks a represents a cruc i a l t u r n i n g p o i n t i n t h e t w o countries' developing ties As he l a n d e d i n P a r i s , h e r e c e i v e d a warm welcome from the Indian community, which gathered to g r e e t h i m a n d a l s o c h a n t e d 'Bharat Mata ki Jai'

Hindu temple attacked with rocket launchers, another razed to ground in Pakistan

The upcoming niche of vegan tourism

India's Chandrayaan-3 begins its journey to Moon

HDFC's profits soar amid India economic boom


Keith Vaz PA RT I SH DU B EY

Partish Du bey was bo rn and raised in Ind ia He h ad his entire Scho ol and College education in the Institutions of Bh ag avan Sri Sathya S ai Baba He has also studied in the U K and top ped his educational career with an M BA d eg ree from the Ch icago Booth School of Business (U SA)

He has worked in various blue-chip Organisations like Godrej & Boyce and GE Capital in India and in Citigroup, Barclays Capital and Wells Fargo in the city of London He is currently pursuing his dream of becoming an Entrepreneur Deeply influenced by the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, he retains a passion for following global Geo Politics, Economy and the games of Cricket and Tennis He loves reading, writing and spending time with his family, especially his children Aditya and Shreeya

1) Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in?

I love the city of London for three reasons First, London is a truly Global city People from all over the world live here I studied in Prasanthi Nilayam During my formative years, I saw people from all over the world visit Prasanthi Nilayam And I f ind that people from all over the world live in London One can perceive "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (the w o r l d i s o n b e f a m i l y) i n t h i s c i t y

Second, London is also the Political, Financial and IT Capital of the United Kingdom There is an outstanding capital of Talent in the city Third, London is a dream destination for a Sports fan We have Cricket at Lords and The Oval, Tennis at Wimbledon and Football at Wembley, Arsenal, Chelsea, West Ham to name a few And I have not even mentioned about the cultural aspects of the city One can never get bored in a city like London

2) What are your proudest achievements?

I think the best is yet to come I am happy with my achievements so far but feel there is a lot more to do I will be proud when I am able to give back something to society I wish to be able to ser ve both my Janmabhoomi (India) and my Karmabhoomi (United Kingdom)

3) What inspires you?

I am inspired by the life and teachings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba I have been inspired by my parents I am ver y fortunate to have such wonderful parents I am inspired by the desire to ser ve and give back to society We need to do our bit to make this world a better place to live in

4) What has been biggest obstacle in your career?

Politics played within Organisations and a lack of appreciation of diversity within Organisations I f ind it particularly annoying when people expect you to be like them We all have different life experiences, and these will shape who we are and how we think and behave

5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?

My parents have had the biggest influence on my career They allowed

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