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Stage 3 Activate
Implementing the first steps of the personalised project through workshops with the women of Baghere that actively engage them in the construction and operation of the project. and creative projects with the children
House Frame Constructed
Urine-Diverting Dry Toilet (UDDT) Educational Workshopping & Collaborating Earth-brick Production
Fertilisation Well Agriculture Livestock Housing
Who: Women, Skilled tradespeople What: Construction Project Why: The construction of the well will provide a consistent and close source of safe water for the women in the village and the hygenic operation of the building
CEB Manufacturing
Who: Women What: Construction training Why: Constructing Compressed Earth Bricks on site is a sustainable and job creating enterprise. The bricks have far less embodied energy than traditional bricks and they dont have to transported. The women can become knowledgeable in the creation of these bricks and then create jobs producing them for the rest of the village.
Roof Construction
Who: Women What: Construction training Why: The roof construction can happen at this early stage without having to build the walls. This allows a large area of shade to be made quickly to be utilised throughout the duration of the project.
Animal Pens
Who: Women What: Construction Why: The animal pens will be constructed with local materials and with a design that maximises the health and wellbeing of the animals and the safety and hygiene of the pens.
Childrens Workshops
Who: Women, School teachers, Children What: Construction/Creation Workshop Why: If it was decided that the children’s engagement project will be pre-made elements then workshops to create this pre-made element will happen now. This may be furniture elements, landscaping or play elements.