26 minute read
Philanthropy Central
Philanthropy Central Funds Established in 2017
Dedicated to enriching the lives of the community by creating a vibrant intellectual environment dealing with foreign affairs, international business, culture and art. The Association’s mission is to increase public understanding of the world in which the US plays such an important role, as well as to contribute to the internationalization of the City of Albuquerque.
Center for International Studies and Albuquerque International Association Fund National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation
Dedicated to supporting the National Hispanic Cultural Center, whose mission is to preserve, promote, and advance Hispanic culture, arts, and humanities.
National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation Fund
New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation
Dedicated to supporting New Mexico Cancer Center patients’ non-medical financial needs during their battle against cancer. Provides assistance and education programs to meet the financial, emotional and psychological needs of cancer patients.
New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation Fund
Adelante Development Center Adelante provides job training, coaching and employment support for clients through six social enterprises and volunteer opportunities through Adelante’s Desert Harvest food rescue program.
Adelante Development Center Fund, 1996 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Friends in Time, 1997 Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless
Provides integrated health care to people experiencing homelessness through outreach and site-based services, including medical, dental, and behavioral health care, social supports, and drop-in spaces, where people receive respite from the streets and linkages to housing.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Health Care for the Homeless, 1998
Albuquerque Boy Choir Gives boys a chance to grow through musical learning, self-discipline, performance demeanor and working together for the common joy of singing.
Albuquerque Boy Choir Fund, 2010
Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers
Association of America Provides assistance to military students and promote the military career life.
Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association, 2012 Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association
Albuquerque Genealogical Society
Provides a forum for genealogical research and support the Albuquerque Special Collections Library with computers, census microfilm, CDs, books, and volunteers.
Albuquerque Genealogical Society Endowment Fund, 2005 Jeanne M. and Fred Trauger Genealogical Society Fund, 1991 Albuquerque High School Alumni Association
Fosters life-long camaraderie, goodwill, communication and activities among alumni; establishes a foundation to endow educational scholarships and other forms of charitable philanthropic assistance to qualified AHS students, teachers, administrators and programs.
Albuquerque High School Alumni Association Fund, 2004
Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce
Foundation Supporting organization to support the charitable and educational purposes of the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce including the operation of the Barelas Job Opportunity Center and scholarships to local students.
Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Endowment Fund, 2011
Albuquerque Little Theatre Albuquerque Little Theatre is an 88-year-old institution offering seven professional-quality productions annually with volunteer participation led by a small staff. They offer educational programming for all ages and are a resource for theatre needs in the Albuquerque community.
Albuquerque Little Theatre Endowment Fund, 2008
Albuquerque Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels of Albu-
querque is a home delivered meal program preparing specialized diets for anyone of any age. They keep people happy, healthy, and independent by delivering food and friendship straight to their door.
Meals on Wheels of Albuquerque Endowment Fund, 2009
op as an effective crime-solving organization throughout the world, with the primary objective of this tri-partite organization, Community, Media, and Law Enforcement, “Working Together to Solve Crime.
Albuquerque Crime Stoppers, Inc. Endowment Fund, 2007 Albuquerque New Car & Truck Dealers Fund for Crime Stoppers, 1985 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Crime Stoppers, 2009
Albuquerque Rose Society, Inc. The premier organization
devoted to the enjoyment, enhancement and promotion of our national flower.
Albuquerque Rose Society Endowment Fund, 2007
Albuquerque Rose Society in honor of Kreg Hill (Gift)
Animal Protection of New Mexico, Inc.
Advocate the rights of animals by effecting systemic change, resulting in the humane treatment of all animals.
Animal Protection of New Mexico Fund, 1996
ARCA, Inc.
Working together to open doors for people with developmental disabilities to be valued members of the community.
Alfred A. Abbott Charitable Endowment for ARCA, Inc., 2006 ARCA Fund, 2001
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico
Big Brothers Big Sisters provides children with a role model who will inspire them, guide them and encourage them to journey beyond their boundaries and unlock their potential, creating success stories every day.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico Fund, 1987
Boy Scouts of America
Preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Gorham Fund for Scouting, 2013 Great Southwest Council, Boy Scouts of America, 2011
with a high-quality music education, instills an emotional connection with and lifelong passion for music, fosters a diverse community of musicians, and offers outstanding symphonic performance opportunities.
Dale E. Kempter Legacy Endowment Fund for the Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 1996
Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program Jane Swift
Ralph Berkowitz Fund for Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 2011
All Faiths Through innovative programs, All Faiths serves as the premier trauma-healing center by empowering generations of New Mexicans to create pathways to prevent and transcend the effects of trauma and abuse.
All Faiths Endowment Fund, 2002
Amy Biehl High School Foundation Amy Biehl High School
and the Amy Biehl High School Foundation believes that with deliberate preparation and support ALL students can succeed. They strive to graduate civic-minded, college-bound, and career-ready scholars.
Amy Biehl High School Endowment, 2013
Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Humane New Mexico is the state’s leading private animal welfare organization. They support every cat and dog at their shelter with outstanding veterinary care, behavior training and, most importantly, love until they are adopted.
Animal Humane | New Mexico Endowment, 2008 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Animal Humane, 2009 Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for Animal Humane Association of New Mexico, 2013 Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico provides at-risk children, between 5 and 18, with a safe place to learn and grow. The Club serves over 2,500 children in its Albuquerque and Rio Rancho.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico Fund, 1995
Cancer Services of New Mexico
Provides services and programs to New Mexicans and their family members with the goal that they will have access to the information, support, and resources needed to cope with a cancer diagnosis and survivorship.
Cancer Services of New Mexico Endowment Fund, 1998 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Cancer Services of New Mexico, 2009
Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation
CTHF is committed to enhancing the lives of children with disabilities and their families throughout New Mexico by supporting the Carrie Tingley Hospital and providing a Patient and Family Program and Quality of Life Program.
Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation Endowment Fund, 2012
Casa Angelica
A home for children and young adults with developmental disabilities, established and directed by the Daughters of Charity of Canossa since 1967. The Canossian Sisters provide a family centered program designed to enhance lives through spiritual, educational and social development.
Casa Angelica Endowment Fund, 1997
Casa Esperanza
Since 1992, Casa Esperanza has provided a home away from home for patients and their families that travel to Albuquerque for vital medical treatment. In addition to lodging, they provide a variety of other services.
Casa Esperanza Endowment Fund, 2007
Catholic Charities
To provide help and create hope by supporting families, fighting poverty, and building community.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Catholic Charities of New Mexico, 1996
Challenge New Mexico
To provide services and support to people who are physically and mentally challenged.
Karen Ortiz Endowment Fund for the Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program at Challenge New Mexico, 2004
Chamber Music Albuquerque
Present the world’s finest chamber music artists in live performance and share the power of music with the community.
Chamber Music Albuquerque Fund, 2004
Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico
The Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico exists to help New Mexico’s children with cancer and their families cope with the day-to-day educational, emotional, and financial needs of living with and fighting cancer. Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico, 2008
Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico
The Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico provides specialized peer support for young people ages 5 - 25 who are grieving the death of a loved one. Thanks to community contributions, these services are provided at no charge.
Children’s Grief Center Endowment Fund, 2009
Christina Kent Early Childhood Center
Christina Kent Early Childhood Center’s mission is providing quality childcare, early childhood education and nutritional services in a safe and nurturing environment to economically-diverse, working families. They are celebrating 100 years of serving Albuquerque families!
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Christina Kent Day Nursery, 1996
Cibola County Education Foundation
Improving education and educational opportunities in Cibola County. Cibola County Education Foundation Fund, 2005
Congregation Albert
New Mexico’s oldest continuing Reform Jewish Institution.
Congregation Albert Fund, 1994
Congregation B’nai Israel
Creating an environment in which all who enter our doors can be enriched and inspired by Conservative Jewish life, values, and spirituality B’nai Israel Fund, 1990.
Kubié Family Fund for B’nai Israel, 2005
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kubié
Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for Congregation B’Nai Israel Endowment Fund, 2013
Corrales Cultural Arts Council
CCAC enriches the community with outstanding musical performances, and education for children and others with special needs. They value music as a powerful force for good and as a positive influence in human development.
Evelyn Curtis Losack Endowment for Music Education, 2016
Corrales Cultural Arts Council
Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School
To develop highly skilled learners who, through a broad knowledge base, can analyze, synthesize and evaluate new information.
Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School, 2008
de Profundis
Make music together for intellectual challenge and nourishment for our souls.
de Profundis Organization Endowment Fund, 2007
de Profundis
Dominican Ecclesial Institute
D+E+I is a lay-led adult education and faith formation ministry serving the Archdiocese of Santa Fe since 1996, working with the Central Province of the Dominican Friars, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and the Laity.
Frank Csepregi and Alice Marosi Csepregi Endowment, 2007
Dual Language Education of New Mexico
Develops and supports effective high quality dual language education (PreK-12), throughout New Mexico. Provides program development for dual language school communities, and sharing best practice through online clearinghouse, and annual La Cosecha Conference.
Easter Seals New Mexico
Easter Seals New Mexico Fund, 1987
¡Explora! is an innovative experiential learning center with a mission of creating opportunities for inspirational discovery and the joy of lifelong learning through interactive experiences in science, technology, engineering, art, and math.
¡Explora! Science Center & Children’s Museum of Albuquerque Fund, 2002
Michael and Jane Flax (Gift)
Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico
Promotes understanding, education, enlightenment, appreciation and enrichment of Filipino Americans.
Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico Fund, 2003
First Presbyterian Church
A non-sectarian community outreach program of First Presbyterian Church to provide a school experience for young children that acknowledged the development of the whole child--social, emotional, physical, cognitive and affective domains of development.
A Child’s Garden Fund, 1989 Eric Young Memorial Fund for a Child’s Garden, 2013
Friends of Music, Inc.
Friends of Music is a nonprofit organization devoted to providing scholarships for the most talented music students at he University of New Mexico. In addition, Friends of Music works to develop and cultivate interest in and financial support for music education at all levels and to present and support a variety of musical cultural programs.
Friends of Music Fund, 1998
Friends of the Corrales Library
The Friends of the Corrales Library (FOCL) is a 502(c)(3) nonprofit organization made up of local residents and supporters of the Corrales Community Library.
Endowment Fund for the Friends of the Corrales Library, 2016
To support the Nature Center’s mission to preserve and protect the Rio Grande Bosque, to educate the public about Rio Grande ecosystems and to foster positive human interactions with those systems
Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center Fund, 2000
Good Shepherd Center, Inc.
To help the poor - especially those who no one else wants or is able to help -- to feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, nurse the sick and minister to the imprisoned
Alfred A. Abbott Charitable Fund for the Good Shepherd Center for the Homeless, 2007 Constance Zandstra Fund for Good Shepherd Center, 1998 Ida May Cowan Fund for the Homeless at Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, 1992 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, 2009
Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity
To build community - one home, one family at a time - by making it possible for low-income families in Albuquerque to build and own affordable energy efficient homes.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Habitat for Humanity, 1997
Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership
Our vision is that no one in Greater Albuquerque will live in substandard housing. They do this by making it possible for low-income families to build and own affordable, energy efficient homes.
Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership Endowment, 2008
Guadalupe County Hospital
To provide full-service hospital medical scare and emergency room service to the 4,545 residents of Guadalupe County.
Guadalupe County Hospital Fund, 1998
Heading Home
Seven permanent housing and emergency shelter programs in three counties to help women, men and families make their experiences of homelessness rare, short-lived and nonrecurring.
Heading Home Endowment Fund, 2012
Junior League of Albuquerque
To promote volunteerism, develop the potential of women and improve the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
Junior League of Albuquerque Administrative Endowment Fund, 1999
Junior League of Albuquerque (Gift)
Leadership New Mexico
Leadership New Mexico develops leaders across the state. Through the Core, Connect, and Local Government Leadership Programs, they educate business and community leaders about the challenges and opportunities facing New Mexico and enhance graduates’ ability to work toward positive, ethical change.
Leadership New Mexico Endowment Fund, 2009
MANA de Albuquerque empower Latinas through Leadership Development, Community Service and Advocacy through the MANA de Albuquerque Scholarship Fund, Hermanitas Leadership and Madrinas Mentor Program, and AvanZamos Leadership program for adult women.
Constance Zandstra Fund for MANA de Albuquerque, 1998 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for MANA de Albuquerque, 1997

Manzano Day School
Founded in 1938, Manzano Day School is an independent, nonprofit elementary school for children in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. Manzano Day School is dedicated to innovative child-centered education, excellence in teaching, and Joy in Learning®.
Manzano Day School Fund, 1985 Manzano Day School Kathy Rimsha Fund, 2007 Manzano Day School Maggie Simms WINGS Fund, 2004 Manzano Day School Peterson Learning Center Fund, 2004 Manzano Day School Stewart Family Wings Fund, 2007 Manzano Day School Wings 5 Fund, 2012 Manzano Day School Wings 6 Fund, 2012 Manzano Day School Wings of Brotherhood Fund, 2009 Manzano Day School Wings of Friendship Fund, 2006
Menaul School
In mind, body and spirit, our mission is to prepare students to succeed. Menaul School develops excellence, confidence and integrity and provides the foundation for life-long learning and ethical leadership.
Agnes Faggart Bussiere Memorial Fund for Menaul School, 2007 Gloria Griffin Mallory Endowment Fund for Teacher Development, 2006
Dr. Gloria and Robert Mallory
Menaul School Endowment Fund, 2007
National Dance Institute of New Mexico
Using the medium of dance, NDI-NM engages and motivates children, helping them develop discipline, a standard of excellence and a belief in themselves that will carry over into all aspects of their lives.
NDI New Mexico Fund, 2012
National Sisterhood United for Journeyman Lineman
Assists families of Fallen/Injured I.B.E.W. Journeymen Linemen, Utility Linemen, Apprentice Linemen, Groundmen, Operators, and the families thereof. NSUJL provides emergency financial, emotional and physical assistance, in cases of work related injuries or death.
Rex Ward Fund, 2012
New Mexico Academy of Science
Science education advocates to foster scientific research and scientific cooperation, increase public awareness of the role of science in human progress and human welfare and promote science education in New Mexico.
New Mexico Academy of Science Endowment Fund, 2007
New Mexico Art League
Offers a wide range of fine art classes and workshops and features a gallery where New Mexico artists have the opportunity to exhibit.
New Mexico Art League Fund, 1992
New Mexico Ballet Company
For 45 years, the New Mexico Ballet Company has produced professional and innovative dance productions for New Mexico audiences while providing the highest caliber of education and training for young artists in the community.
The Suzanne M. Johnston Endowment for the New Mexico Ballet Company, 2016
New Mexico Ballet Company
New Mexico BioPark Society
To promote the development of the Albuquerque Biological Park and to further community interest in the Rio Grande Zoo, Botanic Gardens, Albuquerque Aquarium and Tingley Beach; and to assist in education.
Anne B. Little Fund for the Botanic Garden at New Mexico BioPark, 2003 New Mexico BioPark Society Fund, 1987 New Mexico BioPark Society Fund for the Aquarium & Botanic Garden, 1988
New Mexico Coalition for Literacy
The mission of the NMCL is to coordinate, expand, and enhance New Mexico programs so adults can read and write to achieve their goals; it provides funding, training, and technical assistance to adult literacy programs.
New Mexico Coalition for Literacy Fund, 1988
New Mexico Conference of Churches

New Mexico Conference of Churches unites Community of Christ, Disciples, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, United Church of Christ and United Methodist churches in compassion and advocacy for the poor of New Mexico.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for New Mexico Conference of Churches, 1999
New Mexico Engineering Foundation
To foster interest in engineering.
New Mexico Engineering Foundation Endowment Fund, 2005
New Mexico Geological Society, Inc.
To promote geology and research through education and publications.
Jeanne M. and Fred Trauger New Mexico Geological Society, 1991
New Mexico Military Institute Foundation, Inc.
The New Mexico Military Institute Foundation, Inc. is a single purpose entity formed to maintain an endowment fund for the benefit of and to support the New Mexico Military Institute, a state educational institution.
Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for NM Military Institute, 2005
New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation
The New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation is a non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to further the cultural, educational, and scientific programs and purposes of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science.
New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation Fund, 1986
The SW Foundation for Osteopathic Education and Research (SWFOER) was founded with a mission of providing financial support for students attending the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine and for medical and academic related research.
Heights Healthcare Foundation Fund for Osteopathic Education, 1984 New Mexico Parents of Multiples
The New Mexico Parent of Multiples (NMPOM) is a non-profit organization committed to mutual support and education for parents, guardians and primary caregivers of multiples and their families.
New Mexico Parents of Multiples Endowment Fund, 2016
New Mexico Parents of Multiples (Gift)
New Mexico PBS
To inform, engage and connect New Mexico’s diverse communities, reflecting their interests and needs through quality programming, community services and on-line content.
KNME New Mexico PBS Great Southwestern Arts & Education Endowment Fund, 2013
DBA William R. Talbot Fine Art Toby Herbst Antiques The Rainbow Man, Inc. Mr. William B. Spencer Tad Tribal Art Sundance Buyers Group Sparrow Antiques LLC Roadside America LLC Rapa Corporation Ranchfolks Navajo Rug Co. Postpubco Inc. Peaceful Wind Objects of Art Show, LLC Native Jackets, Etc. Medicine Man Gallery Lummi Island Trading Co. Leslie Flynt, LLC Knox Artifacts Gallery Kimosabe Kemo Sabe Kania-Ferrin Gallery House of Ancestors Antiques Great Southwestern Antique Show Four Winds Gallery DBA Smith Bros Trading Co Curtright and Son Inc. Coulter-Brooks Inc. Claiborne Gallery Billy Famous Inc. Artemis Gallery Mr. Terry DeWald Mr. and Mrs. John C. Anaya Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Anderson Mr. Edward J. Berberian Mr. George E. Celsor and Ms. Debra Abshier Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Chamales Mr. Jack N. Clift Mr. James Compton Mr. B.C. Dentan Mr. Curtiss L. Eckhardt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Finger Mr. Marty Frenkel and Ms. Barbara A. Barbara Mr. Daniel L. Geary Mr. Gregory Ghent Mr. Scott S. Gordon Malcolm Grimmer Mr. and Mrs. Quinn G. Holloman Jr Mr. Spider Kedelsky Mr. B. Will Knappen
Dr. Paul F. Ley Mr. Randall Love and Mrs. Elaine Funaro Love Mr. and Mrs. Rex A. Lucke Ms. Karen Marchand Mr. Gerald L. May Ms. Carole J. McGowan Mr. Lew Meekins Arthur and Patty Newman Ms. Patricia M. Newman James W. Owens Mr. John F. Parks Mr. William R. Plitt Mr. John Ruddy Mr. Eric Salter Mr. Jules Peter Segall Ms. Rebecca J. Stansifer-Haggie Mr. Jeremy Steenblik Mr. Gerald G. Stiebel Ms. Susan Swift Ms. Darlene Tyra Mr. and Mrs. Todd Tyra Ms. Dana Waldon Ms. Joan E. Wenger Ms. Lisa H. Zaslove
KNME-TV Endowment Fund, 1987 Nellita E. Walker Fund for KNME-TV, 1999
New Mexico Philharmonic, Inc.

The New Mexico Philharmonic enriches the lives of New Mexicans through musical excellence, educational opportunities and community engagement. It achieves this through live orchestral concerts for the public and education programs for public school children.
Betty and Luke Vortman Endowment for New Mexico Philharmonic, Inc., 2015
Mrs. Betty Vortman
The Foundation financially supports the statewide programs and services of the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Fund, 2016
New Mexico School for Blind & Visually Impaired Foundation
New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial
To operate and maintain the NM Veterans Museum, library, and grounds of the Veterans Memorial Park.
New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund, 2012
New Mexico Voices for Children
New Mexico Voices for Children works to create systems-level sustain– –able policy change to improve the status, well-being and racial/ethnic equity of New Mexico’s children and families in the areas of health, education, and economic security.
New Mexico Voices for Children Endowment Fund, 2007 New Mexico Voices for Children Future Fund, 2002
Opera Southwest
Opera Southwest’s mission is produce quality, professional, enjoyable and accessible opera in an intimate setting for audiences of all ages.
Justine Opel Opera Southwest Endowment Fund, 2015
Opera Southwest Albuquerque’s premiere non-profit, member-supported, community based performing arts venue, Outpost presents jazz and other musical styles, spoken word, youth performances, Jazz and Latin music classes, visual art exhibits and the annual NM Jazz Festival.
Outpost Productions Endowment Fund, 2006
Parents Reaching Out
Parents Reaching Out (PRO) supports families throughout New Mexico who are raising children with disabilities and/or special health care needs. From no-cost individual support to trainings and publications, PRO is committed to helping parents advocate for and receive education and health care resources for their children.
Parents Reaching Out Endowment Fund, 2008
PB&J Family Services, Inc.
PB&J provides effective, compassionate, evaluated services in child abuse prevention, family safety, optimal child development, school readiness. Family involvement with the law, and addiction decrease. Stability grows in parenting, housing, mental health, income, overall child well-being.
PB&J Family Services/Angie’s Legacy, 2007
Pennies for the Homeless
To educate students, professionals and the general public about the reality of homelessness while directly funding shelter, meal centers, day care and other efforts to improve the quality of life for homeless people.
Joseph Saavedra’s Pennies for the Homeless Endowment, 2015
Pennies for the Homeless
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains empowers people to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health by providing high quality health care, comprehensive sex education, and strategic advocacy.
Ann Simms Clark Fund for Planned Parenthood, 2005 Kurt and Edith Kubié Family Endowment for Planned Parenthood, 2007
Presbyterian Ear Institute
To provide an educational program for children with hearing loss in which they learn to communicate using spoken language without the use of manual signs.
Presbyterian Ear Institute Endowment Fund, 2011
Roadrunner Food Bank
To supply food to a network of organizations that are engaged in feeding the hungry by soliciting, collecting and transporting salvageable food from food industry donors nationwide as well as purchasing food in bulk.
Janet Youngberg Endowment for Roadrunner Food Bank, 2013 Roadrunner Food Bank Fund, 1984
Samaritan Counseling Center
To help people in central New Mexico find wholeness and healing through professional psychological counseling and education that integrates medical and spiritual resources.
Samaritan Counseling Center Fund, 2003
San Felipe de Neri Church
To serve parishioners by celebrating the Word of God, providing a forum and environment for communal education, instructing those interested in our faith and traditions, establishing a community of charity and social justice.
Santa Rosa Library
Public library serving 2,400 residents including 2,279 card holders with a collection of 16,596 books and periodicals.
Moise Memorial Library Fund, 2005
Savila Collaborative (Centro Savila)
Centro Savila is a community-based clinic located in the South Valley providing linguistically and culturally appropriate, trauma informed, behavioral health care, addictions recovery and social services in an effort to decrease health disparities in Albuquerque.
Vagh/Zavery Endowment Fund, 2006
Senior Citizens’ Law Office
The Senior Citizens’ Law Office provides critically needed systemic and individual advocacy to Central New Mexico seniors to uphold their rights, maximize their autonomy and ensure they receive the benefits to which they are entitled.
Senior Citizens Law Office Endowment Fund, 2014
Silver Horizons New Mexico, Inc.
To support New Mexico’s senior population by offering programs, services and events that facilitate independence, promote well-being, maximize quality of life, provide access to community services, and celebrate the lives of our elders.
Ginger Grossetete Endowment Fund for Silver Horizons, 1984
Mrs. Ginger Grossetete – in memory of Valerie Miller and Sara Jane Scott

Society for the Preservation of American Indian Culture
To promote the recognition and protection of American Indian Culture.
Reyer Fund in Support of Tribal Community Development, 1986 St. Martin’s Hospitality Center
Since 1985, St. Martin’s HopeWorks has grown to become the largest provider of services for people experiencing (or at risk of) homelessness in Albuquerque. HopeWorks’ mission is to assist people who are experiencing homelessness or near-homelessness by providing resources, opportunities, and hope. HopeWorks aims to end homelessness, one person at a time.
St. Martin’s Hospitality Center Endowment Fund, 2008 Dismas House at St. Martin’s Endowment Fund, 2003
Sunset Mesa Teacher Endowment Fund Corp.
This organization was created by parents to support education grants for Sunset Mesa’steachers who want to further their professional development as teachers.
Sunset Mesa Teacher Endowment Fund Corp. Endowment Fund, 2006
Anonymous Donor Mr. and Ms. Robert D. Koudelka Ms. Heather Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. John P. Steenson
The Arc of New Mexico
The Arc New Mexico promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
Arc of New Mexico Fund, 1983
Think New Mexico
Think New Mexico is an independent, nonpartisan, results-oriented thinktank whose mission is to improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans, especially those who lack a strong voice in the political process.
Think New Mexico Fund, 2004
To foster community awareness and understanding of dyslexia and to facilitate opportunities for individuals with dyslexia to receive an effective and appropriate education.
Dr. Jane Ann Blumenfeld Endowment Fund for the SW Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, 2004
Special Olympics
The goal of Special Olympics is to help persons with intellectual disabilities participate as respected members of society by giving them the chance to develop and demonstrate their skills thru sports training and competition.
Special Olympics of New Mexico Fund, 2001
St. George Greek Orthodox Church
St. George Greek Orthodox Church is a diverse congregation of believers worshiping Jesus Christ, serving each other, and reaching out to the Albuquerque community.
St. George Greek Orthodox Church Endowment Fund, 2015
St. George Greek Orthodox Church
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment Center
The UNM CCC treats about 60 percent of adults and virtually all the children in New Mexico diagnosed with cancer from every county in the state in more than 135,000 clinic visits each year.
Dean and Alice Irvin Fund for the UNM Cancer Center, 1986
VSA arts of New Mexico
To encourage, develop and present the creative and entrepreneurial endeavors of New Mexicans with disabilities and other unique needs AND to engage the community in global awareness, social action and cultural discovery.
VSA arts of New Mexico Fund, 1998
Watermelon Mountain Ranch, Inc.
Watermelon Mountain Ranch Animal Center is dedicated to strengthening the animal-human bond. This is done through various programs such as adoption, foster placement, humane education, low cost spay/neuter for the public, volunteer, and Molly’s Mercy Mission to save the most fragile of the animals in municipal shelters across the Southwest.
Sally Denzer Endowed Fund for Watermelon Mountain Ranch, 2014
St. Mark’s in the Valley Day School
To provide full day, year-round quality early care and education for children ages two through five regardless of ability, socio-economic status or culture.
St. Mark’s in the Valley Day School Fund, 1986 WESST
WESST’s mission is to be a home to entrepreneurs. They provide a support system of consulting, training and lending to help clients successfully strengthen and grow their businesses through sustainable sales, financial knowledge and job creation.
WESST Endowment Fund, 2013
WildEarth Guardians protects and restores the wildlife, wild rivers, wild places, and health of the American West. Founded in 1989, Guardians has a long history of successes protecting rivers, ancient forests, threatened landscapes, and wildlife.
WildEarth Guardians, 2007
YMCA Central New Mexico
To develop and promote personal growth - spiritually, mentally, and physically - which will enable people of all ages, ethnic groups and faiths to reach their potential and to enrich the quality of life in the community.
YMCA Fund, 1998
YWCA Middle Rio Grande
YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. The YWCA New Mexico is committed to empowering women of all ages in their professional and economic development through racial and social justice, education, and advocacy.
YWCA of the Middle Rio Grande Fund, 2000
United Way of Central New Mexico Funds:

10th Anniversary Women in Philanthropy Council Endowment, 2012
Ms. Patricia Harrison Ms. Cheryl Mitchell Ms. Marcella Padilla Ms. Leslie Strickler
Community Fund Endowment in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 1993 Community Fund established by Mr. J. Alan Hunton, 2007 H. Patrick and Debra Jo Dee Alexis de Tocqueville Legacy Society, 2007
Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Dee
The Herman & Marina Mauney United Way Fund, 2007 Jennie and Shirley Wells Fund, 2013
Clint Wells
Joanne W. Finkelstein Fund, 2015 John Merson UWCNM Community Fund Endowment in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 2009
Mr. and Mrs. John Merson
Joseph E. and Virginia Lee Wright Memorial Fund, 2014 Karen and Ted Pound Fund, 2015 Kirk and Debra Benton UWCNM Community Fund in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 2008 Larry and Sheriece Strickland Fund Endowment, 2010
Mr. Larry Strickland
Mary Wicker Fund for Self-Sufficiency for Women, 2013 M.J. Hicks Fund for Self-Sufficiency for Women, 2012
Mary Jane Hicks PhD
Power of the Purse Endowment Fund, 2015 Talbot Women’s Endowment Fund, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Talbot
The Bartok Love Fund – A Pomeranian’s Gift to People, 2016
Ms. Elizabeth Cordova
Thomas J. Horan and Mary Ann Campbell-Horan, 2007 Virginia Nelson Mayo Memorial Fund, 2013
Ms. Carol Cochran
Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for United Way of Central New Mexico, 2013 YLS High School Youth Leadership Fund, 2016
Mr. Trevor Lewis 69 Mr. Tobe Phelps Ms. Marcella Padilla Marshall Quam Mr. Isaac Zamora CENTRAL